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Cincinnati Police Chief: Brogan Dulle Found Dead

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posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:18 AM

Police were called shortly after 9p.m. Monday evening to a building on East McMillan between Maplewood and Paris St. The 911 call came from the landlord of the building where Dulle was found. Chief Blackwell described the initial call appearing to be a, "burglary in progress."

Upon further investigation by police they were able to determine there was a deceased male in the building. Local 12's Curtis Jackson asked Chief Blackwell and the Hamilton County Coroner, Dr. Lakshmi Samarco, if the death appeared suspicious. Blackwell responded, "At this point obviously he's been missing for seven days. So we think it appears, at this point, emphasis on it appears right now at this point, self inflicted."

Cincinnati Police Chief: Brogan Dulle Found Dead

Brogan Dulle, 21, was a student at the University of Cincinnati. He went missing on Sunday May 18 in the wee hours of the morning after he went out looking for his lost cell phone. He and some friends went out to the restaurants and bars near UC, walked home, and when they returned to their apartment he realized he lost his cell phone and went out looking for it. He was a well respected, nice kid who (it appears) was responsible. He grew up in an upper middle class family and had several brothers and sisters. Other than being a full time college student, Brogan was also a swimming coach at two local swimming clubs.

Tons of volunteers searched the area around the neighborhood and school, handed out thousands of fliers, made tee shirts, and saturated social media to the point this story was going viral. Local business owners and even the president of UC offered up his own money to beef up the reward money. Several national news outlets, including Huff Post and NBC, among others, picked up on the story as well.

What makes this case kind of strange is the FBI, along with Texas Equusearch's Ohio Chapter, were brought in late last week. Then, they announced yesterday that they were not going to have any further volunteer searches. A lot of people are wondering if the FBI usually gets involved in an adult missing persons case and why they get involved in a case like this...

Sadly, Brogan was found dead in a vacant home RIGHT NEXT DOOR to his apartment last night around 9:00 p.m. The owner of the building called police to report "something suspicious" (other media outlets state a "burglary in progress"). The Chief of Police and the Coroner stated it appeared to be due to a self-inflicted injury. Later they said it appears Brogan Dulle hung himself. The irony of this kid being found NEXT DOOR is just crazy. There were A LOT of people searching for this kid (definitely hundreds, probably a few thousand).

This story has been saturating the Tri State and you cannot turn on the radio, get on FB, read the paper, or watch the news without hearing about it. Even out where I live (far east of the city) there are fliers and signs. People feel connected to him, his family now and need answers to their questions like why didn't they search INSIDE of the vacant building NEXT DOOR? Why was the FBI called in? Why did they ask volunteers to stop searching? There are several others, but these are the main questions I have right now.

Anyhow, I thought I would share on ATS in case anyone had any insight or heard about this story over the last few days. It seems strange that this kid, with the world at his feet, would just hang himself after being out with friends. Just weirds me out for some reason and it nags at the sixth sense vibes that I get when something, or someone, isn't quite right.

Idk, this seems like a bit of a mystery. If the kid had a history of psychological problems, depression, etc. I don't believe there would be this much involvement. He was with his parents/family on Saturday May 17 helping them build a new picnic table, had to work, and left his ID at his apartment.

Thoughts & comments are appreciated. Thanks.


posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:36 AM
Well it's Cincinnati so give no credence to the cops. Cincinnati cops are one of biggest coverup groups I have ever seen. The groups that investigate them go right along with them. The only hope of finding out what happened will rest on the FBI.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 07:12 AM

his family now and need answers to their questions like why didn't they search INSIDE of the vacant building NEXT DOOR? - See more at:

Why didnt his parents search next door if it was so obvious?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 07:22 AM
Given the hard to believe story coming from the police, I tend to think they had a hand in his death. Something like shaking down a person for being a drug dealer, but who isn't, so things don't go as they want it to go and he ends up dead.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 01:18 PM
Theory: Brogan had pictures/texts on that phone that are of a nature,that once revealed will shed light on this incident.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: damwel

Where in the HE!! did you come up with this crap? I live by a former Cincinnati police chief and he is one of the most upstanding people that I have ever known. I for one would like to know where you came by this information? It is nothing but BS.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:02 PM

originally posted by: buddah6
a reply to: damwel

Where in the HE!! did you come up with this crap? I live by a former Cincinnati police chief and he is one of the most upstanding people that I have ever known. I for one would like to know where you came by this information? It is nothing but BS.

