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Controlled Opposition/Gatekeepers/COINTEL for TPTB

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posted on Jun, 10 2014 @ 11:53 PM
WARNING: This is my opinion.

"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."

-Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

I think this is a subject matter that doesn't get enough attention in today's world of new teachers cropping up all the time in the not so mainstream to the more mainstream conspiracy worlds. The Mainstream would be from your Glenn Becks to Alex Jones etc., The Not so mainstream would be stuff dealing with sprituality, ETs, etc... would be Icke, Brand, Tsarion etc.

They exist to skew our perspectives, to throw us off from the truth. Although they give us a great deal of information they can shape our perspectives by pushing us in a certain direction.

The prepping movement to me is an example of misdirection. IMO this WEalth and WEapons are not what is going to keep you safe nor is the point to this life or for what's headed our way.

To give you a list of the people I have a strong feeling from my own observations and gut feeling on these people. Also a lot of pattern recognition. Although they give a lot of great information, there is something off on so many levels some more then others.

From Jordan Maxwell aka Russell J. Pine, Ventura aka James George Janos, Noam Chomsky, Alex Jones, David Icke, Russell Brand, Mark Dice, Michael Tsarion, Ian Crane, and there are a few others I am still uncertain about only because of their associations with above said people.

The New Age religion(1950's Freemason magazine called New Age), for example, which is just a bunch of Ancient Mystery School teachings with different hierarchies for Angels and Ascended Masters is in some way going to be the New Age religion or was just another effort to lead those who were awakening, or both. I feel like their are a lot of manipulators and deceptive con artists throughout all religions, don't get me wrong lol really in all institutions.

Anyways, will write more later plus gotta start other topics I've been wanting to talk about but I've gotta pass out for work.


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 12:14 AM
Looks like you're headed in the right direction. But all your ideas and reference points are still too mainstream to get you there.

You'll likely need to do some truly outre things. Like finding and reading rare and arcane books. Or seeking out people who can explain things to you in person.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. But it's terrible at conveying deep knowledge. It can contain vast amounts of well-organized data. But it has trouble holding onto even a fragment of true knowledge.

Computers are not gnosis machines.
edit on 11-6-2014 by Moresby because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 03:24 AM
a reply to: 112233

You do have a point and we all know, thanks to Snowden and brave whistleblowers the fact that our governments work for the corporations that put them in power by financing their election runs etc and not to serve public interest except to exploit the public.

However I do also think that today manny people who do speak out or are interested in whats going on, are very aware of the false information pri-k planted in our midst. We should not forget they are also not only from corporations but from religions, fanatics and the insane and of course the major media providers which is unfortunately controlled by one small country and its backers.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Moresby
Looks like you're headed in the right direction. But all your ideas and reference points are still too mainstream to get you there.

You'll likely need to do some truly outre things. Like finding and reading rare and arcane books. Or seeking out people who can explain things to you in person.

The Internet is a wonderful thing. But it's terrible at conveying deep knowledge. It can contain vast amounts of well-organized data. But it has trouble holding onto even a fragment of true knowledge.

Computers are not gnosis machines.

Glad you think I'm headed in the right direction.

To get me where?

How do you know my reference points and ideas are too mainstream?

I won't be looking for rare and arcane books lol I'm a firm believer that I hold the ideas, not to mention I'm a much better speaker then a writer.

I agree with you on the internet, which is why I have a small library of books that I have gone through, right now I'm reading Forbidden History and The Spontaneous Healing of Belief.

As far as this topic goes, no I don't need any other sources other then the internet to intuit whether there are a lot of weird things with those mentioned above, I have to entertain some guests but I'll be back to write more and to respond to Shiloh7.

But I disagree, I think the internet can convey deep knowledge, I just prefer to books to the internet but there are a lot of great teachers that convey a lot of great in-depth knowledge on the internet, I get books to fill in the gaps.

