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ATS has been infiltrated and infested with western establishment-paid shills...?

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+104 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 06:45 PM
Anyone think it is a bit odd, that just before this 'Crimean crisis' unfolded, a bunch of user accounts were 'activated' that all have the same posting characteristics involved in said posts and/or threads.

- Blind following of mainstream media sources (primarily western links), and the sourcing of said sources, in the threads and posts in question therein.
- Nationalistic tendencies, blind adherence and adoration of government and elitist establishments (for example, the Crown).
- Instant insensitive decrying of anything conspiracy theory-related, automatically, right off the bat.
- Populous circle-jerk threads, almost always involving large numbers of said aforementioned disinformation agents.
- Rampantly obtuse cognitive dissonant tendencies, aimed toward attacking and/or discrediting critics of the US government and/or their political and/or financial allies.
- Obtusely ignorant defense of globalist tactics, such as the NATO encirclement of Russia, Russophobia, defense of nationalistic institutions (the Svoboda Nazi party, Israel's persecution of Palestinians, and EU doctrines threatening the sovereignty of non-EU nations and the sovereignty of nations abroad).
- The unfounded idea that the Pan-American western union of oligarchs can do no wrong.
- Any American citizen standing against his government is a domestic terrorist, and automatically jumping on and/or jumpstarting a bandwagon to source any possible media spin article discrediting said citizen or citizen movement citizens are involved in therein.
- Characteristics strongly indicative of rampant racism and 'chest-pounding' nationalistic and/or imperialistic tendencies.

My fellow truth-seekers, oathkeepers, patriots, anarchists, seekers of truth and deniers of ignorant, arrogance, and disinformation. I call on you all to realize that this is NOT what ATS is about. These discussion boards were meant to be a safe haven away from ignorance, blind followers of the official story, media punditz, talking heads, the establishment, love of oppression and love of being ruled. # THE ESTABLISHMENT, that is what these forums are ABOUT, that WE DON'T NEED THEM. That WE CAN SELF GOVERN. That we CAN talk about alternatives to this system that ENSLAVES, MASS-MURDERS, and WAGES WAR AGAINST MANKIND. This is a place where we CAN talk with like-minded individuals on ways to circumvent and escape from this war economy, these systems of divide-and-conquer. To BEST EACH OTHER IN WAYS AND IDEAS ON WHICH WE *CAN* DEFEAT THE ELITE. These self-righteous, pompously arrogant dictators and authoritarian oligarchies that maintain and have maintained a stranglehold on the world, on the lives of people who have to work 70 hours a week just to make barely enough to survive. I have to ask, WHO GAVE THEM THE RIGHT? Are WE unworthy of living like them? The simple FACT that these boards are quickly becoming a cesspool INFECTED with ingrates that BLINDLY DEFEND ALL OF THE ABOVE, should give credence to the fact that THEY ARE INFILTRATING EVERY ASPECT OF OUR PERSONAL LIVES, slowly but surely.

I will not name any names, but those of you who are critical thinkers, and not victims of rampant cognitive dissonance, sheepishness, and an inability to think for one's self in relation to the QUESTIONING OF EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW, you KNOW EXACTLY WHO I AM TALKING ABOUT.

I call on those of you who are infowarriors to merely just be aware of the fact of this possibility, and to take a stand against it wherever it may crop up, in whatever form.

Keep fighting the good fight, and BE ALERT.

+49 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 06:53 PM

System that ENSLAVES, MASS-MURDERS, and WAGES WAR AGAINST MANKIND. This is a place where we CAN talk with like-minded individuals on ways to circumvent and escape from this war economy, these systems of divide-and-conquer. To BEST EACH OTHER IN WAYS AND IDEAS ON WHICH WE *CAN* DEFEAT THE ELITE. -

Hmmmm, here you are talking about Russia and China?.Maybe ATS has been infiltrated and infested with Eastern establishment-paid shills ? Deny ignorance my friend.Every political elite is corrupted, some more , some less.And stay calm , no need of caps lock.

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: xavi1000

System that ENSLAVES, MASS-MURDERS, and WAGES WAR AGAINST MANKIND. This is a place where we CAN talk with like-minded individuals on ways to circumvent and escape from this war economy, these systems of divide-and-conquer. To BEST EACH OTHER IN WAYS AND IDEAS ON WHICH WE *CAN* DEFEAT THE ELITE. -

Hmmmm, here you are talking about Russia and China?.Maybe ATS has been infiltrated and infested with Eastern establishment-paid shills ? Deny ignorance my friend.Every political elite is corrupted, some more , some less.And stay calm , no need of caps lock.

Or both Eastern and Western? I do see a lot of people blindly defending Putin as well. Right you are. Right you are indeed. The caps lock was just mainly me being lazy and not wanting to activate BB code.

And I most certainly do not deny they will be making their landfall here shortly. They will most certainly initiate the ad-hominem logical fallacy by attacking me directly, as they always do. At which point I will take my leave as they make their entrance, and watch as the sparks fly (not my intention by making this thread, I can assure. Was just merely wanting to see how many people were privy to the fact of this possibility)...
edit on 29-4-2014 by Davian because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 06:57 PM
Well shills? I'm not sure.

That being said I enjoyed your rant.

Caps lock and all.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Davian

shucks, I missed it next time let me know ahead of time.

+41 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:00 PM
There's a much, much MUCH simpler explanation.

As ATS grows in popularity, more people of various walks of life will find their way here.

The majority of people, as we already know, aren't well versed in the things we hold as truth. It takes YEARS of research and questioning the status quo in order for most people to get there.