I have to agree with you. I used to work in the city and have taken care of and worked with some Cincy PO's. They were all pretty upstanding guys who have a very dangerous job. I'd rather deal with a Cincy Po than a county sheriff, esp. a Ham Co sheriff, but I digress.

Cincinnati is not a very safe city and the cops that do work there get my respect as they've never done anything to me (except they did give me a speeding ticket once, lol). They do their best to try and make the city safer, they really do. Lots of thugs and gang activity, drugs, and just plain crazies out there.

Idk, maybe his comment had to do with the issues that led to the riots back in '01? I was in Florida enjoying a nearly two week vacay at the time so I missed it ALL! Yay! I worked out there at the time and heard it was a mess.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:10 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
Theory: Brogan had pictures/texts on that phone that are of a nature,that once revealed will shed light on this incident.

I hope so. I heard a rumor, from a decent source, that if true could lead the cops and FBI to take a closer look to make sure this was a suicide...Anyhow, if they did a tox screen and make it public, those results would put to rest this rumor that's floating on WLWT's comments section.

This story is a mystery and could end up with countless conspiracy theories unless they make this info public.

Seems very strange though that this kid just offed himself the way he did. Apparently, the building he was found in had a chained/locked fire escape. That's the way they claim he made entry into the building.

I do think there is more to this story and you are right, the cell phone data would answer a lot of questions. I also find it a bit strange that they found nothing on his computer. They said one of them was only a week old, but it sounded like they checked the old one too. A kid like this, from a family like this, with a solid work and school history committing suicide in the manner they claim just seems very odd. I mean, he can be seen looking for his cell phone on the surveillance cameras with a flash light. Then, eight days later, he's found dead, hanging in the basement next door with a bottle of wine and a krobar? BTW, people were in and out of the building he was found in, all week!


posted on May, 29 2014 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: lovebeck
There is an FBI manhunt going on right now for a serial killer working his way across country, that is one of the reasons the FBI got involved in the first place. Clifton, the neighborhood where UC is, is crime ridden and filthy as low lifes come from the surrounding neighborhoods to prey on college kids. More and more, Cincinnati's news media shies away from reporting the ongoing crime epidemic there (probably at the request of the city and UC) to spare the reputation of the school and hospitals/research.

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: abe froman

Trust me, I am WELL aware of the crime that goes on in the area. I think most people who live near Cincy know that Avondale, Clifton, and Corryville are not the best neighborhoods.

They are trying to make things better, but the LEO's are outnumbered, for sure.

I heard bits and pieces about the serial killer theory. Do you have any links??

posted on Jun, 1 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: abe froman

One reason the FBI may have been involved is that this crime may have involved inter-state movement. Also, they may become involved at the request of the CPD since the FBI has many more resources.

The UC area has been going downhill for years. It was looking up for a while with the anti-gang and anti-crime squads instituted by CPD before the office of police chief became political. The last two chiefs were from out of town and were not familiar with local crime were and are ineffective. This was like going back to square one in the UC area. My wife, who had worked at a local hospital for 35 years, was beaten and robbed after a fender bender just two blocks from UC. Do I blame CPD...NO! I blame the political leaders who want a soft hand with the miscreants in the area.

The area around UC is a target-rich environment for crime. It has many small storefronts with naive teenagers with a pocketful of money and expensive cell phones. The teens move on to side streets that are poorly lighted and houses with many nooks where criminals can hide waiting for a lucrative opportunity. Generally, the crime is drug dealers and addicts looking for money to fiance their business/habit and the naive teens from the burbs. Occasionally, there is the people attending sports events robbed in the parking lot and people like my wife who was on her way home being involved in a traffic accident getting her purse and phone stolen after being punched out by the persons who hit her car.


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