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The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told

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+87 more 
posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 07:06 AM
Excellent video which explains what the MSM isn't telling you about the Iraq / ISIS conflict. Who's Who and Who's backing Who.

The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 07:32 AM
S&F op .It's threads like this that should always be at the for when it comes to the war machine .We are making ground in our ability to put things in historical perspectives while keeping in our minds that they (tptb) do have a plan and need our blessings to pull it off .We are always needing more education into their tactics and how to source reliable info .The web is now our garden and weeding it is very important .....peace a reply to: RocksFromSpace

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 07:42 AM
After spending my time on ATS the video looks like a reasonable assessment of the situation. Had not previously thought about the conclusion of a Syria incursion with the setup of a no fly zone, but well aware of some US factions pushing for it.

+18 more 
posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 08:01 AM
Stormcloudsgathering is one of my favorite youtube channels.

The video speaks volumes of what is about to go down, and I can hear the public already showing support from just what they hear off the television. The media has this "new war" already hyped up and the people are going to complacently fall in line with whatever their big black box god tells them.

Personally, I believe the men who got us in this mess or financed the fiasco should be publicly executed and left to rot. The same men who concocted the stories about the war in the 90's to the war in the last decade should be held accountable for crimes against humanity because all of humanity is in some way affected from this.

I abhor the ignorance coming from people who believe everything that they hear off the television. I can't blame them, though. It is all they know....but if we could somehow show this video on cable, instead of a football game or some rigged talent show, maybe more people would pay attention and actually do something.


edit on 18-6-2014 by havok because: spelling

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: RocksFromSpace
That looked like a pretty complete assessment of what has been/is going on. What's the back story on SCG, and perhaps more importantly, does this video resonate the same with the American Right as with the Left?

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 08:29 AM
What this tells me is that America in all its capitalist glory is no different then socialism in all its communist glory.

We both seem to be doing the same thing in that we never learn what works by our mistakes so we just keep applying the insanity of repeating our mistakes thinking " Oh we (who ever we happens to be at the time) can do it right this time". IMO

The end result is no end in site, we are in the middle of a 4 thousand year old civil war that can't be won tell "ALL" of SOMEONE is if that is not insane then we as a spices are lost...again IMO

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:02 AM
More info on the material present in be video please.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:21 AM
This is how 'alternative' Youtube videos should be made. A great video packed full of information from reliable sources. No biases, no crazy theories; just the plain cold truth.

Thanks for sharing!

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:34 AM
Any chance of a summary? I am in class so I can't listen right now…but I do wanna get the low down. Thanks in advance to anyone who does summarize this for me.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:35 AM
Yes thanks in advance for sharing a summery of the video

Then I'll know if I have a quarter hour to dedicate to watching it

Until then, nice title for your thread.


posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:51 AM
Here's a transcript for those, like me who can't view the video.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:52 AM
here is a transcript with former ambassador Ryan Crocker and others in regards to what he thinks should happen, I thought I would inject this here on your thread to go alongside with the other current information you presented. SnF


+5 more 
posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 10:05 AM
Good video but I don't agree with the statement of "what the MSM is not telling you" since most of the sources referenced in the video.....are MSM outlets

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 10:33 AM
I've been saying it from day 1, this is nothing more than a justification to invade Syria and topple Assad. Nothing more, nothing less. If we have no issues drone striking militants in every country INCLUDING Iraq, than why all the sudden we can longer do so? Because we have become benevolent? I highly doubt that.....Que Bunno...who benefits?

These tactics of mind manipulation and playing on our emotions are getting old. Its not like we can't just look back at the past 10 years and see the outcome of our benevolent actions. How many have died for lies? How many more have to die?

All we need to do is stay informed and refuse to support actions that maim and kill for nothing more than strategic positioning so we can ensure a threatening defense position to deter our enemies, enemies we create by holding such a flawed and self-serving position. If we don't take a stand now, there will be further bloodshed. We need to make sure our representatives are not continuing to arm the enemy as the video states and we also need to hold our representatives accountable for the lies and obfuscation disseminated to us. If we don't it is more blood on our hands and I personally think we have done enough damage already.

Thanks for sharing! S&F for an excellent video.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:06 AM
The video is absolutely correct, something I have been saying in other threads since this started.

Obama is taking orders. He is going by a script. He is following the script that General Wesley Clark outlined in this video at about 13 minutes in.

BTW Rabbit is right, although, this is a good condensed video of information it is hardly anything new.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:08 AM
Great thread. Great video. Also you've got to love youtube blatantly lying about the number of views a video gets.

