posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to:
ah, i see.
a vow of secrecy is not a vow of silence. the former means keeping a secret, the latter is to never speak again.
heres the weird thing about masonic secrecy. as you can see, you can find just about everything about the masons on the net. all the things we swear
to keep secret is no longer a secret. some people join for the wrong reasons, to "expose the truth", and break their oath. leaders in the order
wrote books to guide young masons and they fell into the wrong hands.
a mason keeps the secrets not because they are secret, but because he said he would and to show his brothers that he is trustworthy. after all, how
can a brother trust you with a serious issue if you cant keep a simple handshake secret?