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Assad predicted ISIS in 2011

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posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 01:54 PM
Assad said on numerous occasions since 2011 that the current situation with ISIS was inevitable if foreign intervention continued to support the rebels:

2011March 30: Assad, in a rare address to parliament, blames "enemies" and conspirators for the deadly unrest rocking Syria.
June 20: He says talks could lead to a new constitution and even end the Baath party's monopoly on power, but refuses to reform Syria in an atmosphere of "chaos".
October 30: He warns that Western intervention in Syria would cause an "earthquake" across the Middle East and tells Britain's Sunday Telegraph newspaper: Syria "is the fault line, and if you play with the ground you will cause an earthquake -- do you want to see another Afghanistan, or dozens of Afghanistans?"

With all the US intelligence gathering capabilities in the region, how can this have been allowed to happen, if it wasn't orchestrated for some specific reason? America must think were all just completely brainless or something?

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: profanity

ETA: Thanks to member DarknStormy for this contribution


October 23, 2012, Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Ja’afari sent a letter to the President of the United Nations Security Council and to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon listing 108 foreign individuals arrested in the Syrian Arab Republic . All individuals were engaged in terrorist activities within Syria . Many of these terrorists were members of Al Qaeda in Iraq , others were jihadists from Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, Egypt and Australia...

On November 21, 2012, Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari presented a second letter to the President of the UN Security Council, and to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, containing another list of 143 “Foreign and Arab individuals who were killed in Syria while carrying out their terrorist activities. The list includes information about each individual: name, age, date and place of death, and nationality. The majority of the individuals entered the Syrian Arab Republic illegally, and they hold passports of different nationalities such as: Qatari, Saudi, Tunisians, Egyptian, Sudanese, Libyans, Afghani, Jordanians, Turks, Yamani, Iraqi, Azerbaijani, Chechnya , Kuwaitis, Palestinians, Lebanese, Algerians, Chadian and Pakistani.”

[List of terrorist in ISIS from 2012 included]

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: update

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: ttponses

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

It is now much harder for the government to pull the wool over our eyes now with technology. If I was them, I would do the exact same thing...Hide in plain sight! This way you can say it was always there, or you can plead ignorant...Either way it is win win for government this way..

If they find out "we" uncovered something hidden it would cripple them, this way that can never happen.

This whole situation is messed up and if it wasn't planned, it is very mismanaged throughout ISIS's existence over there...Why aren't multiple governments targeting and removing them again? Plain site...Open your eyes my great peeps!

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

In case you haven't noticed, if threads appear that questions the official propaganda surrounding Assad/Syria people tend to stay away. You can put it on the pile next to Qaddafi.

Thanks for the info!

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 02:31 PM
The US and everybody else in the region knew about ISIS/ISIL/IS (or whatever flavor they call themselves this week) for a loooooonng time. Since 2004 at a minimum.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

The funny thing about this is Assad didn't just speak about it but also sent a letter to the United Nations naming the Extremist groups who were active in Syria somewhere at the beginning of the conflict. The United Nations simply turned a blind eye and it was never heard of again when he tried to reach out. The West never wanted peace in Syria and the United Nations are nothing more than hopeless.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: TDawgRex

Hey, thanks for chipping in, it seems 2004 was quite a busy year for Assad, a quick google search reveals a lot of articles written at that time about diplomatic developments between Assad and his foreign counterparts...

I just read this interview between Assad and a Lebanese interviewer about the situation from May 2013. Worth reading for deeper insight into Assad's thinking, but I would be interested to know how it has changed with the rise of ISIS since ten (probably not that much considering he predicted it):
30 May 2013

President Assad: I believe that the greatest victory achieved by the Arab resistance movements in the past years and decades is primarily an intellectual victory. This resistance wouldn’t have been able to succeed militarily if they hadn’t been able to succeed and stand fast against a campaign aimed at distorting concepts and principles in this region. Before the civil war in Lebanon, some people used to say that Lebanon’s strength lies in its weakness; this is similar to saying that a man’s intelligence lies in his stupidity, or that honor is maintained through corruption. This is an illogical contradiction. The victories of the resistance at different junctures proved that this concept is not true, and it showed that Lebanon’s weakness lies in its weakness and Lebanon’s strength lies in its strength. Lebanon’s strength is in its resistance and these resistance fighters you referred to. Today, more than ever before, we are in need of these ideas, of this mindset, of this steadfastness and of these actions carried out by the resistance fighters. The events in the Arab world during the past years have distorted concepts to the extent that some Arabs have forgotten that the real enemy is still Israel and have instead created internal, sectarian, regional or national enemies. Today we pin our hopes on these resistance fighters to remind the Arab people, through their achievements, that our enemy is still the same. As for my confidence in victory, if we weren’t so confident we wouldn’t have been able to stand fast or to continue this battle after two years of a global attack. This is not a tripartite attack like the one in 1956; it is in fact a global war waged against Syria and the resistance. We have absolute confidence in our victory, and I assure them that Syria will always remain, even more so than before, supportive of the resistance and resistance fighters everywhere in the Arab world.