Books are not gnosis machines.

In fact, things that are said about the internet when it comes to information can be said of teachers and books.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:48 PM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: 112233

You do have a point and we all know, thanks to Snowden and brave whistleblowers the fact that our governments work for the corporations that put them in power by financing their election runs etc and not to serve public interest except to exploit the public.

However I do also think that today manny people who do speak out or are interested in whats going on, are very aware of the false information pri-k planted in our midst. We should not forget they are also not only from corporations but from religions, fanatics and the insane and of course the major media providers which is unfortunately controlled by one small country and its backers.

I agree. Also, these corporations, religions, open affiliations that don't allow open transparency i.e. Skull and Bones, Order of Malta, Order of Garter, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group and the such. No doubt.

But there are others who say they are trying to help the 'Truth' movement so to speak and their is an ulterior agenda behind it.

There is a lot riding for TPTB and I was talking more along the lines of those serving TPTB that are much harder to detect, also those named can't be said to be 100% working for them, I just have very strong suspicions they are. For many reasons. Would you like some of them unless everybody already suspects as much as I.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:52 PM
Star and flag.

Here is my guide for identifying these people. If you've heard of them, they're probably controlled opposition. Especially if their names have ever been uttered on television.

It's kind of a crazy logic that you can't trust anyone you've ever heard of but that's how it seems to work. The MSM IS the censorship machine. Everything you will ever hear through the "official channels" about the government, any politician or public figure of any kind any business or business owner, any crime or criminal or anything of any significance whatsoever gets filtered through the MSM. If they don't want you to hear about it, you won't.

Everything a guy like Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura talks about starts on the other side of that filter. Even if Jones was not controlled opposition, he wouldn't have anything to talk about without MSNBC, Fox News and CNN. It all starts with them. Even Alex Jones doesn't hear anything they don't want him to (assuming he isn't one of them).

If you ever utter a word that wasn't on TV or state an opinion that isn't officially sanctioned, you're immediately a nutjob.

When you think about it, it's very simple. You will not be legitimate unless the MSM makes you legitimate. And anyone who is legitimate is absolutely someone you probably shouldn't trust.
edit on 11-6-2014 by BrianFlanders because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2014 @ 10:22 PM
The list of mmisinformation agents, etc., are nifty i suppose. But do you know of anybody who you have strong feelings that they have Not been assimilated, bought, etc and are really trying to tell the truth as they know it to the best of their abilities?

Also, if you wish to discredit these people on your list for an unforgivable offense, can you list one thing said by each person that you feel strongly to be misinformation? I'm just asking because i don't know a lot about this like you do and so i have to believe it would help many other people to understand better as well.

I mean, in order to discredit someone, you have to at least do more than just list their names, right? Cmon I want some meat I can sink my teeth into... some real truth I can tell my friends about. What have you got? If prepping is misdirection, what WILL help us in the coming times if not weapons and wealth as you stated? By wealth do you mean stockpiled food and medicine etc.? Preppers generally believe traditional forms of wealth will be useless.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

Also, if you wish to discredit these people on your list for an unforgivable offense, can you list one thing said by each person that you feel strongly to be misinformation? I'm just asking because i don't know a lot about this like you do and so i have to believe it would help many other people to understand better as well.

I have not listened to a lot of any of them. I've listened to a few hours of Alan Watt, Alex Jones and David Icke. I haven't listened to too much of JEsse Ventura but I'm generally aware of who he is and what he claims to be about.

Frankly, it's just a gut suspicion I have about all of them. There is no hard evidence. I don't even try to find concrete evidence for stuff like this because looking for it and trying to weigh it in your head is enough to drive somebody crazy and I don't need that. I run on intuition.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 11:57 PM
a reply to: 112233

I agree with is funny how many on ATS love Ventura and Jones I see them for what they really are. Until the conspiracy community wises up and follows serious smart leaders this will never change.

