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Gold Produced From Ground Up Beer Bottles

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posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:06 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
a reply to: NavyDoc

It wouldn't surprise me if they had their people come out and validate his process. These guys sound like they are all about the bleeding-edge. No one is going to hand over 10 million without doing their homework first.

Permission to come back and laugh in your face when July 31 comes around and nothing more is heard of this... and then Burger starts up another round of funding?
edit on 17-6-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
Two days ago, Burger wrote, "While the Treveri due diligence dragged on we came to an JV funding agreement for $10.0 million with a Zurich based Nanotechnology leader(set to close in July). " JV stands for joint venture.

I guess we will see who gets the last laugh.

Assuming the deal closes, he will have the funds needed to scale up his production process. Since he's dealing with a nanotech firm, they probably have the R&D lab resources he needs at his disposal as well.

Your position "monetarily" speaking is dumb.

If his making 400 OZ of gold per ton of brown glass is even half true he has many times more cash flow than he would ever need.

He would not need money if he could create gold..........duh!!!!!!!!!

PLZ dont blindly follow anything, if ATS has taught me anything, it is if it seems too good to be true, it obviously is too good to be true dumbass.

Apparently it's impossible for you to comprehend economies of scale, production rates and expansion costs. If you have the means to produce a few hundred dollars of gold per-day, that doesn't automatically mean you have the equipment and means necessary to produce 400 oz of gold per-day.

Given that Kitco believes them and the fact that they have secured venture capital funding, it would seem at least some people, who actually matter, take them seriously. It really doesn't matter if you think they are a scam or not.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: yeahright
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Alchemy? Blue Eagle Refiners, Martin Burger. That's enough right there to start with some due diligence. Brief search will uncover he's previously advertised gold making microsmelt lab equipment on ebay. He's also had a kickstarter account and is soliciting for investors around the 'net.

Nothing wrong with any of that, but makes me personally wonder how a guy with a proven concept of pulling gold out of beer bottles would need to go hat in hand for backers. Looks very magic bean-ish to me.

Maybe it's just me.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

I have to agree. The transmuting baser materials into gold scam is an oldie but a goodie.

PLZ, doc, talk sense into these fools before they blow their life savings and families fortunes and futures on this crap!!!!!!!

I tried to show them their logical flaws, several others also put in multiple posts, trying to talk sense to the "enlightened" Doc PLZ man, save these fools from themselves here. I have seen you make quite great arguments on many subjects.

PLZ, save these guys from their own ineptitudes.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I'll drink my beer from gold cans!

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist

Given that Kitco believes them and the fact that they have secured venture capital funding, it would seem at least some people, who actually matter, take them seriously. It really doesn't matter if you think they are a scam or not.

Kitco believes them? Who told you that? Whom did you speak to at Kitco?

I trust you noticed the disclaimer on the article you posted in the OP:

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and may not reflect those of Kitco Metals Inc.

The author does not represent Kitco.
edit on 17-6-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:28 PM
a reply to: Rob48

That disclaimer appears that the bottom of all their articles. If the author didn't believe them, he wouldn't have posted the story. The author is a staff writer for Kitco, not a freelancer. All the disclaimer does is prevent lawsuits if they get something wrong, which is rare. If they publish junk, they loose readers, so they have a built in financial incentive to get the stories right.

edit on 6/17/2014 by AnarchoCapitalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
a reply to: NavyDoc

Just a few of the nanotech companies based in Zurich.

It just so happens that one of those companies is a venture capital firm that specializes in this kind of funding. In their "about" section, they note that they are specifically targeting disruptive technologies for venture funding.

NanoDimension invests in companies that use break-through nanotechnology to solve critical problems and become global leaders in the life science, electronic and energy sectors.

Working at the atomic & molecular level gives science a new level of control over matter. This new level of control allows us to harness the change in physical properties at the nano-scale and is opening up huge commercial opportunities.

In order to capture these opportunities, break-through science must be translated into a disruptive technology. This requires both a fundamental understanding of science and deep engineering expertise. If we combine disruptive technology with an outstanding team, a laser-focused business model and sufficient capital, we can achieve a revolution in the marketplace and reap the financial rewards. This is why NanoDimension was started – to move break-through nanotechnology from lab to fab to market.

