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Michael Moore comments on the latest American shooting.

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posted on May, 27 2014 @ 05:41 AM
a reply to: LarryLove

What Mister Moore has is an agenda.
To me you just come across like Piers Morgan and he's just about as useless as a human being can be.
You want to idolize a moron?
Go ahead...toss you dollars at Moore so he can buy more mansions and cars while he craps on the world for their "carbon footprint" and wags his finger at your nose.
It makes him (and you by means of your adoration) just another hypocrite.
You can either have freedom or you can have security.
You can't have both.
You have chosen security.
I will stick with freedom thank you very much.


posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:13 AM
Michael is certainly entitled to his opinion but then so is everybody else, but as usual, we are overlooking or ignoring the obvious.

For millennia, human society has struggled with what to do with young men’s violent tendencies. Many cultures stage elaborate initiation ceremonies, presided over by older men, which help channel youthful aggression into productive social roles. But in contemporary society, we have trouble talking about the obvious: the transition from boy to man is a risky endeavor, and there can be a lot of collateral damage.

Our refusal to talk about violence as a public-health problem with known (or knowable) risk factors keeps us from helping the young men who are at most risk and, of course, their potential victims. When we view terrible events as random, we lose the ability to identify and treat potential problems, for example by finding better ways to intervene with young men during their vulnerable years. There is so much more we need to learn about how to prevent violence, but we could start with the sex difference that is staring us in the face.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: redeyeblue
Now I think you just might be trolling.
You said,

Sadly these terrible acts will continue again and again, threads like this one will be on going on ATS until people demand change.

Just what changes will these be?
Will the change be putting everybody into their own bullet/knife/car resistant box?
I for one love my fresh air.
Give us some solutions.
Just why have some of the worst mass killers done so well?
Because they were all so normal and nobody suspected them.
What does crazy look like?
Unfortunately like all other crime we will have to take a wait and see approach, then we can respond to it.
Otherwise, the only way would be to jail every suspect, and that is not possible.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: bellagirl

Why does anyone even listen to Jabba?

Look, he is ignored as a whole here in the US. Now he has branched out to people in foreign countries. Do yourself a favor, place his crap in your "Spam" folder and go enjoy your day.

You should trust what he says about firearms as much as you would trust him in the same room with an all you can eat pizza buffet, where he is alone and no one can watch him gorge himself.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: bellagirl

I'm amazed that anyone would listen to what that hypocrite and liar has to say about anything. michael-moore/

He is one of those "guns should be banned except for my armed security and bodyguards" types of limousine leftist hypocrites.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:25 AM
It's mental health. It's mental health.

The problem is mental health.

What do we do with folks who have mental illness? offer them drugs and hope they take them. then ignore the problem and hope it goes away. It' doesn't go away.

It's a really really big problem.

If you doubt it, please do a little looking into any of the mass shooters. They all have something in common.

Mental illness.

Our mental health system needs serious help.

Michael Moore, are you listening? it's not the guns, it's not the bullets, it's not even the knifes. It's the mental health system.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 10:42 AM

originally posted by: network dude
It's mental health. It's mental health.

The problem is mental health.

It's unfair and insensitive to do anything that could be construed as violating the rights of the mentally ill.

So what we do instead is turn the whole world into an asylum with laws, bans, restrictions and make everyone patients.

And somehow that's fair.

As long as people like Moore and Watts and Bloomberg can have their retreats on Ted Turners billion acres of unspoiled wilderness to do whatever they want on they'll keep on pushing to put everyone else in padded rooms for their own good. Sorry, putting eryone in padded rooms is insensitive. They'll just make America one giant padded room. That way we can keep pretending we're free.
edit on 27-5-2014 by thisguyrighthere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: thisguyrighthere

I actually know people who have mental issues and they are not regulated at all. They are given drugs, and expected to take them. Hell, you see it on this forum all the time. You get to know which posters have issues and you can tell when they are off their meds. There just isn't a system in place to handle this type of thing.

These are people with feelings and rights, but if the system ignores them, then you get the occasional rampages. to be honest, with the amount of people who honestly need help, I am not surprised we don't have more of these than we do already.

Gun advocates just want people to stop trying to get their guns, the gun grabbers just want guns banned. It seems nobody is even worried about the damn cause.

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: g146541

Troll lol WTF are you talking about? I expressed an opinion is that difficult for you to grasp?

I am not on here to provide solutions to you or anyone else, that is for the American people to decide.

When I say demand change, that would mean to your mental health system, or gun control or both.

Again only an opinion of which I am entitled. Get it?

posted on May, 27 2014 @ 11:53 PM

originally posted by: redeyeblue
a reply to: g146541

Troll lol WTF are you talking about? I expressed an opinion is that difficult for you to grasp?

You express nonsense, you talk of the "solution", there is no solution! We will simply have to react and cleanup any situations that arise, people will always snap and that cannot change even with all of the laws and drugs in the world.

I am not on here to provide solutions to you or anyone else, that is for the American people to decide.

