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Keep hearing very vivid footsteps

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posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:31 AM
Alright it's late and I'm laying in my bed trying to go to sleep, I was watching a movie and got tired so I decided to get some rest.. I wasn't thinking about anything like this or was I scared at all so I know it's not in my mind! I was laying here trying to go to sleep and I hear someone walking really fast through the house, I think it's my mom or brother so I get up to ask what the hell they are doing up so early (it's 4 thirty) and why they stomping through the house, I almost shat when I saw they were both still asleep.. I mean these footsteps were loud and I could hear them going from one part of the house to the next.. I was a bit freaked out but I shook it off and went to lay back down, then as soon as I shut my eyes I hear the footsteps again but going the opposite direction, that's when I yelled out of my room "Neil is that you?" (Neil is my brother).. And no reply, so I get up again and again my mom and brother are both asleep, and I know it wasn't my brother playing a prank on me because he would not of have had time to go back to his room I would have seen him i'm right across the hall plus he's too old for stupid pranks and plus he's got to be up at 6 for work.. What do you think I'm dealing with here
edit on 18-8-2014 by Auburn2012 because: Grammar

edit on 18-8-2014 by Auburn2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

What do you think you're dealing with?

You could be hearing an animal on the roof, the house settling, some other kinds of noise that your mind associates with foot steps. Does your house have a history of unexplained noises? Does it have a strange history of some kind?

I wouldn't jump right to paranormal. I hear all kinds of things in my room when I'm about to doze off; it's because in silence, your ears are more sensitive to quieter sounds. 90% of the time there's a logical explanation for what you're hearing. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: Aedaeum
a reply to: Auburn2012

What do you think you're dealing with?

You could be hearing an animal on the roof, the house settling, some other kinds of noise that your mind associates with foot steps. Does your house have a history of unexplained noises? Does it have a strange history of some kind?

I wouldn't jump right to paranormal. I hear all kinds of things in my room when I'm about to doze off; it's because in silence, your ears are more sensitive to quieter sounds. 90% of the time there's a logical explanation for what you're hearing. I wouldn't worry too much about it.
I don't like to talk about this but I have had sleep paralysis before, I never saw anything because my head was in my pillow and I was lying on my stomach however I woke up to a very loud crisp voice saying "how does this feel?" But that has only happened once and that was like over a year ago

I have a very strange feeling that if I close my eyes I am going to hear this again, so I'm about to go take a shower and go to like Waffle House or something to get this # of my mind.. I know I may be over thinking this but I am normally not a very scary person hell I had sleep paralysis and shook it off as just the result of irregular sleep patterns, but these damn footsteps were footsteps I know what I heard I have lived in this house all my life I know the sound of our floor when someone gets off the carpet and starts walking on the wood
edit on 18-8-2014 by Auburn2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

So you have history, but does your house have history? Does your mom/brother have any history with the paranormal?

I have a friend who was close personal friends with a wiccan. All kinds of crazy stuff happened to him because of that relationship. If you have anyone in your life like that, I would suggest getting very far away from them. As soon as his friend moved away, the activity he was experiencing quickly vanished shortly afterwards.

It's also best not to entertain those ideas. Don't think about it or let it creep into your thoughts. Thought is a very powerful enhancer of the paranormal. But I really believe more or less you simply heard something that "sounded" like foot steps. Always jump to logical before paranormal, no matter how creepy it is. If you can convince yourself it was nothing, then it will be nothing

Also, when dozing off, your mind has a way of making you hear things that don't actually occur. On several occasions when I was really tired, I heard loud knocking or my name being called. It bothered me for quite some time until I actually felt myself fall into a sort of pseudo-sleep at which point I heard my name being called and realized it was me entering the dream state before I was completely unconscious. It felt so real, even though I knew it was just a dream... The brain does strange things when you're tired.

Again, convince yourself it was nothing and it will be nothing, I promise

edit on 18-8-2014 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:51 AM
you should assume that it is human .. and it might be criminals or home invaders..

or cats

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

Wow. I'll tell ya something that happened in our old house in a minute but, have you done any construction there recently? Torn down any walls. Maybe just opened a wider passage between two rooms? Anything fairly destructive?
The reason for those questions is that we had footsteps that would go up and down our staircase. Also the sound of , like a ball bouncing down those same stairs! Very vivid, and at times loud as hell.
We took down a wall, to open a passage for a new room we were building onto the house, and that's when these noises started. We had lived there for a year or so before all this, and heard nothing.
I looked into all this, and found that these things happen when people alter an old structure. It seems to stir up the old residents or something. Our house was built in the early 1860's, so it has had a lot of souls living there over the years......
Thanx for the share. Later, Syx.

