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Listen To The Ears

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posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:37 AM
Listen to the Ears

How often do we think about our Ears ? They are a very important and integral part of the human body. They are used for balance and hearing.

Did you know that the size of inner your ear determines how fast and balanced we can move, how agile we are as a species ?

When we walk, the image that forms on our retinas changes quite considerably. But no matter how fast or erratically we move, our view of the world neither jerks nor judders. It’s all stable images and smooth transitions, and the inner ear plays a large role in that.

In the inner ear, three semicircular canals control our balance by acting like small gyroscopes. The canals are bony, fluid-filled tubes arranged at right angles to each other and send information to the brain about the body’s orientation.

When the body moves, so does the fluid and this sloshing is sensed by hairs in the canals and relayed to the brain. The muscles of the neck and eye tense reflexively in response to these signals, and these help to stabilise our view of the world.

Fred Spoor from University College London and colleagues from around the world reasoned that these different movement styles must be reflected in the size of a species’ balance organs. There is some evidence for this already – the practically immobile sloths have small semicircular canals, while manoeuvrable birds have relatively large ones.


When I think about my ears, I don't really put too much thought into anything other than they provide a sense of hearing for me. But Ears have held a much deeper importance through out the ages. Ancients decorated the ears with many adornments and practice the art of Ear Coning or Candeling (a cleansing proces for the bodies energy centers to be free and clear...) and Ear Stretching.

What little secrets did they hear from the Ear that we have not yet learned yet ?

The Ancients had stelae which depicted Ears. It is said that to depict Ears on the Stelea was to signify they could communication openly with a God. It meant this God was listening, they no longer had to go through a priest to communicate in-directly with the God. Stelae with ears are classed as "magic" stelae.

To Mayans, ears held much greater significance as the passageway through which spiritual energy traveled. To honor that belief, the Maya stretched their ears and adorned them with ear flares. While flares made out of materials like Jade were indicative of wealth, those made out of lesser materials, such as bone, suggested that their wearers belonged to a lower class.

In ancient times the process was described as "coning". Cone shaped instruments made from pottery clay were used. The glazed pottery cones had a double helix carved inside to create a downward spiral energy flow of the smoke and heated air. This would carry the burning herbs down into the ear canal. The action is a counter clockwise flow caused by the vacuum action of the cone. The smoke and the heat cleansed the ear canal and pulled the debris out by vacuum as the air was burned out the ear canal.

The story goes that in ancient Egypt ear coning was used by the Pharaohs and High Priestess; only the people in powerful places were allowed to use this spiral evolutionary process.

The ear cone is an amazing inter-dimensional frequency tool

Smoke enters the ear canal into the deepest inner being in a shamanistic way and out again, taking with it all debris and toxins no longer needed in the physical body or in the electro-magnetic field around the body, strengthening the aura.

The sacred spiral works on the total body for healing and clearing. When all the body’s pathways are open and clear, the body is able to self repair. Another example of the spiral life force is kundalini energy

Metaphysically: Coning works directly on the chakra system to clear and strengthen the auric bodies. It is said to dislodge discarnate entities and negativity. It's like smudging your insides. The ear contains nerve endings and acupuncture points to every other area of the body, mind and emotions. The nerve endings are connected by streams of the subtle energy flow which carry our life force energy. If hearing is impaired or blocked, we are disconnected from that energy. Coning acts as a catalyst to clear out debris accumulated on nerve endings. This allows for clear vibrational flow to the corresponding area of the mind, body and spirit. This clears the way for other methods of healing.


Why do my Ears get red when I am anxious ? Is this my Ears released negative energies from my body ? When I am angry I actually can feel the pressure build up in my Ears like an explosion ?

Isn't it interestingly weird that the coning process is similar to a spinning vortex in our univerise?

The formation of such an energy vortexwould begin with the electromagnetic fields of coalescing atoms which amplified with strength in numbers, began to spin as the polarities interacted with each other; forming a spinning vortex, producing powerful gravitational fields. Think of magnets. Positive on one end & negative polarity on the other; laid end to end in a circle. If these were the size of atoms in the weightless vacuum of space, the magnetic forces between these atomic fields would cause a spinning motion like a tornado. This spinning motion produces gravity. Gravity fields are spiral. Hence the reason water drains in a spiral and tornadoes, hurricanes & our galaxy have spiral or vortex shapes & behaviors. The electromagnetic field interacting with the gravitational fields produced by the spinning vortex of energy would draw in all atomic matter within its range like the vacuum of a tornado causing the vortex to grow stronger; then heating & pressurizing the atomic matter into molten globs of new elements & stellar gases. These molten masses of superheated materials and stellar gasses were then ejected from the opposite end; hurling outward like a spinning playground carousel. These planetary bodies in the space vacuum, ever continue to perpetually travel outward on their original trajectories.


I am now a tad more fascinated with the Ears...

