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want to fight climate change? go vegan

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posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

I can eat some veggies, but some cause my thyroid and adrenal system to slow down too much. I actually love veggies, but eating the wrong ones, ones that many people eat regularly, will do me harm. I know, I control my epilepsy with food chemistry and there is complications from using them regularly. Just like the meds, these foods mess with a person's p450 enzymes, that is a problem. Liver function is compromised for some people with consuming certain veggies, and the liver purifies toxins out. These toxins have made people crazy in history, they still do today. Some people need to moderate this chemistry, at least forty percent of the population of the USA if not more.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: rockoperawriter
Snaring wild rabbit is also great, granted it takes a lot more rabbits to fill up the stew pot, and you have to know where and how to set up traps. I prefer wild meat to domestic meat for sure though. I love country life though, game to hunt and trap, meat deals straight from the farms, lobster and fish I can buy right from the boats, plenty of room to grow my own veggies. The only bitch is having to drive to the more "civilized areas" to get most construction work. Hopefully my five year plan works out and I won't have to put up with that crap at all anymore.

edit on Fri, 09 May 2014 18:35:36 -0500 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: BlueMule

Hey meat eaters, I know you're asking yourselves how you can do more to combat climate change. Well one thing you can do is give up meat - See more at:

I'm not asking myself to combat or beleive in CLimate Change when I know its a false premise.

As to depriving myself of meat,
1) our bodies are built to consume meat
2) the elite who have amassed all the resources of the earth will still be eating meat and driving their gaz guzzlers
3) I enjoy meat at least 2 times a week

4) just imagine all those minimum wage students/youth workers who work in fast food being out of work. What you gonna do ban harvester and combines and get them to work for 50c and hour out in the sun so you can have your cheap grains and keep them employed at the same time?

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Using personal emotions to dictate what is right and wrong for others, is, likewise, not valid.

that's what i said. personal emotions cannot be a justification.

if personal pleasure was all a person needed to be right, then no rapist would be wrong.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Bob Sholtz

So, where is your 'scientific data' that states eating animals is immoral?

ok, now i know i'm being trolled. good day.
Wait wait wait, so I am trolling for asking you for data to back that which you claim as a fact? When you previously asked me for the exact same thing?

You, sir, are a hypocrite to the highest order. "My arguments are valid, yours arent". "You have to provide data, but if you ask me for any you are trolling".

Please, son.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:38 PM

originally posted by: Bob Sholtz
a reply to: captaintyinknots

Using personal emotions to dictate what is right and wrong for others, is, likewise, not valid.

that's what i said. personal emotions cannot be a justification.

if personal pleasure was all a person needed to be right, then no rapist would be wrong.
Then how do you justify your claim that your idea of morals (emotionally charged, and completely subjective) are correct?

You are contradicting yourself all over the place.
edit on 9-5-2014 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: TKDRL

yeah under the table work in the country is hard to find. me i want to make cool stuff to sell at barter fairs, grow veggies, mmj, collect antlers, eat and smoke my own plants, hunt my own meat

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: captaintyinknots
you're assuming that they are emotionally charge and completely subjective.

i've already stated my completely NOT subjective moral base: causing harm without reason is wrong. harm is bad, and going out of your way to cause harm is therefore wrong. it is the difference between killing in self defense and murder.

what is emotionally charged and subjective about that? it isn't an opinion, but a deductive statement based on logic.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:43 PM
a reply to: Char-Lee

And it's important to point out, as the authors note, that the participants following vegetarian diets also tended to be more highly educated, to drink less alcohol, to smoke less and exercise more compared with the participants who regularly consumed meat.

Ahh the ole if you eat meat you are less intelligent then people who dont argument..

Just wow.....

Lets look at how many geniuses there are in the world , how many that have shaped the knowledge we have in our text books, and have driven us to the stars, and see how many of them eat meat....and how many are vegan...

Anyone spewing this line about how intellect is higher in such and such person because of "this and that" is indicative of a failed argument...

Anytime you have to attack someones intellect to try and drive home your own ideals, you are losing ground

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:47 PM
a reply to: Bob Sholtz

you're assuming that they are emotionally charge and completely subjective
Nope. You said so yourself. You said you saw too many gross things, and that you felt bad for taking a life. That is emotionally charged.

And ALL morals are subjective. There is no way around it.

i've already stated my completely NOT subjective moral base: causing harm without reason is wrong.
Still not getting it I see.....this is YOUR opinion. On top of that, causing harm for sustenance is, again, the way of life on this planet.

Maybe you ought to google the word "subjective" .

harm is bad, and going out of your way to cause harm is therefore wrong. it is the difference between killing in self defense and murder.
Again, this is nothing but your opinion. 90% of life on this planet doesnt have any moral issues with sustaining its life by eating the flesh of another living thing.

YOUR. OPINION. Nothing more.

what is emotionally charged and subjective about that? it isn't an opinion, but a deductive statement based on logic.
You decided that killing animals is bad based on emotional experiences. That was your own admission.