You expect everybody who comes here to already be 'awakened' to what we know?

IMO it's entirely justified to see a bunch of people towing the party line, because that's all they know.

How about instead of complaining about them, that we do what we've always done and try to educate them, through reasoned, healthy and civil debate.

Are there some people who are paid to troll internet boards to push an agenda? There sure are.

Are they interested in the musing of ATS, enough that some actual 'operation' has been formed around it.

I highly doubt that.


+2 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Davian

I call on those of you who are infowarriors to merely just be aware of the fact of this possibility

That is not a possibility, that is a fact. It's called war on internet and we are obviously losing it...

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:06 PM

Are there some people who are paid to troll internet boards to push an agenda? There sure are.

Are they interested in the musing of ATS, enough that some actual 'operation' has been formed around it.

I highly doubt that.

But why? If there are indeed people who are paid to troll internet boards to push an agenda, whose to say it couldn't happen here? This is certainly the largest and most popular internet forum I've ever heard of (other than 4chan and BigBoards), it isn't much to just type in 'Above Top...' and have Above Top Secret Conspiracy Discussion Boards pop up in the top two or three results...


It's called war on internet and we are obviously losing it...

I hope you're wrong . . . I sincerely hope you are wrong.
edit on 29-4-2014 by Davian because: (no reason given)

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: Davian

Yeah, like I said, it does happen, does it happen here?

Yes, probably.

Do they stay long?

No, because our community is actually REALLY good at rooting out trolls and trouble makers. 95% of ALL staff actions are the result of member alerts and information gathered from those alerts.

So you guys, do a better job at managing those kinds of problems that we the staff, ever could.

I just think that dedicated groups of people would rather troll message boards that average people are reading, like Reddit or Tumblr or any of the other dozen, far more popular and far more mainstream sources than ATS.


+9 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:12 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

You expect everybody who comes here to already be 'awakened' to what we know?

People that are content with mainstream media don't have a reason to come here, right? So there has to be ulterior motive. I mean c'mon, let's stop pretending that we are in kindergarden...

+8 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: alomaha

Why not? I was that way when I first started here. I came for the aviation section, and never left. I know of others that joined because something caught their eye, and have since learned a lot more than expected, and changed a number of their views over the years.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: Davian

Oh darn...I admit it. I'm the one and only paid shill on ATS. I have at least 1,000 user accounts here. I represent every organization that opposes all the "deny ignorance" viewpoints on ATS.

I'm rolling in my shill dough. Richer than the corporate elite I post for...

That out of the way. I think with the large user base ATS has, worldwide. There will be those whom express the same viewpoints, others not.


posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:17 PM
I found it very interesting last week to log onto ATS and be bombarded with banner ads inviting me to try and join MI6. I was going to write a post about it but havn't had the time to do so properly. Cyber war is a massive priority for most goverments at the moment and it really wouldn't surprise me if the folks over at GCHQ are all over these types of forums.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: alomaha

So there has to be ulterior motive.

Absolutely not. Many people find ATS by searching random news stories that interest them, and finding a thread with information they see as relevant.

Everybody knows the media is lying to them, it's just whether or not they care to know the truth. I know of several members, who I've made good friends with on ATS, that were what you would call SHEEP before they came here, for completely unrelated reasons.

One of them was because of a thread in BTS about cars of all things.

How people get here is irrelevant, it's really what they do once they are here that matters.



+25 more 
posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:22 PM
A common and well know tactic of paid shills is to start threads and accuse others of being paid shills, this is done to cover up their own shilling....

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I just think that dedicated groups of people would rather troll message boards that average people are reading, like Reddit or Tumblr or any of the other dozen, far more popular and far more mainstream sources than ATS

Tell me something frankly please. Do you really think they don't patrol this forum? They are patrolling your personal e-mail accounts (even Obama admited it after Snowden revalations) or you think that is just paranoia?

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:24 PM

originally posted by: alomaha
a reply to: tothetenthpower

I just think that dedicated groups of people would rather troll message boards that average people are reading, like Reddit or Tumblr or any of the other dozen, far more popular and far more mainstream sources than ATS

Tell me something frankly please. Do you really think they don't patrol this forum? They are patrolling your personal e-mail accounts (even Obama admited it after Snowden revalations) or you think that is just paranoia?

I think people put far too much faith in the effectiveness of government in general. Including people like the NSA and the FBI etc.

Sure, they may pay some idiot to browse internet forums and post party line stuff, I have no doubt.

But I HIGHLY doubt that ATS is used as some sort of project test bed or that any of these 3 letter agencies can see past their noses to come up with anything usefull.

So yeah, mostly I think what the US claims to be able to do cyber wise, is mostly just propaganda.


posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:27 PM
a reply to: Davian

I always had a problem believing in the shill agenda. Sure, comes election times, it's a good idea to keep an eye on new registered members that only joined to derail threads on purpose or enjoy thread slidings (that is an agenda) as it does happen and I think the Moderators do a very good job at spotting them out.

As for any other time, I think the term shill is used as a synonym for someone having a different opinion. As been said above, some members change over the years. I know I have. Not as gullible as I once was. Much more skeptic on a variety of topics. Forums that I highly valued when I joined have very little interest for me now. Things change.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:40 PM
You know what, I did notice a thread I made about the topic, I got some harsh push back from people I had no clue who they where.

Don't bother me, A difference of opinion is an opportunity to educate, even if its a paid opinion you are arguing against.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 07:45 PM
i took a massive break as i was pondering every time i said anything political i had ten people to quash it ! but im back guys deal with it!

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