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Gnostics vs Archons

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posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 12:53 AM
Nice thread ploutonas,it seems there are some determined to interrupt you and direct your attention to them rather than posting more of your insights for us all to enjoy reading.
Looking forward to reading more when you feel like typing it out

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Ploutonas

You are doing it again, you are saying your right and anyone else is wrong because...well, I never really got an answer to that.

I see that the post before this is a complaint about my questions taking away from storytime so I will let it go. Thank you for your time.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: Ploutonas
edit on 30-3-2015 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: Ploutonas

there is a chapter that says, the gold belongs to the god, not to humans. So they do want to rip off the planet as well. You dont have to read gnostics, all religions have a small piece of the puzzle in their motives. You have to be open minded and read all relligions, you will find their motives there, no need to read gnostics for it. Where is the gold today gathered? If someone tries to buy gold, he doesnt buy gold, he buys papers proving he owns gold... but where is the gold?
If this is how your logic works, it clarifies why you're so wrong in many other things too. Are you referring to the shortness in gold on stock markets? That is because everybody is buying gold currently, it has a history of keeping its value. There are other cultures where you still get your bride gifts and all that in real gold as "widow insurance", so it is not impossible for you if you'd want it then you could still get it and keep it in your drawer. Wouldn't make much sense, because you would get some trouble if you'd want to sell it in times of need. That's why you only get a "owners certificate" more or less and can sell it with one click, or call. Ah modern times ha? A miracle, possibly magic. Or little number fairies trying to confuse us all and play little mathmatic mind-tricks on us.

But the stories of Esopos, speaks about this corruption and most of our philosophers, asked us NEVER to take part in any of the democratic procedures. Our ways was always Hierarchy, not democracy. Because only the worthy could only rule the people. Democracy, is only the un-worthy and abominations rule the world.
Fascist propaganda really falls on fertile soil with you, doesn't it? Golden Dawn bs. So easy to see through and find your motives after you tried for five pages now, to appear gnostic, while it is obvious you're just promoting an agenda with the core message "If you want to save the planet you have to kill all Jews." It's kind of sick. And all just because you want a strong leader or an Nagada Hamdidamdi to take the hard work of thinking from you. It is really exhausting, making informed decisions, taking responsibility for your own actions, damn democracy, really. That's sarcastic. I feel the need to clarify that, because you are so deluded you would agree.

If you call yourself gnostic one more time, i will risk to get banned from ATS just to tell you why you're not.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:06 AM
a reply to: daskakik

I am giving u info from what you asked, I said I cannot give you the entire thing/info because its hard, its hard even for me to explain it.. I gave the first steps only, take it or leave it, you can follow the youtube directions, its up to u.

In the first page, in gnostic info, it says they placed lots of soul traps, like luna parks floating in the skies, with beautiful sounds and illusions, so when you get near, you get zapped. Thats what happens when you avoid the tunnel and you fly high..

The good thing is, their time is limited, so all this commedy comes to an end - hopefully, it will be easier, if the flash happens.

so heres an idea... wait, get ur strnght, learn your powers and your new self, wait... when u see them falling from the sky, like broken machines, fly as fast possible.. be a smoke man.
edit on 30-3-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:15 AM
a reply to: Ploutonas

like luna parks, with beautiful sounds and illusions, so when you get near, you get zapped.

really, your gnostic texts say that? Written b.c. yet they talk about translators, luna parks and zapping? are you #ing kidding me? you're a troll right?

Don't buy from this guy!

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:20 AM

originally posted by: Ploutonas
no I am giving u info from what you asked, I said I cannot give you this info because its hard.. I gave the first steps only, take it or leave it, you can follow the youtube directions, its up to u.

But your info is not firsthand, maybe Mr. Morning Sky's isn't either, so you both seem to be on the same level to me.

In the first texts, in gnostic info, it says they placed lots of soul traps, like luna parks, with beautiful sounds and illusions, so when you get near, you get zapped. Thats what happens when you avoid the tunnel, but you fly high..

