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If it's crucial for our salvation, why doesn't god give us proof of his existence constantly?

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posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:04 AM

If the alternative to believing is burning in hell, why doesn't the Abrahamic god have a flaming angel with a sword flying around the world non stop, lopping the heads off heretic religious preachers and showing everyone the true way to salvation? Why not provide proof of the creation myth instead of leaving masses of evidence that contradicts religious texts? Why allow billions to wander into a fiery damnation through lack of reliably sourced information?

Here are a few alternative theories I've come up with:

There is no god and all religions are man made memes.

God exists but is having fun watching the human ants tear each other to pieces.

He exists but really just doesn't care, and it was some stray angel trying to save us.

There are a only limited number of places in heaven.

He doesn't know whats going on here (therefore not omniscient)

He doesn't have an angel or other resources to spare (therefore not omnipotent)

There are actually several gods, they are having a competition to see who gets the most worshippers and there are multiple afterlives.

God was actually an alien who tried telling us to be nice, but gave up and naffed off home a few thousand years ago. Hey, this is ATS.

Any other theories and discussion welcome. I'm trying to be thorough.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:13 AM
The point is faith he wants us to have faith. He's real and he loves you and wants to have a relationship with you today all you have to do is pray and ask him into your life and forgiveness of your sins

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:14 AM
Or maybe he is God and does things His way .Doubt is something that exist and I think it's a tool to increase faith .Many times I would say to myself that I don't know but for some reason that would cause me to look harder for the answer to a question I had at the time ,only to find a new pearl .As humans we have the ability to ask dumb questions and questions that we may never know in this sphere .The evidence for a God will be found within the believer .But His brush marks are on His creation .

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:30 AM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

Well said my friend

edit on 2342014 by igor12675 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 05:46 AM
a reply to: Antigod

what happened to being alive ?

no matter how you define god or consciousness, being alive is a constant proof enough of existence, (even if it's all an illusion - Maya, for those that know about- it's still proof of existence of that illusion)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:03 AM
Have you ever asked God to prove His existence?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:07 AM
And this is the most single important and pertinent question when it comes Jehovah and how he moves.

Before i actually started believing, i ascribed to a combo of a couple of your theories, which ancient aliens on history channel solely helped me come towards, where Jehovah, Zeus, Krishna, Huitzilopotchli, Amaterasu, are advanced aliens from nibiru/planet x, and all came to earth at the same time, and created mini version of themselves here on earth, and for various reasons. That was until i came across the satanism and occultism rife in general mass media, and the satanic ritual abusers, torturers, and pedophiles, rapists, drug runners, and murderers that happen to always be the worlds elite in business, entertainment and government, who are always thoroughly protected and covered for by the worlds governments, and even if found guilty of something, they are always given a light tap on the wrist, and a small fine, allowed to carry on, all behind closed doors.

Then i started looking at the giant 9-20 foot skeletal remains and their weapons, and other that have been discovered all over the world for hundreds of years, and shadily ignored, explained away, hidden away, or very mysteriously, INCINERATED by highly recognized archaeology institutions like the Smithsonian institute. The scriptures repeatedly talks about these giants.

The thing is, God has micro- managed and governed humans through spectacle that we can see and hear for a very long time, but despite this, humans still f*ck around too much and don't bother listening. They know God is RIGHT THERE, and know what he likes and don't like, but yet do there own thing, and always to there detriment. I think after awhile, God said screw this, i'm not going to hold these peoples hands anymore, it is up to them and them alone, to use the faculties of reasoning and logic, moral discernment, along with faith, to come to me. If they need me to dispatch an angel, or a giant meteor sent into their face, in order to sort themselves out, and is not able or refuses to see that i am present and in control, then their souls are not worth being in my company. If they are too stupid, deluded, or distracted to figure out what's true, and what is evil, despite all of the evil influence around them, then they are not worthy.

God don't like ugly. He also don't like stupid. The fool will not make it into the kingdom, despite there best intentions.

Many people on earth know better, and have been able to resist and break through this fake, insane world we inhabit, and continue to live separate from it's wiles and traps. It's just sad that most don't know, don't want to know, are not interested in knowing, and don't care.

There are people who despite being raised and taught a certain way, who ultimately become the opposite. Many brought into an environment of evil and degradation, but were able to mold themselves of a higher value material. These are the souls God wants.

I think purposefully tossed Satan and his rebellious cohorts down to earth instead of hurling there asses into space, so that he can observe how humans are able to deal with them. All we have to do is just ignore them, not regard them, and look to God, and these entities can do NOTHING. But look how that has turned out. I think it is a good plan of God to sort out the morally and mentally strong from the amoral and apathetic.

edit on 23-4-2014 by bigman88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Antigod

Hell is a myth. You are exactly right. How could a loving God damn billions of people to hell for an 80 year stint on this rock? There is 30,000 denominations of Christianity plus all the other religions to choose from, all with their own texts and saviors etc. And through all that if we don't choose correctly then we are tortured for all of eternity?