Like I said, the only solution is not a solution, but vigilance is a pretty darn good defense. I choose guns for my defense!

When I say demand change, that would mean to your mental health system, or gun control or both.

And gun control will keep those who have been stabbed, run over, bludgeoned Etc. safe how?
Mental health, it seems the ones we are "helping" checking on, medicating are the lion's share of the ones flipping out.

Again only an opinion of which I am entitled. Get it?

Yes you are entitled to your opinion and I welcome the input.
However do not become enraged when someone catches your nonsense and rubs your nose in the mess you made.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 12:14 AM
a reply to: mclarenmp4
Earlier I posted most of what I observed happening ,THAT'S why.Our culture can be cold and calculating because THAT IS HOW WE WERE PROGRAMMED TO OPPOSE COMMUNISTS. It didn't work too well but it sure made us mean.Kids looking for attention find it else where.There aren't directions in America you have to do it yourself ,but some don't WANT TO.I am not AT ALL talking about those who CAN'T. Now they are drugged in their youth,all inclusive expressions create exeptionalism in the individual's self ,narcissisticly locked into a digital identity that doesn't lend itself well to adaptation or even SURVIVAL (As if intended).Lost no parental ethical reinforcement.Just an urban predator that want what's theirs and ALL they can get.If someone takes something dear or gets in their way,what do you think happens next? What if they are from a rich family?

What needs to be done.We need a mental heath system that doesn't stigmatize but aids in placing people on a successful course of life.
A ground up reset to a republic again,free of corporate centralized banking . A return of social values emphasizing FATHERHOOD. Now to include Mom as an equal authority.Rebuild the infrastructure and industry along with it...I could continue but lets just say the greedy people are now in charge in SPITE of the American people and our culture.

edit on 28-5-2014 by cavtrooper7 because: (no reason given)

(post by redeyeblue removed for a manners violation)

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 02:11 AM

originally posted by: redeyeblue
a reply to: g146541

It was you who asked me for solutions dimwit, why not read your post again? or have the meds kicked in and you forgot what you posted. I told you I am not here to provide solutions.

I expressed an opinion but if you disagree with that opinion as you clearly do, then you are also entitled to do so, it means nothing to me other than I get what type of person you are.

Gun control WOULD prevent many deaths in America, not all obviously and it would not have helped this guys first three victims before you play that card. The point is many deaths could be avoided with better control overall, again it is an opinion which i am sure you disagree with.

As for mental health it is clear that some people are let loose in the community who are dangerous, or show signs of potential danger to other people. Giving them meds and hoping all will be fine, while at the same time that person has access to weapons is a recipe for disaster.

I am not enraged at all more like laughing at your stupidity, the first line of your tagline is so apt.

Insults will get you and your opinion nowhere.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: g146541
First he says....

I no longer have anything to say

And then goes on to rant for the next hour...
How is anyone surprised??
Did he rant about knives or cars as well?
With the way he thinks, he really should be looking to ban spoons!
With all of Mr. Moore's hatred towards the US, he still stays here and does not go to a "safer" country...
Why is that, is the best question.
No other country will listen to his whining and make him famous.

I did not read any further than your reply.. same arguments both pro and con...
Jabba the Lib can stay and spew his version of truth because he is guarded by Black Water (or whatever their name is these days) 24/7.. His version of personal responsibility is to get someone else to guard his back and do the dirty work if needed. He is a tool, nothing more or less; useful to some miscreants. He originally had Patrick Burke doing the body guard duty until he was busted in N.Y. for not having a concealed carry permit for N.Y. State.

Jaba the Lib and Al Gore are two peas in a pod of hypocritical bloom.. Gore can have houses with the carbon footprint of the largest airline, but wants all of us to live in a grass shack without electricity and water in order to save his world.

posted on May, 28 2014 @ 07:36 PM

originally posted by: 727Sky
Jaba the Lib and Al Gore are two peas in a pod of hypocritical bloom.. Gore can have houses with the carbon footprint of the largest airline, but wants all of us to live in a grass shack without electricity and water in order to save his world.


I absolutely love this statement.
And don't forget what'll happen to you in your grass shack (because of Agenda 21 luvin' mothers like Moore) if you try and collect some rainwater or (heaven forbid you Gaia hating bastich!) plant a garden...


(Yours is and always will be the best Avatar on this entire website!)

posted on May, 30 2014 @ 05:06 AM

originally posted by: Eryiedes

originally posted by: 727Sky
Jaba the Lib and Al Gore are two peas in a pod of hypocritical bloom.. Gore can have houses with the carbon footprint of the largest airline, but wants all of us to live in a grass shack without electricity and water in order to save his world.


I absolutely love this statement.
And don't forget what'll happen to you in your grass shack (because of Agenda 21 luvin' mothers like Moore) if you try and collect some rainwater or (heaven forbid you Gaia hating bastich!) plant a garden...


(Yours is and always will be the best Avatar on this entire website!)

Wow such kind words... I am not worthy... But thanks anyway...

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