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Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?

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posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 01:18 PM
As most know me on ATS I am a huge advocate of Vitamin C. Having taken it for 2 years now and not a single sniffle. No more aches and pains, more energy.... and more.

If you haven't read my thread about Vitamin C I encourage you to do so - a link is in my signature below.

That being said, I've been telling all my friends based on the extensive research I've done in the medical journals that I fully believed that Ebola could be contained or even cured by high doses of Vitamin C.

Clinical reports suggest that taking vitamin C almost to bowel tolerance every day (in divided doses) will help to protect you against all viruses. Reports by independent physicians have been consistent for decades. However, the doctors also stipulated most emphatically that the dose and the way you take it must be right - or it will not work.

But then we have no studies to prove that it will work on Ebola. But we'll never get there if we don't try.

There is no direct placebo controlled "evidence" that massive doses of vitamin C will work on Ebola, and nobody would volunteer to take part in that study. But massive doses are reported to have helped against every virus it has been pitched against. This includes Polio, Dengue and AIDS, and it even makes vaccination work better. In the 1980s when no other treatment was available it was reported that full blown AIDS could be reversed and the patient brought back to reasonable health


To have a reasonable chance of avoiding a major viral infection, a daily intake of at least 10 grams of ascorbic acid is needed. The idea is to start low, taking say 500 -1,000 mg four times a day. Build up the intake to close to bowel tolerance; increased wind and large soft stools will occur before diarrhea signals that bowel tolerance has been exceeded. At this stage, back off the dose a little, to a reasonably comfortable level.

At the first hint of an infection - feeling unwell, itchy throat, fatigue, and so on - take more ascorbic acid. If the hint of impending sickness is mild, take perhaps 5 grams every half hour or even more frequently. Anything more than a hint of infection, take as large a dose as you feel could be tolerated and follow this by taking 5 grams every half hour. The rule is to take as much as you can without going over the tolerated level: you will probably be taking too little, even though you are trying hard to take a massive dose.

I encourage you to go to the link source to read the full report, it is long, but VERY informative.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?


Simply No.

I really shouldn't have to say more than that...but IF...IF Vitamin C had any effect on Ebola, don't you think the volunteer doctors that are going over there would be using this extremely cheap and easy treatment for it?

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Vitamin C fortifies the body against disease. A population taking Vitamin C would probably have a lower rate of Ebola deaths and infections.

In the sense of a population, Vitamin C could cure Ebola, possibly.

By The Way, Do you know of any source of vitamin C pills or powder that are not made in China or Mexico?

Apparently, China makes 90% and Mexico makes 10% of the Vitamin C sold in the US.

edit on 22-8-2014 by Semicollegiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

As you say. it seems to be the dose... too little and that amazing effect isn't reached. Also, many brands of ascorbic acid are sub-par. All the big producers of C have moved to China, except for one that I know of, and although that doesn't mean its crap, it doesn't instil confidence because of their near total lack of oversight... and most mix two kinds of ascorbic acid, L and D, and the D form isn't thought to be nearly as good... it's a degenerate form of the molecule and in fact it might be simply an irritant.

This mix is still legally "ascorbic acid" and can be labelled as such, but in my experience it is "weaker."

So look for L-Ascorbic acid, specifically... it's rare and a tad more expensive... but worth it.

It is odd that Ebola presents as a very rapid case of scurvy... which is basically falling apart from the inside out. C is effective against bacteria and virus's ... so why not?

ETA: and to those that think it's futile against Ebola... I'm not so sure... I used to think the frenzy over C was new age garbage... but I've had some incredible effects from it in regards to infection and am now positive it works as described against a wide range of disease... but of course, not all. There is a paper out there from a doc on the front lines reporting some success... but I'll be darned if i can find it again... and as far as finding the China free vit C, google is your friend... as advertisements are frowned upon.

edit on 8/22/2014 by Baddogma because: add

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 01:56 PM
Vitamin C is a wonderful thing, but you have to be careful when linking it to Ebola.