Hell no

I believe that is the point of Jesus' ministry is to correct peoples view of God. The view of hell is not a Abrahamic only religious view. The Persians and Egyptians both imported their views on the afterlife into the Hebrew thought.

Plainly, hell (as in the hell that is commonly taught) is not in the bible. There are some mistranslations and terrible exegesis that have been passed off on the populace for a couple hundred years. But no the bible does not teach that people will be tortured for eternity.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:22 AM
You know why.

people say faith is the trust in belief, but i say it conveniently avoids what you say - the truth

simply not making yourself known is as good as letting everyone tear themselves apart arguing about it. I dont know what logical rational a god would use as an excuse for that.

simply saying hello would stop so much suffering.
edit on b2323604 by Biigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:26 AM
Faith is nothing but gulibilty...

How else would you get people to join a cult that features such things as unicorns, talking snakes and a rotting corpse returning to full health after 3 days?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:35 AM
a reply to: Prezbo369

Hi Prezbo have you actually read the bible?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 06:37 AM
Because God is not a 3rd dimensional being, but rather infinitely dimensional and all encompassing. He can't be limited into a concept, word or body.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 07:34 AM
Might've died. Could've left, probably ran out a money for child support. Perhaps we're in hell as we speak.
While I ain't religious I'd say that it doesn't matter even if he/she/they existed in the first place. Maybe we should acknowledge that no one knows. ( I'm looking at everyone who says their god is the only true one and they hold the answers)

Not trying to be mean, but hell no one knows, and that's how it's going to be for a long time. So kickback it's going to be a long time till mommy or daddy come looking, if ever they were real...

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: Mammasawakenow
The point is faith he wants us to have faith. He's real and he loves you and wants to have a relationship with you today all you have to do is pray and ask him into your life and forgiveness of your sins


People have been on their knees for 2000 years, praying to somebody who has done F'all. Religion is massively fading in the western world, I think its more than just a coincidence that the universal consciousness is starting to become more greater in the west now that more and more people are detaching their selves from religion.

Faith in Jesus, Allah, Moses or who ever will get you know where - Its about faith in ones self and confidence in ones own ability to achieve what they desire.

If God was real, in the sense of Jesus or Allah - Then I'm sure God would favor either one of them religions, make there religion prosper, rain on their crops and not the others..But that doesn't happen, the world is fair no matter how much you try to categorize by religion, its an imaginary barrier that has caused so much bull# through out the times, I think its best if religion was just dropped.

One God, One Love - The rest is an absolute pile of fiction created by man with an agenda to control the masses.

Off your knees people
edit on 4/23/2014 by kosmicjack because: removed profanity/censor circumvention

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 07:55 AM
with you on the first one there bruv... there is no god, and all religions are a crock. they were merely a way of enforcing somebody's will on other people, as they always will be, until people learn to think for themselves.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 08:11 AM

originally posted by: Mammasawakenow
The point is faith he wants us to have faith. He's real and he loves you and wants to have a relationship with you today all you have to do is pray and ask him into your life and forgiveness of your sins

Yet the only reason you have any idea of his existence is from people... well known liars.

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 08:41 AM
God loves you unconditionally and wants you to love him the same way, and providing hard evidence would force some who hate the very idea of God to "love" him.

Let's say that there is a girl that you are in love with, but who doesn't love you, doesn't even know that you exist. Should you do what you can to get her attention and fall in love with the real you? Or should you stalk her, kidnap her, and hold her hostage until she says that she loves you?

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: adjensen
God loves you unconditionally and wants you to love him the same way, and providing hard evidence would force some who hate the very idea of God to "love" him.

Let's say that there is a girl that you are in love with, but who doesn't love you, doesn't even know that you exist. Should you do what you can to get her attention and fall in love with the real you? Or should you stalk her, kidnap her, and hold her hostage until she says that she loves you?

I'd say hi and invite her out for a cup of coffee and let her get to know me...

Of course, if I'm "in love" with someone who doesn't know I exist, I'd have to question my sanity.

edit on 4/23/2014 by PsychoEmperor because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Antigod

He doesn't have an angel or other resources to spare (therefore not omnipotent).
"Not omnipotent" is my theory.
That there are restrictions built into the nature of the universe that even a god has to work around.
I believe that God is constantly helping people but in an unavoidably limited way.
edit on 23-4-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2014 @ 09:01 AM
Arnt these threads boring?
Someone asks a simple question and all the hardened evangelical atheists come thumping their respective Darwinian bibles, to drown out any valid responses.

The question was not does God exist. We know the atheist answer, you all preach it enough, over and over, thank you again, we know your position, hardly can forget it.

What about the original question by the opening poster, can that be answered

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