I remember when ATS was starting up a podcast and the host was clowning around and cracking joke after joke. I had an issue with it and still do for this very reason. If we want to be treated serious..........It is what it is.
edit on 15-6-2014 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: BrianFlanders

ETA: I think I partially misunderstood your comment - so my apologies for coming off so blunt.

Here is my guide for identifying these people. If you've heard of them, they're probably controlled opposition. Especially if their names have ever been uttered on television.

That's a rather inefficient method of weeding out disinformation artists. Just like the OP, it's not just bad taste, but bad strategy, to rely solely on "gut feelings" or more arbitrary measures like "if they are popular, they're dirty", to make such judgments. That's the best way to NEVER learn anything or update your perspective on things - because all you will do is reinforcing your preconceived notions about controversial subjects, while dismissing (perhaps wrongly) the notions/information/people that challenge your beliefs.

Take people for whom we do have solid evidence of purveying disinfo (i.e. Michael Aquino, John Alexander, Christopher Green, to name a few that have been given the red carpet treatment here at ATS). Or people like Aldous Huxley, Terrence McKenna, who have been shown to have hidden roots in the Intelligence community. Laurel Canyon CIA stuff. That is your real-deal disinformation. It has real roots, real connections. It is wholly appropriate to dismiss everything they say, because you can safely conclude - beyond reasonable doubt - that they are liars.

Everything should always be taken with a grain of salt. At the end of the day, the motivations of individuals are not as important as the information provided. Profound knowledge can be found from the mouths of fools, and utterly forgettable nonsense is often uttered by those we hold in great esteem. And everything in between.

And for what it's worth, IMO, the only names on the OP's list that are quite worrying are Russell Brand and Noam Chomsky (no opinion on Ian Crane).

Alex Jones has a media empire and pushing products/endorsements is the extent of his ulterior motives. By his nature he is a hyper-active, paranoid person and the thought of bowing to any master drives him nuts. You can't fake that kind of passion. He stands up for the little guy, though. He's solid, and has shown himself to be trustworthy and loyal to others in that community.

Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion are interesting characters. Beyond finding a few errors in their etymological claims, there's really nothing patently erroneous in what they say. I can see how some could have trouble with their Mystery School bend, but that is a philosophical disagreement and has nothing to do with being a "shill", or a disinformation agent, or a gatekeeper. What they push is not new-age - it's a lasting vestige of the late 19th-century revival of occultism, which in turn was based on the Mystery Schools stretching back to antiquity. It's about as old as it gets.

David Icke... he believes what he says, I'm 100% certain of that. And I've never seen any evidence that he's compromised. I've only heard stories of him lending support to people when no one else in the "new age" movement would. Getting up on stage and doing a 12 hour speaking marathon, with no teleprompter... as far as I can tell, it would be impossible to get him to "sell out". The guy's totally devoted to his own message.

All possible motivations and personality types have to be taken into account - the good and the bad. It's delicate work, since our own biases (to which we are mostly unaware) deeply affect our judgment. Nobody is agenda-free, and nobody is perfect. But the mantle of "disinformation agent" is a very serious charge - it should only be applied if you have real, solid evidence that they 1) knowingly put out bad information, or 2) have direct connections to compromised entities.

edit on 6 16 2014 by Son of Will because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: Son of Will

Well, I'm not sure judging people by the apparent amount of passion they have or the amount of time they spend talking is a good method either.

Consider a known liar like Obama. When he first started getting a lot of media attention, if you were willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt, he seemed passionate enough. He seemed to believe what he was saying enough to be able to say it in 2004 and still be remembered and believed in 2008.

Somebody like Obama would be a great liar if he wasn't the type to look you straight in the eye and lie to you and then turn right around and expose his own lies the instant it doesn't matter anymore (Obamacare). Maybe there are a lot of people on this forum who wouldn't believe him but he's one of those guys who has the ability to seem passionate and to seem to believe what he says.

