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Californa Highway Patrolman Mercilessly Beats Woman Beside Freeway

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posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:17 AM
Go luck to all who support this violent activity by the police. Your day is coming. There is a reason it is called unnecessary force.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

I saw this the other day and I don't think there was a need for the cop to be beating the woman. It could look like kkk cop to some

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 09:54 AM
There are times when as an officer you have to fight for your life. When that is the case you do what you have to do.

That being said, this was not one of those cases. As an officer I just cannot back this guys actions. It was excessive force in my opinion.

One of the most important aspects of being a good police officer is the ability to determine and execute that amount of force necessary to gain control of a suspect. In this case I feel that he escalated to a step higher then he needed to. I feel that he could of utilized some grappling techniques instead of resorting to strikes to her head.

Strikes to the head are considered deadly force and should only be used when your life is in danger. Again, I don't feel that was the case here.

I actually had a drunk women try to take my gun out of the holster during a domestic disturbance and to subdue her I did not have to beat the crap out of her. A simple take down combined with a little grappling and the situation was contained. No injuries to anyone.

However, I wasn't involved in this situation and I really don't like to Monday morning quarterback but damn.......
edit on 6-7-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: theantediluvian

I watched the video yesterday... It's pretty harsh. That cop needs to spend a few months in jail for battery.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 10:49 AM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
There are times when as an officer you have to fight for your life. When that is the case you do what you have to do.

That being said, this was not one of those cases. As an officer I just cannot back this guys actions. It was excessive force in my opinion.

One of the most important aspects of being a good police officer is the ability to determine and execute that amount of force necessary to gain control of a suspect. In this case I feel that he escalated to a step higher then he needed to. I feel that he could of utilized some grappling techniques instead of resorting to strikes to her head.

Strikes to the head are considered deadly force and should only be used when your life is in danger. Again, I don't feel that was the case here.

I actually had a drunk women try to take my gun out of the holster during a domestic disturbance and to subdue her I did not have to beat the crap out of her. A simple take down combined with a little grappling and the situation was contained. No injuries to anyone.

However, I wasn't involved in this situation and I really don't like to Monday morning quarterback but damn.......

Is the job a vocation or a pay check to you?

The answer to which explains a lot about the actions of people dressed up in a uniform and power running to their head. Time and again I see and speak with servants in uniform who don't understand that respect is never demanded but earned. A uniform doesn't command respect; a character does.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 10:55 AM
This has trended highly on the BBC, so good to see uniformed servants being taken to account globally for their power-strung inadequacies. Yes, inadequate is the word because servants who behave like this stereotype the notion that a person changes and assumes a wholly different character when donning a uniform.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
Watch VERY carefully at the 15 sec mark you will see that the women hits the cop FIRST. You hit a cop that's your ass, period. I've watched the video several times from different sources and noticed that on a majority they cover this up with a banner or scrolling text. Also Youtube will stabilize any video posted for free, how come we haven't seen this stabilized until now?
Looks like she gets 2 good ones in, right to his face.

I don't see her swinging at the cop. I see her putting her hands up to her head in order to try and protect herself from him beating her in the head and face.

This guy should be charged with assault and battery. Period. What she did is what ANYONE would do. It's instinct to try and protect yourself, especially your head, when being attacked. Especially from behind.

I have been in a similar situation. Not with the police, but with two wanna be thug girls who pulled me out of my car at a gas station and started to beat the crap out of me. Unprovoked. When all was said and done, one left in a cop car, the other in an ambulance.

If you've never been attacked from behind, unprovoked, you don't know what your reaction will be. It is basic human instinct to protect yourself. Flight or Fight.

I only see her trying to get her hands up in order to protect herself from being hit. He's still raining down blows to her head and her hands/arms are tangled in there. That's what I see anyway. Well that and an "officer" who needs to be fired, charged, tried and sent to jail.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: diggindirt

Watching the video I suspected she might be. I work in Psychiatry, I was going to suggest she seemed like she might need psychiatric help but thought better of it.

How could you possibly suspect such a thing from this video? Does she just take a punch like a crazy person or something? I have no idea, whether someone works in Psychiatry or not, how a person can determine this woman might need psychiatric help from the video. Now had you determined this for the officer I could understand being he seems to be the main player in the footage. But all the woman does is struggle with an attacker and get beat.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: diggindirt

Watching the video I suspected she might be. I work in Psychiatry, I was going to suggest she seemed like she might need psychiatric help but thought better of it.

