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United States military compared to Russian military. Let's do the math and compare numbers.

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posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 01:36 PM
Hey, crunch all the numbers you want. Or better yet, open a decent history book. I suggest "Delivered from Evil". I have no problem with the US and Russia going to war. As long as our fearless leaders in DC have the courage (can't stop laughing) to actually DECLARE war on somebody! The war powers act doesn't do it for me. The war powers act is just a way of saying "Executive Branch Approved Contract Killing". If the US and Russia go to war who wins? NOBODY! But since we'll be fighting that battle in Europe, it's cool with me. I'd invite the Russians to invade the US, you know the classic military invasion. But Russians are pretty smart. Like the Chinese. Even if they formed an alliance, they're not stupid enough to take a big bite out of that poop sandwich! So ya turning Europe into a vast pile of cadaver scented rubble, AGAIN, over something as stupid as this? The only thing new in the world today is the history you don't know. Also, angry monkeys have VERY short memories. Why don't we just have a Trivial Pursuit tourney and settle it that way? It's cheaper, and we can drink beer !

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: rustyclutch

Very good indeed but may I add that on top of the s-300 missiles they have torpedo's that travel at 700khm underwater plus the best heavy weight lifting helicopters in the world.

Any naval fleet trying to attack by sea has become a sitting duck and tanks without ground troops (not sure the american will have the will to do that) can be taken out with RPG's by a pi$$ed off Russian defending home turf.

This only leaves fighters and bombers ,do anything you want if you have real stealth (and that's a big if) so does Putin sit back and let the fighters take out you mobile/underground missile or do you chuck them at the nearest country that's friendly with the enemy.

Slog it out with Russia and you become to weak to defend other interests around the world so China steps in

They are not going to come to blows over the Ukraine and at best they are between them trying to push oil prices up and at worse they are dividing up a country (much like Poland in 1939) that cannot pay its bills

Our elite rulers simply won't allow these two to go hot and risk perfectly good resources going to waste by nuking everything when they have perfectly good biological weapons sitting in the labs and then its game on and every man for himself.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 02:53 PM
I read somewhere that the stealth bombers the U.S air force has can deploy little drones that will go to targets so guided missile / bombs can easily find it's target. is this true? I wouldn't doubt it...

Either way. All said and done, money rules the world currently right now, and both countries have way to many interests to just abandon if they went head to head. It would be mostly a navel battle anyways, and other poor countries getting involved.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
I read somewhere that the stealth bombers the U.S air force has can deploy little drones that will go to targets so guided missile / bombs can easily find it's target. is this true? I wouldn't doubt it...

How "stealth" do you think US aircraft really are? especially with CHINESE microchips all throughout them.

America, like any arrogant and over confident hypocritical bully, will strut into a kill zone.

BRICS, BRICS, BRICS. they are ALL aligned with regards to toppling the USA.. only a fool ('merkan) thinks otherwise.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: HanzHenry

originally posted by: strongfp
I read somewhere that the stealth bombers the U.S air force has can deploy little drones that will go to targets so guided missile / bombs can easily find it's target. is this true? I wouldn't doubt it...

How "stealth" do you think US aircraft really are? especially with CHINESE microchips all throughout them.

America, like any arrogant and over confident hypocritical bully, will strut into a kill zone.

BRICS, BRICS, BRICS. they are ALL aligned with regards to toppling the USA.. only a fool ('merkan) thinks otherwise.

Which further proves my point of interests. yes there may be Chinese parts in these bombers but it's not like they put spy equipment in them. Either way, they are pretty deadly. And only used in extreme cases.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:15 PM
Looking at the data, the USA clearly has air and naval superiority. These two factors are what makes up the winning side in any war until one side determines a hopeless situation, then the nukes start flying and nobody wins.

Well, as a side note, the USA will still have military superiority after a nuclear exchange. So the winning side will be the USA. The people affected by the radiation fallout will not fare so well.
edit on 19-4-2014 by eManym because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:17 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
I read somewhere that the stealth bombers the U.S air force has can deploy little drones that will go to targets so guided missile / bombs can easily find it's target. is this true? I wouldn't doubt it...

Either way. All said and done, money rules the world currently right now, and both countries have way to many interests to just abandon if they went head to head. It would be mostly a navel battle anyways, and other poor countries getting involved.

Hey, the B-2 only serves one purpose. "Watch what my other hand is doing, watch what my other hand is doing"
Now the B-37B space bomber? yeah. It's like that. It goes over Beijing every day. It's probably explains why the Chinese are saying the militarization of space should be accelerated. But the Chinese don't scare me. They got they're butts kicked by Japan. How pitiful is that !

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:20 PM
Non nuclear US wins hands down 'It's allies are strong too but Nuclear no-one wins except the cockroaches.
Who will win threads are pointless

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: eManym
Looking at the data, the USA clearly has air and naval superiority. These two factors are what makes up the winning side in any war until one side determines a hopeless situation, then the nukes start flying and nobody wins.

