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Neuro-Linguistic Programming Mass Hypnosis Epidemic?

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posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:11 AM
I was having a conversation with a coffee shop acquaintance yesterday. It was a typical conversation, one that I try to have every day, about the state of world affairs and the politics surrounding them. It seems to me that all of the people I talk to who can see the hypocrisy and corruption inherent in our human social systems also have this idea that if only we humans could think and act rightly and without fear, we could really root out the villains and return the Earth and it's people to some semblance of sanity.

The idea that the people have the power and also the numbers to be able to extricate from office those whose greed outweighs their compassion for their fellow man, the idea that a unity of mind and action of the body politic is what is necessary to fight the injustice.

And what I don't get is that I've talked with so many people that have this same general idea, enough people that if I were to gather them all up into a group, we literally would be a small army. (Literally in the literal sense, not the figurative sense.) BUT, the people never are able to get together to do it, it seems. We are so sufficiently emasculated by our situation as individuals, that we feel nothing could be done to combat the problem.

The idea that the idea exists in so many minds, and that we do nothing with that idea is troubling to me. I'm wondering if it's not just a result of constant conditioning by subtle elements contained in television and print, kind of like when Roddy Piper puts on the glasses in "THEY LIVE!"

Really, it's just amazing to me that people aren't more pissed, to the point that they would do everything they could to take care of the problems as individuals, and also band together with others to achieve the same. But on the other hand, the media has taken really great care to make sure that all of us are divided against one another ideologically, and maybe that's the means.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:18 AM
Millions and millions of people are on antidepressants. They excrete those anti depressants Into the water supply Which gets recycled back into the municipal supply. Well the birth control pills and menopausal estrogen people take also make their way back into municipal water. These chemicals combine and are re ingested through drinking showering and cooking to make a feminine and docile populace.
just as nature intended
edit on 7-8-2014 by dashen because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:19 AM
And american idol.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Mon1k3r
It's a conundrum. Those who see as you speak also have an innate distrust of following a leader or becoming said leader themselves because they know the pattern of what happens to people/groups that go down that path.

So we're all staring at a problem where the "solution" that's most frequently presented to our awareness is the very thing that gets us right back staring at the same problem.

I don't think it's about organizing into a collective to throw the bastards out... but dispersing and starving the bastards out. No leader to corrupt or organization to infiltrate. Either you know a person and work with them voluntarily... or you say "no thanks" and leave them to their business. Or you take a risk and give them a shot... but can't put the entire population at risk.


edit on 7-8-2014 by GetOutOfMyLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:28 AM
Most people do not take such action, despite being aware of the ails of society, because the very fabric of their lives are tied to the machine.

Work, health care, banking, education, childcare etc is all part of society and most people depend on that infrastructure.

If some bad guys have been heading this infrastructure in all it's myriad departments, it is perhaps for many, easier to keep one's mouth shut, playing blind to it all.

Those that have got promoted in the corrupt system have often been those that sucked up to the corruption, there are a lot of people of psychotic tendencies in workplaces and research has shown them as being often in higher positions in companies and establishments.

Rooting them out from the bottom up is perhaps the best way.

I have seen the corruption in many organisations and suffered from speaking out in the past. I was victimised and lied about for not playing their evil games, calling out their terrible choices for promotions etc.

There appears to be a satanic organisation behind it all. I am certain of this based on my own experiences. I truly wish there will be a good organisation behind the machinations of societies in the future, the sooner the better.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: dashen

We don't drink tap water, because it contains such things and it literally gives us stomach ache and it smells and tastes abhorrent to my senses.

The 'feminisation' of society, might be happening, but also the lack of feminine principles of nurturing and structuring life and work around the family is all too apparent in society.

As is the male domination of the workplace and the structure of companies and organisations, a slight on society and it's people.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: theabsolutetruth
Agreed. What most people call "feminine" and "masculine" these days are complete bastardizations of their true nature.

