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Pic from Mars rover revealing... a beam of wood!!!

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posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by QuietSoul
Dum dum dummmmmm!

Want a conspiracy, I'll give you all something to think about..

Normally, when I view pictures like this press release from nasa, and anything arouses my senses, I just zoom on over to and look for the close up of the item in question.

Now, considering the rover tracks go directly over this 'object', I figured they'd have some nifty close ups of this object.

Upon searching, I noticed something odd...

(To have some pity on the dial ups, I chose to link to the pictures in question instead of loading the pics)

In this picture you'll see the object in question just below the horizon. This picture was taken on the 114th SOL (day)..

So I mosey around a little more, and to my amusement, NASA actually spent quite some time around this 'object'...

On the 115th SOL, you'll see the object much closer.. but nothing that we havent seen so far... (notice we're already past the object)

And again, on the 116th SOL you'll see the object, and much more rover tracks around it...

And well, on the 119th SOL you'll noticed we're still right on top of it...

Thats 5 days NASA spent in this area, and all we have to show for it is a handful of pictures out of very many.. what's in those pictures? What pictures were taken on the 117th and 118th SOL (Navcam) that they refused to post? And before you say that perhaps the rover wasnt in operation, you might note its panoramic pictures taken on the 117th and 118th, but not one single navigation and hazcam picture? Hmmmm?


I also want to point out a high resolution jpg of the same one the author of this post presented..

Hi Resolooooshion!

[edit on 12/3/2004 by QuietSoul]

[edit on 12/3/2004 by QuietSoul]

They finally found Noah's Ark!

How about these images of possible skeletal fossils?

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by Murcielago
dnero6911 - I didn't say aliens dont exist, I simply said that they are not living on Mars. Also, Do you have any links on Nasa saying they have prro of life beyond earth? As far as I know the answer remains NO. If you think you heard that I think that who ever said that was just speculating.

I believe there is life out there, I think anyone who undstands just how BIG the universe is has to believe that were no the only ones.

Also, it only looks like a "face" when you have a bad camera with the light just right. Newer Sats have showed its nothing more then a mountain. Nature can make human like things to ya know.

nonononononononono, I don't have the link.... but yes there is life ... tiny little unseen life... you need a microscope to see......

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 04:23 PM
It looks like a rock to me ....


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 06:09 PM
anyone know what this is ?


posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 09:42 PM

nonononononononono, I don't have the link.... but yes there is life ... tiny little unseen life... you need a microscope to see......

Nope....errrrrrrrr...Wrong...Try again

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
anyone know what this is ?


What is that? I have no idea. I need to go see what this was a picture of. Looks like a stone wheel half covered, but I have no idea.

Maybe its where the lander bounced?

[edit on 12/6/2004 by infinite8]

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 10:29 PM
Its an image of compacted dirt where the M�ssbauer Spectrometer was pressed into the ground to take readings.

posted on Dec, 6 2004 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Now my guess is that its petrified wood, if definately looks like petrified wood

its a rock. Its rectangular, and rectangular rocks can form, it doesn't require entire aliens civilizations and the evoltion of woody trees with wylem and phloem and alien carpenters to produce that object. It has a normal explanation, its a rock. Doesn't matter that it looks like wood, because, well, its doesn't differ from an actual rock in any way. It onyl resembles 'wood' because its rectangular (again, cut by martian carpenters with their martian saws and I guess it also requires martian lumberjacks too?) and has little lines in it. there is nothing 'amazing' about that. Natural rocks can look like that. And, as has been pointed out, there are other objects just like it in this photo.

As far as it being a 'test' by nasa, why would nasa, which could certainly use more funding, keep quite something that would result in trillions upon trillions more in its budget? And how would it test anythign anyway? It doesn't have any features that are inconsistent with being a rock, so what kind ofa test is it? Anyone stating 'its a plank of wood' would in fact be jumping to conclusions, as per the specs of the test. Its not 'unambiguously' wood, and, lets face it, the general public at least isn't looking at these images anyway.

Its obvious that once upon a time Mars was more lucious even then the earth itself.

Obvious? What suggests that it was more lucsious than the earth? There are no fossils or other remians of anylife, liet along anything like plants.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Anyone stating 'its a plank of wood' would in fact be jumping to conclusions

I agree. I also think anyone saying it is a rock is jumping to conclusions.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 02:58 AM
Employ the KISS rule.
The simplist explanation may be the most correct. To assume its wood requires far greater suspension of disbelief and acceptance of unknowns as known, than the accepting that its rock until further analysis suggests otherwise.

Originally posted by afklop

Originally posted by Nygdan
Anyone stating 'its a plank of wood' would in fact be jumping to conclusions

I agree. I also think anyone saying it is a rock is jumping to conclusions.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:13 AM

I found a nother "plank" in the picture...
Partially covered in dust/grit.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 03:58 AM
I find it very interesting, that this "stone" or "wood" is placed on the side of the crater. As if it came to lay there after the crater was made from a meteorite. -Some time ago...

How was this stone thrown onto the side of the crater? -on the cone itself.

Could the meteorite have impacted deep enough to dig up some rubble from old times? Like fossilized wood, or simply some old rectangular piece of stone, cut loose from a crystalized rock formation. With Martian wind, would this heavy rock not be dug down again, because of it's weight, and sand building up around it, like snow around a tent in hard snowy/windy weather. (...Theorizing here...)

Or, even more likely. It is only one of those other slabs in the picture, just this one is tilted, so you can see the edge. The rest of the stones in the picture is more horizontal.

-Tilted slabs of stone is just boring.

[edit on 7-12-2004 by Ulvetann]

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 04:20 AM
PEOPLE!!!!!!......dont you know the remains of an EWOK village when you see one?.....

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Ulvetann

I found a nother "plank" in the picture...
Partially covered in dust/grit.

I already pointed this out. I didnt have a picture of it though.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

its a rock. Its rectangular, and rectangular rocks can form, it doesn't require entire aliens civilizations and the evoltion of woody trees with wylem and phloem and alien carpenters to produce that object. It has a normal explanation, its a rock.

Agreed, and if you look to the right of the rock in question there are two other outcrops which are clearly made of the same material (although not angular).

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 10:38 AM
i found this strange image of a wookie on mars.

not really just an image i made using paint shop pro in about 20 minutes. its so simple. if i spent longer on it i could of cleaned it up.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by afklop
I agree. I also think anyone saying it is a rock is jumping to conclusions.

Why? Its consistent with a rock, rocks don't require people to make them, and its known that rocks do infact exist on mars. So why is it 'jumping' to conclusions. It might not be a rock, but its perfectly reasonable to suggest that it probably is.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 12:19 PM
I think it's just a rock too, all rocks have is time. In saying that I think its fair to say rocks could easily form like that sporadically.

posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by LazerLordz
The "wood" looks far too out of place with the surroundings to be part of a exposed weathered layer of rock.Very intriguing..Though it looks photoshopped.

That was my first thought also that it might have been chopped with PS to make it look that way, however I saved it and opened it with PS raised the DPI to 300 got some distortion but not a lot and it does look like a rock formation similar to what I have seen in Utah and the Grand Canyon.

I would love to see the color version of that one.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 09:45 AM
This is a fascinating thread...I think it's just a weird shaped rock...But I'll keep an open mind.Surely if NASA had any doubts about this object, they would drill into it or something.
It's amazing that we can all access these images from another world and talk with each other around the globe about their origin.
The FUTURE has arrived !

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