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Congress reaffirms indefinite detention of Americans under NDAA.

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posted on May, 22 2014 @ 05:46 PM

The herr ouse of Representatives approved an annual defense spending bill early Thursday after rejecting a proposed amendment that would have prevented the United States government from indefinitely detaining American citizens.

But..but.. But...

Pres. Barack Obama vowed when he signed the 2012 NDAA into law on December 31, 2011 that he would not use the indefinite detention powers provided to him by Congress. When that provision was challenged in federal court, however, the White House fought back adamantly and appealed a District Court ruling that initially reversed the indefinite detention clause, eventually sending the challenge to the Supreme Court where it stalled until earlier this month with the justices there said they would not consider the case.

No buts here folks ..... Sorry

It should be obvious by now that we are definitely a police state , and if you nay sayers can't see it ..pull your head out of the Mudd ...

Guess I shouldn't join the northern CA milita now... I might get a first class ticket to GITMO..


Forgot to add the link

Sorry I know "RT" ....
edit on 0475053154755nd by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

ETA: Looks like Rep. Adam smith is a bit disappointed by the decision as well . from his tweet

Disappointed my amndts to #CloseGitmo &end #indefinitedetention failed in the #NDAA. I won't stop fighting to pass this critical legislation"
edit on 0565053155655nd by LightningStrikesHere because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 05:50 PM
Just read this on RT and well.....

Its for the greater good

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 05:52 PM
There is an old thread here were dozens of folks came to demand everyone understand that the text did not say indefinite detention for Americans. They twisted the language like a pretzel to come to that conclusion and demanded that the idiot conspiracy theory folks see that there was no such thing in the text. But there is and was, so how can it be that so many people cannot grasp what is written in the text until it is too late? Can people really be that dumb as to believe that what they see is not what they see? Can people really be so stupid as to think that vague language is not used in order to favor more power rather then less?

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 05:57 PM
Well if it's OK to Drone Americans without even charging them.

Indefinite Detention is progress...

*Just trying to see the positive

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:00 PM
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

Countries that assassinate their own President on their own soil, don't really care about the formality of laws now do they?

It happened.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:00 PM
Im not even a American (thank god) and even I know this is 100% violation of the 6th amendment of the US consitution!

Its illegal!

How can you stand by! Every congressman that voted for this and high court judge that passed this should be TRIED for treason! Obama should be impeached and face life without parole for his act of signing it as that too is treason.

If anything is 100% clearly unconsitutional its this!

It makes a mockary of the constitution and reduces it too just a rag with some words on

I feel for you guys I really do.
edit on 22-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-5-2014 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

Is there not something in the constitution about government oppressing the people and that the American government is supposed to be a government of the people and by the people not the corporations and was not the law recognizing corporations as people a breach of that constitution and did it not both lay the ground rules for these problems but also make a mockery of the constitution, there is such a thing as the spirit of the law and it obviously does not abide by it.
Now I am not a US citizen but see the american constitution as one of the rare shining light's in the history of global democracy and like many am growing appalled at the obvious corruption that seem's hell bent on destroying it and what it stood for, now don't get me wrong I am against gun's except in the hand's of those whom use them correctly and for protection and law enforcement and only when absolutely necessary which is not the impression I get of the US on these thread's with all the unarmed and innocent people being shot dead by trigger happy rent a cop's but then when your police are corporate owned and only work for the vested interests you actually have mercenary's in uniform which is also not in the spirit of your constitution as your law is supposed to be upheld by militia and that should mean state owned not private police forces.
You already have the highest percentage of prisoners per head of population of any nation in the world and that is a woeful incrimination of a system which is oppressive and corrupt, a just society has less crime and therefore less criminal's.
But then I Live in britain and can not point fingers as our country is just as corrupt except we treat our prisoners humanely in accord with international human right's conventions.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I've never supported this bill, this is the type of thing that was brought up during the elections as well. Many people tried very hard to show how bad this bill is, but I seem to remember the Obama supporters blinded in some kind of weird Obama trance that just made them refuse to see how bad it is. He signed it into law after all.

Perhaps it's because millions of people are afraid of being racist, and just can't disagree with a single thing our president does? Weird I know, but somehow I can imagine Obama rubbing his hands together saying "yes, my plan is working Smithers, all the morons are distracted by BS!"

edit on 22-5-2014 by Wookiep because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:17 PM
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

A kennedy he was a good man even if he was the progeny of a boot legging gangster, still I believe his brother murdered marilin monroe (Norma jean baker), his vice president was up to his eye's in the plot to murder the president and of course they got away with it or did they, factions with factions, maybe but unlikely one day the truth will come out just like the SAS murder of Diana and the embalming of her body, an hour for a 6 minute drive to the hospital when one whitness saw her walk to the ambulance and embalming her against french law to try to hide the pregnancy, if you really want corruption look at the british heirarchy they are global gangsters whom I have a personal grudge against as they robbed my mother's inheritance and title but also because they are group of evil nasty little men whom should never have been allowed the power they wield.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:17 PM
Just thought I'd add a little bit more on this subject. While it's not great news, there's more good there than there seems.

