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Wake Up World: The Rise Of Fascism in Europe.

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posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: Sunwolf

originally posted by: Wirral Bagpuss

originally posted by: amfirst1
a reply to: Wirral Bagpuss

"Racists" is a word invented by Trotsky. He uses it to discredit his political enemies. It's something that the left have adopted. The right is no more racists than the left. That's not something u should worry about, it's all political bs.

From what I can tell Europe is going bankrupt and on a decline from decades of leftist rule. People are fed up so not they are moving further to the right. It's a good this since they have move too far left that it has led them to failure.

The right is nationalist they put the country first and the are all about free enterprise.

The left are internationalists. The believe in world wide communism like Stalin because redistribution won't work if your neighbors don't practice the same ideals. Otherwise your country will decline and free market countries will rise, so everyone must adopt socialism for it to work in their belief system.

I would think the right will be the best option for your country.

Fascists are really leftists. They are statists and believe in big government, so they can control the people. The right does not believe in big government. Instead they believe in limited government, the free market, and the individual discovered during the enlightenment period.

The oligarchy is afraid of far right groups due the to the belief of the individual. They need centralize government for control. That's why the right typically gets little donations. Big business can't cheat with limited government. Big business needs big government to write their laws for them.

Racisim existed long before Trotsky was on the political map. One only has to look at the slavery that existed up till the 1860s in USA as an example. And that lasted until 1960s. So please, don't try and make out racist attitudes is a relatively recent thing, because it is not.

Slavery lasted until the 1960`s?What parallel universe are you from?

Not in the USA! Segregation ended in the 1960s, But slavery ended in the 1860s. Please don't try and twist things!

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 10:16 AM
The EU is a Nazi Fascist Superstate so of course there is a rise in Fascism. Just unfortunate that people don't know what the EU actually is, how and why it was created and who it was created by. The Nazi's created the EU. It's a covertly created extension of their domination of Europe plan right under the noses of the people!

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: Dorrell
The EU is a Nazi Fascist Superstate so of course there is a rise in Fascism.

Yes, we have already discussed the silly over misuse of the word "fascist". In your own words, are you able to say what parts of the EU are "Nazi Fascist"? Is it really fascist, or are you just saying so because you don't like it? Do you really know what fascism is? I ask because we are observing a significant anniversary (D Day) which was all about defeating fascism. Look at history and think it through.

BTW I am no fan of the EU, but I just think people should try to be more constructive in stating their case.


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 05:45 PM

originally posted by: Closelywatching
a reply to: CJCrawley

Sajjad Karim alleged quote proves he is a racist!

in a sign of the growing animosity between Conservatives and UKIP, a Tory MEP has dredged up damaging allegations of racist comments by Nigel Farage. Sajjad Karim — the first British Muslim to be elected to the European Parliament — claimed on his official Facebook page that Farage had told party activists:

“we will never win the 'n-word' vote. The nig-nogs will never vote for us.”'n-word'-comments/sajjad-karim-facebook-farage/

This is bs. Its propaganda. notice the Muslim you talk about is of course scared, why do think that is and why do you think people are voting UKIP?

Most of us here do not want anymore Religion involved with England or making ways into Parliament. most are fed up with Mass Immigration! Its fine to have Immigration but only upto a certain point... once you yourself become a Minority in your own Town, you will want to move out too.

What do you want at the end of the day? Far left (which is basically bordering on an 'Islamist' state or do you want to be free from Religion and all that comes with it? You know that Religious schools breed separatists... right? The more we have of those, the more separatists there will be here... that will not be the right Country for your children to grow up in... i say there shouldn't be any 'Religious Schools' at all. Children are easily manipulated. i think it should be left until they are older to decide for themselves but of course, the parents are the ones who force it onto them from an early age. I don't think England will go 'far right' because there are too many Intelligent people here to let it go that far... but I also think the majority of us don't want all those waiting in Calais to come to Britain, we also can't take all the Syrians, Iraqi's, Afghans and others...

