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What war did the troops defend freedom? What is the "American way"?

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posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 03:46 AM
Read this, it's not long, but gets the point across.
Granted that the Nazi party was evil, it was am evil made powerful by the Zionist world banks and our government.

We have been programmed from the get go in this nation. You think he founding fathers wanted complete freedom and equality for everyone? You think that America was ever truly a place of freedom (opportunity, yeah)? You think all this distinctly and uniquely "American" values and traits such as hard work, industry, freedom, and individualism, are really all distinctly and uniquely American? Like no other nations before it's inception had freedom for it's people, worked hard daily, didn't have a booming, effective economical framework and enjoyed being themselves without fear of repercussion?

Nope. This countries citizens may have been distracted with what seemed to be freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness, but behind he curtains, were controlled, our minds molded. Today's problems of a tyrannical government did not just suddenly pop up with the Obama administration, as most people seem to believe. Thus was a planned, gradual, steady progression towards the point we are at, and it has been the intention since America was called America. The laws, statutes, and policies that governed this society has moved along a constant, non-alternating angle, stacking on more conditions, laws, fees, punishments and penalty's, at an even pace, and the generations have not noticed. That is why have most people with "this is not the America i used to know". Hah. Yes it is, it's just the mad foolery you see in your face now, was not so obvious because it was not implemented so obviously, and not so liberally.

"The American way". Please tell me what the hell is this? Hard work don't count; we are the first nation to labor several hours a day, and reap rewards form it?. Freedom. How? When you had certain races killed of and their land snatched, or others forced to work on plantations, and when not forced to work on plantations, are sectioned off into the inner city's where when they do try to support themselves, another more secret form of slavery is instituted through government regulation and dismantling of every facet of their people's society? Freedom how, when you go trampling on sovereign nation not long after your own acquisition of freedom, and take their land as your own? Or when the government placed eugenicists at the forefront of science, and dictated which race was worthy, and which was not?

We have been programmed form the start, and it is still apparent, even in the people who are awake, and see's what the government is doing.
- See more at:

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 04:06 AM

edit on 3-6-2014 by Blowback because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 04:20 AM
a reply to: bigman88

In America they talk about 'the American way' In Australia they talk about 'what it means to be Australian.' These terms are nothing more than just propaganda and designed to get you and I feel all patriotic and nationalistic when it suites the powers that be, especially when it comes time to glorify war through a the agency of glorifying the dead who did not return.

just see it for what it is.

Mind you, nations like people, change and so does their 'vision and mission' statements so the new 'Amrican way' is to capture and own the world.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 04:52 AM
From history the only ones that could consider as having been fought for their freedom would be the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 .. the rest were largely expansionism and wars for profit ..

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 06:01 AM
The War of 1812?
Just throwing it out there.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 06:18 AM
a reply to: bigman88

Oh look another "America sucks" thread.

How original.

I notice how these threads do nothing but point fingers and place all blame squarely on the shoulders of big government for the decline of America. So what solutions do you have?

That is why have most people with "this is not the America i used to know".

It's not.

Society has changed pretty drastically in the last 15-20 years. I can see it all around me in the behaviors of everyday people. A society in decline breeds corruption from within because that's how you have to be to play the game.

edit on 3-6-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 06:42 AM

originally posted by: Expat888
From history the only ones that could consider as having been fought for their freedom would be the revolutionary war and the war of 1812 .. the rest were largely expansionism and wars for profit ..

The war of 1812?

Do you mean the war in which The US tried to take control of Canada?
How do you make out that was a war of "freedom" ?

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: alldaylong been long day along with couple projects keeping me busy .. had recalled that the british burned the whitehouse to the ground during the war of 1812 .. my history like my english is bit rusty at times ..

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

I agree that education has gotten worse with the rise of the internet. Or at least the younger generation doesn't seem to want to read non fiction books anymore.


The last 50 years have been the FIRST time that America can say that equality has even been attempted, (although many groups like the Native Americans, still get screwed.) It has only been 60 years since separate but equal got repealed on a federal level. It took much more time to repeal it at a state level. Women have only been able to vote for about 100 hundred years. I work in a library, and just the other day I was scanning an article on pop psychology advice for women in the 1950's. It went like, "If your husband cheats, just make a more loving home for him and ignore it. He'll come back!." "Don't bother your husband after work with your trivial problems."