I am interested to hear your thoughts on Ears. Have you ever done the Ear coning process and did it have a noticable balancing effect either metaphysically, lyterally or otherwise ? Have you stretched your Ears and had any noticeable impact from doing so, different than before ?

edit on 26-5-2014 by leolady because: sp

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:47 AM
a reply to: leolady

What about birds? They don't have external ears, yet they are pretty balanced in flight.

I agree with you that ears are important but I don't think that having big ears proves one is evolved spiritually.

Additionally: dolphins have no ears - they hear with their jaw. Yet they are pretty advanced if you ask me...

Just food for thoughts.

Why do my Ears get red when I am anxious ? Is this my Ears released negative energies from my body ? When I am angry I actually can feel the pressure build up in my Ears like an explosion ?

Many animals evacuate body heat through the ears. The ear is rich in blood vessels and acts as body heat regulation in many animals. Se how fennecs have big ears to compensate the desert's heat:


The same goes for the jackrabbit who lives in hot areas:


Alternatively, animals who live in extreme cold have to keep their body heat, so they have small to non-existent external ears:

When you are angry, your blood vessels in you ears become more active and your ears go red, but so as do your cheeks BTW.

edit on 26-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 08:49 AM
Is the smallest bone in the body in the ear?
I heard that today and wonder if it is true.
Also is the smallest bone mentioned in the bible?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: leolady

What about birds? They don't have external ears, yet they are pretty balanced in flight.

I agree with you that ears are important but I don't think that having big ears proves one is evolved spiritually.

Additionally: dolphins have no ears - they hear with their jaw. Yet they are pretty advanced if you ask me...

Just food for thoughts.

I dunno, do we know if Birds and Dolphins are as spiritually oriented as many humans?

Birds and Dolphin do use sound however they are also very well adapted to their environments.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
I dunno, do we know if Birds and Dolphins are as spiritually oriented as many humans?

Do we know if all humans are spiritually oriented?

Yet they all have ears...

edit on 26-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: swanne

originally posted by: SLAYER69
I dunno, do we know if Birds and Dolphins are as spiritually oriented as many humans?

Do we know if all humans are spiritually oriented?

Yet they all have ears...

This is an issue I have with some replies.

I write "many humans" you reply with "all humans"

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:11 AM
a reply to: swanne

Good Points !

A Bird uses its head as a gyroscope, just another body part doing a similar thing that our human Ears do.

I'd like to note that I did not imply you had to have big ears to evolve spiritually. My thread points that scientific research suggests that big inner ear canals prove agility in mammals. Humans don't happen to have the biggest ear canals and we are only agile to a certain extent as opposed to other mammals.

My thread actually touches on alot of aspects of the Ears being very important ! The Ear coning process being very spiritual to cleanse out so that the energy center is free of debris and now energy can run freely through the human body.

Dolphins may not have an Ear such as a human does, but they do still have an organ or device for hearing just like we do. I actually believe that a dolphins capabilities of hearing are far more advance or perhaps I should say took off in another direction than that of us humans and is equally as fascinating to ours.

Dolphins use small ear openings on both sides of their heads to listen to or hear sounds. These small openings are what they would usually use for hearing when they are not underwater. To hear sounds underwater, they make use of their lower jawbone, that conducts sounds to their middle ear.

edit on 26-5-2014 by leolady because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
This is an issue I have with some replies.

I write "many humans" you reply with "all humans"

All right, then. Suit yourself.

Do we know if many humans are spiritually oriented?

Yet many of them have ears.

See how silly it sounds?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to: leolady

Interesting case indeed.

Although I must ask: how is "spiritual evolution" related to "physical agility"? Although they are not mutually exclusive, I fail to see the causation.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:18 AM
a reply to: swanne

Not all humans attempt any sort of spirituality.

The point is, are they attempting to manipulate themselves in a physical manner to obtain a perceived or possibly real affect spiritually?

Whether it is real or not
edit on 26-5-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:21 AM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: swanne

Not all humans attempt any sort of spirituality.

The point is, are they attempting to manipulate themselves in a physical manner to obtain a perceived or possibly real affect spirituality.

Whether it is real or not


The point is, does it work?

The Egyptians seem to think it did.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:21 AM
Birds are more dependent on a magnetic halo of metal in their skulls, detecting the earths magnetic field for navigation and probably balance. They have ears too. Ever see a Robbin hunt worms in the topsoil? They attune their ears like stereo to sounds and feel vibrations thought their feet.

Some fish are dependent on sonar (sound navigation and ranging) to find their "way" and hunt.

Bats… well, bats…

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: swanne

There is a connection on how I look at it. Maybe not to you...

The human Ear in a literal sense is an organ used to balance us agility wise.


When we cleanse our Ears we are clearing them out so that our bodies can receive energies freely and evenly and become balanced. Or so it is believed by many in the metaphysical realm and appears was deeply important in ancient days too.


posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:26 AM

originally posted by: leolady
When we cleanse our Ears we are clearing them out so that our bodies can receive energies freely and evenly and become balanced. Or so it is believed by many in the metaphysical realm and appears was deeply important in ancient days too.