And, for the umpteenth time, morals cannot be anything BUT subjective. They are different to each person.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:50 PM
a reply to: rockoperawriter
Under the table is really easy, it's having to kiss government ass and take in enough money on the books to pay the bills that is the problem really. For example I can go pull traps on lobster boats all summer, in exchange for a percentage of the lobsters caught. I can work on a farm in exchange for meat, milk and eggs. But owning a house and property, I have to take in a minimum amount of money to pay rent on the property I own. It's enraging, if not for that, I could be off the grid completely by now. Damn property tax is bull#.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:52 PM

originally posted by: BlueMule
Hey meat eaters, I know you're asking yourselves how you can do more to combat climate change.

.....No I haven't. Lol I frankly don't care. Climate change has happened quite a few times during the life of the earth, and it's a natural process. Nothing I'm going to do is going to stop it anyway.

Well one thing you can do is give up meat.

Sorry. I literally just had the most delicious steak of my life (and I've had some pretty good ones) two days ago, and I plan on continuing that. Cheap too. 15 bucks for 2 amazing porterhouses. All I had to do was add a tad bit of seasoning, and slap 'em on the grill. I can't stress enough how amazing they were. Unreal.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: Char-Lee

And it's important to point out, as the authors note, that the participants following vegetarian diets also tended to be more highly educated, to drink less alcohol, to smoke less and exercise more compared with the participants who regularly consumed meat.

Ahh the ole if you eat meat you are less intelligent then people who dont argument..

Just wow.....

Lets look at how many geniuses there are in the world , how many that have shaped the knowledge we have in our text books, and have driven us to the stars, and see how many of them eat meat....and how many are vegan...

Anyone spewing this line about how intellect is higher in such and such person because of "this and that" is indicative of a failed argument...

Anytime you have to attack someones intellect to try and drive home your own ideals, you are losing ground

Lol I liked that one, but the study was actually not that favorable to vegetarians if you read it.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:57 PM
I have a simple philosophy:

If it swam, ran, or flew and it's green and came from the ground, chomp away!

Tasty additions: fruits, nuts and chocolate

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 06:58 PM
a reply to: captaintyinknots
how is the statement i offered emotionally charged? please explain.

Still not getting it I see.....this is YOUR opinion.

it is deductive reasoning. if you think it is incorrect, then offer your own logical statement that shows i am wrong instead of simply stating i am wrong.

You decided that killing animals is bad based on emotional experiences. That was your own admission.

i realized that it is wrong when there isn't a valid reason.

do you want to be harmed? no. nothing living wants to be harmed. everything strives for self-preservation. sometimes things need to be harmed to preserve their own life. if a person attacks you, you will defend yourself, no?

is there a difference between self defense and murder? yes or no.

hitler's "natural order" involved genocide, do you support this; yes or no and why?

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:00 PM
Do remember to give thanks to the plants that were killed to feed you! Vegan meals can be tasty, even exciting, if done properly. Think the average fast food compared to a gourmet offering of the same thing.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:02 PM
This may have been mentioned, so apologies if so....

Surely, if cows farting release more greenhouse gases than man does....then chomping them down as quick as we can is combatting climate change?

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: woogleuk
i'm more concerned about the usage of plants that can feed humans being fed to livestock, but to answer your question: there are so many cows because there is a huge market demanding them. they are artificially bred in massive numbers so people can eat them. the desire to eat them causes the problem.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Bob Sholtz

how is the statement i offered emotionally charged? please explain.
Seriously? Stop trolling. You made your decision based on how things made you feel. You FELT it was gross what you were seeing. You FELT it was wrong to kill animals.


it is deductive reasoning. if you think it is incorrect, then offer your own logical statement that shows i am wrong instead of simply stating i am wrong.
I didnt state you were wrong. I stated that it was your opinion. Do try and stop distorting what was said-lying doesnt make you look an more credible.

i realized that it is wrong when there isn't a valid reason.
A)Again, in YOUR OPINION it is wrong. B)Sustenance is a very valid reason.

do you want to be harmed? no. nothing living wants to be harmed. everything strives for self-preservation. sometimes things need to be harmed to preserve their own life. if a person attacks you, you will defend yourself, no?
None of this has anything to do with the subject, other than to further prove you are coming from a place of emotion.

An aside....if everything strives for self preservation, does that not make the eating of meat exactly that, self preservation?

is there a difference between self defense and murder? yes or no.
Yes there is. Neither one has anything to do with eating meat, however, so your point is moot and irrelevant.

hitler's "natural order" involved genocide, do you support this; yes or no and why?
No, hitlers OPINION involved genocide. It had nothing to do with natural order.

Seriously, this is getting embarrassing.

You know a person is getting desperate when they start comparing eating meat to hitler and genocide...good lord this is pathetic.
edit on 9-5-2014 by captaintyinknots because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 07:08 PM
The best part about this thread is that youve got a few vegans preaching, pushing and insulting anyone who isnt a vegan; meanwhile, you have a bunch of meat eaters saying "to each his own".

Funny little thing, narcissism....

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