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My First Post: The United Nations, Agenda 21, Sustainable Development, and the brand new Sustainable

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posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 01:20 AM
Many different factors tell me not to trust agenda-21 and things that are all part of that plan. If these people at the UN and various government agencies are so smart and can figure out how best to progress our species then why do they condone the current system? Everything from the extreme wealth gap, a total disregard for the ecosystem, wars for profit, and a totally rigged economy.

As far as I see it agenda-21 is just a way for the elites to control everything through fear and bureaucracy under the guise of "sustainable development". We had many years post ww2 to figure this stuff out but the only direction we seem to be lead is the wrong f&*^!@g way! The last thing I would want for this planet is people who attend groups like; Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, CFR, trilateral com and all the other rich men clubs to have absolute power over the planet.

We have been conditioned to consume and not question. Told lies and fed propaganda daily and if the actions of the TPTB in the past have told me anything it's to not trust them at all. I really think the world would be much better off if we moved all the greedy, megalomaniac and delusional "leaders" to mars.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 08:29 AM
Yeah. The United Nations are the good guys. Nice one.

Whats next? The founding father's of the united states were just and honest also?

Next talking point: My sister-in-law works for Monsanto - she's a wonderful gal - her boss is terrific too. They must really care about us then.

This thread is absurd. I know your not supposed to call out "paid shills" - but if there ever was one...

Romeo Dallaire would threw up reading this bull# propaganda.
edit on 28-7-2014 by 131415 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 09:10 AM
I don't share your fuzzy feelings about the goodness of the UN at all. The UN embargo of food and medicines to Iraq caused the death of over 450,000 children in Iraq under the age of 4 (UNICEF Figure). When US bombed Iraq's main water supply plants and their last remaining powered milk factory for infants, the UN did nothing. No-one has answered for the death of 450,000 children, no-one. They mass murderers of children all walk free.

Many that worked in UN couldn't stomach the genocide so quit. The UN Chief Inspector of Weapons in Iraq, Scott Ritter, admits Saddam complied to all UN requests and destroyed all WMD in 92 (which was supplied to Iraq by Reagan Administration).

So why would anyone trust an organization that permitted the mass genocide of children, control over the worlds food supply?
edit on 28 7 2014 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: glend

You are blaming the UN for its impotence. Blame the member states of the Security Council for preventing the UN from doing anything to stop the US invasion of Iraq. The General Assembly was up in arms, but what could they do? The big powers control the club.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

End result is the UN is a tool for war, it can never be trusted. Everybody responsible including those that followed the orders (UN staff) are guilty of crimes against humanity. Those that quit said food for oil program was barely enough to feed a dog, much less humans. Sorry there are no excuses.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: glend

War crimes? the thing is the ICC who deals with them are also powerless do you know why? because Israel the USA and others didn't ratify it because they were told they would not get special treatment and they could be accused of it also.
Says a lot about the Governments of those countries to me.

It just doesn't really have a chance without the USA in though.....
But according to this people in the states are 50/50 in wanting to get back in to the ICC.

edit on 28-7-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-7-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: glend

End result is the UN is a tool for war, it can never be trusted.

No, that is not the end result at all. The UN exists to promote peace, not war. That is its primary function. In order to ensure peace, the creators of the UN made the exceptional use of force allowable to combat acts of international aggression — that is, invasions of one country by another — but only if a majority in the Security Council approved. This loophole was used by the US and the UK to invade Iraq; but that is not the fault of the UN.

The UN didn't go to war against Iraq; that's a legal fiction. The aggressors were the United States and its allies.

If you can suggest a better system for keeping international peace than the one followed by the UN, please tell us. The whole world is waiting on your proposal with bated breath.

Sorry there are no excuses.

From an armchair, idealist point of view, perhaps. The real world is different. It has people in it. People are difficult.

edit on 28/7/14 by Astyanax because: of bated breath.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

Thanks for the link. Also on that page down bottom it states "the Article 16 allows the Security Council to require the Court to defer from investigating a case for a period of 12 months, such a deferral may be renewed indefinitely by the Security Council."

So many get out of jail cards its not funny so even if the US ratified they can be blocked from investigating anything. I once thought highly of UN but not anymore, just another tool for the fascist that control this world to pretend we live in a democratic society.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

You should watch this short documentary, it proves that western democratic system is all a charade, west has been controlled by fascism for over 50 years. Part1 Part2 Part3

The UN building donated by rockefeller is their tool for pushing fascism on rest of world. Agenda 21 will eventually give corporations like Monsanto total control over worlds food supply. Home grown organic food will eventually be outlawed for patented GMO food etc with sterile seeds that must be repurchased yearly.