People will still be able to come here, it will just be more controlled. We will be able to kick out hate preachers like 'Hamza' without it going to the Courts which are ruled by 'Brussels' on these issues.. those with extreme right wing views will also be dealt with i'm sure..

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 05:48 PM

originally posted by: Dorrell
The EU is a Nazi Fascist Superstate so of course there is a rise in Fascism. Just unfortunate that people don't know what the EU actually is, how and why it was created and who it was created by. The Nazi's created the EU. It's a covertly created extension of their domination of Europe plan right under the noses of the people!

Who is Fascist? Tell me what a Fascist is? Could you call the 'Christians' Fascist? Can you call the 'Islamists' Fascist? The far right are obviously 'Fascist' but where do the Far Left come in the order of things?

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 03:37 AM
Ok. Take for example the Ukrainian crisis orchestrated by the Neo Nazi Fascists of the US and EU

The Ukrainian crisis?

It is basically the opposite of what the media and politicians keep repeating both in the US and Europe. They say that the so-called International community have isolated Russia and Vladimir Putin.

In fact it is the real sponsors of the coup d'état and the violence in Ukraine who are isolated not only morally but also strategically.

And it is Putin, the first leader who resisted and defeated the strategy of world domination, who is enjoying the enthusiastic support of his people and the growing admiration of the world.

The well financed media and politicians do not want to hear this, but this is the reality. Without exaggeration, one can compare this resistance to that against Napoleon and Hitler…

Only few know precisely how dangerous the situation has been. How close to a real war.

The incompetent representatives of the 'international community' lost any sense of reality and deployed the weapons of social destabilization, armed insurrection, assassination by snipers, a fascist March on Kiev reminiscent of Mussolini's March on Rome, targeting of the Russian population.

They intended to give Russia the Libya treatment, and they did not make a secret of it.

The Ukraine Crisis and Vladimir Putin

Put it this way, the European Union was created by the Nazi Fascist Regime after WW2. I think it started in 1957. It's an extension of Hitler's dream of the take over of Europe supported and funded by the Zionist network of International Bankers. This is a continuance of their effort to completely control the people and money of Europe and to eventually create a One World Government system. We all know this to be true and we can all see this happening right in our faces. Also the symbolism for Fascism is right in our faces. Take for example the Fascist symbol in America. The American coin has a Fascism symbol on it.

When Obama does his speeches in Congress there are 2 Fascism symbols behind him.

Here's the Coat of Arms of France

How about the Knights Of Columba symbol that came from European Royalty

It's even in the EU controlled country of Ireland. This statue is in Dublin

In your face Symbolism is still being ignored by the masses!

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 03:48 AM
Well, Hard line Islamists call whites 'pigs' 'dogs' 'apes' threaten to kill all Christians, which is not a threat, they are actually killing Christians, seeing as how there are not many Jews left in Islamic countries, Christians are the second choice, so, as the Brits are supposed to have freedom of speech, as it apires the Arabs have, tit for tat? or is it a law fro them, (do as you please) and a law for whites? (do as I say, not as I do)
People need to stay away from MSN, and seek out alternative news sites.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: TruthxIsxInxThexMist

Who is Fascist? Tell me what a Fascist is?

Fascism is defined by nationalism, totalitarianism and dictatorship but the only really unique characteristic is a belief in the "third position" which includes a belief that both capitalist and socialist economic models are wrong.

To be honest fascism doesn't fit very well in to the left/right divide as it contains elements traditionally associated with both sides as well as elements such as the third position which don't really fit with either the left or the right.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 06:33 AM
a reply to: pikestaff

the problem with theism is that people always pervert the original beliefs into an excuse to kill people who are different.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: Dorrell

Oh please - that is another symbol that, like the swastika, was adopted by some fascist groups and has been tainted by association (although not anywhere near as much as the Swastika). It was around for a couple of millenia before fascism ever reared it's ugly face.

