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The "Jinn" and Electromagnetic Pollution

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posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

You could be right KPB. I suspect most religions are BS. I suspect true spirituality is the very being of you existence and therefore no words, expressions or ideas can ever express this. Again silence is Golden.

I much prefer to read your threads KPB my friend. Their far more interesting and thought provoking.

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 01:14 PM
If I inspire you to think outside of the box and
not just drink snake oil without analyzing it first
then that is good.....and don't turn me into your
snake oil either please.

If you haven't noticed yet....ALL religions and
spiritual systems trick you into abandoning
your rational mind and say that your 'ego'
is corrupt and 'sinful' / not evolved.

The purpose of this is to make you a
completely weak, helpless victim
that can be used and more easily
fed upon by 'your god'.

Brilliant isn't it? 'they' have conquered
an entire world and turned a once
promising species into cattle....
without one shot being fired.

And billions of us fight and die to
keep delivering ourselves up for
slaughter as slaves chasing around
UFOs, gods, angels, demons and

Absolutely brilliant.

edit on 12-8-2014 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 02:58 PM
Lengthy Anecdotal Orb Sightings

The sightings are in the comment section
after the semi-blather.

But im glad that awareness of the cross
mythos nature of orbs is increasing.

When I emailed Dr. Vallee he said he was
working on his pre 1900 sightings database
(I don't think that's any great secret or I
wouldn't say it).

I wish there was a project to collect orb reports
in a cross mythos manner. It would be nice to
be able to draw inferences from orb behavior
as they interact with humans and the physical

One point I'd like to mention is that spheres
are a very energy efficient geometry. I'd be
surprised if orbs weren't orb-like. it would be
logical if orbs were something resembling
the 'true form' - the form not involved with
deception. For example the Marian Event
started as an orb before becoming deceptive
(the form of the Virgin Mary).

So 'orb sightings' that stay in that form
interest me a lot.....they may be honest.


posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 02:35 AM
Interesting. I have only read a few replies. But I wanted to add this thought before I get distracted by other thoughts. Mayne the electromagnetic activity doesn't harm them, but gives them power, or gives them a medium upon which to manifest more easily and to have greater physical effects in our realm. Maybe they always hated us but now they have more of an ability to act against us. Maybe not all of them are against us. Who knows? Thanks for starting this thread.

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 09:32 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
Interesting. I have only read a few replies. But I wanted to add this thought before I get distracted by other thoughts. Mayne the electromagnetic activity doesn't harm them, but gives them power, or gives them a medium upon which to manifest more easily and to have greater physical effects in our realm. Maybe they always hated us but now they have more of an ability to act against us. Maybe not all of them are against us. Who knows? Thanks for starting this thread.

Thanks for stopping by.


When things are reduced to 'black and white", when it comes to people, politics,
religion, spirituality, etc., you can be sure that mind control / psyops is involved..

NOTHING is black and white .. not even death and taxes.. so if some group or person
makes things excessively black and white, you can rest assured they are ramping
up to use you.

Gray is good... it requires you to think.. and indicates something that might actually
be true.

And if a group / person demands that you 'act but not think' or 'believe / have faith
but not think' or you will be in trouble.. then they either want your billfold or
your 'soul' or both!


posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 01:56 PM
I was thinking about xenopsychology and the 'blind leading the blind problem'.

It seems that a lot of new agish or occultish humans seek to find 'masters'
in 'other realms' to give them information, as I think at some level at least,
these folks feel disenfranchised with 'normal reality' / 'science' or crave some
sort of celebrity status and they can't get it more traditional ways, such as
by inventing something, or accomplishing something.

So having given up on 'reality' they try to send their consciousness to some
'other realm' to find 'secret knowledge and power'. It seems that sometimes
this works, and they get connected with 'something'.

Now the usual broken black and white thinking will try to push angel/demon
or whatever crap on us, but just like there are various people in 'our realm'
(bakers, truck drivers, etc); presumably not EVERYONE in the 'other realm'
is some cosmic overlord of evil ('Howard the Duck'), but presumably
might be a regular Joe or Jane.