Given half the problem has arisen because of people believing rumours about the disease, popularising the idea that Vitamin C is effective is potentially dangerous - not least as Ebola has Scurvy like symptoms which would be improved by Vitamin C.

That said, I'll be taking my supplement after dinner as normal!

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 01:56 PM
If ascorbic acid could cure Ebola, then don't you think the world would be rid of Ebola by now? I mean, Vitamin C is dirt cheep and easily obtainable. Not to come across as rude, but even speculating on this topic is nonsense. Highly qualified medical professionals and researchers have been working on a cure for Ebola for decades. There is zero chance that they simply overlooked vitamin C as a possible cure.

That being said, I take 2000mg of vitamin C daily and have done so for many years. In that time, I have not once gotten sick.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:05 PM
Ebola... action is similar to scurvy. As has been written in publications, it is as if the virus uses up all the Vitamin C in the body and creates immediate scurvy.... so.... as Prof Linus Pauling says.... take grams and grams... and with L Lysine for better uptake...

and don't fear a disease that the most likely source of transmission is eating fruit bats..

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: LeatherNLace

sorry Leather... but you are plainly wrong... people miss lots of things.... all the time...
like Triclosan in their toothpaste;
Eating fat does not cause one to get fat... but it does protect your nerve sheaths;
Arsenic is added to 80 percent of chickens in the US;
the active ingredient in Prosac is Fluoride;
Cells from Aborted babies are used to flavor Pepsi...
HIV is transmitted through unclean sexual hygiene (and/or needles or other direct blood exposure) and weakened immune systems (usually poppers)... and is easily prevented by washing with non organic shampoos within 15 minutes of exposure (as is HPV, Herpes, and other STDs) which have an ingredient of Di Laurel Sulfate.... yet... how many really take care of being clean now a days...

so when you think Ebola transmission... think fruit bats.... and when you think of prevention.. think of good immune systems... balanced diets.... and Vitamin C with L Lysine ... and read about Prof . Linus Pauling... you know the one who won a noble prize for his work in this area..

and when you are worrying about the evil Ebola... think of our last fairy G*d mother, Jane Burgermeister missing whisteblower who virtually single handedly stopped Baxter Pharma from exposing 100's of millions to live H1N1 virus which was implanted in their vaccine in 2009...
edit on 22-8-2014 by R_Clark because: Grammar

edit on 22-8-2014 by R_Clark because: Grammar

edit on 22-8-2014 by R_Clark because: Grammar

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:21 PM
First let's clarify so there's no misunderstanding. This is not about taking 1,000 mgs. every morning.

And if you don't bother to read the article about how high of doses that are needed to be effective... you don't fully understand. I've been studying the effects of Vitamin C for 2 years now. And it would do you a world of good to learn more about it yourself.

I've also had the privilege to meet a very respected doctor who has a research lab and has taken my theories to his lab and tested it to be proven true.... (but that's another thread for another day).

Yes - There is high quality non-GMO available that does not come from China! It can be found here:

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:23 PM
I don't know how people can take vitamin c pills. If I drink OJ for breakfast more than two days in a row an acquaintance of mine named Bernie Butt comes to visit me. Same guy comes over if I try taking anything with any vitamin c in it. I also break out on the corner of my mouth, almost like a herpes symptom but it is not related.

I do not like Bernie Butt much, he needs to stay away. Some people need vitamin C supplements, some don't because they can cause side effects.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Sorry, but that is most likely not from the Vitamin C that you are most likely not getting from the canned OJ which sits in a 50,000 Gallon liquid storage container for a year before you bought it 'Natural' on some shop shelf.....

Get it fresh squeezed.... and those 'visitors' may not return...

It is from the person you picked up the night before and forgot to wash up after yourself until the next morning.....

edit on 22-8-2014 by R_Clark because: Grammar

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Oh yeah, and what are your theories that have been "proven true?"