It is actually a symbol from ancient Rome - representing power and legal authority. It later went on to be used by local magistrates and has largely the same symbolic relevance as the gavel, or ropes and wigs worn by modern day Judges/Magistrates.

posted on Jun, 12 2014 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: Dorrell
Put it this way, the European Union was created by the Nazi Fascist Regime after WW2. I think it started in 1957. It's an extension of Hitler's dream of the take over of Europe supported and funded by the Zionist network of International Bankers. This is a continuance of their effort to completely control the people and money of Europe and to eventually create a One World Government system. We all know this to be true and we can all see this happening right in our faces. Also the symbolism for Fascism is right in our faces. Take for example the Fascist symbol in America. The American coin has a Fascism symbol on it.

The EU started as way to run heavy industry collaboratively. This lead in 1957 to the creation of a Common Market. I don't think Hitler dreamt of economic collaboration when he was fanning the fires of hate, invading his neighbours and rounding up Jews, gays, Poles and anyone else he wanted to exterminate. Oh, then I noticed "Zionist" and it all fell into place, because when Zionists become involved all rational argument is thrown out of the window. In my experience you cannot argue with a person who thinks the Zionists did it!

As Stumason points out, your symbolism is shot. You need to think about what you are writing and at least attempt to do the research.

Fasces 1
Fasces 2

Sorry for being so blunt, but...


posted on Jun, 13 2014 @ 01:31 AM
Oh I'm Sorry!!

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:55 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
Currently the only fascist state in Europe is Russia.

Fascism does not mean objecting to uncontrolled immigration. It does not even mean disliking those of different ethnic origin. UKIP are no more fascist than are the Australians.

Fascism is about total state contol, the oppression of all political and popular rivals and the supression of free media. Absolute control by an authoritairan state, itself controlled by one person or a small elite group of people, and the arrest, removal and imprisonment of all dissenting voices.

Currently the only fascist state in Europe is Russia.
Seems the Anti Russian campaign here is going full steam with any logic sense.

Fascism is about total state contol, the oppression of all political and popular rivals and the supression of free media. Absolute control by an authoritairan state,

The EU is all about state control oppression of all political and popular rivals and the supression of free media. Absolute control by an authoritarian state just like fascism under Germany.

Russia is an Fascist State? nice claims.

I am sure you would have see the golden dawn in a different light.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:59 AM
a reply to: paraphi

I am quite sure if Russia had an more of an PRO EU/NATO leader in office Russian haters wouldn't be claiming that Russia is an fascist state i guess this is only expectation because of Putin is the Boss when it comes to the political affairs and is embarrassing your beloved Obama and the EU treating them like children.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:14 AM
a reply to: Wirral Bagpuss

You can't stop animals eating each others when they are overpopulation.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:15 AM
a reply to: Wirral Bagpuss

Good luck, OP, although I dont see you getting much support from a far-right leaning website such as ATS. The majority of responses follow the tired rightwing oligarch talking points, constant spin and disdain for the less fortunate. Overall, hypocrisy abounds in here.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:38 AM
a reply to: Snoopy1978

Am I look like a right wing member ?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: candlestick

You have been here six months and havent noticed the heavy far right slant? Are you kidding me?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: Snoopy1978
six months???

Read the registered date again ...

I know this site is a right leaning website..but so what ?
I don't view myself as right leaning or left leaning.I dislike these political struggle.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 05:18 AM

originally posted by: Dorrell
The EU is a Nazi Fascist Superstate so of course there is a rise in Fascism. Just unfortunate that people don't know what the EU actually is, how and why it was created and who it was created by. The Nazi's created the EU. It's a covertly created extension of their domination of Europe plan right under the noses of the people!

Perhaps Europe needs fascism to counter the jihadists when they start marching westwards, take a look at the news from the ISIS front, people being beheaded by the hundreds, atlas shrugs has lots of gory details.

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