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What's up with Glen Beck?

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posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:21 PM
I listen to a lot of right-wing radio. Tho my on personal views are libertarianismish, but that's irrelevant.

If anyone else listens to glen beck. Is it just me or is he kinda changing stances?

I literally heard him say that libralism wasn't evil it was just a different point of view... Lol

Seems as tho he may be getting more reasonable. Anyone watch a lot and got info on it?

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

Glenn Beck panders to whatever side he thinks will generate the most revenue for his company.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

I only have my opinion which is the man is an extremist nut job.

In all honesty I think he says what he says because he discovered he can make money stroking the right wing dongs.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:29 PM
a reply to: ArtemisE

If you ask me, either he has developed a tumour which is sitting on the part of his brain that deals with rational thought, or one has recently been removed from his skull.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: ArtemisE

If you ask me, either he has developed a tumour which is sitting on the part of his brain that deals with rational thought, or one has recently been removed from his skull.

Somewhere in the world, someone is probably saying the same thing about you.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: AfterInfinity

Oh I KNOW they are! Usually it's my mates on a Friday night! One of my friends once described me to his mother saying "Oh, him? He's alright, just a little autistic!".

I'm not though, tests confirmed it.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:50 PM
I remember when Glen Beck was on Fox, he claimed that native americans were a lost jewish tribe, then I think he started crying. I LOL and never watched his show again. He is a mentally ill, extremist loon tool. He used to be a coke-head freak, too. Maybe that could have something to do with his idiotic behavior? The man is a nut.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 12:55 PM
I used to watch him back on CNN. I was really impressed with him back then. Then he moved up to Fox and things got crazy. I quit watching him at that point, he started rambling on about re-educating people. Started his own pseudo-university online. And now I get constant emails from him telling me to buy gold and bug out bags.

Honestly, Glenn Becks reasonable days are behind him, don't get your hopes up.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 04:20 PM
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

That's my thought. I've listened to him off and on for a few years. Usually I completely disagree and think of him as a far right shrill. However the last few times I've listened he's been a pretty rational conservative..... An oxymoron I know lol, but his whole show lately has been about dropping the bs and caring about each other!!!! Lol he's stopped with the liberals are evil and must be destroyed mumbo jumbo and gone to a ignore all the crazies and treat each other right stance....

I honestly don't know how to take it.

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 05:38 PM

originally posted by: TrueBrit
a reply to: AfterInfinity

Oh I KNOW they are! Usually it's my mates on a Friday night! One of my friends once described me to his mother saying "Oh, him? He's alright, just a little autistic!".

I'm not though, tests confirmed it.

Sounds like something my friends would say about me. I'd probably say something about keeping them around to make the autism look classy.

edit on 30-6-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: AfterInfinity


I knew there was a reason I enjoyed interacting with you! We have the same comebacks!

In all seriousness for a minute though....

Was it not Glen Beck who was struck for a time, with the inability to speak? Perhaps he has been altered by the experience to a degree?

posted on Jun, 30 2014 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 12:28 AM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

Since you seem like a fan, has he changed lately or is it just me?

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: minusinfinity

In all honesty I think he says what he says because he discovered he can make money stroking the right wing dongs.

. . . as opposed to . . .

--The current Destroyer-in-Chief
--the bulk of the Senate
--the House leadership
--Hollyweed's products
--Hollyweed's "stars"
--Endless newspapers
--almost all the newsy mags
--all the higher educational institutions and their radios, TV studios and house-organs

ALL relentlessly, brazenly stroking the Regressives'/ LEFTISTS'/ Communists'/ globalists' d*ngs--usually in prime time with much fanfare and bright lights and great hollow arrogant pretense about the lengths and intensities of pleasure involved?

edit on 1/7/2014 by BO XIAN because: added quote etc

edit on 1/7/2014 by BO XIAN because: tags & added

edit on 1/7/2014 by BO XIAN because: ditto fix tags

edit on 1/7/2014 by BO XIAN because: added

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 03:25 AM

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

Since you seem like a fan, has he changed lately or is it just me?

Yeah I would say so, it's a calmer tone, more worried about civil unrest. Cites a lot of MLK, and coming together. The big one lately was the gal who was on his show about common core and she was a huge lefty. They shared a common goal despite their political differences, and now she appears to be shunned by the left because association with GB. To bad really she has to learn the hard way what conservatives have always known. They would rather see the house burn down and keep promoting the wrong fire extinguisher, than admit they are wrong.

I think for anyone with an open mind and not listen to the BS about GB will find he isn't happy with either R or D's and points to solutions rather than pointing fingers. Maybe thats whats changed so much he has gotten more solution based on the principles of God rather just complain about government. I also think he is truly worried about the country as many good people here are.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 08:15 AM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

Since you seem like a fan, has he changed lately or is it just me?

Yeah I would say so, it's a calmer tone, more worried about civil unrest. Cites a lot of MLK, and coming together. The big one lately was the gal who was on his show about common core and she was a huge lefty. They shared a common goal despite their political differences, and now she appears to be shunned by the left because association with GB. To bad really she has to learn the hard way what conservatives have always known. They would rather see the house burn down and keep promoting the wrong fire extinguisher, than admit they are wrong.

I think for anyone with an open mind and not listen to the BS about GB will find he isn't happy with either R or D's and points to solutions rather than pointing fingers. Maybe thats whats changed so much he has gotten more solution based on the principles of God rather just complain about government. I also think he is truly worried about the country as many good people here are.

