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What % is really Christian in the US

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posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 11:39 AM
Just read a call to unity thread for atheists and agnostics.
I happened to read that 96% of the US population is Christian (according to Landover Baptist :mnky

Well according to Wikepedia its actually @74%, of that 74% only @35% attend church on a weekly basis, so is it fair to call those who dont
attend church on a regular basis Christian.
Do Christians who attend church with regularity have issues with these semi fudged like figures and what could be called nominal Christians.

Do regular church attending Christians feel an affinity with these numbers.

I read figures recently, of those who attend church only about 30% of them are real Christians? Cant find the link but I am sure I read it.

If you call yourself a Christian but dont attend church, do you really care about the Christian label and it meaning

There is no agenda, its just a discussion question to see what some think.

For mine I find it a little sad many call themselves Christian but by their actions they are not.
I have been one of them, so no judgement

Is it possible their are more agnostics and atheists in the US than Christians

I am from Australia and I would think atheists outnumber sincere confessing Christians 10 to 1 at least
edit on b2014Sat, 21 Jun 2014 11:55:12 -050063020146am302014-06-21T11:55:12-05:00 by borntowatch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: borntowatch

Is it possible their are more atheists in the US than Christians

Don't be ridiculous.

The percentage of self identified atheists in the United States has stayed pretty consistently at about 4-5% for the last 20 years (one reliable source is The Pew Forum Religion & Public Life Project.) What has grown in the past decade or so are people, mostly young people, who self identify their religion as "nothing in particular", which is not atheism, they are just people who don't subscribe to any particular church.

Are people who don't go to church still Christians? Well, a lot of them probably are -- I didn't go to church for about 20 years, but I was never a non-believer, it just didn't matter to me enough to participate in a faith community, and I suspect that is the same for most non-churched people.

ETA: I see that you referenced "Landover Baptist" -- you're apparently unaware that the Landover Baptist Church is a parody web site that does not reflect anyone's actual beliefs.

edit on 21-6-2014 by adjensen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 11:59 AM
i'm sure there are more catholics than christians. it is also impossible to tell, because quite a few people even refuse to take the census. its all based on who takes the poll.

as for myself i refuse to side with any religion/non religion. there is just not enough proof for anything unless i see it for my own eyes.
edit on 21-6-2014 by Rekrul because: i don't need a reason.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: borntowatch

Do regular church attending Christians feel an affinity with these numbers.

My brother attends church religiously. He seems to think everyone is either christian or hell bound.

As far as what percent are church attending?

Accurate stats are hard to come by with church attendance. Most will say I am christian and believe in god or jesus but don't actually participate. For some its I'm a Easter-Christmas Christian, the only two times they "go to church".

Big part of the problem is the way churches have people believing that part of being a good person or christian or whatever is based upon how much you attend church. Somehow its been burned into peoples minds that the less you go the less worth you have. The less christian you are.


posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: borntowatch

You know youre citing a joke-website based on parodies, rt?

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: adjensen
a reply to: borntowatch

Is it possible their are more atheists in the US than Christians

Don't be ridiculous.

The percentage of self identified atheists in the United States has stayed pretty consistently at about 4-5% for the last 20 years (one reliable source is The Pew Forum Religion & Public Life Project.) What has grown in the past decade or so are people, mostly young people, who self identify their religion as "nothing in particular", which is not atheism, they are just people who don't subscribe to any particular church.

Are people who don't go to church still Christians? Well, a lot of them probably are -- I didn't go to church for about 20 years, but I was never a non-believer, it just didn't matter to me enough to participate in a faith community, and I suspect that is the same for most non-churched people.

ETA: I see that you referenced "Landover Baptist" -- you're apparently unaware that the Landover Baptist Church is a parody web site that does not reflect anyone's actual beliefs.

Sorry for being ridiculous, my mistake
How do you justify most who dont go are Christian? I would think the opposite based on Christs words
Rev 3.16, So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth

Yes thankyou I know Landover is a parody, thats why I quoted Wikipedia

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Rekrul

What? Catholics ARE Christian! What a crazy and uneducated statement to make here....