EDIT: Nothing bad ever happened as a result of these noises.
We would expect the sounds after a while, and joke about it.

Just to put your mind at ease......

edit on 18-8-2014 by SyxPak because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: Aedaeum

My house doesn't have any history because my dad built this house so we are the first to live here, but I just thought about something that happened about two weeks ago...

I work night shifts right. Well so does my dad but not at the same company, one night at work we left early because our shop messed up and they had to send everyone home. I was at home in my bed asleep when my dad gets home, he doesn't come inside rather sits on the front porch and drinks a few beer before going to bed. I was asleep so I didn't know my dad was home, I wake up to a phone call it was my dad he says "Im outside waiting on you to get home, I didn't know you were already home come outside" I was like yeah we left work early and no thanks I was asleep, and then he's like I heard you walking around thats how I knew you were home.. I was like wtf? I told him again I was asleep and we both kinda laughed it off and never talked about it again. My car was parked outside but that wouldn't have given him the idea I was home because I car pool to work.

edit on 18-8-2014 by Auburn2012 because: (no reason given)

This post from last year proves that I'm not lying about working nights (
edit on 18-8-2014 by Auburn2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

You don't strike me as the type to come on here just seeking attention, so no need to defend yourself

I'd say that's some very compelling evidence for some paranormal goings on. All I can really say to that is, don't give it attention. Forget about it as fast as you can (I know that's easier said then done).

I'm headin' to bed now, but if you need someone to talk to i'll be around tomorrow.
You can U2U (PM) me if you wish.
I have a very open mind about these kinds of things. Though I'm sure every ATSer would say that

edit on 18-8-2014 by Aedaeum because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012
I believe you about the sound of footsteps. A couple of nights ago I was home by myself and I could hear what sounded like footsteps walking around upstairs in my daughter's room. No one else was home. There was nothing and no one there. I won't tell anyone else in the family or it will freak them out. So it might be some kind of natural phenomena that is happening at the moment. Still, you need to make sure it is not a real person creeping about. Let us all know how you get on.

edit on 18-8-2014 by grumpy64 because: because

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:49 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

My house doesn't have any history because my dad built this house so we are the first to live here, but I just thought about something that happened about two weeks ago...

Houses pick up memories ... and right quick.

We had just had the finishing touches put on a new one. The last people 'in the house' were the final touch clean-up crew ... a grandma and her granddaughter (really just a tag along). A week later me and my daughter (at the same time) saw the little girl running down a hallway soundlessly.

It was so weird I called the builder just to make sure both of those two were alive and well.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

Carbon monoxide can cause hallucinations, that would be one of the earliest things I'd check. You mention sleep paralysis, if that is what happened to you on this particular occasion, you should take a little comfort in knowing "waking dreams" are normal and part of that.
edit on 18-8-2014 by BelowLowAnnouncement because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: Auburn2012

I own a small country house in Germany and we believe it is haunted. We no longer live there and the house is empty. We have often heard footsteps inside the home and other things. Once we were all watching TV when the front door opened and we heard footsteps from the door (hallway) all the way upstairs, into my son's bedroom and across the to the other side of the room. The sounds of walking was the got worse from there. Had the house blessed by a Catholic priest....had six months of silence but it came back.....worse than before.

Our dog would freak out and the cat would run off.......daily.

Do you own a dog? They are best because a cat will most of the time just sit there and stare at whatever it is but a dog will growl and bark at it. I say "IT" because we could never see it. One time it attacked me. I thank God it never attacked the kids.

Long story short........ we moved. No one wants to buy the home.

Not wanting to scare you but you have a spiritual problem inside your home. Sleeping problems huh? Wait until you are laying in bed and then it sits on your bed and you see the mattress as it forms around "IT" by its and my wife were watching Jay Leno in the bedroom and it happened to us.

next will start seeing a shadow man wearing a black hat. If you do don't tease him .....leave him alone.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: Auburn2012
a reply to: Aedaeum

My house doesn't have any history because my dad built this house so we are the first to live here, but I just thought about something that happened about two weeks ago...

I work night shifts right. Well so does my dad but not at the same company, one night at work we left early because our shop messed up and they had to send everyone home. I was at home in my bed asleep when my dad gets home, he doesn't come inside rather sits on the front porch and drinks a few beer before going to bed. I was asleep so I didn't know my dad was home, I wake up to a phone call it was my dad he says "Im outside waiting on you to get home, I didn't know you were already home come outside" I was like yeah we left work early and no thanks I was asleep, and then he's like I heard you walking around thats how I knew you were home.. I was like wtf? I told him again I was asleep and we both kinda laughed it off and never talked about it again. My car was parked outside but that wouldn't have given him the idea I was home because I car pool to work.