Yea my jaw dropped when he told his listeners to stop the conservative/liberal garbage, we're all human.... IMHO the over the top craziness has damaged conservatism..... Maybe irreparably. All the socialist, commie who wants to destroy merika, is ridiculous. It shows an inability to defend your position.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

Since you seem like a fan, has he changed lately or is it just me?

Yeah I would say so, it's a calmer tone, more worried about civil unrest. Cites a lot of MLK, and coming together. The big one lately was the gal who was on his show about common core and she was a huge lefty. They shared a common goal despite their political differences, and now she appears to be shunned by the left because association with GB. To bad really she has to learn the hard way what conservatives have always known. They would rather see the house burn down and keep promoting the wrong fire extinguisher, than admit they are wrong.

I think for anyone with an open mind and not listen to the BS about GB will find he isn't happy with either R or D's and points to solutions rather than pointing fingers. Maybe thats whats changed so much he has gotten more solution based on the principles of God rather just complain about government. I also think he is truly worried about the country as many good people here are.

Yea my jaw dropped when he told his listeners to stop the conservative/liberal garbage, we're all human.... IMHO the over the top craziness has damaged conservatism..... Maybe irreparably. All the socialist, commie who wants to destroy merika, is ridiculous. It shows an inability to defend your position.

The government wins when we are divided.

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 11:18 AM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

Since you seem like a fan, has he changed lately or is it just me?

Yeah I would say so, it's a calmer tone, more worried about civil unrest. Cites a lot of MLK, and coming together. The big one lately was the gal who was on his show about common core and she was a huge lefty. They shared a common goal despite their political differences, and now she appears to be shunned by the left because association with GB. To bad really she has to learn the hard way what conservatives have always known. They would rather see the house burn down and keep promoting the wrong fire extinguisher, than admit they are wrong.

I think for anyone with an open mind and not listen to the BS about GB will find he isn't happy with either R or D's and points to solutions rather than pointing fingers. Maybe thats whats changed so much he has gotten more solution based on the principles of God rather just complain about government. I also think he is truly worried about the country as many good people here are.

Yea my jaw dropped when he told his listeners to stop the conservative/liberal garbage, we're all human.... IMHO the over the top craziness has damaged conservatism..... Maybe irreparably. All the socialist, commie who wants to destroy merika, is ridiculous. It shows an inability to defend your position.

The government wins when we are divided.

I would just say " we lose when were divided"!

posted on Jul, 1 2014 @ 11:36 AM

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: ArtemisE

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: astroroach
a reply to: [post=18092600]ArtemisE[/post

Those who say Glenn Beck is a right-wing extremeist probably form this opinion from second-hand reports through the filter of or MSNBC, because I don't know how that conclusion could be reached from listening to his show.

For some time now, Beck's primary message is that the cancer of our enormous, out-of-control, unaccountable government has metastasized beyond our ability to slow or stop it. It can only reversed with God's help. To be a nation worthy of such help, each of us should strive to be moral, responsible citizens.

Oh, my - what a madman.

Politically, he's become increasingly libertarian. He's admitted he was wrong in supporting the Gulf War, and wants no more American deaths in the Middle East. He holds establishment Republicans just as accountable for our border problems as the current Administration. He wants a smaller, limited federal goverment with power transferred closer to the people. He wants the Constitution upheld and the Rule of Law.

How can we let this maniac on the radio?

Lately he's said that as compassionate Americans we must do what we can to help alieviate the suffering of the children at our border, regardless why or how they got there. He's also called for working with those you may have fervent disagreements with, at least on the items where there is consensus.

Obviously, this rabid luaatic must be stopped.

In contrast to the ignorant statement that Beck panders to his audience, his actions rejecting violent revolution, embracing working with those across-the-aisle, and helping the illegal alien children at our borders has LOST him many supporters.

And lets not forget when he is all done informing you, making predictions, and reporting the news. He always says the same thing. "Don't trust me check for yourself."

If you don't check it's on you. For me so far he has been right, very right. He warns of violence, and revolution, and passionately wants nothing to do with it. He is a student of history with a knowledge the rest of the MSM can't match combined.

It's the best 100 bucks I spend all year. Buck Sexton is worth another 100 bucks a year but don't tell anyone. I just makes me laugh that the MSM are so jealous because he does what he does without anything to do with them. They crucified him about his Caliphate prediction 3 years ago. Who is laughing now.

Since you seem like a fan, has he changed lately or is it just me?

Yeah I would say so, it's a calmer tone, more worried about civil unrest. Cites a lot of MLK, and coming together. The big one lately was the gal who was on his show about common core and she was a huge lefty. They shared a common goal despite their political differences, and now she appears to be shunned by the left because association with GB. To bad really she has to learn the hard way what conservatives have always known. They would rather see the house burn down and keep promoting the wrong fire extinguisher, than admit they are wrong.

I think for anyone with an open mind and not listen to the BS about GB will find he isn't happy with either R or D's and points to solutions rather than pointing fingers. Maybe thats whats changed so much he has gotten more solution based on the principles of God rather just complain about government. I also think he is truly worried about the country as many good people here are.

Yea my jaw dropped when he told his listeners to stop the conservative/liberal garbage, we're all human.... IMHO the over the top craziness has damaged conservatism..... Maybe irreparably. All the socialist, commie who wants to destroy merika, is ridiculous. It shows an inability to defend your position.

The government wins when we are divided.

I would just say " we lose when were divided"!

You are very correct... And probably lose major in the end.

Nice to see you have an open mind and didn't just take the negative way on GB. He has some good things to say, his passion drives a lot away. But his passion for this country and its people is what makes it worth the listen. But at least you listen with an open mind. Thanks.

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