So here is some regular Joe or Jane.. and suddenly some Earth Dufus 'connects'
to their brain/circuits/plasma vortex and ask them for all the answers to
the universe! Well the 'person' on the other end might get a real kick out
of this... and pretend to be Lord XenuMax or whatever... or THEY may
be good natured but dim.. and might try their best to share their
knowledge.. but as they are not a rocket scientist either.. their
information probably isn't much to write home aboutr.

Now 'reputable scientists' of 'other realms' (someone who actually
knows something) probably don't have a screw loose and don't try
to form vulcan mind melds with random mentally deluded
'hypothetical beings from another world' (how they would view us

So you would tend to get some mentally unstable attention seeker
and not some reputable person.

Then the humor thought occurred to me, that sometimes Dufus from
'out there' try to 'channel' 'us' in the same pathetic attempt to find a
'master'. Perhaps some of us have these fantasy wish-fulfillment daydreams
and these 'aliens' receive it and think it's true, rather like "Galaxy Quest".

I think that perhaps, that some of this cross-cultural contact is actually
quite humorously the 'blind leading the blind'.



posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

What if it was just you connecting with your Higher Self in another realm of existence and you are passing information into this realm for whatever reason... And you have to be open minded to even re-connect with your higher self within these realms.


posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

What if it was just you connecting with your Higher Self in another realm of existence and you are passing information into this realm for whatever reason... And you have to be open minded to even re-connect with your higher self within these realms.


"Higher Selves" are one of the most devious aspects of the
"Control System" used to delude us in my observation.

Other concepts used to conqueror the human animal are:
good, evil, god, soul. spirit, and especially 'sin'. 'Sin' is the
masterstroke of 'evil', designed to dehumanize and dis empower
humans so that they can be fed upon and controlled. 'Sin'
was pure genius.

Now that said.. I do personally observe so-called 'non-material
aspects' to humans, but it's not the simple pablum of mind
control taught by the new age and religion.. and it's not at
all the way people think.. again IMHO.

There is a reason that high-level (let's call them adepts) are
taught not to entertain ANY thoughts of 'higher selves';
it's pure poison and removes ANY possibility of retraining
yourself to perceive anything 'mystical' or even interesting
or truly creative.


But I welcome all opinions.. you never know who will
come up with some great idea to research..



posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 02:32 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

1 understands, just felt I would add in there the metaphysical aspect of beings and how some less understood parts may assist personal and others in mass from various levels of existence...

The angelic or demonic descriptions many share may just be beings who are more benevolent or malevolent in their nature and so are described as so when detected encountered.

edit on 8/13/14 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus 13
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

1 understands, just felt I would add in there the metaphysical aspect of beings and how some less understood parts may assist personal and others in mass from various levels of existence...

The angelic or demonic descriptions many share may just be beings who are more benevolent or malevolent in their nature and so are described as so when detected encountered.


Yes indeed.

My observation is that humans are 'colony creatures'
with desperate parts so your point has a certain merit
IMHO, so long as we are careful with excessive 'baggage'
being attached to our terms.


posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 12:01 AM
I love to see a thread go where this has gone. It resonates so strongly with anyone that has traveled down these paths. It is a bittersweet feeling. As illuminating as it is to ponder the thoughts and possibilities that have been offered up by those fellow travelers seeking answers, one can only be left with the hallow realization that there are and never will be any "true" answers.

I have studied the Djinn and looked towards the idea and concepts of them as an answer at one time. And while I don't discount what I have learned or read, I've never embraced it either. And that is the bigger fish in this whole sea. That there is no answer.

I'm in a current state of fumbling with the very concept that looking for an answer could be a fallacy. That there is no answer. It just is. Everything just "is". Everything else is like giving a name to each blade of grass.

When and how does God finally know that he is God? When do you ever "know" that you are at the highest level? It's the old turtles stacked on turtles. No matter how many veils you tear down, how do you know when you've reached the last? And if you do, how do you know that that is "really" that last veil?

There truly is no black and white. It is an infinite gray. No matter how many times you divide it. And no matter who or what is behind the things some of us have had intimate contact and knowledge of, they too are lost in the grey.

That is one thing that still brings me comfort. Even those that are interacting with us (insert an infinity of possibilities of who or what they are here) or even those that are just our fellow human friends or enemies, we are ALL stuck in the gray. No matter the level of technology, vision or wisdom... we all always left wondering "what is this". And in the end. We are one.

posted on Aug, 14 2014 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: Varelse

Bittersweet yes.