Men haven't been feminized and women haven't been masculinized. We're being bastardized.

I love my genuine feminine and masculine sides dearly and hold them close while sharing them when possible. They are the only protection our hearts and minds really have.
edit on 7-8-2014 by GetOutOfMyLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 10:52 AM
Also, it seems, we're very good at observing what is happening and identifying the multiple problems that exist. Another problem is that the best solutions devised necessarily include large numbers of people, which brings us back to the original problem, disunity. Yes, that's a word.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: Mon1k3r
Also, it seems, we're very good at observing what is happening and identifying the multiple problems that exist. Another problem is that the best solutions devised necessarily include large numbers of people, which brings us back to the original problem, disunity. Yes, that's a word.

It has been my experience that man is hard wired to be disunified. We are still basically primitive, tribal, suspicious primates barely out of the trees. It's a defense mechanism.

Monkeys with guns....Big guns!

Break down the innate tribal nature of the species and we might stand a chance. The www. and interconnectedness shows promise in accomplishing that but only a little.

notice my subtle NLP exercised here? The hypnosis session cost a little extra.....

edit on 7-8-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 11:30 AM
Part of the challenge is many people have come to perceive "unity" to mean "the same". So long as that view holds weight disunity is amplified in the attempt to create unity.
edit on 7-8-2014 by GetOutOfMyLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Mon1k3r

Very well explained...

Coincidentally (or is it?), i had this exact discussion with my cuz yesterday....

I used the example of google.... think about it.... how many people honestly go beyond the 1st page of google search results? a minority im sure.

in effect this creates a bubble.... just think that for every google search term, im estimating about 95% of people will choose a link from pg1..... so 95% of people are getting their info from 1 google results page.

Even somebody who refuses to watch MSM will still be in an internet bubble! unless he/she can realize this!

So... im guessing it aint that hard to manipulate the minds of the masses!

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: dashen

That's what I notice most as well---a docile hive-mind population. No one is SMART ENOUGH to be pissed, it is very frightening living in the suburbs where we are....A 17 yr old girl got stabbed in the heart at the local hippy-dippy coffee shop---the dude who did it had just sent a text to his girlfriend saying "I'm stabbing the next person I see"---the girl was taken off of life support a couple days later and died. I'm sorry but I would have at least made sure that dude was ASLEEP but apparently everyone just waited for the cops. Not defending a child is DOCILE; docility is acharacteristic of a beaten dog, an animal who awaits instruction rather than listening to their own hearts and minds. People wait around at green lights until they turn red because "honking is rude".

The people here are so f*&^ing alseep it is horryfying---the exact people that won't know the 'flood' is here until they are floating dowstream. Even the ones "in the know" are only trying to peer into the rabbit hole---you'll never get to the end just lookin'.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: Mon1k3r

Thanks for this, its true society is certainly under an unnatural "spell".. Even so called " alternative" folk are long Bastardisations of their former selves...
The political circus in each country, and the music industry / media machine are largely to blame.
Ideal society is only possible when individuals take responsibility for themselves. But the world hasn't been buildt to facilitate self reliance, its been built to facilitate the game of subjugation by sociopathic individuals who take pleasure from being able to control people. The education system too is designed for reproducing passive employers or greedy ceos. A dangerous disbelief in our essential humanity has been laid as a foundation... No seeds can grow but creeoer vines and a lot of dust collecting ..." We do thave the strength of power, we forgot the threat"just heard these lyrics on the radio right now,a Brit from my area lol... Its metal / rap music.... Quite good.. People are waking up, but its just crazy.... The sleeping cold war reptoid has been reawoken in the west and my generation born after / during the fall of the soviet union are doing a double take.... .... ....

F# the NWO

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 02:30 PM
If people are to become leaders they need first to understanding their place in history... And have a clear vision of how to lead... The problem with today's world is people visions are ego centric & hallucinatory....

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 03:01 PM
Hush, hush children.

