+2 more
posted on May, 23 2014 @ 01:25 PM
Gawd - @)$* all of you.
Get off of the 'Before It's News' assault. Who gives a damn where the information came from - what we should all be asking, is How Can we Validate
Can anyone here say definitively that this guy's 'discovery' ISN'T valid? I'd love to see Your camera footage of the dive, Please.
Sure - High-Res meets Low-Res - what does that have to do with the fact that it is still an unnatural formation? A 600x2500-FOOT CAVE!? Never seen
one, not sure anyone else ever has either. Directly beneath a level plateau? UFO-Frequented Area? Coincidence - I think not.
Perhaps the reason there is a higher resolution photo there is because something of Note was found there.
As far as I'm concerned; Before It's News is just another website on the internet posting what they've been fed - JUST Like all of you. It's
information, and it's just as valid as anything any of us post until proven otherwise.
Go believe in a god you can't prove exists for a little while - then come back and say that this doesn't exist because you don't see the proof.