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GMO battleground to reopen in Europe... the EU backs down.

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posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 01:49 AM
I remember being dismayed back in early spring when the talks arrived that the EU was discussing to let member states do their own legislation on the cause of GMO.
It would mean a huge blow to ecological minded people like myself and our wish for more branding of dangerous GMO foods as well as harder regulations imposed on such things.

Instead the EU has now chosen to back down and this opens the battleground in the EU yet again.

After years of legislative deadlock, EU ministers from 26 of 28 countries recently voted to allow member nations to determine for themselves whether to ban or allow genetically modified crops and foods.

Why is this bad? Most politicians will market this as "more free choice" but in reality this is just an open invitation for the US to pressure the EU through unpublicised sanctions and economic punishment.
It was only last week that Wikileaks were able to report that the US embassies are actively discussing how to punish and cause pain on member states in the EU who didn't want to join the GMO race.

Leaving member states to decide for themselves is like leaving them with no choice, because when they look at their choice individually rather than seeing what they could accomplish together, the US can easily go forth with their planned punishments and pain. It is easier to sway the opinion of a few weak boned politicians than that of the entire EU.

Now, as if this wasn't bad enough, the EU has decided that while member states in the matter of health endangering GMO food should fight for them selves, they shouldn't have a say in regards to how much pesticide is in the food we consume.

As of now the EU is forcing regulations that will allow in fx. Denmark that the max amount of pesticide that is in our food would be 3000 times higher than it is now!

DVFA is the body of EU which makes these decisions and it seems that they are a fan of the idea that poisons are safe until proved otherwise.

Also check out the part where it's described how their carefully planned the timing of when the hearing about these values would take place. Ain't nothing like a holiday to cause legislative disruptions.....

The hearings were published on 27 May 2014, following closing time. This gave rise to consultation before noon. 10 on 3 June. The 29 was Ascension Day. Most of the time off the next day and on weekends. So actually there were two working days to reply.

One can only sit here and think about how much money is going into the pockets of these corrupt politicians that supposedly are doing what we voted them in for to do.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: flice

Blame yourself ... the EU is nothing but brainwashed idiots, who grew up listening to propaganda on Air Luxemburg, which was a US military propaganda station, that was put up along with thousands of other posts in Europe, post WWII to spread US propaganda.

Along with the fact, that only the US has created viable movie base which young people learn more from today, than their books. 99% of European youth ... are morons, literally speaking.

No guts, no glory ... France backed down, and Germany is controlled by jewish and US interrests. Therefore, Europe has no candidates for their own interrests. Danes are as the dutch, a bunch of hash smoking idiots. Swedes, have their own Carl Bildt to worry about, who isn't exactly the clean slate character in Europe. And Britain, is only interrested in it's own British empire, which it thinks it gets through with US backing.

Good luck.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:00 AM

originally posted by: bjarneorn
a reply to: flice

Blame yourself ... the EU is nothing but brainwashed idiots, who grew up listening to propaganda on Air Luxemburg, which was a US military propaganda station, that was put up along with thousands of other posts in Europe, post WWII to spread US propaganda.

Along with the fact, that only the US has created viable movie base which young people learn more from today, than their books. 99% of European youth ... are morons, literally speaking.

No guts, no glory ... France backed down, and Germany is controlled by jewish and US interrests. Therefore, Europe has no candidates for their own interrests. Danes are as the dutch, a bunch of hash smoking idiots. Swedes, have their own Carl Bildt to worry about, who isn't exactly the clean slate character in Europe. And Britain, is only interrested in it's own British empire, which it thinks it gets through with US backing.

Good luck.

Your example sounds very similar to the population in the USA, though with different circumstances affecting them

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:54 AM
There has to be some kind of chemistry in GMO foods that causes the members of society to be more easy to control. I cannot see why the government here would be backing this so much if it was just a stable food. I think that maybe some natural calming chemistry is accentuated with the GMO they are using.

In a free country, why would most of the controlling people back this product if it was not touted as for the good of the people. The campaign contributions and a few bribes are not enough.

This chemistry does not seem to be working right though, unless the reason is to make people susceptible to diseases.

Now, this is just speculation, I know some of the bad properties of some of the types of foods they are gmo, but I am just thinking something else is up.
edit on 6-8-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:40 AM
Its not a chemistry for control, its pure out and out depopulation, and death, and cancer, so that while you and your children die, their cronies make a fortune in the cancer industry.


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