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An End to " It Takes Faith to be an Athiest too!"

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posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

I disagree about people recognizing wisdom when they hear it.. If that were the case we wouldn't have con artists. Anyone can be fooled. Myself included.

Also, if you agree the bible has been edited and maybe exaggerated then how could you ever know which parts were edited? What if love thy nieghbor was the edited part while stone all the prostitutes was the real passage?

IMHO once you agree that some of it's been edited it brings the whole thing into question.... Or you could just keep what you want and discard the extra... Like most Christians. That is what we all do with human advise so maybe your on to some thing. :p

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 12:31 PM

originally posted by: ArtemisE
a reply to: SaturnFX

I disagree about people recognizing wisdom when they hear it.. If that were the case we wouldn't have con artists. Anyone can be fooled. Myself included.

Love each other - wisdom
I can triple your money in a mealworm investment overnight - con

Or you could just keep what you want and discard the extra... Like most Christians. That is what we all do with human advise so maybe your on to some thing. :p

I do that.

I am a typical Christian then I guess...for an Agnostic Atheist anyhow. lol

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: AfterInfinity

I think that was a fib or god is a crappy father figure.

WTH I will never make sense of the bible or those who believe it. There was once a time when I really wanted to be part of that group but no matter how much I wanted to believe that stuff I just couldn't swallow that cool aid.

At least now being an atheist doesn't mean you have to hide it for fear of retribution. Well at least for the most part there are still places that you may be put to death for it.

I know what you mean. I tried too. I really did. It felt like trying to be a different species. As much as I might memorize verses or sing songs, emulate the joy and conviction that others felt during sermons or hymns, I don't feel any of that. I don't think to myself, "Wow, I can really see God in this!" I never had that experience. The closest I came was when I was baptized. I laughed and laughed, giddy and buoyant. I don't know why. I think because the intimacy and sincerity of the process made me feel like a person, like I mattered to someone. It was a feeling that I've looked for all my life, one that made me susceptible to religion because it was such an easy, clean-cut, convenient answer to everything I wanted out of life. But even up to the moment I entered that water, to the moment I uttered those words, all the way to the car ride back, I didn't really mean any of it. Because Jesus wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want to be a disciple, I wanted to be wanted. I still feel guilty for that because a good friend of mine did the honors, and I basically lied the whole time. I'm sorry I lied to him, that I turned something that was a sincere and genuine pleasure for him into a farce. Hell, maybe getting baptized and not meaning a single word through the whole thing - wanting to believe, but not succeeding - is just enough to damn me in that single act. But there had to come a moment when I was completely honest with myself, and if that meant coming clean about the lies I'd already produced, then that was the price. And since then, I've lost the desire to believe because I've learned why I want to believe, but why I don't believe. That's what the honesty did for me. And that's why I push honesty and self-examination here on the forums. Whether you look or not is entirely up to you, but I am willing to show you how, just in case you get curious. The questions, I'll provide; the answers are your business. And there is no guarantee that the answers will satisfy you or bring you peace. But I do hope they will at least illuminate the map to some extent, maybe give you an idea of where to look next. And at the same time, you'll be illuminating mine. As hardnosed as I may seem at times, I do pick stuff up from arguing/debating with people who disagree with me.

edit on 29-4-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Wasn't calling you a Christian. I was just speaking in general.

While I agree that love thy brother is wisdom. The question was can human beings inherently tell wisdom from a con. I personally vote no. I think weather it's wisdom or a con it falls to the one "selling" the wisdom or the con as to how it is received.

Hitler sold a whole country a con.

While wisdom said take the lead out of the gasoline 30 years before we did.

posted on Apr, 29 2014 @ 01:09 PM

originally posted by: ArtemisE
a reply to: SaturnFX

Wasn't calling you a Christian. I was just speaking in general.

While I agree that love thy brother is wisdom. The question was can human beings inherently tell wisdom from a con. I personally vote no. I think weather it's wisdom or a con it falls to the one "selling" the wisdom or the con as to how it is received.

Hitler sold a whole country a con.

While wisdom said take the lead out of the gasoline 30 years before we did.

I disagree overall.
Wisdom is a inner truth, a con is a outer action.
Hitlers wisdom was focused on a inner truth of nationalism and pride and using that to create a national outward action.

Love your country can be (arguably) you do that is up to you
Die for your that can definitely be a con, as it is dictating an action by their choosing verses an option by yours.

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: SaturnFX

Really with all the disinformation that people buy into?

People have heard both sides to most political issues yet there's no consensus. If truth was inherently heard as truth. Shouldn't everyone know the truth of global warming? Or 911?

posted on Apr, 30 2014 @ 01:58 PM

originally posted by: ArtemisE
a reply to: SaturnFX

Really with all the disinformation that people buy into?

People have heard both sides to most political issues yet there's no consensus. If truth was inherently heard as truth. Shouldn't everyone know the truth of global warming? Or 911?

That's different, that's outward facts of perspective. more basic truths are innate. Helping someone if you can who is suffering instinctually "feels" right. Now disagreements and philosophy may pop up on exactly how to best help, but the base desire to help is there amongst...most..people.
Not kicking babies as a fun sport..pretty basic, don't really need legal interpretations or different society aspects to weigh that. it goes against our nature as a species overall.
There are some basic right and wrong things inherent in our species..this is a biological programming within our animal that is designed to further the species as a whole. Doesn't mean every individual has this programming, and often those who transcend it can wield a lot of power over mankind, but those are exceptions to the rule.

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