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Gnome in PA? Caught on trail-cam

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posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 10:40 AM
when i zoomed in really close these are the outline impressions that i got.


i really thought it was the rear end of a pheasant with the hat being its neck and head turned away from the camera. but when i zoom in i just don't see the pheasant being what it is, except for maybe the really skinny legs

when i try to visualize or trace a deer i just don't see it at all in this picture. the legs are the skinniest things ive ever seen in my life. and those would never be able to support a deer of any age. but they must be the "legs" because they are in the other pictures are well in different spots.

i really don't know what to think about this. who the hell knows. i just can't get it to accurately fit the shapes, angels of a deer or a bird correctly. when you zoom and try and trace the lines it just doesn't happen for me. and i went into it really trying to visualize the pheasant first and deer second. only left with the little dude i traced. who looks like he has a little bag, his hand near his mouth/face that's holding something over his shoulder and a tiny beard.

it also looks like theres some weird sh!t on the grass that i circled. have no idea what it is.

edit on 29-8-2014 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-8-2014 by CallmeRaskolnikov because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 10:54 AM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

It really is a deer. See my previous posting to see a composition of two photos that strongly suggest it MUST be a deer - simply way too much matching patterns.

We have some deer where I live, and I when disturbed: they will jump around in queer zig-zag patterns. The deer probably came from behind the camera, maybe attracted by these trays that are in the grass, which probably contain food or water. Probably put there by the owner of the camera to attract animals. The animal was either joyful or startled by something (or both), maybe the camera scared it, I don't know. But it seems the deer jumped up, showing us its big white tail, which indeed looks a bit like a gnomes hat. The eyes were pareidolia.

A deer.

edit on 29-8-2014 by ForteanOrg because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

Well you're definitely right about the little tail being the hat. i can definitely see that, but only in the photo were it's farthest away from the camera. the one were it's right up on the camera i just don't see it. unless the picture was altered or something. initially i thought the eyes in the close up photo were leaves for sure so i can understand seeing it as that. i just can't see a deer in the most close up of photos.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 03:17 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

I did a crude color correction and overstruck some lines - all without changing the shape. I believe this settles it, don't you agree?

ETA: actually, I think I got two of its legs mixed up, but you catch my drift..
edit on 29-8-2014 by ForteanOrg because: I needed to point out I had its legs mixed up.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 03:22 PM
It looks like a bird to me. A Robin to be exact. It's a little blurred but I'm pretty sure it's just a bird.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: UngaBungga

It looked like a gnome to me

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

ahhhhhhhh NOW i see it! nice work

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

No offense, but I look at your avatar, the OP, the pictures, and it makes me wonder if there isn't some kind of relationship there lol

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 07:31 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Edit: nope above poster is right. It's a white tailed deer's butt.
edit on 29-8-2014 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: CallmeRaskolnikov

those things on the ground are probably where he places his feed out, then sets the camera in front of it.

I actually hate when people do these feed spots because they end up getting the deer sick because they eat in one spot and pour more food there and they end up eating their own feces, etc, and get ill.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: jude11

Open your mind.

The "It cannot be, therefore it isn't" is an old hat way of thinking. Get with the times. Anything is possible.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

originally posted by: ForteanOrg
a reply to: MoonBlossom

I dare say it's a deer, dear. See the picture below.
That wraps it up for me...A deer it is.

Glad that wraps it up for YOU, but this comparison in no way wraps it up for me. You only compared one of the images, and at poorer quality than the original image, at that. Honestly, I really don't know what you are trying to show here, as it's a stretch at best IMO.

originally posted by: ForteanOrg
See my previous posting to see a composition of two photos that strongly suggest it MUST be a deer

You can "strongly suggest" a deer all day long (and have done) but that still doesn't make it one for me. Just saying.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 03:37 AM
Wow, you guys are seriously awesome, I am ABSOLUTELY convinced that it is a deer now.

NOT. /end sarcasm

a reply to: rustycage835

originally posted by: rustycage835
... and YES they can have a reddish color like that to their hair.

For the person that had their "hunter" friend tell them that is was DEFINITELY not of this world.... either he's probably never killed a deer, (or actually set up his own trail cams)

That would be me, and, just the same (& no offense intended), I'll take the opinion and wildlife expertise of an Ojibway who not only LIVES in the woods, but has been a life-long hunter/trapper, over a random ATS debunker any day.

As for fawns having a reddish tinge; this is true, - however the creature in the image is not showing parts as red-ISH, it is showing parts AS RED - even after accounting for camera quality. IF a deer could even show anything close to that shade of red, it would be in FULL SUNLIGHT, not in the shadowy woods. Don't take my word for it, search google images yourself. The colour red in the original, is not even close to the tawny-red colour of a deer or fawn.

a reply to: ForteanOrg
Interesting; to make the image "appear" as a deer - whilst you stayed consistent with the shape - you had to:

-white out the detail & change the colour to create a "tail"
-totally re-colour & obscure the VERY red shade
-draw in legs that really aren't there.


