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USA is worried about conspiracy when the rest of the world suffers?

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:13 AM
If I'm wrong here PLEASE let me know. I can be not as well-learned as some on here. Anyway, I have been reading and seeing the news about Gaza and Russia and Isis, etc. Real to the minute horrors going on.

I read a few other posts on here about other things and man. I'm USA myself but it seems us Some Americans worry about FEMA camps etc., things not really proven, more conspiracy and wonder than truth. Speculations, really.

Why do we do this? Is it to keep our minds from going into overdrive regarding the true ongoing horrors in the rest of the world? FEMA camps and so on used to hold my 'what if' attentions for a long time now, but with current horrors going on, I seem to find things like FEMA (one example of many. It's not JUsT FEMA) so petty and something like a dream scenario, etc.

Hope this makes sense. It's 4am and was just something that came to mind.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:27 AM
a reply to: sarra1833

I think you'll find that a lot of the attention of the board right now is squarely fastened on those three ongoing nightmares you've mentioned.

Thread after thread of attention, in fact... Sometimes too many to keep track of.

But, this being a conspiracy site, kinda hard to get away from it.

...and tie me down and tickle my toes, and I'd be forced to admit that sometimes, just sometimes, our theorists might indeed be onto something.

So, don't be too quick to discard the theories... Yesterdays theories have a nasty way of becoming tomorrows headlines...

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: seagull

Yeah that's sadly very true. I kind of wish all this world mess wasn't going on so we could just talk about FEMA and UFOs and Roswell and bad cops and.....

It's all a heck of a lot more fun than Gaza, Isis et al.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:38 AM
a reply to: sarra1833

Agreed with your sentiments.
It's difficult focusing on homeland issues when other homelands are under fire.

I wish I knew the solution.
I'd rather be discussing lighthearted subjects instead of brutal hard line issues.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 04:49 AM
It's all context I suppose. Some things are just self evident like snails are slow, tigers are carnivorous and governments conspire. It's not a real stretch of the imagination to picture a group of very, very, VERY rich people with nothing better to do than to plan and finance ideas.

When you are rich and your money works for you, there is only so much relaxing you can do. Idol hands are the devils plaything. It's also important to realize that those born within certain bloodlines commingle with other elitist bloodlines but do not really mix with we muggles. Their world and existence is profoundly different than ours. Their schooling, their jobs and their marriges are prearranged more or less. They are them and we are us. Useless eaters, pawns, playthings...savvy?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 05:34 AM
a reply to: sarra1833

I suppose those who were horrified seeing hundreds of thousands of coffins in storage at FEMA locations may have not fully realized that we Americans live on Planet Earth. It's a pretty volatile place sometimes, Volcanoes, Tidal waves, Earth quakes, hurricanes etc.

I was just reading about the Indonesian Tsunami and how over 155,000 fatalities were the results not counting the 500,000 seriously injured or those displaced and homeless.

North America has been very lucky compared to the rest of the world, How much longer do you suppose our luck will hold out?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 07:33 AM
For many conspiracy theories are a way to bring order to a world that is really chaos. For some people the idea revolts or civil wars can happen sometimes over single incident, or natuaral disaster can happen anywhere, or conflcits can break out that nobody expected, terrorists attacks can happen anywhere, or mass shootings can happen anywhere or that a single person can assasinate somebody important is all very scary. That idea of anything can happen, that small things can cause large events, that the world is upredictable is simply to much to deal with.

So they create control mechanisms. Lizaard people, NWO, Illuminate, CIA, Global Cabal etc. is controling everything. Even natural disasters are placed under control with things like HAARP and weather control machines. Some people just want order even if that orders is kind of scary.
edit on 11-8-2014 by MrSpad because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: sarra1833

To correct a problem, one must first understand the problem. What caused it? How do you prevent it? Most importantly, how do you see these problems before they are problems.

Think of all the disasters that could have been prevented if people had been paying closer attention before it was too late. What if the American people had really examined the Gulf of Tonkin incident before the Vietnam War? How many lives and how much money would we have saved? Would Nixon still have been "forced" to take the US off the Gold Standard? Would the "Great Recession" and gas shortage of the '70s still occur?

Some people had to know about 9-11 before it happened. You had people making a bundle on the Stock Market and you had the dancing Israelis there to film it. If we had looked closer at these incidents would we still have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan? Could more lives and money have been saved?

Many people saw the financial collapse of 2008 coming, but they were just labeled crazy conspiracy theorists.

Yeah, there are all kinds of problems in the world today. But these things don't just "happen." They were planned. Other disasters are in the works, and the signs are there.

There isn't much the American people can do about Israel and Gaza right now, but maybe that wouldn't be the case if the American people started wondering long ago if having people with dual citizenship in our government was a good idea.

Ukraine is in a tough spot. Maybe they wouldn't be if they hadn't given up their nuclear weapons.

One important thing that separates humans from animals is our ability to as, "What if?" Even if a given conspiracy theory is total BS, at least it should make you think. It takes no mental effort just to look at a theory and say, "That must be a hoax. It can't be real."

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:29 AM
Please excuse me if I am wrong.

Maybe it is a cultural issue or some people might think I am being down right selfish?