We support our entrepreneurs at every critical point in the life of a company. In addition to NanoDimension’s equity investments, we have helped raise hundreds of millions of dollars for our portfolio companies.

It wouldn't surprise me if they had their people come out and validate his process. These guys sound like they are all about the bleeding-edge. No one is going to hand over 10 million without doing their homework first.

But he didn't mention any of those firms, did he? A good prospectus, one that isn't a sham, doesn't say "an un-named firm," it says, "we are proud to announce a joint venture with Der Glockenspiel Corporation out of..." The very fact that they are asking for money while making very vague but great sounding claims should lead one to pause.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:37 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
Two days ago, Burger wrote, "While the Treveri due diligence dragged on we came to an JV funding agreement for $10.0 million with a Zurich based Nanotechnology leader(set to close in July). " JV stands for joint venture.

I guess we will see who gets the last laugh.

Assuming the deal closes, he will have the funds needed to scale up his production process. Since he's dealing with a nanotech firm, they probably have the R&D lab resources he needs at his disposal as well.

Your position "monetarily" speaking is dumb.

If his making 400 OZ of gold per ton of brown glass is even half true he has many times more cash flow than he would ever need.

He would not need money if he could create gold..........duh!!!!!!!!!

PLZ dont blindly follow anything, if ATS has taught me anything, it is if it seems too good to be true, it obviously is too good to be true dumbass.

Apparently it's impossible for you to comprehend economies of scale, production rates and expansion costs. If you have the means to produce a few hundred dollars of gold per-day, that doesn't automatically mean you have the equipment and means necessary to produce 400 oz of gold per-day.

Given that Kitco believes them and the fact that they have secured venture capital funding, it would seem at least some people, who actually matter, take them seriously. It really doesn't matter if you think they are a scam or not.

"Venture Capital funding" from whom? This is a key point.

What the scam artist does is try to lend some credence to their claims by stating something vague but un-provable. "Getting support from a MAJOR corporation." "Awarded a prize in excellence from a MAJOR scientific journal." Etc. You see these on the cable TV huckster's channel all of the time and I hope you get the point.

A ten million dollar JV venture with an established firm would indeed lend credence to their premise, but notice how they did not say exactly who. Therein they lose credibility and hope for the dupes to roll in with their retirement checks.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: yeahright
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Alchemy? Blue Eagle Refiners, Martin Burger. That's enough right there to start with some due diligence. Brief search will uncover he's previously advertised gold making microsmelt lab equipment on ebay. He's also had a kickstarter account and is soliciting for investors around the 'net.

Nothing wrong with any of that, but makes me personally wonder how a guy with a proven concept of pulling gold out of beer bottles would need to go hat in hand for backers. Looks very magic bean-ish to me.

Maybe it's just me.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

I have to agree. The transmuting baser materials into gold scam is an oldie but a goodie.

PLZ, doc, talk sense into these fools before they blow their life savings and families fortunes and futures on this crap!!!!!!!

I tried to show them their logical flaws, several others also put in multiple posts, trying to talk sense to the "enlightened" Doc PLZ man, save these fools from themselves here. I have seen you make quite great arguments on many subjects.

PLZ, save these guys from their own ineptitudes.

What can I say. The "transmutation of baser metals into gold" has been a scam for the last several dozen millennia. One trick that an alchemist would do, in order to impress potential investors or patrons, was to mix gold dust into coal dust so that it looked like ordinary coal dust and then heat in the presence of his "philosopher's stone" so that the coal dust burned off and the gold melted and pooled together and viola! Gold created from coal. Of course, in order to make large amounts of gold, the investors or patrons had to supply him with a lot of money to invest in the creation of an even bigger philosopher's stone.

It's rather amusing, but this current scam is almost identical to the one above that I read about decades ago that was played on rubes 600 years ago with the exception is that it is written in more scientific than mystic sounding gobblygook.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
a reply to: Rob48

The author is a staff writer for Kitco, not a freelancer.

Please stop lying to us. This is from the writer's own LinkedIn profile. "Freelance writer".

Link here

edit on 17-6-2014 by Rob48 because: Fixed link

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: Rob48

Odd that Kitco maintains a bio on him then:

I suppose he could consider himself to be freelance since he's only responsible for a weekly column.