For your mock-up to make sense, that would have to be a HEADLESS deer - must be of the Ichabod Crane variety.

I simply cannot believe that a deer, while "scared and fleeing" - in mid-leap no less, contorted his body at SUCH an angle so as to completely obscure his neck, head, AND ears - all neatly captured in a split second shot - and then coincidentally also have no deer head showing in ALL 3 of the images. Sorry not buying it.


The thing is, I AM willing to admit it's not a gnome or other-worldly creature, should a more plausible explanation appear. But apparently the deer brigade are not willing to admit that it's not a deer and will continue to drill it into this thread repeatedly, thwarting any attempt at alternate ideas and discussions.

There is much synchronicity in legends of the little people all over the world, bridging many languages and countries, and these have been around for centuries. The world is complex and filled with far more things than what can be seen by the naked eye or experienced by most people. If it weren't, many of these Forums at ATS would be empty.

This thread could have been a good discussion on mysterious creatures, legends, gnomes, sightings, myths etc. - but as is the way with ALL interesting threads on ATS, I will leave the resident "deer hunters" to it.
Pretty sure there is a Sasquatch or UFO thread waiting for you next.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: MoonBlossom

You're free to believe anything you want, either writing it in italics, bold or underlined.

But ... you offer no proof, whereas I do. I showed we have a shape which perfectly matches the behind of a deer. It is also totally plausible there would be deer there, deer are hardly OOPA in that neck of the woods. All other pictures are consistent with it. It has no eyes, I sufficiently proved that to be leaves / buds. Even if we assume there WERE eyes - maybe you can explain then why a gnome would run through the woods BACKWARDS?

My theory also gives a totally feasible explanation why the "gnome" suddenly pops up and then "walks backwards" off scene. It's a deer, it approached from behind the camera, then jumped in front of it - click, that big fat behind fully exposed though behind a twig. Then it jumps off to the right - click - and further to the right, disappearing in the distance - click. Now, I find that a lot more plausible than a gnome that pops up right in front of the camera and then walks off to the right - backwards.

About not being able to see the head of the deer: indeed that's exactly what the deer tries to do: use that big white ass of it to confuse predators. See the image: the guy on the right sees the hinds hiney and the legs, nothing else.

Note that I did not "draw in" the legs, I simply enhanced the already existing lines. Check the photographs yourself. Yes, the colours are off, but they are typical for a rather cheap camera that probably has an off white balance, a low grade lense and whose CCD can't cope terribly well with fast movement of something rather in the distance. Blurryness also may result from slow shutter speeds needed for the camera to take pictures without being able to use a flash (which is useless when something is more than rougly 30 m away anyway). All this creates blur and shifts in colour. Study the picture and you'll see this purple haze everywhere.

I have given plenty of proof for my theory - beyond the point of being reasonably acceptable.

Now, where is your proof, other than loudly stating you are right?
edit on 30-8-2014 by ForteanOrg because: the guy was on the right, not on the left :-)

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: ForteanOrg
a reply to: MoonBlossom

You're free to believe anything you want, either writing it in italics, bold or underlined.

But ... you offer no proof, whereas I do. I showed we have a shape which perfectly matches the behind of a deer. It is also totally plausible there would be deer there, deer are hardly OOPA in that neck of the woods. All other pictures are consistent with it. It has no eyes, I sufficiently proved that to be leaves / buds. Even if we assume there WERE eyes - maybe you can explain then why a gnome would run through the woods BACKWARDS?

My theory also gives a totally feasible explanation why the "gnome" suddenly pops up and then "walks backwards" off scene. It's a deer, it approached from behind the camera, then jumped in front of it - click, that big fat behind fully exposed though behind a twig. Then it jumps off to the right - click - and further to the right, disappearing in the distance - click. Now, I find that a lot more plausible than a gnome that pops up right in front of the camera and then walks off to the right - backwards.

About not being able to see the head of the deer: indeed that's exactly what the deer tries to do: use that big white ass of it to confuse predators. See the image: the guy on the right sees the hinds hiney and the legs, nothing else.

Note that I did not "draw in" the legs, I simply enhanced the already existing lines. Check the photographs yourself. Yes, the colours are off, but they are typical for a rather cheap camera that probably has an off white balance, a low grade lense and whose CCD can't cope terribly well with fast movement of something rather in the distance. Blurryness also may result from slow shutter speeds needed for the camera to take pictures without being able to use a flash (which is useless when something is more than rougly 30 m away anyway). All this creates blur and shifts in colour. Study the picture and you'll see this purple haze everywhere.