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:03 PM
you have to also ask yourself what does christian mean? there are multiple cults based within christianity. some people even make up their own ideas on it. christians are theologists who make up their own religion based on "jesus christ". that percent is impossible to determine.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: Rekrul

What? Catholics ARE Christian! What a crazy and uneducated statement to make here....

hence christians are not catholics.

i'm pretty sure the last thing that you want to bring into theology is education. its like an idiosyncrasy.
edit on 21-6-2014 by Rekrul because: (no reason given)

but i do agree with you, just every single christian wont.
edit on 21-6-2014 by Rekrul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: mysterioustranger
a reply to: borntowatch

You know youre citing a joke-website based on parodies, rt?

Yes thankyou, thats why I used wikepedia figures, not Landovers
Another thread on ats stated that US Christian figures were at 96%, I am assuming that their figures came from that parody site.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: borntowatch

How do you justify most who dont go are Christian?

Where did Christ ever say "If you don't go to church, you're not a follower of mine?" A person is a Christian based on profession of faith and how they live their lives, not whether they go to a certain building once a week.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: mysterioustranger

I respectfully disagree with you.

The only similarity between Catholics and Christians is the belief in Christ.

The biggest difference and what I believe what separates them is their teachings. Does the Catholic Church teach the bible? No when I was a practicing catholic we were taught the catholic doctrine which sometimes doesn't mesh with the bible. Whereas the cristian churches I have attended teach directly from the bible.

See what the difference is, so no they are not the same. In particular I have a problem with confession and all the idols in most any church. How can a man say you are forgiven for saying a few Hail Marys and Lord's Prayer when it is only for Jehovah to forgive.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: IncognitoGhostman

The only similarity between Catholics and Christians is the belief in Christ.

A Christian is someone who professes the Nicene Creed. As a Catholic, I profess that every single time that I go to Mass. When I was a Protestant, I professed the exact same creed, just not as often. If you do not profess the creed, you are not a Christian, and if you do, you profess the same beliefs that all Catholics also hold.

Belief that Catholics are not Christians is rooted in nothing more than pure ignorance.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 12:37 PM
To be a Christian you need to do two things. Believe and be baptized. I see nothing about belonging to a church listed in the New Testament. You are supposed to treat others like you would have them treat you. Again, nothing about belonging to a church. Beliefs of the exact role of Jesus vary, but most believe he was at minimum a Messiah, and this kind of makes him a son of god. Believing in Jesus's role in this is kind of expected as part of Christianity.

According to the bible, god had other sons, maybe even daughters, but we are not allowed to believe the bible about this, just ignore it I guess.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: borntowatch
Just read a call to unity thread for atheists and agnostics.
I happened to read that 96% of the US population is Christian (according to Landover Baptist :mnky

Well according to Wikepedia its actually @74%, of that 74% only @35% attend church on a weekly basis, so is it fair to call those who dont
attend church on a regular basis Christian.
Do Christians who attend church with regularity have issues with these semi fudged like figures and what could be called nominal Christians.

Do regular church attending Christians feel an affinity with these numbers.

I read figures recently, of those who attend church only about 30% of them are real Christians? Cant find the link but I am sure I read it.

If you call yourself a Christian but dont attend church, do you really care about the Christian label and it meaning

There is no agenda, its just a discussion question to see what some think.

For mine I find it a little sad many call themselves Christian but by their actions they are not.
I have been one of them, so no judgement

Is it possible their are more agnostics and atheists in the US than Christians

I am from Australia and I would think atheists outnumber sincere confessing Christians 10 to 1 at least

I don't think church has anything to do with it, but I agree. I think what matters is what you truly believe.

That said, I think almost no one actually believes. If they did they would live there life that way and almost none do. It's our security blanket.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: adjensen
a reply to: IncognitoGhostman

The only similarity between Catholics and Christians is the belief in Christ.