Well, as a side note, the USA will still have military superiority after a nuclear exchange. So the winning side will be the USA. The people affected by the radiation fallout will not fair so well.

air superiority yes, but naval superiority? that is not so easy to say. a submarine is a wild card factor and the US is certainly to clear 'winner' in the submarine arena. Having more aircraft carriers that are the achilles of the air superiority. and it is pretty hard to hide airbases on land. and those can be overtaken or destroyed.

nukes are like 2 guys bringing bazookas to a boxing match. neither will use them, and choose to fight conventionally.

How can you claim that after a nuclear exchange the US will still have a military superiority? nothing can be taken for certain in the aftermath of a war.

We could wake up one day and discover that 6 aircraft carriers were all sunk at sea by subs, and 3 more were destroyed in harbor by sabotage. (10 are active in the USN)
There goes air superiority in a FLASH. then what?

the US does NOT have any other advantage by sea. We don't have a sizeable advantage in ANY other category of ship.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: liejunkie01

Interesting and telling information.

I am curious how well the force composition supports the overall military doctrine each sides develops / using.

The only thing that both sides has in common is the knowledge that in a war, no one will win. The one category left out would be WMD's.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:23 PM

originally posted by: HanzHenry
And, I will take an AK-47 over any m-16 variant. also a 7.62x25 handgun over a 9mm, and Russia's su-27 jet is superior.

And many might...but then I'll take my M4 over AK. AK is great at splattering bullets all over the place but I would rather have the longer range accuracy, so what is a gun today? As we start seeing smart scopes, smart bullets, much more powerful loads even in this arena, Russia would rely on 1950 technology.

The over confidence and arrogance that somehow America will always be champ is war is beyond laughable.
I remember how at CampPen, many troops huff Glade.

It just seems that some think that Russia has high tech advance weaponry and they really don't. I remember back in 2007 my boss at the time, 2 star, was a F-15 driver. He went out and did some war games with the F-22 and when I asked him how did it go, he said "they cheat". It seems that he and 5 other F-15s were basically killed before they had a chance to do anything against 2 F-22s.

The point here is the su-27 was built to give the F-15 a run for its money. The su-35 and su-37 are just su-27 variances with upgrades, so even if this aircraft is close to the F-15 it's electronics is not close, and the F-15 is about at the retiring stage for us, though it is still better than about 90%+ of the other fighters in the world.

When you say "many" are you saying 5 10 1000? Russia's troops are in disrepair, you get away from their elite commando units and it is all about corruption and inefficiencies. Their poor performance against the tiny Georgian army was laughable, and Ukraine’s army is considerably more of a factor to be reckoned with than Georgia’s was.

I guess we will see just how great they are when even Ukraine stalls out their advancement with a little help from nato.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:30 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

my main suspect area are the F22's .. the problems with O2 delivery and pilot blackouts.

I firmly believe that the Chinese have used the parts supplied as a trojan on those aircraft. something that is undetectable.

The most stupid thing ever by the military is using a potential future enemies equipment.

Like how the Iraqis used the brit made fox radio equipment in Desert Storm, not considering that we had cracked it all and heard every word they spoke.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:33 PM

originally posted by: eManym
Looking at the data, the USA clearly has air and naval superiority. These two factors are what makes up the winning side in any war until one side determines a hopeless situation, then the nukes start flying and nobody wins.

Well, as a side note, the USA will still have military superiority after a nuclear exchange. So the winning side will be the USA. The people affected by the radiation fallout will not fare so well.

I think the rail gun will make strategic rockets a thing of the past, so if Russia wants to start a nuke war they better get started for in about 2 to 4 years their strategic nukes will go the way of the dodo bird with no platform to get them to us any more. Their stealth tech is decades behind us at best, so even in that area they can't fly unseen nukes into America.

Speaking of Navy...

"The US Navy on Saturday christened the first of its newest class of destroyers – 610-foot (186-metre)-long USS Zumwalt.

Named after the late Admiral Elmo “Bud” Zumwalt, the warship sports advanced technology and a stealthy shape designed to minimise its visibility on enemy radar and reduce the size of its crew.

Among the 15,000-tonne destroyer's cutting-edge features are a composite deckhouse with hidden radar and sensors and an angular shape that officials say will allow it to be confused for a small fishing boat on radars. It also has a wave-piercing hull designed to reduce the ship's wake.

It's the first US ship to use electric propulsion and produces enough power to one day support the futuristic electromagnetic rail gun, which will be tested at sea in 2016.

Rail guns fire a projectile at six or seven times the speed of sound – enough velocity to cause severe damage. The Navy sees them as replacing or supplementing old-school guns."

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:39 PM

originally posted by: HanzHenry
I firmly believe that the Chinese have used the parts supplied as a trojan on those aircraft. something that is undetectable.

There is nothing that is undetectable today. If we look we would find it, and I'm sure we look. I remember when flash memory had Chinese trojans built in, but this was detectable once we had suspicions it might be there.

Even as good as the F-22 is, think of a F-22 type drone....

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

that tech isn't as impressive as you think.

