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You believe in "an invisible man living in a magic sky kingdom"

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posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 04:58 PM
All i can say is yaaaay science..

Its almost laughable how much credit you science people give yourselves when (1.) you had nothing to do with the science. your just following what someone else says (which is called second hand knowledge), and (2) you so blindly believe science answers all when it drops the ball on some of the most simple problems. If anything, it has progressed things in the wrong direction.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 05:23 PM
a reply to: MikeHawke

your just following what someone else says (which is called second hand knowledge)

You know what the wonderful thing is about science.

You don't have to follow or believe anything anyone else says.

If you doubt any part of it all you need is the motivation to prove or disprove it. That may mean you need to educate yourself enough to do so but again that falls within the subject of "motivation".

Brings me to another wonderful thing about science. If you can disprove some aspect of whats excepted your findings will be celebrated not shunned.

Can the same be said about religions??? I think not.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:19 PM
a reply to: tovenar

Brilliant post!

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: MikeHawke

your just following what someone else says (which is called second hand knowledge)

You know what the wonderful thing is about science.

You don't have to follow or believe anything anyone else says.

If you doubt any part of it all you need is the motivation to prove or disprove it. That may mean you need to educate yourself enough to do so but again that falls within the subject of "motivation".

Brings me to another wonderful thing about science. If you can disprove some aspect of whats excepted your findings will be celebrated not shunned.

Can the same be said about religions??? I think not.

You know what the bad thing about science is?

One day it will fail completely.

You see, science will never be able to tell us how a huge universe came to be from absolutely nothing. And before you come at me with the big bang theory, first I need science to tell me what caused the big bang to happen, what was there in nothingness that caused it?

I think you will find those answers to be similar to those of religion, something no one can actually prove!

An before I get labelled a religious person, can I just confirm that i'm not a Christian, or any other religion for that matter. However I do believe that something outside of our existence created our world.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: jamespond

You see, science will never be able to tell us how a huge universe came to be from absolutely nothing.

Your right science will probably never explain something like that so it is a good thing science hasn't claimed the universe came from nothing. On the other hand I believe some religions claim the universe came from nothing they have yet to provide any evidence of that. It's a cool story though.

And before you come at me with the big bang theory, first I need science to tell me what caused the big bang to happen, what was there in nothingness that caused it?

I am not sure what you are saying here? Are you sure you know what the Big Bang Theory is about?

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 07:45 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: jamespond

You see, science will never be able to tell us how a huge universe came to be from absolutely nothing.

Your right science will probably never explain something like that so it is a good thing science hasn't claimed the universe came from nothing. On the other hand I believe some religions claim the universe came from nothing they have yet to provide any evidence of that. It's a cool story though.

And before you come at me with the big bang theory, first I need science to tell me what caused the big bang to happen, what was there in nothingness that caused it?

I am not sure what you are saying here? Are you sure you know what the Big Bang Theory is about?

Ok, so i'm here now, waiting patiently for science to explain where the universe comes from? Please enlighten me with this information.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: jamespond

First it would be good if I knew where your current understanding is of the Big bang theory because from what you have posted so far you seem to have it mixed up with creation stories from abrahamic religions.

It is hard to explain things to someone who has an incorrect understanding of the basics.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 08:44 PM
a reply to: Grimpachi

I'll be honest, I do find your reply a little strange but i'll do my best to stay with you on this one.

You're asking me what my current understanding on the big bang is? Well I assume it's the same understanding that everyone else has, and that understanding comes from what science has told us?? Or am I missing something? Please tell me if I am.

If you are unsure you could look on the internet you know! Anyway on this occasion i'll save you the job. This is a snippet from Wikipedia:-

"According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today."

So there you have it. What I want to know is the CAUSE, what CAUSED this to happen. I think you will find this is where science and religion meet. IT'S A MATTER OF BELIEF!!!

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 08:56 PM
a reply to: jamespond

Great since you have looked up Wiki on the matter could you tell me does it say anywhere that the big bang occurred from "nothing".

The reason I ask is because you have repeatedly referred to a "nothing" causing different things.

This part may seem insignificant to you however it is actually very important that you know the difference between nothing and something it would be even better if you knew what that something is called. You should be able to find the proper name in the same wiki page you had up.

