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Why are people happy to be ruled by Kings and Queens from FOREIGN countries?

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posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:27 AM
Somewhere on ATS there is another thread on royalty, in it, someone states that the British government make a profit from the royal family, something like thirty five million pounds per year, and reading history, those countries without the steadying hand of royalty seem to fair worse than those with, post WW 1 Germany, post WW 1 Russia, France since the revolution, post WW2 Italy, how many military coups in Thailand? south america? Take a long look at Iran since the Sha left.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:37 AM

originally posted by: pikestaff
those countries without the steadying hand of royalty seem to fair worse than those with,.... how many military coups in Thailand?

Thailand has a monarchy...

Bhumibol Adulyadej (Thai: ภูมิพลอดุลยเดช; RTGS: Phumiphon Adunyadet; pronounced [pʰuːmípʰōn ʔàdūnjādèːt] ( listen); see full title below; born 5 December 1927) is the reigning King of Thailand. He is also known as Rama IX, as he is the ninth monarch of the Chakri Dynasty. Having reigned since 9 June 1946, he is the world's longest-serving current head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history, serving for 67 years, 351 days.[1]

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:51 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn

using a justification for their dislike of the monarchy
Accusing me of using a justification, except I did not express dislike, I did not justify.

excuse for their dislike.
I never said anything like that. Yet you accuse of me using an excuse anyhow – for something I never said.

don't apply the same level of bigotry against other Head's Of State
To top it off, you accuse me of bigotry – not for what I said but for not saying something about somebody like Obama or Sarkozy you feel I should have said.

you didn't want people to offer different opinions to yours
That because I asked you a question? Am I not supposed to ask a question here? Why do you tell me to go somewhere else for asking a question?

I don't think the accusation of me making this an 'emotional issue' is accurate
“Dislike” is an emotion, is it not? I never expressed a dislike, you threw that in. Why is this not factually accurate? Plus, when I ask why you are “making this an emotional issue”, this is a polite question. How is it an accusation?

You accuse me for things I did not say, and even because I didn’t say them, then for asking a question. You insult me (bigotry) and you tell me to go somewhere else (blog). And when I did ask a question you complain about it being an accusation. You have a strange double standard.

in this country, we most definitely DO NOT revere The Royal Family
Your emotions you do express are rather confusing and seemingly contradicting each other. Which doesn’t surprise me, because simply seeing her display her wealth will naturally inflame jealousy in many people, like some have expressed here. To be clear, I consider myself lucky for not being subjected to her arrogant display, nor does my money go to pay for it. But you are happy with it so everything is good.

edit on 27-5-2014 by ThinkingHuman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 07:02 AM
a reply to: ThinkingHuman

Just to point out they do not cost us anything..they bring in more than we give them...much much more.
Displaying her wealth? do you mean the British publics wealth? she is more of a custodian of our historic treasures which belong to the people.
I respect ole Liz for the fact that she has stood shoulder to shoulder with people in times of war and have sent her own blood in harms way.

We like our history and pompous I said before they have no real power and are mascot's for us Brits.
I used to be an anti monarchist but after researching the history and what my Queen has actually done I want them to stay and hope our future Kings have half of the decorum and grace our queen has now.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
We like our history and pompous I said before they have no real power and are mascot's for us Brits.
As you know, I disagree, but if you and the Brits in general are happy with it, I will not try to taslk you out of it. Thanks for your input.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 07:49 AM

originally posted by: ThinkingHuman
As you know, I disagree,

What power do you think the Queen actually has?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: ThinkingHuman

Sorry, but I really don't know where you are going with all this.
Possible deflection, I genuinely don't know.

You start a thread asking why are people happy to be ruled by foreign Kings or Queens.
This has clearly been shown to be inaccurate - the UK is not ruled by a King or Queen and The Royal Family are not foreigners.

In addition I asked why the same standards and criteria that you believe should be applied to The Royal Family should not be applied to other countries Heads of State - Heads of State who have far more real power and influence over their respective country's policies than Queen Elizabeth has.

As for the rest of your post?
Why isn't there a 'shaking head in bewilderment and amazement' emoticon?

I've never TOLD you to do anything - I merely suggested that if you didn't like what people post in response to your misinformed OP then perhaps you should write a blog simply stating your opinion and leaving no opportunity for people to reply.

And I'm not 'complaining' about you accusing me of anything, just saying it as I see it.

As for the bigotry comment - I thought it was obvious.
Should all Heads of State be judged using the same criteria?
If yes then why aren't other Heads of State out under the same level of scrutiny etc that Elizabeth is?
One can only assume that there is either a certain amount of bigotry aimed at her because she is British or because of the German part of her ancestry.
Otherwise why were the French people never alleged to be 'happy to be ruled by foreigners' and of being 'brainwashed' when they had a man whose father was Hungarian and whose mother came from Greek-Jewish stock?
And lets not even begin to discuss the question of Obama.

The whole premise of your thread is based on falsities as has been clearly shown.
Why not simply accept that and move on?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: ThinkingHuman

Hey ThinkingHuman,

No offence taken whatsoever as your view is pretty much mine. I was just blasting off because this is one issue that everytime I see one of those self serving smug royals on my tv gushing everywhere and calling meeting people 'work', I simply fume.

People don't even realise they don't own even the land they pay through the nose for when they buy a house, the land and all its wealth is owned by the crown as are most of the beaches.