He sounds like a real shady cat:

Bodo Albrecht is an expert in the industrial use of precious metals, specialty metals and rare earths. Prior to launching his own business he spent 20 years with Degussa, one of the largest precious metal companies in the world at the time, where he worked in all of the company's business units before heading their precious metal chemicals business worldwide.

He transferred to the USA in 1997 and founded BASIQ Corporation in 2001; the company supports the industry with marketing intelligence, security and metal management solutions, and is the leading supplier of precious metal accounting solutions for SAP users.

edit on 6/17/2014 by AnarchoCapitalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: AnarchoCapitalist

And have you asked Mr Albrecht whether he believes in this or is merely reporting on it?

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:12 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist

originally posted by: oblvion

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
Two days ago, Burger wrote, "While the Treveri due diligence dragged on we came to an JV funding agreement for $10.0 million with a Zurich based Nanotechnology leader(set to close in July). " JV stands for joint venture.

I guess we will see who gets the last laugh.

Assuming the deal closes, he will have the funds needed to scale up his production process. Since he's dealing with a nanotech firm, they probably have the R&D lab resources he needs at his disposal as well.

Your position "monetarily" speaking is dumb.

If his making 400 OZ of gold per ton of brown glass is even half true he has many times more cash flow than he would ever need.

He would not need money if he could create gold..........duh!!!!!!!!!

PLZ dont blindly follow anything, if ATS has taught me anything, it is if it seems too good to be true, it obviously is too good to be true dumbass.

Apparently it's impossible for you to comprehend economies of scale, production rates and expansion costs. If you have the means to produce a few hundred dollars of gold per-day, that doesn't automatically mean you have the equipment and means necessary to produce 400 oz of gold per-day.

Given that Kitco believes them and the fact that they have secured venture capital funding, it would seem at least some people, who actually matter, take them seriously. It really doesn't matter if you think they are a scam or not.

Ok...for arguements sake here, lets play your game, with your rules and your side.

This guy has been very successful his entire life, meaning he has resources.

I as a simple man, with no resources, and little money, could take his idea if it worked and in less than one month scale production to millions per day in gold creation.

Why cant he?

Because it is BS!!!!!!!

He has money and resources already, if his credentials are real. Many thousands of times what I could possibly muster, maybe even more.

Yet I can finance buying brown beer bottles at cost from the producer, not even free bottles, and many MW's and any necessary equipment.

I make $10 an hour right now.

He is full of #, point blank, and you are one of the dumbest people I have ever heard of if you believe him and his need for capital to make it work!!!!!!!!!!

If his process worked, it would pay out day one from the start, every day after would yield more than the day before through investment off earned capitol.

His needing investors( there has never been a single financial institute on this planet that sought out to pay interest and lose control to investors that was not needed.) says much about his work.

I am not making claims here.

You are.

I dont have to prove #, you do, as you are the one making outrageous claims.

You have provided # for evidence.

You have proved nothing.

Either put up or STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He, and you are quite full of # honestly, and I will not be insulted by you one more time, you know nothing tard.

You gave absolutely no evidence at all, you insulted me many times.

I only pointed out how stupid your claims were.

You have only proven your dumb enough to send the king of zimbabwe 10k so he can wire his millions into your account, by which I mean they steal all your savings, and you wander how it happened.

You dont want to cross this bridge guy.

I have been highly educated in actual science( you know, where I make a claim, and every single person on earth can recreate my findings to see if they are actually right.),

And I will will not tolerate some fool trying to talk down to me, about what they are obviously ignorant about every single process involved from start to finish of a topic.

You are not even on the same level of intelligence as anyone in this thread that tried to talk sense into you.

You are "Mikey" ( you know the down sindrome guy that works for mikeyd's) trying to tell all of us actually sane folks we are dumb.....LOL....HAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHAH........AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PLZ just save us all the trouble, send him $25,000 and get back to us never when he comes up with your money.

Otherwise STFU, because for one your ignorant of the actual laws of science, and two your and idiot....obviously.

Not one of the mainstream science views have been upturned in this direction.

There is no alchemy, it is fantasy.

You may as well be here telling us you have a buddy breeding unicorns, you have given exactly the same amount of evidence proving either gold creation or unicorns.....NONE.

I dont have to prove crap to you, your the one making outrageous claims, the burden of truth is on you.

