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The Myth of Eternal Damnation

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posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

When Jesus lived there existed no word for church and the church concept wasn't even developed.
The Spanish word for "church" is iglesia.
The word is derived from the Latin ecclesĭa which in turn was derived from the Greek word ἐκκλησία (ekklēsia).
Which is the word, ekklésia, used in Matthew 16:18, that you were referring to.

The English word, Church, comes from a late Greek word that means "the Lord's house".

Synagogue is also a Greek word and was in use also in Jesus' time and is in the Gospels, which is essentially the same thing as a church.

The church is the congregation of those "called out".
edit on 16-6-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:26 PM
Eternal damnation...!?!
A name may live forever.... if you're great.
edit on 16-6-2014 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: UMayBRite!
a reply to: Akragon
"Called Himself the Son of God."

Actually, He called hinself the "Son of Man".
He did accept the title King of the Jews when questioned by Pilate.
He did say "before Abraham was I AM", which is the 1st person of Yahweh. This
describes His oneness with God. He said to his followers "My Father and your Father",
so He didn't claim a unique status.
Even the angel that announced His birth stopped short, saying He shall be CALLED the son of the
Highest. Theology is complicated.

True but he also called himself the son of God... he also said we are all "gods"

And he had no relation to this YHWH character...

Look into the origins of the trinity...

It doesn't exist...

edit on 16-6-2014 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Akragon

. . . he also said we are all "gods" . . .
He was quoting the Old Testament, talking about Israel's rulers, and Jesus was directing it at the Jewish leaders.
So he wasn't saying that "everyone" was gods.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: jmdewey60
a reply to: Akragon

. . . he also said we are all "gods" . . .
He was quoting the Old Testament, talking about Israel's rulers, and Jesus was directing it at the Jewish leaders.
So he wasn't saying that "everyone" was gods.

I believe he was actually... But not in the way most people think...

Same idea as when he said, you do not know what kind of spirit you are....

We all have the "divine spark" within us... some choose to follow it, others do not...

The rulers of Israel were no more "gods" then any other person.... in fact I would consider them less then most

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: SirKonstantin

Yes, but I see an awful lot of people who are selfishly wrapped up in things they shouldn't be doing, not because it's "bad" for them per se, but because it brings pain and chaos to others. They get awfully angry and are awfully angry when you point this out and point out that this is why those things are "wrong" or "sins" because they do cause you to hurt others in ways you may not consider even though they may be fun or feel good to you.

Those people get very angry and take it out at you or at God or at anyone they can except themselves because deep down, they know the truth of what's been said, but they don't want to acknowledge it. That anger and that pride keeps them away from God.

I think that separation from God is Hell and it's a torment. I don't think someone necessarily gets tortured forever, but I do think they will suffer for a long time before being consigned to nothingness.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: Akragon

We all have the "divine spark" within us...
Says who?
Obviously you do, but I mean someone besides yourself.
If there isn't anyone, then how did you come to this conclusion?
What is "divine" about this spark, and how does it make you a god.
What are your supernatural powers?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: jmdewey60

but I mean someone besides yourself.
If there isn't anyone.....

But...there IS "anyone"!!

It was Jesus. He said, "You can all do this, and more." "You are all gods."
"Some won't understand, and that's why I speak in parables - because only those who 'get it' will, well....."get it.""

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: jmdewey60
a reply to: Utnapisjtim

When Jesus lived there existed no word for church and the church concept wasn't even developed.
The Spanish word for "church" is iglesia.

Congregation yes, and the Norwegian one for church is Kirke, same as a certain whore in Homer's Odyssey who had the power to turn heroes into beasts and control them like pets and cattle. Besides, Spanish certainly wasn't around at the time of Jesus.

The English word, Church, comes from a late Greek word that means "the Lord's house".

Kyriakos, an adjective, "the LORD's" as in "Domus Kyriakos", "Dome des Kyries" in even more elaborate madness.

Church refers to those who made them. The Romans. Nearly every Mosque in the world is made to resemble Hagia Sophia. An early Christian dome. After Myklagard the Christians stopped making domes and turned to towers and steeples. Kinda makes you wonder.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: jmdewey60
a reply to: Akragon

We all have the "divine spark" within us...
Says who?
Obviously you do, but I mean someone besides yourself.
If there isn't anyone, then how did you come to this conclusion?
What is "divine" about this spark, and how does it make you a god.
What are your supernatural powers?