An amendment from Republican Trey Radel that would require the Department of Defense to report on detainees and provide legal justification for their detention passed on a voice vote.

Another amendment from Virginia’s Bob Goodlatte that would require the government to provide definitive evidence that a detainee was an enemy combatant also passed by a very narrow margin on mostly Republican support.

Other NDAA Amendments

So, at least the government has to provide solid evidence that the person was an enemy combatant, and the detention has to be legally justified.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:18 PM
H R 4435
Republicans voted 216 yes 13 no
Democrats voted 109 yes 85 no

edit on 22-5-2014 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:20 PM
a reply to: charles1952

Legaly justified?

There is nothing legal about this act.

Its a direct and clear violation of the 6th and hense by defult its illegal and any politician or judge that support it is a traiter to the USA and should be arrested and tried for treason.

No ifs, buts or half measures.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:23 PM

originally posted by: LDragonFire
H R 4435
Republicans voted 216 yes 13 no
Democrats voted 109 yes 85 no

So you have 325 traitors sitting in congress thats need to be arrested for treason against the USA

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: charles1952
Just thought I'd add a little bit more on this subject. While it's not great news, there's more good there than there seems.

An amendment from Republican Trey Radel that would require the Department of Defense to report on detainees and provide legal justification for their detention passed on a voice vote.

Another amendment from Virginia’s Bob Goodlatte that would require the government to provide definitive evidence that a detainee was an enemy combatant also passed by a very narrow margin on mostly Republican support.

Other NDAA Amendments

So, at least the government has to provide solid evidence that the person was an enemy combatant, and the detention has to be legally justified.

Provide evidence prior to arrest?? Or after ? And how long do they have to provide it ?

I see loopholes here that can be exploited ...just saying

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:39 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
Im not even a American (thank god) and even I know this is 100% violation of the 6th amendment of the US consitution!

Its illegal!

How can you stand by! Every congressman that voted for this and high court judge that passed this should be TRIED for treason! Obama should be impeached and face life without parole for his act of signing it as that too is treason.

If anything is 100% clearly unconsitutional its this!

It makes a mockary of the constitution and reduces it too just a rag with some words on

I feel for you guys I really do.

I guess I'll be hauled off the first time I see one of my neighbors getting hauled off. I'll be damned if im letting anyone get snatched up for no reason.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

I dont see loopholes all I see is treason, pure and utter treason.

Id polish that 2nd amendment off and show those traiterus scum in congress that the constitution still binds them.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:40 PM
What can we do about this police state? I mean seriously, what can we do? Use the law against them? They change or circumvent the law. Have a revolution? They have more firepower and better equipment. I've actually felt groups such as ANONYMOUS, Occupy, etc. are ultimately sponsored to foment civil unrest. If and when an attempt at revolution takes place it will divide the people. With the powers of propaganda you can bet that all those on the side of rebellion won't be revolutionaries, but domestic terrorists. The other side will obviously support the government retaliation, happy that all the "conspiracy nutters" are being dealt with. What if a revolution is successful? Who steps in and fills the shoes? The extent of the corruption would make it very difficult to trust potential candidates for President etc. Do you think other countries would come to our aid in fighting the corruption? Or are you like me, who believes that it's all part of a broader, global scheme. What can we honestly do at this point?

Should we all just accept this as the way things are?

Hey there NSA.
edit on 22-5-2014 by WakeUpBeer because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: LightningStrikesHere

I dont see loopholes all I see is treason, pure and utter treason.

Id polish that 2nd amendment off and show those traiterus scum in congress that the constitution still binds them.

I am with you ! I meant "loopholes" for these "traitors " to exploit . .

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

You use democracy, not there democracy as if the system itself is corrupt then you have to go back to grass root's and form a new government recognized or not using social media and grass root's campaigns, I hate civil war's and they alway's lead to brother killing brother even to this day the american civil war had the highest number of american casualties of any war your people have fought but in your constitution and your oath of allegiance you swear to uphold your constitution, that is not to allow someone to change or ammend it, and to fight enemy's of your nation foreign and domestic (foregn and domestic is a perfect analogy for corporations and there corrupt senate lobby's whose interests are being put ahead of the interests of your nation even though they were not envisioned by your founding fathers).
Peaceful democratic independant elections and if enough happen and enough people believe in them and perform them they will take over the country and give it back to your people but remember they will fire the first shot and it is down to you to hold your tempers.
This may or may not be about race but Martin Luthor King is the greatest american to have lived in the past 100 years, maybe not in himself but in his position and belief's and his willingness to die NOT TO KILL for them and even in the civil rights age against the Backdrop of Ku Klux Klan and Black Panthers wanting blood he stood his ground and stood not for one creed or colour but all the colours of your flag and for ever star and ever man, woman and child of your nation, It can be that nation again but it is down to you and those like you.

posted on May, 22 2014 @ 06:54 PM
Your next president needs to be one of those that voted nay

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