Not only that but I have wondered if people with the right kind of knowhow wouldn't be able to take someone and essentially rewire their brain any way they want to. It could be (maybe) possible for some of these guys to be unaware of who they're working for. It sounds ridiculous but when it comes to people who want to run the world really, really bad, I don't put anything past them.

At the end of the day, when your goal is propaganda and/or controlled opposition, it really doesn't matter how they do it as long as they get what they want.

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: 112233

S & F for you!

Great post. You know they are here though, eh?

posted on Jun, 17 2014 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: 112233

vlad lenny was an expert on "crowd control".

evil but effective.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: BrianFlanders
Star and flag.

Here is my guide for identifying these people. If you've heard of them, they're probably controlled opposition. Especially if their names have ever been uttered on television.

It's kind of a crazy logic that you can't trust anyone you've ever heard of but that's how it seems to work. The MSM IS the censorship machine. Everything you will ever hear through the "official channels" about the government, any politician or public figure of any kind any business or business owner, any crime or criminal or anything of any significance whatsoever gets filtered through the MSM. If they don't want you to hear about it, you won't.

Everything a guy like Alex Jones or Jesse Ventura talks about starts on the other side of that filter. Even if Jones was not controlled opposition, he wouldn't have anything to talk about without MSNBC, Fox News and CNN. It all starts with them. Even Alex Jones doesn't hear anything they don't want him to (assuming he isn't one of them).

If you ever utter a word that wasn't on TV or state an opinion that isn't officially sanctioned, you're immediately a nutjob.

When you think about it, it's very simple. You will not be legitimate unless the MSM makes you legitimate. And anyone who is legitimate is absolutely someone you probably shouldn't trust.

Agree and AGREE. I started questioning it a long time ago when I first started looking at info wars and remembered seeing Alex Jones on a Scanner Darkly. I felt he was too mainstream, as well.

What are your thoughts on Bonacci and Freemen? I think they could be, especially with Freemen saying how he got his Freemen Tv through an ex-Bilderberger. I don't think you ever truly ex-anything when you are in that deep.

Absolutely, spot on for the mainstream media part for identifying shills.

I look at it in the form of nets, webs, or layers. Depending on how far out your consciousness is guiding you to what could potentially be the Truth, there are gatekeepers there to nab your attention and your research, to guide our perspective. At higher levels, it may be to plant seeds that will obscure our perspective, and hence the direction our thoughts are headed as well as affect potential future actions.

Hard to say, but it's there at every level, fo sho.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: 3n19m470
The list of mmisinformation agents, etc., are nifty i suppose. But do you know of anybody who you have strong feelings that they have Not been assimilated, bought, etc and are really trying to tell the truth as they know it to the best of their abilities?

Also, if you wish to discredit these people on your list for an unforgivable offense, can you list one thing said by each person that you feel strongly to be misinformation? I'm just asking because i don't know a lot about this like you do and so i have to believe it would help many other people to understand better as well.

I mean, in order to discredit someone, you have to at least do more than just list their names, right? Cmon I want some meat I can sink my teeth into... some real truth I can tell my friends about. What have you got? If prepping is misdirection, what WILL help us in the coming times if not weapons and wealth as you stated? By wealth do you mean stockpiled food and medicine etc.? Preppers generally believe traditional forms of wealth will be useless.

Thanks broseph for lending your line of question, much needed for the growth of this topic, as well. I have a tendency to feel inspired to write late at night and I don't want to write long ace, although needed for depth, posts ironically. Anyways, sorry for the excuse, I WILL post more evidence on each person and I cannot say for sure for each person. Call it a hunch.

Although if I'm right it is very deceptive, to me it's subjective if it's unforgivable because to me it is forgivable. Not to mention the incredible amount of information that some of us might not have came across otherwise. IMO They are as much God as anything else, which is easy to forget with anyone or anything but especially people we trust.