I will wait for you to find it.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 09:23 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: jamespond

Great since you have looked up Wiki on the matter could you tell me does it say anywhere that the big bang occurred from "nothing".:

I'm finding this unbelievably amusing at the moment. Seriously, you will find on Wikipedia what science has told it??? I can do some digging and copy and paste for you again but is it really necessary, is it really????

The reason I ask is because you have repeatedly referred to a "nothing" causing different things.


Have I really? I wasn't aware of that, i'm sorry. As far as I am aware the official stance from science is that nothing cannot exist so something must have always been there. All I ask for is PROOF that something was there before the big bang, after all that's how science works isn't it, it proves things, because theories are no different to religion.

You can ignore my question as many times as you like but I will keep asking for definitive PROOF that something was there before the big bang. While we're at it I would also like to question if you are aware the big bang is merely a theory and not a scientific fact?

This part may seem insignificant to you however it is actually very important that you know the difference between nothing and something it would be even better if you knew what that something is called. You should be able to find the proper name in the same wiki page you had up.

I will wait for you to find it.

All I am merely stating is that science cannot prove how everything came to be, just in the same way that religion cannot. I realise that can be hard for some people to take but I can assure you it is a FACT.

posted on Aug, 29 2014 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: jamespond

I'm finding this unbelievably amusing at the moment. Seriously, you will find on Wikipedia what science has told it??? I can do some digging and copy and paste for you again but is it really necessary, is it really????

I think it would be better if you actually tried reading and comprehending it. My question was really simple but if you don't know the answer then you are woefully behind.

As far as I am aware the official stance from science is that nothing cannot exist so something must have always been there.

Thats all good but it wasn't the answer to the question either.

All I ask for is PROOF that something was there before the big bang, after all that's how science works isn't it, it proves things, because theories are no different to religion.

That might be your problem. Science doesn't work that way as far as "theories" please see my signature for that one. I got tired of explaining so I put it there for everyone so they didn't waste time. You know maybe the word you were thinking of was "evidence" when you were speaking of "proof" though maybe you really don't know the difference. I can't say.

You can ignore my question as many times as you like but I will keep asking for definitive PROOF that something was there before the big bang.

Hmm... Maybe you do think science is about proof. See this is why we need to start with basics.

While we're at it I would also like to question if you are aware the big bang is merely a theory and not a scientific fact?

Again please see my signature the substance within would fall under basics.

All I am merely stating is that science cannot prove how everything came to be, just in the same way that religion cannot. I realise that can be hard for some people to take but I can assure you it is a FACT.

Once you understand the basics about science and you will then move away from saying things like "prove" at that point you will not even make such statements as above.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Grimpachi

Please tell me how science explains our existence and also what evidence it has of these explanations.

Once I have this information I am happy to give science more credit than religion.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 07:33 AM

originally posted by: jamespond
a reply to: Grimpachi

Please tell me how science explains our existence and also what evidence it has of these explanations.

Once I have this information I am happy to give science more credit than religion.

Science hasn't yet answered such profound questions,are you suggesting that we should stop the pursuit of discovery and knowledge and just give up? because you cant just demand all the answers like your ordering a cappuccino from starbucks.

Myself i think that its a possibility that some outside entity created our universe ,but the only possible way of finding out and proving our origins is through science so thats where im pitching my tent.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: amurphy245

You've just made my point right there, I do not expect anybody to come and answer my question because I know it is a question that cannot be answered, which is why I asked it in the first place.

What I am trying to say is that science, just like religion, is a belief system (in relation to existence). Some people think it's a matter of time before science manages to explain things logically, but for everyone who thinks like this there's someone else in the world who believes one day god will come down to earth and save everybody.

Both ideas are currently fantasy and neither camp is an a position to dismiss the other.

It really makes me laugh when people try to dismiss religion with scientific theories, it's ridiculous really.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 10:22 AM
Why are atheist so rude about creationist beliefs or a God.Not an invisible sky daddy or some city in the sky idiots.Stop making it sound watered down and stupid and dumb.If God is real then He is real PERIOD.Same as if God is not real.Same if heaven or the afterlife is real.Either is real or it is not real.
Like kindgartner class with this subject with some atheist fighting over a crayon color.

One of the worst threads of how to start out a topic to be respectful and kind to other people I have ever seen.What the heck is wrong with some of you atheist.
edit on 30-8-2014 by Jobeycool because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: tovenar

You know, on paper, that sounds wonderful, but it doesn't really hold up in the real world.

People who choose to believe that God's hand is what drives the things they don't understand, aren't that different than those who theorize that the laws of nature, and physics are the drivings forces.