I was involved with the development of the 'seafighter' stealth warship in San Diego starting in 2005. I had to figure out why the water system and bilge systems were malfunctioning. None of the 'smart guys' from Titan Corp. could figure it out. Was really quite simple actually.

Once that stealth ship is seen by satellite, it is followed 24/7 FOREVER. Oops.. nothing hides from the eyes in the sky.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: HanzHenry
btw, those cpu chips are made where? China!
do you really believe there is nothing special in those chips that the chinese can backdoor? if so, I have guy that sells bridges in New Mexico, sounds like a good

Intel factories

D1X Hillsboro, Oregon, USA 2013 300 mm, 14 nm
D1D Hillsboro, Oregon, USA 2003 300 mm, 14 nm
D1C Hillsboro, Oregon, USA 2001 300 mm, 22 nm
Fab 12 Chandler, Arizona, USA 1996 300 mm, 65 nm
Fab 32 Chandler, Arizona, USA 2007 300 mm, 22 nm
Fab 42 Chandler, Arizona, USA tbd[1] 450 mm,[2] 14 nm
Fab 11 Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA 1993 300 mm, 45/32 nm
Fab 11X Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA 2002 300 mm, 45/32 nm
Fab 17 Hudson, Massachusetts, USA 1998 200 mm, 130 nm[3]
Fab 24 Leixlip, Ireland 2006 300 mm, 14 nm[4]
Fab 28 Kiryat Gat, Israel 2008 300 mm, 22 nm

Only one in China, and it makes older 65nm CPUs, early 1990s technology.

Fab 68 Dalian, China 2010 300 mm, 65 nm

edit on 19-4-2014 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:57 PM

originally posted by: SubTruth
a reply to: liejunkie01

If the US and Russia decided to go all out...............We would all lose everything we hold dear. Who has more men or money does not really matter in this end game.

What the people of the world should do is kick out the Oligarchies running both countries so we can raise our children in a world filled with peace........ not war and death.

Trouble is . . .


and as

Dr Phil Zimbardo's famous prison experiment demonstrated . . . and as he put so well in the intro to one of his INTRO TO PSYCH texts . . .

[my fairly close paraphrase/quote from memory]

'It's not so bad if the monsters are out there. There aren't too many of them and we can gang-up on them. But if the monster is within each one of us . . . that's a much bigger problem.'

Which is another way of putting the Christian notion of Original Sin infecting all of us.

Or as The Book puts it . . .

"There is none righteous, no, not one."

Without a change within the human heart and spirit . . . will and mind--the soul,

even if we woke up tomorrow morning with all the individuals in the evil globalist oligarchy struck dead by the death angel . . . it would only be a matter of years or decades . . . at most centuries? . . . until we were back at the same END GAME.

The 7 deadly sins afflict all of us in some combination and degree. And we don't do very well at delivering or healing ourselves of the rot inside.

Pride certainly fuels the worst and all others.

Yet, we ostensibly SElect folks who are some of the most arrogant on the planet.

How stupid!

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 04:59 PM

originally posted by: HanzHenry
Once that stealth ship is seen by satellite, it is followed 24/7 FOREVER. Oops.. nothing hides from the eyes in the sky.

Well until it gets cloudy... hope they have a lot of geosynchronous satellites that can be repositioned. Oh, and with extremely advance cameras due to the high orbits geosynchronous satellites need.

posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: liejunkie01
A recent explosion of Russian and American military comparisons here on ATS led me to look for some numbers.

I found this site that compares countries military strengths and weakness.

It takes in all factors related to this topic. It goes into detail of how they come to the conclusions.

I am going to link the page that directly compares the U.S. and Russia, but you can compare any country or look at individual countries.

Now I have never heard of this site. I only found it looking for comparisons of these two countries. Each country has it's strengths and weaknesses.

What do you think of the comparisons.

I read the first line and thought nice, another guy who is actually going to do hard research.

Then I see you just copied/pasted some crappy article.


posted on Apr, 19 2014 @ 06:16 PM

originally posted by: HanzHenry

originally posted by: strongfp
I read somewhere that the stealth bombers the U.S air force has can deploy little drones that will go to targets so guided missile / bombs can easily find it's target. is this true? I wouldn't doubt it...

How "stealth" do you think US aircraft really are? especially with CHINESE microchips all throughout them.

America, like any arrogant and over confident hypocritical bully, will strut into a kill zone.

BRICS, BRICS, BRICS. they are ALL aligned with regards to toppling the USA.. only a fool ('merkan) thinks otherwise.

BRICS is what one would call a hot mess. None of the agree on anything and thus have failed to even come up with even basic agendas. India does not think South Africa belongs, Russia and Brazil fight with India over energy prices, Brazil is upset with China for undercutting its manufacturing sector. And when it comes to Ukraine none of them are supporting Russia. Of course BRICS is an economic gathering not foreign policy one.

And by the way China imports 90% of its micro chips. They then put them into electronics. While they have a large cheap labor pool it is not skilled in tech areas.

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