So what I can't stand is the utopian rewriting of history, as if past generations had incorruptible values that we have lost. The Exact Opposite! 19nth century America meant you might have had to work 14 hour days in sweat shops and mines. Then the company would pay you in store credit for severely overpriced items at company stores, instead of paying you in dollars! Where is this America that was so free and clean!?! We are closer to it then we HAVE EVER BEEN! We are the closest to the America we wish that was then has ever happened. Closer to equality, closer to freedom... But there is a way to go, and apparently we are stupider then we were 30 years ago... And it's going to take a long hard look at not just each other, but our effect on the rest of the world (sweat shops that produce our products for our lifestyle etc...)
edit on 3-6-2014 by AudioOne because: (no reason given)

As far as the thread goes. None of the wars since Korea have been truly about Freedom (IMHO). And wars are always about economics on some level. I am biased about WWII since my heritage is Polish. Then again, a war that started as a defense of Polish independence, ended with Churchill and Roosevelt selling out Poland to Stalin.
edit on 3-6-2014 by AudioOne because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2014 by AudioOne because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 10:52 AM
Im not so familiar with american history in particular, but I'd say that while independence war come close to actually fighting for liberty, this can well be debated.
Im from argentina, so i know how things went down over here, in south america. The people from these land fought against spain to achieve economic liberty, they wanted to trade with whoever they wanted, since Spain only allowed commerce with spanish ships. Then again, lore was written about how our founding father fought for the freedom of the people working this land, whilst they actually fought for their own liberty to trade with whoever they felt like, and seemed more profittable. Those who led the revolts were nobleman, wealthy people and militars.

Therefore, as i cannot assert that american independence war was not for moral liberty, I can pressume there were other factors, economical mostly which were of more importance. Just as the american civil war had, we have read many times how brutal slave labour was, still the reasons for the war were mostly economical. The same happened when England sought to abolish slavery, it was also merely due to economical reasons.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: payta

In strict historic terms, the American Revolutionary War or War for Independence was entirely about freedom and a moral way different than King George and England. The English saw the colonies as subservient lands to supply raw materials into the production centers of the U.K. and European mainland. We kinda saw ourselves as more than a population to produce for the Crown or buy it's goods coming back. That's the long and short of what properly takes books, but then, I'd guess your own history (which I'm not real familiar with myself) isn't much different for being complex and layered.

@ Thread

Wars for freedom? Well.. I don't know. Freedom as seen by the war fighters, the war planners or the poor SOB's on both sides caught in the middle somewhere? I think the extreme cynicism toward the motives for war is a new thing and radically changed in just my own lifetime for period it's come. It should have come sooner...but not all wars have been about greed and avarice, IMO. World War II was about pure survival If England and Australia had fallen? Our own survival would have been in sincere question as one example. We worked to save everyone save ourselves. Nothing altruistic there, but I'd say freedom was the point, in my view.

In terms of the American way? It's always rich hearing what it isn't from two classes of folks. Those who have never been here and "know" America by media and movies and those who live here and have never LEFT here to see anywhere ELSE. I think the general comparison in overall freedom, quality of life and ability to pursue life without fear of it being ended abruptly in civil war or uncivil contact with corrupt authority DOES define it. A little LESS so now than before in our history, but compared to what...exactly? 'average, bad or worst' needs something better to compare to..and that, I'm a bit short on. Similar or equal? Sure.... Significantly better? I'm missing that.

hence.. The American Way.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:18 AM
The older (83) American gentleman was fumbling around looking for his passport upon arrival in Paris by plane.
At French Customs, he took a few minutes to locate his passport which had been hidden in his carry on.
"You.... Have been to France before, monsieur?" the customs officer asked "Sarcastically".

The American said,"The last time I was here, I didn't have to show it."

"Impossible.. Americans always have to show their passports on arrival in France !"