Its craziness at a whole new level.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: glend

You should watch this short documentary.

No, thank you. I have no need to watch paranoid commentary on international affairs, whether emanating from the right wing or the left. I take it that you have no better solution to the problem of international aggression than the UN has, or you would have responded to my challenge instead of hiding behind a video.

Since you appear to be firmly set in your prejudice against international institutions, I wish you joy of them, and take your leave.

edit on 28/7/14 by Astyanax because: of a video.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 02:51 PM

edit on 28-7-2014 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: glend
a reply to: Astyanax

You should watch this short documentary, it proves that western democratic system is all a charade, west has been controlled by fascism for over 50 years. Part1 Part2 Part3

The UN building donated by rockefeller is their tool for pushing fascism on rest of world. Agenda 21 will eventually give corporations like Monsanto total control over worlds food supply. Home grown organic food will eventually be outlawed for patented GMO food etc with sterile seeds that must be repurchased yearly.

Its craziness at a whole new level.

edit on 28-7-2014 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: glend
a reply to: Astyanax

End result is the UN is a tool for war, it can never be trusted. Everybody responsible including those that followed the orders (UN staff) are guilty of crimes against humanity. Those that quit said food for oil program was barely enough to feed a dog, much less humans. Sorry there are no excuses.

What a load of junk.

The UN exists precisely to stop war. It is powers like the US who, in the name of "sovereignty," violate international law, give the middle finger to the UN, and invade and attack other countries.

The UN Charter outlaws virtually all of the crazy war stuff we see going on. And all of those, powerful countries ignoring the UN.

How am I or my other friend here guilty of war crimes? You just lost credibility right there. The UN is not a fighting force excepting in a couple of cases when according to international law it protected one country from another, such as South Korea from North.

ATS is about denying ignorance. Many people on here clearly are ignorant about both the UN and international law.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 03:03 PM
In the name of fear, people like you in my opinion and many people's views are stalling and stopping the global community from taking real action.

This would be like there being an incoming invasion from Aliens or another power and while a war declaration is being debated in Congress, people like you are debating the very existence of the invasion and saying that the means and resources necessary to combat it "are just a tool to gain control over us."

Seriously, the environmental, economic, and social issues threaded throughout sustainable development are ALL supported by vast amounts of scientific data, research, and expertise. We must act now. Anything else is not only ignorant and irresponsible but also will harm all of our children.

I have little patience for those who, in their own ignorance and paranoia, are not ready to take the necessary action to preserve the world for future generations and move towards a truly just world.

originally posted by: Slickinfinity
Many different factors tell me not to trust agenda-21 and things that are all part of that plan. If these people at the UN and various government agencies are so smart and can figure out how best to progress our species then why do they condone the current system? Everything from the extreme wealth gap, a total disregard for the ecosystem, wars for profit, and a totally rigged economy.

As far as I see it agenda-21 is just a way for the elites to control everything through fear and bureaucracy under the guise of "sustainable development". We had many years post ww2 to figure this stuff out but the only direction we seem to be lead is the wrong f&*^!@g way! The last thing I would want for this planet is people who attend groups like; Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, CFR, trilateral com and all the other rich men clubs to have absolute power over the planet.

We have been conditioned to consume and not question. Told lies and fed propaganda daily and if the actions of the TPTB in the past have told me anything it's to not trust them at all. I really think the world would be much better off if we moved all the greedy, megalomaniac and delusional "leaders" to mars.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 03:07 PM
They will not.

Honestly, I work with in part the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future, which works with the UN. I cannot understand all of this hyperbole and paranoia. It's all virtually from far out right wing fringe authors. I've read that stuff.

The stakeholders are all groups: governments, NGOs, women, children, trade unions, companies, indigenous communities, and so on.

Seriously, where do you guys get this stuff from?

originally posted by: ElectricUniverse
a reply to: pl3bscheese

Really? so you insult me and try to belittle me, throughout your response. But in the end you cannot even see what they are describing. They are describing global governance derived from corporate governance... Who will be the "stakeholders"?... You think it's going to be you and me?... Under corporate governance only those who have control of the stakes of the company have control and have a say on how the company is run... In this case the company is the whole world, and the stakeholders are the global elites.