This was very informative and spot on. Meanwhile the US will feed the flames of war on both sides in a sad attempt to keep the US itself together.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: Brotherman

Hmm internal politics at its worst, tribal groups have been internal fighting for decades there. And now sometimes one is sponsored by outside forces and sometimes the other. There pretty much sealing there death certificate. But ultimately it like the whole religion and countless spouting to Allah is just an excuse something they can hide behind. If you notice in the vids there only killing the opposition there fellow countrymen, and not the foreigners, most of them should be gone by now, and those that are there, are merely valuable hostages probably. Basically how to take over rule 101, you dont go to war with foreign forces, you got to war with your citizens, and keep them in line establishing power by any means required in other countries other more electoral winning the populous to your cause ways are required, but in Iraq it seems not. Base by base, country by country, landmass by landmass there cleaning house in various territories in the middle east, all for there rise to power a one nation extreme Islamic front and power. And all thanks to who?

Who know maybe in time they will graduate and come to the level the US and other are at, then they can each pick an animal a donkey or an elephant, or maybe a camel and camelspider to better suit the area and populous. And then they can go at it in a more sophisticated way, in the political forum. Mud slinging and public image killing is but the evolution of all that, and of group and tribe dynamics, then maybe we can have the Maliki supporters pick a color and the other the so called leader of Isis who's name extremely long and his supporters go at it on the political forum, instead of you know shooting each other in the back of the head, or that whole cutting heads off thing. But even after all that it will still leave the hands of the strings behind all this.

Oh yes your political system just may be the prime subject that human nature can evolve and strive to. How far the human race has come indeed.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 11:45 AM
General Pike wrote a long time ago.......but his words still play out on the world stage today......
The great war between Islam and Christian West is on schedule and looming over our heads.....
The Order from that Chaos will be world domination by the Banking Cartels and a NWO for us...

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: galadofwarthethird
a reply to: Brotherman

Hmm internal politics at its worst, tribal groups have been internal fighting for decades there. And now sometimes one is sponsored by outside forces and sometimes the other. There pretty much sealing there death certificate. But ultimately it like the whole religion and countless spouting to Allah is just an excuse something they can hide behind. If you notice in the vids there only killing the opposition there fellow countrymen, and not the foreigners, most of them should be gone by now, and those that are there, are merely valuable hostages probably. Basically how to take over rule 101, you dont go to war with foreign forces, you got to war with your citizens, and keep them in line establishing power by any means required in other countries other more electoral winning the populous to your cause ways are required, but in Iraq it seems not. Base by base, country by country, landmass by landmass there cleaning house in various territories in the middle east, all for there rise to power a one nation extreme Islamic front and power. And all thanks to who?

Who know maybe in time they will graduate and come to the level the US and other are at, then they can each pick an animal a donkey or an elephant, or maybe a camel and camelspider to better suit the area and populous. And then they can go at it in a more sophisticated way, in the political forum. Mud slinging and public image killing is but the evolution of all that, and of group and tribe dynamics, then maybe we can have the Maliki supporters pick a color and the other the so called leader of Isis who's name extremely long and his supporters go at it on the political forum, instead of you know shooting each other in the back of the head, or that whole cutting heads off thing. But even after all that it will still leave the hands of the strings behind all this.

Oh yes your political system just may be the prime subject that human nature can evolve and strive to. How far the human race has come indeed.

Indeed your insight is good, I link to the former Ambassador because I used to work very closely with his state dept detachments and have many many friends that worked for him as I was a protective service agent to the military contingent at the time and know the new emabassy compound very well and also Crockers standpoint on the situation (as of back then) fairly well as it was directly related to my former principle and boss at the time he has served, I have grown to respect the man, I have also worked with the same principle in dealings with Maliki and that A-hole Talibani neither are or ever where popular back then and as Crocker points out a good deal of blame is on Maliki. I wish I could speak more to certain aspects of Iraqi Security Forces and other things I have worked with and around but all I will say is that ISF are a bunch of cowards and apparently an organized group of rebels know this and exploit that with not only fear but also hostile aggression to the fullest extent it can muster out. Allied involvement was and is a huge factor in the current affairs, but one must also remember that if the citizens want a free Iraq there must be a compromise and sacrifices will have to be made. I appreciate your reply to me and I really do need to re read it a few times to truly digest it all but again much respect and thank you!!!

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: RocksFromSpace
good post it tells us just what we have been thinking all along
there will be no peace until America falls

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