The American senior Gave the Frenchman a long hard look. Then he
Quietly explained, ''Well, when I came ashore at Omaha Beach on D-Day in
1944 to help liberate this country, I couldn't find a single Frenchmen to show a passport to."
Supposedly a story told around some VFW campfires/

America used to honestly be the shinning beacon on the hill. We did not torture enemy prisoners (we did but few knew) and it seemed the sky was the limit for those with smarts and a good work ethic.. There was more freedom from inane laws and government directives or so it seemed.. No one would have ever thought America would be spying on both friends and foes much less it's own people. A war without boundaries, a war on terror that only requires some unknown bureaucrat located god knows where to add your name to a no fly list, or another list that goes in the drone file or maybe the IRS list for special attention.. There are many past deeds both great and bad. It is up to Americans if they want to change the bad but evidently there are many who seem to go with the flow and elect people who also want to maintain the flow. I just hope America does not end up down the creek without a paddle as she approaches a great waterfall.

posted on Jun, 3 2014 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
The War of 1812?
Just throwing it out there.

The war of 1812 directly resulted in the creation of the second bank of the united states. Or in modern terms, the second Federal Reserve.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:12 AM

originally posted by: Cancerwarrior
a reply to: bigman88

Oh look another "America sucks" thread.

How original.

I notice how these threads do nothing but point fingers and place all blame squarely on the shoulders of big government for the decline of America. So what solutions do you have?

That is why have most people with "this is not the America i used to know".

It's not.

Society has changed pretty drastically in the last 15-20 years. I can see it all around me in the behaviors of everyday people. A society in decline breeds corruption from within because that's how you have to be to play the game.

Although you see general behavior and ethical values decline, America was always vastly immoral from being manipulated by the power that be towards social (and physical) hostility towards women and people of certain races and nationality. These racist and sexist views were not corrected by the leaders at the time, but fostered and progressed by them. You would have a clan cut, moral nuclear family, loves God, and is just. But he'll most likely utter under his breath about the ni**ers and there rights. Unfortunately, the rest of U.S. society's moral feature's have eroded away also, making people think that America was once such a moral bastion as it touted to be in the first place.

I did not blame"big government" for the fall of this country. It goes much deeper than that, all the way to a spiritual level. If you read my post, you will not respond so simply. In addition to that, i am saying that America was destined to "fall" from even before it's "liberation". The country never truly wrestled out of the grip of Britain, or the central banks; the "founding fathers" bent over and spread em', while carrying a well implemented psy-op by the form of patriotism and exceptional.

Taxes, fees, stipulations, technicalities, ,rules, regulations, license requirements, government subsidization/ monetization/ regulation and it's ever present oversight, along with the force used to enforce it all, have increased evenly, and steadily under ANY of the damn presidents and their administration; the only reason any president had been considered wonderful for this country is because the central banks and federal reserve that control them kept the immediate monetary environment, a system they have tailored into the single biggest factor of well being4 in everyone's lives, fruitful with a positive outlook. Jobs for all, affordable material in excess, high dollar value, and the repeated idea of American freedom and liberty.

Cops, politicians, leaders, officials, and the general elite were still not held accountable for the evil sh*t they pulled, while being protected.

The cops were still fascist and collected money for any damn thing the government says it's wrong to do. It's just today, tptb has exclusively populated the PD'S of America with petty, small, evil, childish or absent minded individuals who are more likely to use, or ignore the over-use, of violence.

The politicians still stole, lied and putzed around in their duties.

The fact is, that what is going on today is not a radial change, but the next level in America's status of manual, obvious and publicly acknowledged despotism.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:27 AM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000

As a poster above had said, the revolutionary war had the founding fathers still agreeing to the terms posed by the crown, and ultimately the federal reserve. Was this pre-planned, and the founders original motive? Dunno. But that is what it resulted in anyway.

Everything you have posted about the American way is what i exactly went over in my first post.

The truth is, you were not given the money that is truly owed to you. The truth is, you were very much harmed and freedom taken back in the "golden" days of America, if you said, or did something that government or society deems unfit, even though it hurts no one, and has nothing to do with anything but you.

People still had their things taken away or destroyed by the government for arbitrary, bulcrap reasons. Cops were still exonerated for obviously, and publicly, doing horrible things to people. The innocent were obviously still convicted, even though they are obviously innocent.

America never had any moral ground to recover. It just has a facade, a cloak. And this cloak has been slowly inched off each and every moment since America's inception.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: bigman88

As a poster above had said, the revolutionary war had the founding fathers still agreeing to the terms posed by the crown, and ultimately the federal reserve. Was this pre-planned, and the founders original motive? Dunno. But that is what it resulted in anyway.