ANYWAYS, when I started asking questions and looked up other researchers research it gave me bits and pieces and I'll start working on that after I've responded to some other posts. But I promise to show more for "opening my mouth." I'll be working on this all night.

As far as the prepper movement goes, don't get me wrong, we don't know what will happen and I'd say the prepper movement plays into the game of the depopulation agenda. Please refer to Georgia guidestones and Prince Philip.

I believe it's through conscious evolution and transformation of your consciousness, which will be reflected in your DNA. To me, this is a collective dream, and the reason we can't do the things we do in our own dreams, is because this dream is controlled by many variables I'm sure, but to me it's most definitely everyone's MIND. Our perspectives and beliefs, consciously and subconsciously, hold us back from reaching that point. Not just uniting mind and heart or Vision and Love and actually doing a miracle(like a placebo effect that cures all the tumors on your body or heals a torn ligament which is magnified to you can FLY)

Anyways, to me this is a big test for us as consciousness and by getting so many to stay in lower vibrational type of thinking i.e. triune brain or R-complex type stuff like survival and things like that it's like it's trying to create a scenario of prepper vs non prepper vs whoever. Help cull the population by using it against it itself. I understand about having all your bases covered. I just think we have to change it ourselves. Don't worry this is an upcoming topic of mine.

Basically getting us to head into a scenario of their own choosing by getting us to follow the politics of the world and all this other stuff and doing whatever they can to keep us from Self-Realization to Self-Mastery.

But yeah I got you on the information stream by the end of the night.

posted on Jun, 18 2014 @ 09:19 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: 112233

I agree with is funny how many on ATS love Ventura and Jones I see them for what they really are. Until the conspiracy community wises up and follows serious smart leaders this will never change.

I remember when ATS was starting up a podcast and the host was clowning around and cracking joke after joke. I had an issue with it and still do for this very reason. If we want to be treated serious..........It is what it is.

Agree, Ventura and Jones, although intelligent guys and have a lot of great information, to me are just another layer to the net or web. Although they may be praised for raising awareness in certain areas that exactly how it works. Depending on who we are talking about we are dealing with highly knowledgeable people when it comes to these areas. It's just a part of the game, it's like religion and politics. Except now we are dealing with both and then some. Put simply, the content has changed. But the strategy really hasn't, If anything it is more refined.

Real leaders will be taken out until someone can start affecting reality TK and stuff like that the only real leaders we can rely on is ourselves and the faith that everyone is doing their part on inner work as well as spreading their Truth to others and trying to expand consciousness because I seriously think it helps. Every little bit counts. Plant seeds and nurture others.

edit on 18-6-2014 by 112233 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 12:06 AM
a reply to: MotherMayEye

Thanks broseph. Yeah, I know they are here. Funny, huh?

Got some more info to pour into this but I have to pass out and can't finish the long ace post.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:11 PM
a reply to: Son of Will

The thing about the one's I've listed and there are others I forgot to mention or I'm still rocky about them. Some of the missing ones would be David Shaylor, Red Ice Creations, and David Wilcox.

For my sake, I am only going to post tonight on the one's you defended in your post. But working on it now, bud.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:48 PM
By the way, another great quote that I feel fits when applied to not trusting the mainstream media and anyone who associates with MSM.

"The C.I.A. owns everyone of any significance in the major media."- Former C.I.A. Director William Colby

Still working on that long ass post.

posted on Jun, 20 2014 @ 01:33 AM
As has been mentioned before there are others who have been uncovered as disinfo agents.

Other agents are only more deceptive and harder to discern if they are or aren't a disinfo agent. I will try to give you as much info as I can. Some have more then others, Tsarion, for example, only has a few things that makes me think that he is a disinfo agent.

These people represent different layers of the web meant to catch you depending on how far up your "climbing" for Truth.

1.Alex Jones

Can he seem like he is sincerely passionate for the Truth movement. Sure.