I actually think they have a negative effect, for two reasons: they exude wealth over a public that exudes debt and the class system ensures that we maintain an upper echelon for which all snobs - and every country has its share, hence the Commonwealth, aspire to join - hence the bribert of titles and the honours list

Secondly I think they set a bad example of unearned wealth being utilised from the public purse used to supply the lavish trappings they show off to all the incoming ambassadors and rulers of poorer countries, who all try to copy their lifestyle and inevitably you look at these many country's rulers whom think they are entitled to such lavish lifestyles as our royals and hence the corruption with public funds and often very fat leaders squeezed into tight bursting suits. I know we have always had corruption in government but we don't need to push it into people's faces by showing our royals living a lifestyle few will ever be able to enjoy on public funding. Al

Although we have the younger royals being trolleyed out to woe the public once the Queen goes and we get Charles and that woman on the throne, public romance with the royals will always be mared by Diana's death and the blame associated with Charles, who had he had any sense would have lost that battle gracefully.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
class system ensures that we maintain an upper echelon for which all snobs

unearned wealth being utilised from the public purse used to supply the lavish trappings they show off

People don't even realise they don't own even the land they pay through the nose for when they buy a house, the land and all its wealth is owned by the crown as are most of the beaches.
Thank you for sharing your sentiments, I take it you're from the UK. Clearly, they were not able to make you buy into their deception.

This being ATS, and this being the "Deconstructing Disinformation" Forum, I am trying to address the Disinformation that people are not noticing, and as a result live in a world that is not reality.

I presume that many people, especially those not living in a European monarchy, maybe surprised to find out about the history of Royalty intermarriage - and it may somewhat change their perspective.

In the UK of course, imagery and other subliminal messages from the ruling class make every attempt possible to shut out the reality of the ancestry. Thus, many people from the UK are “trained” to block out voices that describe a reality that is less attractive than the idolized version. And so they get emotional and complain “you got it all wrong, we are happy with our Queen”, not realizing that my thread is entitled “Why are people happy to be ruled by Queen...?”

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: ThinkingHuman


Iam happy to have a queen with German ancestory because most people in the UK are not pure breed Brits but a mishmash of many other races and cultures.
Even though my family have lived here since 1795 I have french, Italian in my family tree, most Brits are mongrels and so is our Queen.
We accept them because they are British and they do a good job.
The fact is that we don't want to get rid of them..there will be vocal opponents on ATS but the vast majority of British people like and respect our Queen.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:51 AM

originally posted by: Freeborn
As for the bigotry comment - I thought it was obvious.
Should all Heads of State be judged using the same criteria?
If yes then why aren't other Heads of State out under the same level of scrutiny etc that Elizabeth is?
One can only assume that there is either a certain amount of bigotry aimed at her because she is British or because of the German part of her ancestry.
So you are repeating your bigotry insult.

You really seem to like insulting people for no reason, other than that there is something you disagree with. You haven't even made up your own mind, as to over what, nationality or ancestry. You just "assume", because you lose on the debate, so you figure, insults usually work. The more inflammatory the better. I don't have sympathy for that.

If you want to refocus on the context of this thread and this forum, please read my response to Shilo7.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: ThinkingHuman

With all due respect, I haven't lost anything - this whole thread is based on falsities.

The Queen neither rules in the UK nor is she or her family German / foreign.

As a result whether we are 'happy' or not is pretty much irrelevant.

Yet again you fail to respond in any way shape or form to any of the points I've raised instead you insist on obfuscation.

And you seem to be under the misunderstanding that I am in some way angry or being deliberately insulting - I assure you I am neither.
Perhaps I'm just more used to straight talking and I'm not the overly sensitive type, I don't know.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:05 AM

originally posted by: igloo
Very nteresting but since when do "commoners" have a say? In Canada here we're not overly happy about being enslaved to the German queen but what's the average dude to do about it?

Fascinating research you did by the way.

Here in Canada we're not happy to be enslaved to a British queen either.

Whether is British or German is irrelevant.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: Telos

Tell me how she has enslaved any of us?
She opens various parliaments and stuff...all just pomp and tradition.
She takes nothing from Canada, all the crown land is run by the Canadian governments and any profits from those lands pumped back into your own country.
Again I just think people do not understand what a constitutional monarch can actually do and what powers they actually have...(none).

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: Telos

She takes nothing from Canada, all the crown land is run by the Canadian governments and any profits from those lands pumped back into your own country.

Fine then. We don't need her at all. And I don't have a problem with her. I just don't like her. End of the story.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: Telos

Cool your right to say so but at least get your facts right about your head of state ;P.
Also again how has she enslaved you or me?.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: Telos

Cool your right to say so but at least get your facts right about your head of state ;P.
Also again how has she enslaved you or me?.

I'm sorry I don't understand your necessity of me convincing you why and who? I don't need to explain nothing sir. I just don't like her. As for the word enslave I was just referring to the post I've quoted. Period.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: Telos

You and others made the claim she has enslaved you Iam asking a simple question in how she has done this.
You said it so explain it.
If you just came on here to say you didn't like her fair enough but otherwise back up your claims of enslavement.

The whole thread title is misleading really tbh...she doesn't do any ruling anymore...those powers went hundreds of years ago.
edit on 27-5-2014 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 12:09 PM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
a reply to: Telos

You and others made the claim she has enslaved you Iam asking a simple question in how she has done this.
You said it so explain it.
If you just came on here to say you didn't like her fair enough but otherwise back up your claims of enslavement.

The whole thread title is misleading really tbh...she doesn't do any ruling anymore...those powers went hundreds of years ago.

One more reason for you not to worry about.

P.S. I don't like her no matter what!!!

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 12:17 PM
a reply to: Telos
So be a man avout it and admit you are wrong about her enslaving you.
Not hard really.

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