For all we know I might have had a hand in the info you are giving so much credit to, but we are still both here, discussing it.

edit on 30-3-2015 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: daskakik

they didnt said luna parks, they said attractive, to attract you, to make you go near it. They even use patrols, so you have to fight as well. In the beginning they use shape sift of your loved ones, if that does not work and nothing works, you may have to fight, so an advice is, avoid anybody. That is why, it is wize not to over react when you see your new powers, dont fly high, dont bring the attention into you, etc. wait and learn your self before you even decide to do anything. Nothing else I can tell you for it.

just remember, that the basic idea for anybody to escape it, was to inform and bring help, you could help all ur loved ones. Because these are criminals, they act against universal laws...thats why they dont let you escape, not to let the others know for their current status.

But as I said, we are in the end of the road, hopefully. Thats why they rush so much for the NWO, kill as many as they can, grab anything they can, find a way out, open and free the ones under and escape. (this is from relligions). Imagine they used this info for thousands of years, in order to go an inform their current status, surelly many did. So lets focus on this dimension
edit on 30-3-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:47 AM
a reply to: Ploutonas

I think you meant to reply to Peeple but since we are here, from my personal experience you don't need to avoid anyone, you just have to be able to close yourself off, stop being afraid, stop worrying, just don't care.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to: daskakik

Are you sure?

Ill just put it this way, I have very few doubts left, very few.

And as you pointed out, so kindly
my mind does in fact go back and forth quite a bit, but as of yet, I haven't lost it.

10,000 years is quite chunk of history to try and comprehend in one or two settings, even for the most advanced and intelligent thinkers, to which I'm not one of . So, for what I have been able to absorb, retain, and comprehend, I feel quite blessed. And, a person of your stature and position, I'm certain, would be able to follow.

It has been a wonderful experience, and I thank you all for this very enlightening subject.

Telesters, (not the fish lol lol), you just got to love them.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 02:13 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
10,000 years is quite chunk of history to try and comprehend in one or two settings

Why bother with 10,0000 years when all that really matters is the here and now?

Mull it over.

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
10,000 years is quite chunk of history to try and comprehend in one or two settings

Why bother with 10,0000 years when all that really matters is the here and now?

Mull it over.

Already have. The present is what we make it, good, bad ,beautiful, or ugly. That is, if we have a level playing field. And i have this very weird feeling that if it wasn't level, it will be in the near future.

Why dwell on the past? Well, in order to know where one is going, one must know where one has been. Don't you agree??

posted on Mar, 30 2015 @ 01:35 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Already have. The present is what we make it, good, bad ,beautiful, or ugly. That is, if we have a level playing field. And i have this very weird feeling that if it wasn't level, it will be in the near future.

You keep assuming that the unlevel playing field wasn't by design and to your liking.

Why dwell on the past? Well, in order to know where one is going, one must know where one has been. Don't you agree??

Sounds catchy but no. 10,000 year old stories are not necesarily where you have been so why would they have any bearing where you are going.

Do you know where you were before you were born? Just about everyone would answer "no" but they are still here aren't they?

edit on 30-3-2015 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: Ploutonas
"Yes, but not for everyone that reads them. " you mean, "I am a religious and I start reading about ultra dimensional evil aliens", written thousands of y ago.

Thats what you mean huh? Nag Hamadi texts are not the first who speak about aliens and invasion. Plato did, Plutarch did and many others. Those who have such taboos in my country, may avoid it, true.

ps: But lets not make the topic look like a dialog/chat. I could give you a digitized book from the 16th century. The ottomans invaded my country for a long time and what we did at that time, was to hide many stuff and also create hidden-underground schools. So we have some books from that period. These books analyzing the reptilians, how they merged with royal blood families, what they do, etc... This book also speaks about unicorns, giants, shape shifters and kynokefalos, a race from Seirios star system. It was the official historic book of my country, during that period. Now we got it digitized in a pdf file. We are very open minded culture. About 2 y ago, I gave it again here on ATS in another topic, if you want it, but you need a translator.
I would like this book please. I have many Greek friends in Australia, studied the classics at university, but have never heard of this sort of material from any Greek I have ever met except one or two but they say they get their material from David Icke, Jim Marrs and other such conspiracy theorists/researchers.

