+12 more
posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:40 PM
This happened on 04/17/2014 in the Hernando Siles Stadium in my city. La Paz - Bolivia.
I was watching the transmission in fox sports live when I saw this shadow running at high speed.
The people does not seem to be aware of the shadow running in front of them.
The video just surfaced today in social media in my country. It's not the first time things like this happen in the stadium.
It has been rebuilt many times, since it's the oldest in my city.
Personally I find this video really weird, At first I thought it was someone just running, but the shadow seems to vanish in the crowd.
What do you think?
edit on 19/4/14 by elpistolero1 because: video not working
edit on 19/4/14 by elpistolero1 because:
edit on 19/4/14 by elpistolero1 because: (no reason given)