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The Worlds Worst Stadium Disaster

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posted on May, 24 2014 @ 11:58 AM
Lima 1964.

Over 300 dead. The full figure never known because the bodies of those shot by police were taken away and hidden from investigators.

The judge appointed to investigate the disaster, Judge Benjamin Castaneda, accused the interior minister of orchestrating the pitch invasion and the brutal police response, in order to incite the crowd to violence - thus providing a pretext for a violent crackdown. The show of strength was intended, he said, to "make the people learn, with blood and tears" the risks they ran if they challenged the authorities.

Compare the Lima stadium disaster to Hillsborough. Hillsborough was used at the time to ease the introduction of the corporation known as Premier League Football. Hillsborough is being used now as an emotive weapon against the British constables in group punishment. The intention being to bring in a privatised police force who can be programmed to ignore corporate and political crime.

Lima was used for a very similar motive according to the investigating judge. To keep the plebs down.

What do you think?

Is it impossible for Hillsborough to have been a deliberate black operation?

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 12:22 PM
I fear the worse for the World Cup stadiums in Brazil next month. I really hope they're up-to scratch with all health & safety aspects, and not just given the ok because of pressure.

ETA: Same goes with the safety of all the fans who are going to Brazil, amid the protests, policing, rival fans e.t.c
edit on 24-5-2014 by skyblueworld because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 12:34 PM
I can't tell you about Lima, but from what I have read Hillsborough was pure negligence. Followed by the tried and true MO of cover our asses. They had less entrance gates for Liverpool fans, opened the exit gate to allow more fans in. People were in a hurry to get in position. Then when "the crush" started police were too preoccupied with crowd control to notice that conditions had deteriorated. The tower watch commander wasn't paying attention as the pens filled way past capacity, and by the time they realized people were suffocating it was already too late. Then they blamed their negligence on Hooliganism and altered official police statements.
edit on 24-5-2014 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 01:16 PM
a reply to: skyblueworld

Let's hope it all goes well.

The Brazilian Stadium Appreciation Society has approved this video.

edit on 24 5 2014 by Kester because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2014 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Degradation33
The tower watch commander wasn't paying attention as the pens filled way past capacity...

This is the most controversial point. The Police control box didn't issue instructions. The CCTV tape that would have shown why they didn't respond to the unfolding crisis was stolen the same day.

Two witnesses have said the most senior constable present, Assistant Chief Constable Walter Jackson, was under a table apparently having a mental breakdown. His behaviour was so difficult it prevented anyone else in the control box from effectively dealing with the crisis.

One of the witnesses, Winton Cooper, was murdered just as wider public interest in Hillsborough was being re-awakened. The other witness refuses to repeat his story.

The reason the watch tower commander wasn't paying attention is the detail that is going to derail this show trial.

posted on May, 25 2014 @ 04:04 AM
The OP is right about Hillsborough being used as a beating stick for the police and that there may be an agenda behind it. I don't think anyone doubts that some senior police officers didn't come up to scratch and were neglectful but nobody can put blame on the lower ranks who were out on the ground and did their best in a horrible situation.

What most people don't like to mention though, because it's not politically correct, is that Liverpool football fans are renowned for trying to burst through turnstilles en masse to try and get into the ground without tickets. They always have been and still are.

A huge contributing factor to that tragedy was that a lot of Liverpool fans saw an opportunity to get into the ground and took it which resulted in a crush and the resulting terrible consequences.

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