We're almost there,

and you've been so good for soooo long.

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 03:16 PM
a reply to: Mon1k3r

Excellent John Carpenter flick reference from one of my favorite movies. Your post brings to mind lyrics from the Ten Years After song: "I'd Love To Change The World". I also frequently contemplate the baleful state of the world's human leadership and wonder at the very tactile excruciation their so-called imaginary evil systems inflict on our minds and bodies. To say "it" has always been this way is cliche, sure, and yet it really has, provided one can believe the voluminous account of our species history.

Put out of your mind for a moment if you will the essentially omnipotent arsenal of technology driven killing power the architects and operators of the various systems that control us possess. With that discarded from thought, what then remains in the armories of the enforcers and controllers that they can use against us? Bereft of their weapons with which to instill fear in all of us by threat of violence and imprisonment and death, what superior power do they still hold over us clenched tightly in their hands ... or more accurately ... in their heads?

Belief. Belief is the true weapon of those that control all of us, bend all of us to conform to their system which as another poster above pointed out, has also become our system--our only known system of surviving to the point where we are completely dependent upon their dictates; that is, defining the way we live our lives by their whim, by whatever rules and parameters benefit them most.

Belief is their most potent weapon. Their belief is patriotism. Their belief is unwavering faith in a religion of the state, of the economy, of the right of our corporate influenced leadership (call them nobility, whatever) to do as it pleases in the pursuit of wealth, and to oppress and control the general citizenry however violently is necessary to above all else protect and maintain the pursuits of their noble masters and of course, their wealth.

Of course, most Americans would consider the above paragraph absolute fantastical drivel. Nevertheless, the infrastructure of the system is the most hallowed institution in America. Life certainly is not most precious, nor is individual freedom or property, or the education of children or the care of the sick or any humanitarian consideration for that matter.

They're true believers. Ever been freaked out by demonstrations of faith in the audiences of those big television evangelists? Or how about by the blind faith demonstrated by cult members like those at Jonestown? The controllers and enforcers of the system truly believe, fanatically, fundamentally, whatever, that their system must be protected at all cost no matter the toll in lives or quality of life--they'll do anything, anything to preserve it. Why? Because they believe the way of their system is the only "righteous" way, and without it dark ages ensue.

Now, speaking to why large groups of average citizens do not go out and form up guerilla units or whatever to fight back and change things. We the citizenry lack that true belief in whatever system of life we think is better, more merciful, more beneficial--all of us would be rebels we simply do not have the same level of belief or faith driving our desire to change the world as those that control the world and us have in keeping things as they are and always have been. They are willing to wage war, to kill anyone young or old by the thousands, maybe even millions if need be in order to maintain. In order to maintain these systems all of us find so abhorrent.

Flip side. We're our own worst enemies. How? Noesis. Our noesis. Most of us strive from late childhood or aspire to attain the ultimate adult maturity, which in our society is becoming a responsible citizen. We want more than anything to demonstrate to the authority figures in our lives that we can pay our bills on time, make the big purchases in life (cars, boats, property, houses), that we're big boys and girls who are old enough to know its time to conform, to surrender absolutely to the system and dispense forever with fantasies of change and rebellion. And why not? If we conform, if we surrender, then there's a place for us. There are rewards, benefits, recognition by those we want to impress. Everyone has that desire deep inside to live up to some set of standards, of expectations that they either created for themselves or have had demonstrated to them by some mentor or parent figure, whoever.

Further, the means by which activists of most any stripe go about their campaigns of resistance and protest are tragically, comically flawed (no insult intended). Think for a moment about those in power above us, those who wield near infinite manpower and the deadliest arsenal in history. When they want to change something or obtain something or make something happen for their benefit, what do they do? They don't gather together and stand outside on the steps of their opponent's base of operations and wave homemade signs. They start by throwing cash and resources at the problem/obstacle and if their opponent cannot be bought, they bring to bear shock and awe, death and destruction. They inflict mass casualties and destroy the enemy system's infrastructure first because infrastructure is what's most dear to them.