I know a lot of great actors who could probably do a better job. Have you ever heard this guy crying on 9/11/2001 almost hilarious if it wasn't because of such a sobering moment, it seemed like it was fake to me.

This next one, will only hit home with those that have looked into the Order of Malta and the Jesuits. Just taking an hour to look into the Jesuits past will show that this Cult of Saturn group, although the whole of Vatican is connected to Saturn, again there is a huge connection with Saturn and Sirius. Another topic I'm going to post.

He's had off the top of my head both Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to Lord Margaret Thatcher and a "leader" in the anti-global warming campaign and a Knight of Malta.

Pat Buchanan, ABCia disinfo affiliate and also Knight of Malta.

When the Knight of Malta part comes up, Alex shrugs it off because of the great information these men brought.

Here's a decent video talking about it that has a man named Eric Jon Phelps who was on his show with Sherman Kolnick.

That he might be empoyed by STRATFOR.

Here's an old vid that gave me a bunch of nuggets to go off of, mainly the STRATFOR connection.

2.Jordan Maxwell

Russel J. Pine, because why use a real name when you can build a Brand name.

If you pour over all the interviews you can with Rusty, he sticks mainly to the same 'ol stuff, Saturn, maritime law, etymology of Kirk or church, stuff like that. He will literally be repeating himself over and over. Classic deception agent, has some points of the Truth that he is allowed to disseminate but doesn't actually study anything outside that realm. If anything his books are the research done by others(a point I will come back to), probably to help him make money and perpetuate the brand of deception that is Jordan Maxwell.

Here's a site I found awhile back when I was looking into it. Funny thing, when I decided to pull stuff up there is WAY more stuff about this deception going on then I remember. Had no idea about all the new info out now. Anyways here an old one with some new ones.

He has a defeatist attitude of a war we can't win as he perceives it from a Project Avalon interview I saw him in.

He will talk smack about the Vatican and how they are responsible of so much, but won't talk badly about Freemasonry.

3.Michael Tsarion aka Brian Heatley

Like I've said before he is a harder nut to crack and probably in the top 3 most knowledgable of the disinfo agents. He is a harder one to crack. The first time I got something that screamed at me about him was when someone at one of his speaking seminars talked badly about Aleister Crowley, Tsarion retorted about how Crowley has released a lot of great Truth to the world and was in some way a positive force in the world lol.

Paints a pretty picture of him as a positive force for good.

Side video for those interested of some great info on Crowley to look into.

Plus, although this doesn't mean he's a shill but it does in my book when you present yourself as such an enlightened fellow, to charge 555.00 and then a monthly or annual fee? Bullsheet.

He is also coo with Manly Hall(I am too, but he is controlled opposition) and Madame Blavatsky.

4.David Icke

He is also a tough nut but not as tough as Tsarion.

Other then being photographed with Brand at the Groucho Club. Which is connected to a pedophile ring.

Here's a vid with some good info. You might not like his style but if you want to see some of the info that gets pulled up on why, here's some on Icke and Brand.

Seems like he's trying to use some sort of subconscious trauma based mind control techniques on people. Strange.

Anyways, there's more stuff to put but I got distracted by friends and I'm too tired to put more for these people.

Again, this is different layers to how deep the truth is and they have a gatekeeper for every level. Although they give great info and I say try to pull what you can from them. Learn from everyone.

If you don't think they are skewing our perspective by much or at all. Then what are they doing if they are set to lead the Truth movement.

One theory I have is that TPTB are trying to help expand consciousness because they want to battle with evolved beings or whatever was considered human back in the day with all of our DNA turned on. Although Santos Bonacci, another potential shill, has talked about our connection to Sirius and it's connection to our DNA, although I say we could change it far before then.

Or they want to expand consciousness to manipulate it later after evolution of some sort. I don't know still thinking about that one and I'm tired so I'll have to do another one of these later.

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