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:32 PM


posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:35 PM

originally posted by: rickymouse
I don't know how people can take vitamin c pills. If I drink OJ for breakfast more than two days in a row an acquaintance of mine named Bernie Butt comes to visit me. Same guy comes over if I try taking anything with any vitamin c in it. I also break out on the corner of my mouth, almost like a herpes symptom but it is not related.

I do not like Bernie Butt much, he needs to stay away. Some people need vitamin C supplements, some don't because they can cause side effects.

You obviously didn't read either the linked article or my thread, oye

EVERYONE needs vitamin C. Without it you will die - it's as simple as that.

I would those that have no knowledge of the benefits of vitamin C would refrain from making reckless statements like this. It's dangerous and does nothing to further important discussion of this topic.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Yeah, the Foundation... that's where I get mine (despite the crappy looking website there is some great info there).

Their new liposomal rocks, too, but the powder is more cost effective... however, I keep the liposomal around for "special" times, like when a sick four year old explodes all over you in a supermarket check out line (gross story).

It's probably better to take the liposomal exclusively, but I can't afford it and can't do the DYI stuff at home.

A doc I was talking to brought up how one should be careful with home made liposomal ... in that if you manage to make the proper sized liposomes at home, be darn sure your work area is spotless (and free of cleanser residue, too) as liposomes can be thought of as teensy hypodermic needles that deliver their cargo straight into cells, by passing the immune and digestive systems... so any germs or chems that make it into the liposomes will go right in with the C... which might take care of the contamination anyway, buuuut...

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Hey Julie, you happen to know the proportional amount of C that animals make in their bodies? Meaning if all animals were the same size, how many grams per day they would make?

I know only six or so animals have the gene mutation that stopped us from making C ourselves from glucose... and vaguely remember that it's 3 to 12 grams... with far more being made in times of stress... is that the ball park?

If so, the mega-dosing seems more reasonable... in a replacement sense like diabetics and insulin.

ETA and that would nix the folks who think they can get enough C from "a couple glasses of OJ" a day... you'd need to drink a hundred or so glasses! And the bottom line is organisms need C to live... that's why it's called an essential vitamin! The only controversy is over how much...

edit on 8/22/2014 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

I take Vitamin C regularly, promote ultra-high doses as curative and think Linus Pauling did more for our health than anyone since. But I consider your question and approach to be irresponsible in the extreme.

Here's hoping NOBODY but NOBODY buys into such bs.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

I know that Dr. Levy talks about the animal levels in his book, but I don't have it handy right now... if I find the info I will post it for you.

edit on 22-8-2014 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: Julie Washington

I take Vitamin C regularly, promote ultra-high doses as curative and think Linus Pauling did more for our health than anyone since. But I consider your question and approach to be irresponsible in the extreme.

Here's hoping NOBODY but NOBODY buys into such bs.

Just to correct you: This is not my question or approach. The question and theory are a result to leading Vitamin C doctors and researchers. I had the same theory, but then they published the same theory and I posted it.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 05:58 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington
I don't know much about vitamin C. I only know how it works and is metabolized in the body. I know what it is used for by the cells. I know that vitamin C is in almost everything we eat. I know that there is other chemistry that can do pretty much the same thing as vitamin C. I also know from recent studies that Vitamin C is actually pretty heat and freeze stable and that earlier research appears to be flawed because it wasn't separating the processing from the vitamin loss.

I tried vitamin C pills, I still have some and take them if I feel I need one. Vitamin C is toxic to some people at high doses, they can tolerate ascorbic acid a little better. Some people have acquired an enzyme to seperate vitamin C from vinegar.

Nope, can't say I know a thing about vitamin C. I learned one thing, when you reach your limit it gives you the runs and a Bernie Butt. That information is contained in many places to let people know when they reached their limit.

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