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Does Israel owe the U.S. For all the foreign aid?

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posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 08:35 PM
I know there is a lot of talk about the U.S. Debt to China and such. I was just wondering does Israel owe us for all the money we give them? Or are we givin out freebies while everyone else keeps count?

I think it's insane if we give trillions of dollars away without getting paid back.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:01 PM
The aid is not free in many cases the aid must be used to buy from US companies.
this give jobs in the US.

plus the aid we gave them for iron dome also got the US a full set of plans for iron dome and a lot of the parts of iron dome are made in the US.
this also give US workers jobs.
Raytheon will be the major U.S. partner in co-production of major components for the Iron Dome’s Tamir intercepting missile.
US and Israel share co-production of the Arrow III missile system, with Boeing manufacturing 40–50 percent of the production content

During the war in iraq and afganastan and the US ammo shortage the US was getting extra ammo from israeli factories.
edit on 2-8-2014 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:02 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

It's freebis. In Israel's defense they do spend a lot of that money buying US military goods.

The United States and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding in August 2007 committing the U.S. to give Israel $30 billion in military aid over the next decade. This is grant aid, given in cash at the start of each fiscal year. The only stipulation imposed on Israel’s use of this cash gift is that it spend 74 per cent to purchase U.S. military goods and services.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:03 PM
a reply to: Swills

You sly devil, I see what you did there.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:35 PM
1st class tickets to heaven for americans that believe in the bible thats all
edit on 2-8-2014 by dukeofjive696969 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:39 PM
Hahahahahaha .... surely you jest ? ... oh.. guess youre serious ..
Whens the last time you heard of a thief returning their loot ? Israel paying back the u.s aint gonna happen ...

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Expat888
Hahahahahaha .... surely you jest ? ... oh.. guess youre serious ..
Whens the last time you heard of a thief returning their loot ? Israel paying back the u.s aint gonna happen ... [/quote

I agree. Not sure we ever pay back china either tho...,

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 12:20 AM
a reply to: ArtemisE

Your giving out freebies. It's seems the establishment and security of Israel is more important than Americans including the 50 Million living on or just above the poverty line.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 01:02 AM
The big lump of cash the US sends indiscriminately to Israel without over sight reeks of hush money, I would be gambling that Israel is being paid this money to keep quiet on something.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: ArtemisE

It's freebis. In Israel's defense they do spend a lot of that money buying US military goods.

The United States and Israel signed a Memorandum of Understanding in August 2007 committing the U.S. to give Israel $30 billion in military aid over the next decade. This is grant aid, given in cash at the start of each fiscal year. The only stipulation imposed on Israel’s use of this cash gift is that it spend 74 per cent to purchase U.S. military goods and services.

Can you see what they are doing here,

They give away the taxpayers money in order to have it spent on US military equiptment, in other words, they are siphoning tax money into the corporations. Aid with conditions is usually for this purpose alone. To benefit the fat cats with your money. Free weapons for Israel, free business for the military industrial complex all at your expence and of course the expense of palestinian lives.

Gone are the days when paying taxes was actually beneficial to tax payers. Now it ALL seems to end up with the corporations while the infrastructure continues to crumble. Dems and Reps do this.
edit on 3-8-2014 by pennydrops because: (no reason given)

I wish I ould say this was just the US, but its global.
edit on 3-8-2014 by pennydrops because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: Swills

Hmmmm, 30 billion in military aid to an apartheid like nation.. or solve world hunger with the same amount of money.

I wonder. What should we choose? Such a difficult to answer question.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 07:04 AM

originally posted by: Not Authorized
a reply to: Swills

Hmmmm, 30 billion in military aid to an apartheid like nation.. or solve world hunger with the same amount of money.

I wonder. What should we choose? Such a difficult to answer question.

hell, gates, buffet and soros could ante that up and be hero's!

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: tsingtao

originally posted by: Not Authorized
a reply to: Swills

Hmmmm, 30 billion in military aid to an apartheid like nation.. or solve world hunger with the same amount of money.

I wonder. What should we choose? Such a difficult to answer question.

hell, gates, buffet and soros could ante that up and be hero's!

Yep the Koch brothers too.

posted on Aug, 3 2014 @ 11:25 AM
Foreign Aid is a diplomatic game and Israel receives as much as it does because of how cooperative it is with us in a very hostile part of the world. It isn't a loan. They don't owe us anything, not even allegiance, although they do seem to offer that freely.

If the US wants to stop bleeding so much, they should indebt their enemies to them. If Iraq had a bill for goods and services after the war was over to be extracted by taxation or freely acquired natural resources, the US would have saved hundreds of billions of dollars. They could even pass the cost of R&D that Lockheed Martin and Boeing really enjoy off onto their enemies. Personally, I'd do like the vikings of old and put a pricetag on our ceasefire.


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