This post from last year proves that I'm not lying about working nights (

Just because there is no history attached to the house, doesn't mean there might not be history attached to the land itself, or the people, or items you might have in/around the house. Ghost/Spirits have a way not just attachment to land, but also people, and things itself.

Besides the footsteps have their been other signs of a haunting? Like many of the posters have mention it's always smart to eliminate the logical possibilities before anything else. Animals on the roof, old houses settling down, etc
Old wood houses especially during the summer, can contract and expand depending on temperature and that can make creaking noises that sound like footsteps. Always just keep a open mind about it.

Also just read your post about the sleep paralyze incident, if this thing attacked you in bed. It may not be a friendly casper ghost, Alot of attacks occur when folks are asleep because that's really when people are their most weakest. If you want me to post some tips on how to protect yourself when your asleep let me know.

Might be time to do a house cleansing.
edit on 19-8-2014 by Nemox42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: Auburn2012

I grew up hearing footsteps in my house from the time my father finished off the attic to make bedrooms for my brother, sister and me. I hadn't made a connection between the construction and the strangeness that happened to me for years afterward until SyxPak mentioned it above.

From my earliest memories of sleeping up on the second floor, I would hear footsteps coming up the stairs and would call out "dad?" but no answer. Lots of other really terrifying weirdness happened as well, but I won't stray from the topic of the thread. I'm positive I was still awake when I heard the footsteps because I had just gotten in bed every time it happened.

Also, it continued for the rest of the time I lived in that house even after I had grown up and my sister was married and moved out and my brother was away at college. On many, many nights while sitting downstairs watching TV directly under my room, I'd hear what sounded like at least a half dozen people walking around and around in my room overhead. It was like there was a party going on up there. Definitely footsteps, no question. The only ones in the house besides me at the time were my parents and 2 younger brothers who slept downstairs. When that would happen I'd just leave the house and drive up town and wait for morning. Hasn't happened to me since leaving that house. And that's been 35 years now.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Oh yeah, that kind of stuff happened to me too. Definitely a spiritual problem. I never saw anything as far as an entity, etc. but in my case things started moving around by themselves and falling off the walls. Also touching and sitting on the bed. I saw that happening! It was mental torment for me for my whole life until I moved out at 20.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:29 PM
For as long as I can remember, I will sometimes hear the sound of a tennis match going on when I lay my head down. The sound is very distinctly the sound of a ball being volleyed back and forth a few times followed by the muffled sound of a crowd cheering. If I raise my head off of the pillow, the sound stops, but as soon as I lay back down it starts again.

I guess my point is that sometimes your brain will manifest unusual noises for no reason. I am completely aware that I am not actually hearing these sounds generated from outside my body. I have even gotten out of bed to check and see if someone in the house has a TV or radio on.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:49 AM
i think you should look for physical causes before you look for psychical causes..

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 04:44 AM

originally posted by: wtbengineer
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

Oh yeah, that kind of stuff happened to me too. Definitely a spiritual problem. I never saw anything as far as an entity, etc. but in my case things started moving around by themselves and falling off the walls. Also touching and sitting on the bed. I saw that happening! It was mental torment for me for my whole life until I moved out at 20.


After you moved out I hope everything went back to normal. A spirit can go into most homes and businesses even if it was not invited in. Most of the spirits are nothing more than pranksters trying to scare you and they can be easily removed. Its those other ones that call themselves satan, Lucifer or beelzebub etc.... that put up a hard fight.

Most spirits want a body to walk around in and some are looking for one; just make sure it is not your body they get.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: Jesuslives4u

When I moved out of that house all those things stopped. I don't know for sure if they had stopped before I moved out, I can't remember. That was 35 years ago. Nothing like that has happened since. Though I have to say that I have struggled with certain things in my life ever since then. Maybe it got what it wanted and didn't need to play those games any more, I don't know.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 03:57 AM
my personal experience of these footsteps turned out tobe rats and cats that illegally entered the ceiling area of the bedroom..

one thing about spiritual annoyance, the more you believe in them the steonger they can annoy you.. one way to avoid that is to ignore them, refusing to acknowledge their existence , pretend you dont hear , try to put 'i dont care' attitude in your mind..

and of course asking for help to Jesus is the best way.. since every spirit are subject to Lord Jesus..

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