A Christian is someone who professes the Nicene Creed. As a Catholic, I profess that every single time that I go to Mass. When I was a Protestant, I professed the exact same creed, just not as often. If you do not profess the creed, you are not a Christian, and if you do, you profess the same beliefs that all Catholics also hold.

Belief that Catholics are not Christians is rooted in nothing more than pure ignorance.

Evangelicals ignorant way! That's it I'm riding my dinosaur to the creation museum to deny global warming!!! That'll make me feel better!


posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: adjensen
a reply to: borntowatch

How do you justify most who dont go are Christian?

Where did Christ ever say "If you don't go to church, you're not a follower of mine?" A person is a Christian based on profession of faith and how they live their lives, not whether they go to a certain building once a week.

I dont think a church is a building, I see it as a gathering of Christians
To say a church is a building is to miss the teachings of the bible, there were no church buildings in early Christianity, they gathered at peoples homes.
The relationships with other Christians is what counts

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: borntowatch

What percent is REALLY Christian? Well, that depends on your definition of "Christian". If you subscribe to the belief that Jesus Christ was just like the false, long haired, hippie,effeminate Hollywood Jesus who loves everyone no matter what, and that all you have to do is be a really good person to get to heaven, then I would agree with the assertion that over 90% of Americans claim to be Christian. BUT, if you are one of the very few who actually know who the real Jesus is, the actual Biblical Jesus, and you have forsaken sin and this monstrous and godless world, and make a real attempt to "take off the old man and put on the new man" everyday... if you believe that the only way to heaven is through genuine faith in Jesus Christ and His work on the cross, and there is absolutely NOTHING that you can do to get to heaven except to put your faith in Christ to save you... if you live a life of true repentance, and try to win others to Christ then I would argue that the actual numbers are less than 10%. Most "Christians" in this country live a life of denial and delusion, and have no idea what it takes to be a real follower of Jesus Christ. The easy test to determine what camp you fall into is simple... If you are a real Christian then your answer to the following question will be a very easy YES, while if you are a fake Christian then you'll have to think about it for a minute, and if that is the case then your answer doesn't really matter, because you shouldn't have to think about it, if your faith in Christ is REAL and UNWAVERING.

The question is.... Would you die right now for the name of Christ? If someone put a gun to your head and said "renounce Jesus Christ or die" what would you do or say? Sounds crazy? The day is coming in the near future, yes... even here in good ole' America, where that will happen. For those who subscribe to the false teaching of the pre-tribulation rapture, you might want to pay attention, because you WILL be here during the tribulation. To think otherwise is absurd and unbiblical. When the Antichrist takes power, you will have a choice... renounce Christ and worship the fake Antichrist, or die.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 02:48 PM
The only requirement for being a Christian is believing you are a Christian.

posted on Jun, 21 2014 @ 03:34 PM
I find many of the "Christians" I know in life, meaning the people who identify themselves as Christian, to be humorous people in regards to them knowing absolutely nothing about the religion.
They know the main players..Jesus was the son of god who got resurrected after crusifiction, after that, pretty much nothing.
I mean, they know most of the 10 commandments if pressed, otherwise...crickets. You start quoting stuff without sourcing it and they think your talking about some sort of strange cult...

Have fun showing the modern day flavorless Christian Leviticus..they will freak out, then realize its the old testament, so it doesn't count, because that's not the same god/religion. heh

Then of course its not about the bible at all. For them, they believe based on desire...such as believing in Jesus being your wingman for heaven, and everythings gonna be awesome at death..unless you like..brutally murder someone, or anger them, in which case..totally hellbound...but otherwise, that's life, have fun, and pray whenever you need something.

And I actually have no problem with these types of people...I find them to be happy and tolerable...if a bit ignorant..but hey, no need to know all the grubby rotten stuff of the religion you pretend to be part of...if it makes you a happy and vibrant person, I am a fan of that.

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