Theres lots of indications throughout the gospels that point to us having a part of the divine within...

When they tried to trick Jesus by asking whos wife a certian woman was in heaven... He said "we are like angels in heaven... And neither marry or are given in marriage"

Im not saying we are equal to angels or Jesus for that matter... But all life has part of the divine within...

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 09:07 PM
And I thought I was one of the few who think that hell is absurd. Now I have a million dollar question, assuming there is a hell, could there be a way out?

Some people may not take NDE's as all out proof of the afterlife, but i notice that many of the people who end up going to "hell" or "hades" somehow escape it. Since there are numerous cases of this occuring, could there be some sort of truth to this?

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: sneaglebob12

. . . many of the people who end up going to "hell" or "hades" somehow escape it.
Right, otherwise how would you even know about it.
My advice to anyone who finds themselves in a situation like that is to pray to God for help.

posted on Jun, 16 2014 @ 10:01 PM
a reply to: Akragon

... But all life has part of the divine within...
"Divine" would be God.
I think of God as a person, rather than a thing.
Everyone is their own person, so we are not that other person, God.
We are ourselves and God is Himself.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 05:26 AM

originally posted by: FlyersFan
Back in the 1990s I worked at a Catholic monastery for almost a decade. Volunteering and helping with the Third Order. An old nun explained Hell to me and it made sense. She said that the people in Hell WANT to be there. They hate God so much, and they hate hate hate so much, that they want to be away from the light and the good and God. So even if the metaphorical 'gates of Hell' were thrown wide open and the people were invited out, they'd just stay where they were and complain that you need to shut the door and leave them alone. The people in Hell put themselves there and want to stay there because it's as far away from God as they can get .... They want no part of Heaven.

Anyways .. made sense to me.

I'm not catholic but I agree. Jesus already paid the penalty for humanities sins, God has thrown wide open the gates of heaven all we have to do is choose to enter!

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: berheal

Thing is. 36 and 666 is a timecode that enables married couples to copulate in peace and automatically and regardlessly enable them to hide it in spiritual mist and lies for their kids and others around, that's what Christian marriage is all about. It's a sworn oath. All it takes to get a free-ticket to do all kinds of evil, in peace with society, well, you need to trick some lady to agree to "know you" legally. Church is there to bless, for if a woman likes you enough to love you, naturally you'll have all the means in the world to rest out of time-lock, free to do whatever you like to virtually anyone. Life is a funny thing. And the Church is neck deep squeezed into a millstone.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

But after a trillion years of being punished and tortured, what is the point? And after 10 Trillion years its not enough already? Does ANY human deserve that kind of punishment? Apparently 10 trillion years is not enough. Not even a 100 Trillion years. No, it must be "eternal" and "forever", according to certain interpretations of religion. Anyone with even the slightest sense of justice would find this idea appalling.

Sure, and I do. But have you thought that 'eternal' punishment could simply consist of being frozen in time, in a state of unbelievable pain and misery?

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: berheal

Jesus already paid the penalty for humanities sins, God has thrown wide open the gates of heaven all we have to do is choose to enter!
The only problem is . . .

. . . the Bible doesn't say any of that.

Sorry to burst your bubble but you have to fear God, recognize your state of depravity, repent, be baptized, be a member of the church, live a life of holiness.

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: Skyfloating

But after a trillion years of being punished and tortured, what is the point? And after 10 Trillion years its not enough already? Does ANY human deserve that kind of punishment? Apparently 10 trillion years is not enough. Not even a 100 Trillion years. No, it must be "eternal" and "forever", according to certain interpretations of religion. Anyone with even the slightest sense of justice would find this idea appalling.

Sure, and I do. But have you thought that 'eternal' punishment could simply consist of being frozen in time, in a state of unbelievable pain and misery?

And that's what we do. We DO squeeze people into them states so the screwing game can commence uninterrupted and tits and muscles can complete it's purpose. Otherwise known as forced benevolence and promised totality in the pain division. If you don't comply with all the big fracking strong idiots, you receive their fruits. They can stuff them. This lady kicks back!

