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Soldier Bergdahl's Idaho hometown cancels rally amid backlash

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+2 more 
posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:15 PM
I am glad to hear they decided to cancel the big welcome home celebration. I think it was going to be a slap in the face to the families of the Soldiers who lost their lives spending 90 days looking for Bergdahl.

Newly freed soldier's Idaho hometown cancels rally amid backlash

HAILEY Idaho (Reuters) - The hometown of U.S. Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, feeling a backlash over allegations that he was a deserter, has canceled a rally planned for later this month celebrating his release from five years of Taliban captivity, officials said on Wednesday.;_ylt=AwrBEiKcg49T4QYAFcDQtDMD


+5 more 
posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: Destinyone

Just have the parade on Benedict Arnold Day. Kill 2 birds, so to speak. . . .

+2 more 
posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: Destinyone

this is hopefully the beginning of beautiful treatment for a deserter, terrorist sympathizer, and assuredly a giver of vital info to the enemy traitor.

He had people risking their lives to find him, some dying others maimed.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:34 PM
Yeah that's good news.

They guy needs to be courts marshaled, and sent off to GItmo instead of leavenworth.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:35 PM
Listen, i fully agree that he is a scumbag.

BUt what else could he have done? He left a note telling everyone where he was going and what his intentions were. If they chose to put on a search looking for him, why should he be held accountable for the deaths on that search?

There is a thread on ATS right now that rightfully points out, if there is issue with those soldiers deaths the issue is with senior leadership, not the coward. He was up front about what he was doing.

On a side note: i blame civilian leadership for all the soldiers deaths. They are the ones exploiting the patriotic sentiment of our good citizens.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:37 PM
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Until he's had his day in court he shouldn't be tarred and feathered.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: Destinyone

now let's just hope that the army follows through with the investigation, and charges him with desertion and negligent homicide.

then lock him up for the better part of his life.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:46 PM
They don't call us Idahoans' Rednecks for nothin'.
If I was Bowe and Bob, I'd be afraid to ever leave the house again.
Not saying ALL the people in Idaho are behind the times, but enough are that I would be concerned.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 05:49 PM

originally posted by: tebyen
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Until he's had his day in court he shouldn't be tarred and feathered.

He was investigated by the Pentagon, and found to be a deserter a long time ago. What part of that don't you understand.

Today new information has been released that it was also the second time he's left his platoon. This time he made it to the Taliban he was attempting to meet with.

Bergdahl tarred and feathered himself, when he *chose* to leave his platoon on active duty in a war zone, and go to the enemy.


edit on 4-6-2014 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:07 PM
It is just such a sad fiasco all around. The whole thing could not have been handled worse.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Destinyone

originally posted by: tebyen
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Until he's had his day in court he shouldn't be tarred and feathered.

He was investigated by the Pentagon, and found to be a deserter a long time ago. What part of that don't you understand.

Today new information has been released that it was also the second time he's left his platoon. This time he made it to the Taliban he was attempting to meet with.

Bergdahl tarred and feathered himself, when he *chose* to leave his platoon on active duty in a war zone, and go to the enemy.


What he should have done is gone through the proper channels to get out of the military
But he didn't.....and what was bad is he went to the side that his fellow soldiers were fighting against

In another post I commented where some solders noticed an uptick in attacks since his desertion
Coincidence, maybe....but they didn't seem to think so

It is a really messed up situation all around

I just hope he doesn't pull a Ft.Hood stunt later on, all in the name of Allah
Being as he stated he's ashamed of America & worked with the Taliban, sure hope someone keeps tabs on him, just to be on the safe side

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:19 PM
For some reason I this guy being involved in some kind of mass killing or something of that nature. And it will be used as an excuse to take something away from American citizens.
This whole story smells fishy

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:31 PM

This whole story smells fishy

I agree!

Wheres the video that terrorists are famous for ?

Forced confessions saying how 'evil' America is ?

Anyone ?

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: snarky412

I just hope he doesn't pull a Ft.Hood stunt later on, all in the name of Allah Being as he stated he's ashamed of America & worked with the Taliban, sure hope someone keeps tabs on him, just to be on the safe side - See more at:

No matter what happens, I'm sure they will keep tabs on him.And they will use him to benefit the 'agenda' in any way they can.
Some people in our country aren't very deep thinkers. Throw in a lot of patriotism, with a hot-headed temper, and I could see the 2nd amendment being brought into focus again.
edit on 3u66America/Chicago301 by nugget1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: Destinyone
He was investigated by the Pentagon, and found to be a deserter a long time ago. What part of that don't you understand.

The only part that I don't understand is why they secured his release, then made the nation do their own homework to find out what they already knew?

I seriously believe that had America not said, "Whoa now, wait a minute...." this guy would have been returned as a free man with an honorable discharge.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:35 PM

originally posted by: JHumm
For some reason I this guy being involved in some kind of mass killing or something of that nature. And it will be used as an excuse to take something away from American citizens.
This whole story smells fishy

Who knows. It should have never happened. Obama decided he could do this all on his own, and now is stymied that we aren't all planning ticker tape parades for Bergdahl all across America.

I can't help but wonder if Obama's trip to Afghanistan last week was to finalize the deal. I wonder if he personally negotiated it with the enemy. Many people are wondering what he did while there.

I also have that itchy conspiracy side to me, that wonders if secret talks have been in the works since before Malaysia Airways flight MH370 went missing....too much strangeness in the air...


edit on 4-6-2014 by Destinyone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:39 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan goes to show, to me at least, how stupid this administration thinks, we the people of America, are.

I've been watching several MSM stations today, the unified word coming out of the WH is....they don't understand why we aren't celebrating a time of joy...



posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

I have a hard time looking at it that way, myself. It's basically blaming the American military for even having the policy of 'No Man Left Behind' and doing anything it takes to get one of our people back alive. It's one of our strengths, IMO.

Yes, he left a note, but he doesn't get to just walk off active duty with a head full of timely and useful intelligence to essentially defect, as this would suggest in a worst case scenario. Best case, he was misguided and learned far too late that what his romantic visions of rebel fighters were didn't match up to the reality.

Whatever the case though, I think if that was his sincere desire, he could have done his time (not walked after being in-country for a month or so total) and then gone back on his own dime to go native. It happened in Vietnam and it may well have happened in these wars. Those who may have done it will not have wanted to be known and that's the point of course.

This guy would have known the creed of not leaving men behind and no one could have known the letter wasn't written under duress. Maybe he was threatened or thought someone else was threatened based on his actions? Lots of reasons to go hunting for our own guy in a nation known to produce people who decapitate other people with steak knives.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: neo96

This whole story smells fishy

I agree!

Wheres the video that terrorists are famous for ?

Forced confessions saying how 'evil' America is ?

Anyone ?

That's because is was not a POW. This is some more news that we expected coming in today...

According to via Reuters, President Obama’s claim Tuesday that the U.S. would “be keeping eyes” on five hardened Taliban leaders traded for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s freedom was immediately challenged by a Middle East official quoted as saying they’d actually be allowed to move freely — and even “go back to Afghanistan if they want to.

The source, identified as a senior Gulf official, reportedly told Reuters that the five Taliban members would not be treated like prisoners while staying in Qatar, where they were released. Rather, they’d be allowed to “move around freely” in the country and then be allowed to travel outside Qatar after one year.”



This is such a bad deal Obama got us into....


posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Destinyone

That's because is was not a POW. This is some more news that we expected coming in today... - See more at:

Right because if he was a 'pow' there would be that video all over msm.

Since there is no video he was no pow or 'hostage'.
edit on 4-6-2014 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

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