We are not actually *one* in the manner we are being told.. we are in fact
*food* and *symbiotes* and *colony creatures* --- but yes.. we are also 'one'
in very strange ways....

For me personally anyway, as I can' speak for anyone else, I have found
most of what I was looking for.. but it's definitely bittersweet.


posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Thank you for this thread, it contains some great information and entertaining links as well. I enjoy things that make you change your frame of mind, step back and look at things in a different way. While it can be a challenge to do this, it really makes you wonder.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 08:29 AM
I've been reading some people's theories about the plasma
entities. Some of them start out great.. but by page 10
or 20 on all of them, it starts to twist into some version
of theosophy.. leading to all this unhelpful talk about
'advanced' metaphysical systems..

In fact, i'd say that the 'control loop' loves to do this..
steer simple possibly testable premises into la la land
every time, so that we go roundy roundy with weird
theories but never test anything.

It's sad that this sort of stuff is so off-limits to most
researchers, other than Vallee.. thus the victimization
by deceitful creatures/effects never stops, as flights
of fancy prevent the clear light of reason every time.


posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:19 PM
You've got a great thread going here. Everyone has written some wonderful things.
As to the beginning OP, and the thread topic, which asked for ideas for simple, testable things, where it might be possible to either prove the existence of Djinns, or communicate with them, perhaps, I had a couple of ideas, though I don't know how testable they are without the right equipment. But I was thinking, perhaps someone will show up here with the right equipment, as there are people around with the right sound equipment, and/ software for separating sounds…like Acoustica or ProTools, etc.
So with that in mind, EVP might be a very interesting exploration of Djinn….

Also, it occurred to me (and then I skimmed the Wiki on it) that years ago I had a conversation with someone about the cathode ray tube, what makes your television possible. We kind of take it for granted and don't give it much thought in this modern techno-existence, old hat and all that.

However, just skimming the wiki on it to refresh my memory, I saw immediately why it might prove an interesting thing to research and that it might provide a doorway through which the jinn visit this dimension, plan or reality, however one wishes to describe it….

Anyhow, enjoyed reading everyone's contributions.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Thanks for your contribution.

It's difficult for society to research this issue
as I think everyone realizes.

In general actual scientists won't touch this
subject with a 50 foor pole; while self
described occultists of various flavors
tend to have their minds made up completely
and religious people run around screaming

These are some of the big reasons we are
'trapped' as a species.

I must say one positive thing about the
Islamic perspective; at least it is correctly
noted that these beings/forces are on a
light to gray to dark scale...just like all
other living things.

I wish some maverick billionaire was intetested
in this research for humanities sake... I personally
believe this issue is actually solvable...


posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 11:50 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

So you would say a ghost as we think them is not possible?

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 12:11 PM
Just in case no one mentioned, Jinn are from Arabic mythology that predates Islam.

If i remember correctly the quran says they live in holes and they can shape shift. They have prayers specifically for the purpose of making jinn not peep at them as they go to the bathroom or change clothes lol thats not scientific of a description.

Jinn have too many qualities asigned to them to make an analasys all the specific details is about the same as something vague since you can fit any paranormal thing to them if you wanted. It sounds inconsistant to me.

Keep in mind the same culture has ghouls which are the walking living dead essentially.

edit on 25-8-2014 by Aural because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-8-2014 by Aural because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: Aural

You make a good point.

Insofar as 'ghouls' are concerned; metaphorically
at least the world is brimming with them, though
on ATS they are more commonly called 'sheeple'.

I try to be fair when it comes to toss
a bone if I can, as real living hurting people
who are often trying their best are involved, and
it's not their fault they are members of a species
which are incessant liars wallowing in self
delusion. It's hard for the very best and brightest
people to escape this 'control loop' not just
'sheeple', and that includes me and 'us'.


posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

and it's not their fault they are members of a species which are incessant liars wallowing in self delusion


You sure are creative, KPB.

First you tell them that their only vehicle for self-libreration is a parasite that's eating them and then you damn the "rider" by shaming them.

You sure like people, don't you?

Who let you have a keyboard?

edit on 25-8-2014 by Bybyots because: . : .

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