That's one hell of a superpower you have there buddy, you can accurately diagnose mental disorders by looking a min long video with no talking to the patient or even seeing her face! Just one look to the back of someone's head and boom "that person needs psychiatric help", you are a disgrace to your profession.
edit on 6-7-2014 by sosobad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
I know everybody wants to give each other stars for condemning this action, but we don't have all the evidence as the incident was only partially film, as far as I could see she was resisting arrest and the cop was beating her, some cops are power trippers, most are not

Let's not jump the gun here


One thing I've noticed about about ATS is people love to demonise the police, there are millions of police officers and they carry out there job and dozens of incidents daily, we cannot use a few hundred YouTube videos to demonise an duty which keeps use all safe

Just today I was shopping with my family, when the supermarket employees grabbed a scummy mouthy chav for shop lifting, he resisted for 10 minutes screaming foul language, I felt like kicking him in the face tbh I was with my kids sorry, but when police turned up, they had to put him in cuffs, and so it turned In to what looked like police brutality, but there was no other choice the man was resisting and aggressive, and a danger while making threats, he looked up and said to me... Look look are you watching this there hurting me

I said you deserve it now f@#*img sit still

Now had I off pulled my phone out and filmed it from that moment, amd should I have hated the police and the job they carry out and been anti government, I would have uploaded it to YouTube and portrayed it intentionally in a different light for YouTube hits

The reality is, they was just doing there job

You are absolutely right. It's so easy to view a piece of film and make a determination of what we just saw. Unfortunately, there's a lot that happens before and after that a camera doesn't capture. In this case, what at first looked so black and white to me, has me wondering now, as more information is released. It said the woman had been disrupting traffic, walking in the roadway, etc.

My only point being that she wasn't without some guilt here, but not near enough to justify the cop striking her so many times. And he seemed to be really good at it. I hope that's not because he's had a lot of practice. It always makes me wonder if these guys have wives, and what their situation is.

I did see an article where he's been taken off duty while they perform an investigation. Hopefully, right wins out.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: lovebeck

originally posted by: abe froman
Watch VERY carefully at the 15 sec mark you will see that the women hits the cop FIRST. You hit a cop that's your ass, period. I've watched the video several times from different sources and noticed that on a majority they cover this up with a banner or scrolling text. Also Youtube will stabilize any video posted for free, how come we haven't seen this stabilized until now?
Looks like she gets 2 good ones in, right to his face.

I don't see her swinging at the cop. I see her putting her hands up to her head in order to try and protect herself from him beating her in the head and face.

This guy should be charged with assault and battery. Period. What she did is what ANYONE would do. It's instinct to try and protect yourself, especially your head, when being attacked. Especially from behind.

I have been in a similar situation. Not with the police, but with two wanna be thug girls who pulled me out of my car at a gas station and started to beat the crap out of me. Unprovoked. When all was said and done, one left in a cop car, the other in an ambulance.

If you've never been attacked from behind, unprovoked, you don't know what your reaction will be. It is basic human instinct to protect yourself. Flight or Fight.

I only see her trying to get her hands up in order to protect herself from being hit. He's still raining down blows to her head and her hands/arms are tangled in there. That's what I see anyway. Well that and an "officer" who needs to be fired, charged, tried and sent to jail.

He should be tried for attempted murder. He is very strong, and was pounding hard.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
I've seen half a dozen times "rude boy wannabe gangsters" mouth of to the police

Sure they have nothing on them offensive but they're insulting police officers for no other reason than showing of I front of there boys or just for the fact it popular to hate the pigs

Sorry but not only if I was a police officer but even if I was just a passer by I'd want the officer to arrest them for poor manors and a scummy attitude

And yes, if they resisted I'd probably beat there arse with the officer also

Pure scum get off my street

Screw that!

The police are ther to PROTECT the public not beat the crap out of it or shot it.

The police are not there to dish out corpral or capital punishment.

Only time force should be used is if violnce is being used by the suspect and even then it needs to be proportional!
edit on 6-7-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 06:43 PM

originally posted by: NthOther
I'm sure he was just having a bad day, everyone. Calm down.

I suspect that, in order to make the unjustifiable justified, they'll come up with a psychological disorder that affects cops disproportionately to the rest of the population. "Stressed-Induced Psychopathy", or some other BS.

They're running out of excuses, and they'll obviously try anything they think they can get away with.

Hm. What if rampant police brutality is just another method of intentionally provoking the population to turn on the government, thereby providing the pretext and justification for imposed disarmament?