With all due respect, I believe that's a poor interpretation of history to serve a predetermined agenda. It's like saying that winning World War II led to the rise of the Military-Industrial complex which Eisenhower warned us of by name. While that is true as a statement, it's NOT why World War II was fought and losing it would have meant far worse than not having the downsides which did come.

Likewise and back to the Revolutionary War? Losing it would have kept the Eastern Seaboard a British possession, the central continent a French possession and a mix of Spanish and Portuguese interests building across Central and southern North America.

So while I don't care for some of what winning our independence from King George brought about, not only did we NEED to break from any and all European powers to grow and develop, Cornwallis needed his comeuppance VERY badly and I'd sure say he got it with interest at Yorktown.

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:49 AM
a reply to: bigman88

I would say the Revolutionary War defended our freedoms and then WWII, but of course that is just my opinion. I've often heard my stepdad talk about WWII and how us kids should be grateful we were speaking English instead of German. As far as your question, "What is the American way?" I would guess, and again, this is my personal opinion, that yes we the people to include women, children, men, etc. are able to live freely and make choices for ourselves and are given self-determination to become what and who we want to become. The American way is about the right to "choose" and I take that seriously. Despite being born a female at least in this country where I live (USA) I know I get to be educated and that won't be withheld from me, I know I can choose my own career, practice/participate in the religion of my choice, vote, speak my mind and voice my opinions.

Certainly, this country has had it's share of growing pains and mistakes, but I've often wondered why so many millions of people flock here, many times at great risk to their lives, if it was not to live in the land of opportunity? Those are the people we should pose that question to, they might have some really great answers.

edit on 4-6-2014 by queenofsheba because: add

posted on Jun, 4 2014 @ 01:59 AM
I live a wonderful life in America why would I want to change that with a revolution or some other senerio?

I live better here than I did in Germany, France or Japan, so kind of hard to convince me to change things, oh for the better, riiight....

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: bigman88

Although you see general behavior and ethical values decline, America was always vastly immoral from being manipulated by the power that be towards social (and physical) hostility towards women and people of certain races and nationality. These racist and sexist views were not corrected by the leaders at the time, but fostered and progressed by them. You would have a clan cut, moral nuclear family, loves God, and is just. But he'll most likely utter under his breath about the ni**ers and there rights. Unfortunately, the rest of U.S. society's moral feature's have eroded away also, making people think that America was once such a moral bastion as it touted to be in the first place.

OK, so I was mistaken, this is not an America sucks thread. It is an America has always sucked thread.

So in your version of history, the leaders are responsible for bigotry and sexism. I disagree, it is the tribal, dual nature of human beings. I don't think those two things are ever going to completely go away from human society. So youre saying that if the leaders at the time had "corrected" these racist views somehow, everyone would be singing kumbayah and holding hands? Only somebody naive who has spent the majority of their life around people of their own skin color would imply that.

The country never truly wrestled out of the grip of Britain, or the central banks; the "founding fathers" bent over and spread em', while carrying a well implemented psy-op by the form of patriotism and exceptional.

Revolutionary war and the war of 1812 decided that. Two wars in which you claim America was not defending its "freedom". You do know that the central banks did not have a real foothold until 1912 Federal reserve charter right? When Thomas Jefferson was on his deathbed and someone asked him what he considered his greatest acheivement, he said, "I Killed the banks." Keeping the central banks from getting a foothold in America was a priority for many.

The cops were still fascist and collected money for any damn thing the government says it's wrong to do. It's just today, tptb has exclusively populated the PD'S of America with petty, small, evil, childish or absent minded individuals who are more likely to use, or ignore the over-use, of violence.

Right, so TPTB are now actively recruiting sociopathic police officers to go along with their busy agenda of world domination. My nephew recently joined the local Sheriffs department, I guess in your eyes they got to him and he is now a TPTB stooge?

If you read my post, you will not respond so simply.

I did read your post. I just don't happen to share your opinion, and you've said nothing to make me change my mind so as a great man once said, simple is as simple does.

edit on 9-6-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-6-2014 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2014 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: Cancerwarrior

The war of 1812 had nothing to do with "freedom".
The cause of the war was due primarily to the greed of the U.S. of wanting to annex Canada.

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