As for "who is a shill"... You joined this website recently, and there are a lot of threads on these forums on "shills" that have been paid recently to join "conspiracy websites"... If anyone is a shill it would be more logical that the shills are people like you. More so when your whole argument is to make ad hominem attacks and trying to belittle people who would not agree with you.

That paper is describing on how the UN and the global elites plan to govern Earth as if it was a global corporation. All your insults and belittling comments will not change that fact...

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 03:11 PM
Have you gone to the link that I provided for the goals? Many goals are specifically to rectify the messed up system and inequality. There are probably 40 targets on the environment alone. They don't condone the current state of affairs.

originally posted by: Slickinfinity
Many different factors tell me not to trust agenda-21 and things that are all part of that plan. If these people at the UN and various government agencies are so smart and can figure out how best to progress our species then why do they condone the current system? Everything from the extreme wealth gap, a total disregard for the ecosystem, wars for profit, and a totally rigged economy.

As far as I see it agenda-21 is just a way for the elites to control everything through fear and bureaucracy under the guise of "sustainable development". We had many years post ww2 to figure this stuff out but the only direction we seem to be lead is the wrong f&*^!@g way! The last thing I would want for this planet is people who attend groups like; Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, CFR, trilateral com and all the other rich men clubs to have absolute power over the planet.

We have been conditioned to consume and not question. Told lies and fed propaganda daily and if the actions of the TPTB in the past have told me anything it's to not trust them at all. I really think the world would be much better off if we moved all the greedy, megalomaniac and delusional "leaders" to mars.

edit on 28-7-2014 by Quetzalcoatl14 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 03:15 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

I have little patience for those who, in their own ignorance and paranoia, are not ready to take the necessary action to preserve the world for future generations and move towards a truly just world.

Now you are beginning to understand why people are on to the gag.

Authoritarianism has a horrible track record.

All failures for thousands of years.

edit on Jul-28-2014 by xuenchen because:

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 04:26 PM
But the UN system is not a form of authoritarianism. That's what I am getting at. The UN has less teeth than any government I know of excepting pure anarchy or chaotic situations. For the very same reason they have difficulty holding anybody accountable such as the superpowers or really making progress on sustainable development. You guys can't have it both ways. If you want them to actually stop war, they'd have to have more teeth than they have. If you want them to have more power to enforce these sus dev goals, they'd also need to have a real accountability mechanism with consequences, which they don't currently. It's virtually voluntary excepting some war sanctions.

This has it's own benefits, namely preserving national sovereignty and not moving towards a global government, which many people on ATS fear. See what I mean? Don't blame the UN on one hand for not doing much on big issues and then also refuse any real ability for the UN do do much on big issues by granting them zero power. Be fair.

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

I have little patience for those who, in their own ignorance and paranoia, are not ready to take the necessary action to preserve the world for future generations and move towards a truly just world.

Now you are beginning to understand why people are on to the gag.

Authoritarianism has a horrible track record.

All failures for thousands of years.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 04:34 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: glend

You are blaming the UN for its impotence. Blame the member states of the Security Council for preventing the UN from doing anything to stop the US invasion of Iraq. The General Assembly was up in arms, but what could they do? The big powers control the club.


The US when it invaded Iraq completely violated the UN Charter and international law. That is something a lot of Westerners don't get. International Law does not allow for preemptive strikes nor unilateral invasions, basically only true self-defense.

The problem is that the US is part of the permanent-five, which unfortunately means they can veto any resolution stopping or sanctioning them.

This is one area that i completely agree with all critics. The P-5 and veto power needs to go.

And, as you said at some point about the ICC, it is the same issue. Small countries and less powers get hauled into the Security Council or ICC for many of the same crimes that the big powers get away with freely, especially the west. It is no small wonder that many lesser powers hate the west. Russia too called out the hypocrisy recently during the Crimean issue.

We cannot have international justice, peace, and universal human rights until all powers, big and small, are held accountable for their actions.

posted on Jul, 28 2014 @ 04:43 PM
a reply to: Quetzalcoatl14

But the UN system is not a form of authoritarianism. That's what I am getting at. The UN has less teeth than any government I know of excepting pure anarchy or chaotic situations.

But many people think it is authoritarian.

And corrupt.

Not easy to overcome mistakes is it.

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