In my humble opinion, striving to be a better person, sharing and always learning something new has a much greater spiritual evolution power than the cleansing of the ears.

For if these ancients are right, then it implies deaf people cannot achieve great spiritual evolution.

For the sake of argument: the "ancient" status of a theory is not, a proof that the theory is not obsolete.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: swanne
For if these ancients are right, then it implies deaf people cannot achieve great spiritual evolution.

There you go again with the all or nothing approach.

If one is thirsty is water the ONLY means of quenching a thirst?

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: SLAYER69

originally posted by: swanne
For if these ancients are right, then it implies deaf people cannot achieve great spiritual evolution.

There you go again with the all or nothing approach.

If one is thirsty is water the ONLY means of quenching a thirst?

If one is thirsty, is air a mean of quenching a thirst?

Is it your opinion that one's spiritual evolution is determined by the state of one's ear canal? If so, how can one explain the possibility for a deaf man to continue evolving spiritually?

edit on 26-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: swanne

Is it your opinion that one's spiritual evolution is determined by the state of one's ear canal?

No, Nice try though

If so, how can one explain the possibility for a deaf man to continue evolving spiritually?

As the OP has already brought to our attention that the Ear serves us in many ways. Simply because one aspect *Hearing* does not work doesn't mean that it isn't still capable of possibly doing it's other functions. Balance and yes, possibly a spiritual aspect.

ETA: I'll start waiting longer for you to finish your replies since you seem to have a habit of editing your replies after others have already replied.

edit on 26-5-2014 by SLAYER69 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: SLAYER69

How can something physical even influence something as abstract, as metaphysical as "spirituality"? The very definitions are incompatible.

Some people used smoke in their ear to achieve spiritual evolution. But then other people hanged themselves upside-down for the same reason. Some other (native americans) would even go to dangerous extremes, such as getting themselves into baskets full of poisonous snakes.

In the end, isn't this proof that true spiritual evolution is not dependent on physical methods, but actually on the state of mind of the person who tries to evolve? That it's, really, "all in the head", in this case, "all in the spirit"?

ETA: I'll start waiting longer for you to finish your replies since you seem to have a habit of editing your replies after others have already replied.

You won't have to - I have to get to work. Logging off now. I feel my point is being ignored, I feel I won't bring much more contributions to this thread.

edit on 26-5-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:47 AM
I've thought about having ear coning done, but never gotten around to it. I do have my ears stretched though, 5/8" currently. I don't know if I would say that there are any noticeable spiritual qualities that have arisen. Sure, I've become more spiritual since having my ears stretched...but that tends to happen when you're talking about a time gap of 9 years going between mid teens to early 20's. Anyway, what I can say about having my ears stretched is that the ability to wear weights is phenomenal for the purposes of meditating. The pair I wear for meditation right now weigh 92 grams each; although, I'm currently looking for a heavier pair. As soon as I put those things in, it's instant grounding. I'm sure that sounds off beat, but it is quite surreal. There is also quite a market for larger jewelry made from natural materials, stones, wood, bone...etc. I'll leave you to infer what you would like from that, but with how popular crystal healing has gotten, imagine being able to have huge chunks of a particular stone not just on your person but essentially in your body.

The mention of vibrations are quite common throughout many schools of metaphysical and occult thought. I certainly don't think it's unreasonable to say that there is a spiritual quality to certain sounds - especially considering that the vibration of certain words or phrases can be seen in things as completely different as Hindu mantras and western rituals such as the LBRP as put forth by the Golden Dawn. Just food for the thought.

I've also noticed that different people can hear on slightly different frequencies. For example, I'm sure it sounds crazy, but I can hear electricity. If that sounds cool or interesting...believe me it isn't. I literally can not sleep without a fan running or music playing because there is no such thing as silence. The last time my fan went out I could hear my Xbox hooked up to the wall 2 rooms away and it hadn't been turned on in days. There is also a noticeable difference in the sound of night and day (to me anyway) and I'm not referring to how much traffic is flying by on the road or anything of that nature. I'm frankly not quite sure how to explain it. I had a friend when I was younger that claimed she could hear a thunderstorm coming, I suppose in the same fashion that dogs notice the storm coming, at any rate I doubt she was making it up because every time she said a storm was coming, it came.

posted on May, 26 2014 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: swanne

I do not choose to sit inside a shiny black box twiddling my thumbs. Instead I step outside and circle it all the while searching for answers to the questions that arise inside my head.

Just because a person is deaf does not mean they no longer have any use of the Ear.

Open the mind and think about the possibilities. A deaf person might be a good study on learning more about the special things Ears may do for us. A deaf person probably truly does "hear" in a sense that we will never be able to !

As far as studying ancient practices... I do this for my own purpose and fascination to learn more. I can not prove one way or the other that they did this or they did that. I happen to find answers for myself when I go searching there and it opens my mind to possibilities.

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