Protests, activism--carried out within the constraints of the law--it's just futile, unless it serves some political agenda. Revolutions, real political change ... history has shown us that these lauded examples of movement toward a better way of life almost always begin with initiatives by the wealthy, the nobility, by those who already have so much more than the average man.

People out there are enraged, but fear and complacency keep them down pretty darn well. Those who set out to fight back are instantly branded terrorists and dealt with accordingly.

Changing the system using the processes of that same system I think, is another fantasy. Two major political parties, a population virulently divided along two party line philosophies so rabidly that each side would likely wage war on the other to prove it is right and round and round the system cycles. Vote third party, sure, and watch as in the process of raising campaign funds right or left leaning corporations purchase your third party knight in shining armor. Vote. Vote for real change. See your sterling candidate do whatever he or she pleases after winning office, while diverting funds to pet projects or their own wallets. Fixing a broken system with contaminated components ripped from some other part of it is no solution.

(post by funkadeliaaaa removed for a manners violation)

posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: Mon1k3r
The idea that the people have the power and also the numbers to be able to extricate from office those whose greed outweighs their compassion for their fellow man, the idea that a unity of mind and action of the body politic is what is necessary to fight the injustice.

And what I don't get is that I've talked with so many people that have this same general idea, enough people that if I were to gather them all up into a group, we literally would be a small army. (Literally in the literal sense, not the figurative sense.) BUT, the people never are able to get together to do it, it seems. We are so sufficiently emasculated by our situation as individuals, that we feel nothing could be done to combat the problem.

The idea that the idea exists in so many minds, and that we do nothing with that idea is troubling to me. I'm wondering if it's not just a result of constant conditioning by subtle elements contained in television and print, kind of like when Roddy Piper puts on the glasses in "THEY LIVE!"

Really, it's just amazing to me that people aren't more pissed, to the point that they would do everything they could to take care of the problems as individuals, and also band together with others to achieve the same. But on the other hand, the media has taken really great care to make sure that all of us are divided against one another ideologically, and maybe that's the means.

Interesting you should write this now precisely. I am a Vedic astrologer (modified to Western ears) and this isea kind of fits the Moon today in idealistic Purva Ashadha (Sagittarius). What you should know is that by Jan 2017 Saturn wil come there to join Pluto and then these people may actually rise up... So these feeligns may be a forerunner. And especially ppl born around 88-92 will be sensitive to this energy then.
OK, forget this if you are a total skeptic.

BTW I also teach some part of NLP. I think it is a very good idea for the younger generation to learn the basic tricks (we use it for therapy and making your ife better, not for political brainwashing but like electricity it can be used for many ends.)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 01:25 PM
I know... right? When I figure it out I'll be out there on the street corner with the sign and robe...

I can see how it could be... though still imperfect and chaotic, but how we could prioritize differently and create a world that would be nice to wake up to for most everyone.

Herd mentality... psych drugs... economic chains keeping people busy so they can't think... and the problem of getting enough people together to conquer the tipping point where a movement gains legitimacy...

So, dunno... but if enough people walk by on their way to build a new world, I'll follow... I just doubt I'm impressive enough to be in the lead.
edit on 8/9/2014 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 06:18 PM
There are some really smart good guys working behind the scenes. They just have to stay behind the scenes, because of how easy it is for stupid masses to turn against them if the MSM puts something in the nightly news about a traitor or spy or love affair or whatever you like.

But yes in general the MSM is full of NLP. Really NLP was developed and the term was coined by one guy. And that guy (Richard Bandler) changes his approach to the subject all the time. But the basic idea is still true, that the MSM employs certain ways of wording things, certain ways of approaching certain topics in order to keep everyone distracted and pissed at the wrong things. At least this is generally true for people who actually watch MSM. Television usage is on the decline though.

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