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: "typonese"

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 03:05 PM
Just another more proof that peace was never an option for middle east. As to why, I don't know, but I'm certain as things start to unravel everything will become much clearer.
edit on 510k2014Fridaypm014 by Nikola014 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 03:11 PM
and my uncle predicted it in 2003.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa
There's a reoccurring theme with west, are they completely irresponsible and moronic or is this part of the agenda.

Citizens of the world are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 03:34 PM
Double post

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 03:34 PM
a reply to: DarknStormy

Hmm I cant find anything about a letter listing all the groups. I think you meant this (a list of individuals found with foreign passports .....we didnt have a name for ISIS back then)

On October 23, 2012, Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations Bashar Ja’afari sent a letter to the President of the United Nations Security Council and to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon listing 108 foreign individuals arrested in the Syrian Arab Republic . All individuals were engaged in terrorist activities within Syria . Many of these terrorists were members of Al Qaeda in Iraq , others were jihadists from Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, Egypt and Australia.

Thanks for pointing this out

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:05 PM
a reply to: Chrisfishenstein

Yet they continue to push diplomatic "storyline" our media is all too happy to go along with & propogate. But news reporters and joirnalists are just people. Ive heard myself a couple of times when a BBC radio reporter swallows hard on an emotional lump in his throat as he gave contradictory updates about Syria back in 2013, they give updates every 15 minutes on the BBC world service sometimes..... Itsi plain sight, so somethings got to give... I think the puppets know they're puppets and aren't happy but helpless... Perhaps going along with it until it inevitably collapses like a card castle....

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:10 PM
a reply to: demus

Who's your uncle? Is he Syrian?

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa
excellent thread and S&F for you.

edit on 15-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 04:38 PM
This was a way to keep the West from getting involved in Syria. In hindsight of course if the west had gone full in arming and training the FSA things in Syria would be different. The FSA has been fighting ISIS the longest. While Assad and ISIS had a truce and ganged up on the FSA. Once the FSA was beaten down ISIS turned on Assad. If the FSA was full western armed and trained they would have been able deal ISIS a death blow early on and none of this would have happened. This is case where it would seem the West should have been more active. Then again it would also be a case where Syria should have gone after ISIS early as well. At the time they saw the FSA as the greater threat but, by letting ISIS build and gain from taking FSA territory (something that convinced the Kurds at the time that ISIS was Assad backed) ISIS turned out to come bite Assad in the rear area.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

I believe that was the letter, I just couldn't remember exactly what it said... Thanks for pointing my error out also

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: MrSpad
Hi MrSpad. Hmm, this whole situation is ridiculously complicated I don't know what to believe anymore.
You say ISIS had a truce with Assad. But i find that hard to beleive. When was this? Everything I've come across so far in my research indicates Assad was completely opposed to all the "gangs & terrorrists" as he referred to them being in his country. ...

How about this. ISIS was responsible for instigation of the FSA in the first place.

edit on 15-8-2014 by funkadeliaaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: funkadeliaaaa
a reply to: demus

Who's your uncle? Is he Syrian?

not Syrian.

the point is that with a little insight one could have predicted that Iraq will become center of terrorism when US UK decided to ravage the country.

and one could suspect that it was one of their goals.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: demus

Im not one to speculate on Blair's goals. What makes Blair tick is probably buried in a box under the sand in a Satanists cave on the southcoast of England, that or Cherie Blairs piercing do as thou commanderh thee stare.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 04:33 AM
He's by no means innocent of all crimes but man, his poor beautiful country... I really wanted to see the historical sites there sometime in my life but, impossibility now.

US, EU, UN, Israel, Britain, Saudis, all evil! Russia, China, Turkey, Pakistan, evil! There's no country to trust.

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