I've read Robert Monroe's books in the 90s and I believe he says upon death do not go into the white light, but search instead for a golden light. The white light is a trap.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 01:18 PM
a reply to: Macdon

pm send
happy reading... An interesting book in english, is about Atlantis and the author is : Raymond Drake. Many Ellines accept that book here, so... you can try it. I havent read it personally, but I suggest it, since others do.

edit on 31-3-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Sounds catchy but no. 10,000 year old stories are not necesarily where you have been so why would they have any bearing where you are going.

Mankind as a whole requires a direction, and guidance to get there, where ever that might be. We need to know all the mistakes and penalties of history in order to move forward. But, we can hardly move forward, if we don't really know where we stand. Someone once said "Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It."

And if we cant penetrate the ancient past, then we can really never know the mistakes made, or how those mistakes influence us today..

You keep assuming that the unlevel playing field wasn't by design and to your liking.

Assuming I am a Reincarnate, and chose to be here, with a UN-level playing field is fine. Nothing is worth having unless you have worked for it. But when it becomes so UN-level as to threaten the very existence of our firmament, planet, I call foul. The real estate is quite irreplaceable.

But on the other hand, I have no sense, no gut feelings, no impressions, that I am a Reincarnate. At least, from this neck of the woods

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
Mankind as a whole requires a direction, and guidance to get there, where ever that might be.

Says who?

We need to know all the mistakes and penalties of history in order to move forward. But, we can hardly move forward, if we don't really know where we stand. Someone once said "Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It."

Individuals make the same mistakes even when they know it's a mistake. You are working on you. Do you think you reading some old texts is going to change anyone else.

And if we cant penetrate the ancient past, then we can really never know the mistakes made, or how those mistakes influence us today..

Assuming they have any influence at all.

Assuming I am a Reincarnate, and chose to be here, with a UN-level playing field is fine. Nothing is worth having unless you have worked for it. But when it becomes so UN-level as to threaten the very existence of our firmament, planet, I call foul. The real estate is quite irreplaceable.

You are mixing things up. An unlevel playing field for you is one thing and to say that the world has become unbalanced is another.

Besides, these are just more assumptions. You have no idea if the world is unbalanced or irreplaceable.

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Ploutonas

I get this feeling that for some strange reason, there is a group of, (well, using the word "People" may be a stretch), who really do not want any information out about the information you bring to the table. Its almost as if they are actually some type of "AI". They do not comprehend spiritual and or imagination. They actually seem to be more interested in concealing rather than exposing the deep dark secrets of the past.

I do not like using the negative term for these types of "People", but rather like to think of them as, in some weird way, essential. Being brought back down to earth sometimes is required, I suppose. But in saying that, they offer no insight, no constructive ideology.

I don't mind my ideas or trains of thought being shot down, as long as the shooter can offer something to replace it. If they cant, then why are they here?

posted on Mar, 31 2015 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye
I get this feeling that for some strange reason, there is a group of, (well, using the word "People" may be a stretch), who really do not want any information out about the information you bring to the table.

Maybe because it doesn't cut the mustard.

The red flag for me personally, "you have to wait for the gods to return to be saved". The messiah shtick to keep people hanging on is not indicative of a group that wants you to be free.

Its almost as if they are actually some type of "AI". They do not comprehend spiritual and or imagination.

That's uncalled for.

They actually seem to be more interested in concealing rather than exposing the deep dark secrets of the past.

Is that really what the OP is doing?

I do not like using the negative term for these types of "People", but rather like to think of them as, in some weird way, essential. Being brought back down to earth sometimes is required, I suppose. But in saying that, they offer no insight, no constructive ideology.

Really, the holographic universe is not something constructive to consider, especially now that science seems to be taking a serious look in that direction?

I don't mind my ideas or trains of thought being shot down, as long as the shooter can offer something to replace it. If they cant, then why are they here?

Things have been offered, how did you miss them?

But even if nothing was offered it is pretty weak to think that ideas need or can always be replaced.

posted on Apr, 1 2015 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: daskakik

all the information about gnostics, is that the planet invaded long ago. So what happens when you are occupied, invaded? You are a prisoner, trapped.

what you expected it to be? For the people? Dance all together kumbaya?

So take it or leave it.
edit on 1-4-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

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