No way.

More often than not there is not even an excuse..mostly "its under investigation" and usually in the end "the officer acted within accordance"
This guy will be promoted to "use of force" instructor.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 07:29 PM

originally posted by: TritonTaranis
I know everybody wants to give each other stars for condemning this action, but we don't have all the evidence as the incident was only partially film, as far as I could see she was resisting arrest and the cop was beating her, some cops are power trippers, most are not

Let's not jump the gun here


One thing I've noticed about about ATS is people love to demonise the police, there are millions of police officers and they carry out there job and dozens of incidents daily, we cannot use a few hundred YouTube videos to demonise an duty which keeps use all safe

Just today I was shopping with my family, when the supermarket employees grabbed a scummy mouthy chav for shop lifting, he resisted for 10 minutes screaming foul language, I felt like kicking him in the face tbh I was with my kids sorry, but when police turned up, they had to put him in cuffs, and so it turned In to what looked like police brutality, but there was no other choice the man was resisting and aggressive, and a danger while making threats, he looked up and said to me... Look look are you watching this there hurting me

I said you deserve it now f@#*img sit still

Now had I off pulled my phone out and filmed it from that moment, amd should I have hated the police and the job they carry out and been anti government, I would have uploaded it to YouTube and portrayed it intentionally in a different light for YouTube hits

The reality is, they was just doing there job

We've seen the full video. Police job is to subdue the subject not beat. I don't hate police, in fact they are the first person I call when I get robbed. This is uncalled for and unacceptable. Police are not judges. Now on the other hand if it were a man attacking the officer please feel free to fight back, but this this is bs. I have no idea why people will side with someone clearly in the wrong.

posted on Jul, 6 2014 @ 11:55 PM
a reply to: abe froman

It was a reply to someone saying they would beat the crap out of a cop...Last time I checked...beating was with fists. The cop has a gun. Do the math or just continue to think you're witty.
edit on 7/7/2014 by fenson76 because: The power of Christ compelled me.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 12:08 AM

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: diggindirt

Watching the video I suspected she might be. I work in Psychiatry, I was going to suggest she seemed like she might need psychiatric help but thought better of it.

That's one hell of a superpower you have there buddy, you can accurately diagnose mental disorders by looking a min long video with no talking to the patient or even seeing her face! Just one look to the back of someone's head and boom "that person needs psychiatric help", you are a disgrace to your profession.

Since when is "suspect she might be" an "accurate diagnosis"? When you work with a group of people for a long time you develop a sixth sense about it.

Only a fool such as you would take someone claiming to have a suspicion as them saying something is absolutely true. Foolish remarks like yours are why I erased it from my original post I was going to mention it in.

posted on Jul, 7 2014 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04

originally posted by: sosobad

originally posted by: OccamsRazor04
a reply to: diggindirt

Watching the video I suspected she might be. I work in Psychiatry, I was going to suggest she seemed like she might need psychiatric help but thought better of it.

That's one hell of a superpower you have there buddy, you can accurately diagnose mental disorders by looking a min long video with no talking to the patient or even seeing her face! Just one look to the back of someone's head and boom "that person needs psychiatric help", you are a disgrace to your profession.

Since when is "suspect she might be" an "accurate diagnosis"? When you work with a group of people for a long time you develop a sixth sense about it.

Only a fool such as you would take someone claiming to have a suspicion as them saying something is absolutely true. Foolish remarks like yours are why I erased it from my original post I was going to mention it in.

Look here captain diagnosis, you can't call anyone foolish when you think you have gained some sort of esp for detecting mental illness. Even making an assumption that the person has a mental illness from looking at the video makes you a disgrace. I would never want you diagnosing me or anyone I know.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 04:18 PM
Just wanted to add one of my very first memories of California was seeing two of Cali's finest beating the snot out of a very young punk rock couple on the sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd. in the 80's. It struck me that 20 years earlier, I might have seen "hippies" getting assaulted.

Law enforcement is a tough job... and it should be. Giving idealistic people weapons and free reign has inherent problems. Making broad swaths of the population criminals by any number of the millions of laws, especially the laws having to do with lifestyle where it hurts no one else, has problems, too.

One nice thing about surveillance and ever present cameras is that it works both ways.

posted on Jul, 14 2014 @ 05:49 AM
Are there possible racial hate motivating that police to use excessive force on the already submitted victim ? i saw more and more of this police brutality video recently , for example that black police hitting a white man on a wheelchair because the wheelchair hit the police's foot.

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