I have given plenty of proof for my theory - beyond the point of being reasonably acceptable.

Now, where is your proof, other than loudly stating you are right?

Why are you so determined for this to not be a gnome??..hmm suspicious lol..Your attempt at blatently manipulating the image to suit your claim is ludicrous.

To me, you can see that this 'thing'/gnome is first facing forward toward the trail cam,obstructed by the tree covering the 'path' then maybe it sees the trail cam and turns around?..explaining the front on,then behind image.

I am a woodsman/hunter and that is no have to be gullible,deluded or dare i say a shill, to suggest/believe in that.

How come Iceland as a nation,officials included take these gnomes for being very real and incorperate their society/infrastructure around them??..i am no gnome expert and have incidently seen countless UFOs and had very paranormal experiences,so i do not see why these creatures were made up out of nothing..i truly believe myths are more real than anyone cares to believe..

Yes there is proof of this..This Welsh kingdom thought to be myth/legend..recently uncovered by the sea,is one such example..

This thread has inspired me..i want to see a gnome

By the way thanks OP..stay on gnome watch!!

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 07:25 AM
A: just to add our own couple of cents, concerning the conclusions and people's reactions to them; we are both strange and dreamy individuals, always looking for ghosts and ufos and perfectly ready to accept every poorly photographed rock on mars as a skull...
on our first perusal of this thread, last night, Cosma was so freaked out by the original images and the lack of believable explanation that we had to shut down our computers and go to bed early.
However, on re-reading twenty-four hours later, and especially in light of the comparison shots courtesy of Fort [thanks man, have some stars] we're finding the conclusion that it's a deer so compelling as to be unavoidable.
Sure, it looks quite bizarre, but in three small, terrible quality frames of high speed motion that's hardly surprising.
Our only question left, and one that's been voiced a few times already: if it is a deer, where are the other frames? a gnome may appear and disappear in thing air [we wouldn't know] but deer are not known for this. if it's a deer, those frames had to happen.

now a wildly off-topic request, with apologies. someone mentioned the nightstalker head-on-stilts thing, and it came bursting back into my skull in full vivid horror. Cos has not seen it and my descriptions can't get remotely close to the justice it deserves, so does anyone remember offhand where we would find the video? an ats search for nightstalker is just wall-to-wall Ramirez, surprisingly enough. sorry and thanks!
edit on 30-8-2014 by continuousThunder because: laptops despise Alice

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: Buddyman
Why are you so determined for this to not be a gnome??

Occams razor. What is the simplest, more plausible explanation: that a cheap digital camera shot a somewhat distorted picture of the rear end of a deer - or that it picked up a backward walking gnome..?

..hmm suspicious lol..Your attempt at blatently manipulating the image to suit your claim is ludicrous.

Well, you aren't forced to believe it. But in as far as I am concerned this are 3 pictures of a run-away deer.

I am a woodsman/hunter and that is no have to be gullible,deluded or dare i say a shill, to suggest/believe in that.

Rest assured: I'm not a shill, nor gullible nor deluded.

How come Iceland as a nation,officials included take these gnomes for being very real and incorperate their society/infrastructure around them??

That's a bit like saying that there must be icebears in the Sahara because they are found in the Artic. Maybe there are gnomes in Iceland. I don't know. But what we have here is NOT the picture of a gnome, it is (alas) a deers behind.

..i am no gnome expert

Which is not unusual. I'm neither.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 09:36 AM
I would say it's probably nothing more than a plastic bag or a mylar ballon, or other garbage blowing through on a breeze.

Maybe a raccoon with a garden gnome stuck on it's head....

Amazing what conclusions people jump to with nothing but a blurry image of a mysterious object to draw info from....

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: MyHappyDogShiner

A mylar or plastic balloon should not set off hunter cameras. Hunter cams require both infrared ("heat") and movement to be activated. If that weren't the case the hunter would end up with thousands of pictures of leaves, butterflies and stuff like that. Also most mylar balloons don't have legs.

Nope. Deer.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder
Our only question left, and one that's been voiced a few times already: if it is a deer, where are the other frames?

Well, I wasn't there, so this is pure speculation. But I can offer 2 theories: the first is that the deer jumped into the clearing from within the bushes you see on the right side of the original photo. Another possibility is that the deer initially moved very slowly toward the camera (coming from the left) and so the camera did not pick him up. Then something startled the deer and it took off which in turn triggered the camera.

I wonder if somebody can ask the owner of the camera what colour the trays have you see laying on the grass on the original photo. My guess is they are white. If so, that proves that the camera has a bias towards red and purple.

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