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:06 AM
What the bible says is up to interpretation, and not just on the passages, but basically whole passages can be reduced to code with numerology and etymology. I'll give an example, because sometimes its really good to post something that is very outrageous to others, to shake that tree People are far too programmed here

This article is one I totally agree with. The ones who crafted the passages, really did some heavy manipulations on some sections, because they knew they were altering truth, by writing up murder and war and mayhem and calling this God/Goodness, but they're so determined to put on the tester cap, as if they ever could avoid their own tests They don't realize that simply by doing this, all souls affected are off the hook and they alone are on that hook. How do I know this? Hmmm...simply use Love and soul stone with guidance, from early on. I know what Love is, what its capable of and what isn' t capable of. Also, the AI machine universe is NOT unattended equipment. Bad Wolf isn't in control. Besides all the dark hats/renegades are just following an AI virus in the machine.

Love alone is, the rest is just distortion.

Love never harms and bends over backwards to council and assist all people. And that is God. God is Love. God is infinity. God is infinite consciousness. But not 2 sides. The one side is a consciousness progressing and growing in size, the shrinking consciousness dark side can not claim to be an equal side. That tiny dot of light in the dark yin/yang as an example is reduced consciousness. More machine than man. Darth Vader. And as such, shadow is all distortion and illusion.

They're not equal sides and I'm writing to them. I don't know how many people get what I write. I want them to stop it.

Love is all there is really. So this is the caked on mud pile of distortion. It blows away, is thrown off, is washed off, in the end.

Here is an example of a code in the bible using their numerology and etymology, so that when you substitute the code, the passage turns from blood and smiting in exodus, to a very positive message.

Its about blood on the door, and angel of death. One of the passages that horrified me as a teenager reading it, and there were many that I knew had nothing to do with God/Love. You can read the code part, I'll quote the meaning when you substitute the code:

If you wish to escape from this enslavement/addiction (400), you must promise to leave (give, 50-400-50) your addiction to material things (4) and your hanging on to your emotions (40) behind in the world of matter (4) and duality (2). By giving this intention, you will safely surround your slavery (400) with higher awareness (50) and then you can be delivered from this world of slavery. Of course you will have to address the matter of processing these emotions, forgiving others and yourself, letting go of fear, hatred, and judgment, and taking responsibility again for your life, later in the ‘desert’. It is a long process of ‘forty’ years and more.

They think they're so crafty in their dark arts of polluting the Love of the people. Substituting God for Saturn and Apollyon.

Same article, another code about Abraham sacrificing his son:

Abraham takes the knife in order to kill Isaac. The verb is ‘sjachat,’ as I described already before. It is the divine but bitter process (300) that produces the oil (8) to anoint the messiah and gives birth (9) to higher awareness.

The knife is ‘ma’achelet’, 40-1-20-30-400

We find here the verb ‘achal,’ to eat/digest, right in the middle of 40- . -400, ‘met,’ which means dead, but also the world of ego and slavery.

The knife is the process of digesting every last trace of this world, as Jesus did, before being able to leave it and finally ascend. As Isaac does not resist and consciously takes part in this process, it is completed immediately in the story. This is confirmed by the fact that in Gen. 22:12 he is no longer called son, ‘ben’, but ‘na’ar,’ which in other places in the Bible is mostly translated as servant or young man. In this place some of the translations keep to ‘son’ and others say ‘boy’ but they do not see a reason for this change. The reason however is that the character of Isaac has changed by this initiation. He has become ‘na’ar’, 50-70-200, ‘50-er’. He is awake and is ready for the state of higher awareness.

Now here is the thing, all passages have many types of interpretations.

There is not one.

And I guess everyone needs to protect their Love Spirit Frequency and not allow the Leviathin Groups running the world to pervert their Love anymore.

Love is very kind and very sweet and very positive and very good, it is not tough, mean, harsh, cruel, murderous, smiting or unkind in any way shape or form. EVER!

posted on Jun, 19 2014 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: Unity_99
I know what Love is, what its capable of and what isn' t capable of.

Well, do you? What if I told you that Love™ is a franchise built to put a charge on people's guilt and shame? Marriage™. It's evil in motion. It's where "Never Swear" turns into "Swear by God". And where losers get their power to show their swollen bellies.

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