And all the while all you have done is quote a youtube vid ( I mean seriously guy?), which is not now or ever will be proof of anything.

Actual provable science, you know real science, science that when I say X anyone else anywhere in the entire world can recreate my claims!!!

You are a douche, this guy is a douche, there is no science here at all, so that we may actually view the material and make a judgement on it.

It is his word and your word, no math, no science, no actual substance.

It is a scam, and you want to believe it, that is why you do.

You dont believe because you saw proof, you believe it because you did it.

You believe it because you want to.

Sadly this doesnt make it reality.

I want skittles to fall from the sky when it rains.

Hee is a youtube vid to prove it is real.

You just dont believe because you dont understand science.

I have exactly as much evidence as you here, a youtube vid and retardation.

Lets see who is right, I bet $10 my idea comes to fruition before yours.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:21 PM

originally posted by: Rob48
a reply to: AnarchoCapitalist

And have you asked Mr Albrecht whether he believes in this or is merely reporting on it?

He seems to lean towards believing it:

I concur with his assessment.

I haven't seen anything to disprove what has been proposed, but I have seen plenty of information that supports it. I also know the standard model of the atom is a joke, and that high energy transmutation makes the most sense when it comes to explaining heavy element abundance.

Burger says he has funding, so it's only a matter of time until we know for sure.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: oblvion

Your responses humor me.

I can envision the spittle flying from your frothing mouth as you post them.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:37 PM
Scams are nothing new, NavyDoc described this one well with the philosopher stone going back hundreds of years.

ATS has an archive of these things like the ones who claimed they could make water wetter. New Radio Wave Treated Water Called A Miracle. Will Abolish Pesticides...

That was just last year and those guys had better credentials than these they even managed to get an article in the paper. Well actually it was an add made to look like an article, but it fooled a lot of people. Just look through ATS at the many claims such as the in the video. Then look to see how they turned out.

There is a saying about things being too good to be true it would be wise to head it. There are just too many inconsistencies in their story some of them glaringly obvious.

As I said before those empties are probably theirs. If they can take in two or three people with that BS they will have beer money for years. If they take in enough you will never find them again. Mexico isn't that far away and from where I live a one-way ticket to Costa Rica is only $150. Just imagine if they get just 10 people to send them 25K. They would be gone with the wind along with the money.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: AnarchoCapitalist

From the comments on that blog, when asked why Burger would need funding:

Good point. My understanding is that right now he can only make tiny little “beads” of precious metals.

Tiny little "beads" of about the size of the gold contained in the "seed ore" he adds to the crucible?


This whole thing reminds me of Steorn. Remember them? Irish company who back in about 2006 claimed they could make free energy. And they needed investors. And it was all in production. They had working prototypes and everything.

Guess what? It didn't work.
edit on 17-6-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: Rob48
a reply to: AnarchoCapitalist

From the comments on that blog, when asked why Burger would need funding:

Good point. My understanding is that right now he can only make tiny little “beads” of precious metals.

Tiny little "beads" of about the size of the gold contained in the "seed ore" he adds to the crucible?


This whole thing reminds me of Steorn. Remember them? Irish company who back in about 2006 claimed they could make free energy. And they needed investors. And it was all in production. They had working prototypes and everything.

Guess what? It didn't work.

Yeah. The "seed gold" has been part of this scam for a long, long, long, time. When I get home I'll have to dig out one of my books about one alchemist who pulled this trick on the wrong king. It didn't end well for him.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 02:20 PM
a reply to: NavyDoc

There is no "seed gold" involved, there is seed ore. If you watched the video, it would explain that for you.

Of course, actually watching the video is far less important than debunking it sight-unseen.

edit on 6/17/2014 by AnarchoCapitalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: AnarchoCapitalist
a reply to: NavyDoc

There is no "seed gold" involved, there is seed ore. If you watched the video, it would explain that for you.

Of course, actually watching the video is far less important than debunking it sight-unseen.

I watched the video and he went about with some very old type shenanigans. Right, he called it "seed ore," because you can't miraculously change one element to a completely different element without "seed."

The pseudo scientific sounding explanations are to fool the rubes so that they by his stuff on ebay and send money into kickstarter.

Do you even understand, I mean, really and truly understand what they are pitching?

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