We are indeed an international community and ATS is based NOT just on the USA but anything topic wise ANYWHERE in the world no?

If people are not happy with other international events then may I suggest that certain USA centered members ask for a USA centered FORUM?

I am not sure if this is possible or not, but it may solve a humongous amount of issues in my opinion...?

Is this not possible?... you know... have two forums for all topics... World (international) forum and USA forum?

Sorry... but I am a little fed up and extremely frustrated in hearing that certain USA members do not have the tolerance to notice that there is a world outside of the United States borders...

The majority of us other international members here on ATS never complain when US members post a thread about what might be going on in their particular region of the world... why should international members have to feel the brunt because we discuss topics in our geographical zone?

Now... watch me get flamed for trying to stick up for myself and others?


edit on 11/8/14 by Rodinus because: Phrase added

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: sarra1833

Why do we do this? Is it to keep our minds from going into overdrive regarding the true ongoing horrors in the rest of the world? FEMA camps and so on used to hold my 'what if' attentions for a long time now, but with current horrors going on, I seem to find things like FEMA (one example of many. It's not JUsT FEMA) so petty and something like a dream scenario, etc.

If you really look beyond ATS and other conspiracy sites you will notice that the majority of the public doesn't even have an interest in anything but sports, facebook,movies, and celebrity news. Conspiracies are no where near their radar.

This is by design and a form or distraction which apparently works rather well.

Further more with the corporate controlled MSM it is not easy to get to the truth on matters and the few that put the work into it realize that in the end, their really isn't much that they can do as they are far outnumbered.

Infinite surveillance , bribery of our congress by form or lobbying , infinite campaign donations,half a billion dollar presidential runs, un-justified wars and decades of demonstrating that they are untouchable has made the public numb as to the truth and helpless.

Hence why bother mentality when it comes to anything but sports, facebook,movies, and celebrity news. I personally like to figurine out the truth for my own knowledge but I'm also not naive enough to think that the system will change. If anything I see it getting worse as net neutrality has been reversed.

edit on 53831America/ChicagoMon, 11 Aug 2014 08:53:07 -0500up3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:46 AM
Just what if....the wars are to keep our minds off whats going on within our own borders ? We always need a boogie man.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:59 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

That's right an estimated 230,000 humans were killed due to the Indonesian Tsunami.

A major natural disaster near an American mega city would dwarf that number.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: sarra1833

What's dangerous is when governments have secret agendas and mis-represent themselves. How often do we find a contradiction in foreign polices? First we support various dictators and terrorists and than we wage wars to topple them. Conspiracies don't just affect us at home. At times they create wars and take away civil liberties. Case in point...the attack on 9/11.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:19 AM

originally posted by: subtopia
a reply to: SLAYER69

That's right an estimated 230,000 humans were killed due to the Indonesian Tsunami.

A major natural disaster near an American mega city would dwarf that number.

Yes... agreed... but FORTUNATELY this has not happened yet... so until this might (I HOPE NOT) happen, lets all focus on current events throughout the REST of the world no?

Kindest respects

edit on 11/8/14 by Rodinus because: Fixed edit

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 02:25 PM
It does seem frivolous at first glance, but when one considers it, there just might be some weird, hidden reasons the world governments haven't... A) really attempted to curb war in a comprehensive way B) really attempted to curb poverty and socio economic slavery in a comprehensive way C) really attempted to find a viable alternative to burning stuff for energy in an organized, large scale way OR attempt a cleaner mode of civilization in general.

It seems many to most of the global citizens are ready to do the above... so why are the leaders not leading?

Some evil cabal or simply comfortable people not wanting to change anything as long as they're doing well and pulling the strings? Dunno, but it puzzles me.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:17 PM

(one example of many. It's not JUsT FEMA)

Figure this may be in response to one of my threads as of late-apologies if not and off topic. However, for those who study such a thing I figured it'd be an update, etc.,etc.

So, to answer the question of the OP, no the US is not only concerned about the US Right now. It is incredibly hard to converse about "the rest of the world"(actually the topic I'm mentioning about pertains to the Western world and likely beyond in the future) including these current events, from Isis to, Iraq, Israel, Ukraine, others certain already discussed topics due to the heated replies.

One case in point is more personal to me. Being called names for sharing news-which was the topic of the thread originally but turned into conversation- brought about accusations. As such were very unfair due to my family and heritage. So, to avoid abuse, I'm more cautious now. That way there is only agreeing on their view. However, I am sure that's what some wanted, I'm still watching and will reply as necessary and to terms.

Wondering if you have personally joined into any of the heated topics that are happening? How did it fare for you?
edit on 11-8-2014 by dreamingawake because: fixed

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:18 PM

edit on 11-8-2014 by dreamingawake because: double

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: dreamingawake

No. I was just really into what's going on on the other side of the world all worried and heartbroken over the lives lost and so forth. I guess the early am when I posted my op, I was in a lack of sleep mode which made me wonder why conspiracies seemed to "overtake" (probably not the right word at all.....) seemed to even be a thing compared to the actual factual horrors going on in real time. Like 'why would folks even play with conspiracies when real hell as ongoing."
Something like that. I love conspiracies, else I'd not be a member here. Just it seemed odd to me at the time of the op being written.

I think that will explain my thought train from my badly worded op.

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