The real difference is that one group, has claimed to already have found the answer, and has closed the door to discovery or information. That's what faith is. My grandmother used to say that the wind was Jesus blowing us kisses. I could sit there all day and try to explain to her the way nature works in regards to the wind, but she didn't care.

It was Jesus, and that was that.

Now the other group of people doesn't claim to have an answer, they have a hypothesis. That's a very important distinction. They actively try to prove themselves either right or wrong with ongoing experimentation.

In science, you can do that. You can't test faith like that. You can't produce quantifiable and continuous results using faith.

We don't see faith healers working in hospitals, for the same reason we don't see psychics winning the lottery.

edit on 8/30/2014 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Woodcarver

That line has been drawn thousands of times. It was always science that stepped over it to bring us to more understanding of the world, never religion, never magic, never divine revelation, never a god.

But how can you be so sure? : P Can we really with absolute certainty say that none of our creations and "revelations" are divinely inspired? To me, if you entertain the idea that there is a divine presence within all of us, the idea that the divine inspires us to search for meaning and understanding through many channels (including science) is not impossible.

But that's just my two cents.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: jamespond
a reply to: Grimpachi

Please tell me how science explains our existence and also what evidence it has of these explanations.

Once I have this information I am happy to give science more credit than religion.

Sorry but I am having a hard time understanding you again because of the terminology you're using.

Now when you say existence do you mean our origins?? If yo do then I will refer you to the theory of evolution for which there is more evidence than I could possibly list its right up there with the theory of gravity.

If by existence you mean the origins of life I will refer you to Abiogenesis which is a hypothesis of course there are other hypothesis on that matter but that one looks to be the most promising.

If by existence you mean our purpose. That is pretty dry in the sciences because it is pretty much about species survival if you investigate the theory of evolution it will certainly go more in depth on that.

Anything else really isn't science but I am inclined to think you were looking for a different answer and you were probably meaning to say purpose more than origins of species or life. If so you would probably be more satisfied with a answer in the field of philosophy however that isn't science. Of course you could go with many man made religions which in one form or another have said sky fairies have told us our purpose.

I simply do not need anyone or anything telling me what my purpose in life is and I can't understand why others do feel the need to be told.

Anyway, you can give credit to whatever you want it doesn't affect me in the slightest nor does your opinion affect the credibility of those things.

See as far as deities go since 4,000BC we know there have been at least 2,700 deities thought up by mankind it is estimated that since mankind took foothold on earth some 200,000 years ago there have been some 30,000,000 deities thought up. Only real difference on that between you and I is you have probably dismissed the 29,999,999 deities as BS and I have gone ahead and dismissed that last one as BS as well.

Not so different in our thinking on that matter.

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: jamespond
a reply to: amurphy245

You've just made my point right there, I do not expect anybody to come and answer my question because I know it is a question that cannot be answered, which is why I asked it in the first place.

What I am trying to say is that science, just like religion, is a belief system (in relation to existence). Some people think it's a matter of time before science manages to explain things logically, but for everyone who thinks like this there's someone else in the world who believes one day god will come down to earth and save everybody.

Both ideas are currently fantasy and neither camp is an a position to dismiss the other.

It really makes me laugh when people try to dismiss religion with scientific theories, it's ridiculous really.

I would not say that the question cannot be answered when we are still in our infancy where modern science is concerned ,the point is people are working on it instead of just living in ignorance and being contempt with never knowing.

I think that you are also wrong in saying that science is a system of belief when it comes to the origin of the universe because we simply do not know what came before the Big Bang so there is nothing to believe,religion simply says that god created the universe but that's not good enough for me ,even if that was true science would reveal gods work which would be a beautiful thing ,I don't understand why some people reject science when it's revealing how our universe operates.

posted on Aug, 31 2014 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: MikeHawke
All i can say is yaaaay science..

Its almost laughable how much credit you science people give yourselves when (1.) you had nothing to do with the science. your just following what someone else says (which is called second hand knowledge), and (2) you so blindly believe science answers all when it drops the ball on some of the most simple problems. If anything, it has progressed things in the wrong direction.

It depends on which experiments you are refering to. All across the world many of these experiments are recreated over and over everyday in classrooms and labs.

If you took any chemistry or physics courses you would have too.

Progressed in the wrong direction? If by that you mean more accurate and reliable, and further away from dogmatic speculation then, yea, sure.

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