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Iranian Official: U.S. Attempting to Sabotage Our Nuclear Program

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posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 07:20 PM
As if straight out of a James Bond movie, there are reports today that according to an Iranian official, U.S. Intelligence and other Intelligence Organizations have been making some serious attempts to sabotage Iran's Nuclear Program, and these not only include the now infamous Stuxnet computer virus, but also include other means and methods in an attempt to slow down the rapidly progressing Iranian nuclear program.

If Iran thinks the world is fooled, or that the International Community believes them when they say their nuclear program is "strictly for peaceful purposes", then apparently they are not only in for just a few..., but many surprises.

If the Iranian Official is to be believed, and in fact both U.S. and Other Intelligence is involved in this sabotage activity, than we can only hope that they are successful, and that the Iranian Nuclear program suffers more, and major set-backs.

Iran possessing a nuclear weapon is a very dangerous possibility, and it must never be allowed to happen.

Story and Video Link Here:

edit on 16-4-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 07:30 PM
Iran signed treaties allowing them to have the nuclear programs that all the people who are violating the treaty, and who are committing acts of war against them, also signed

lets go after the real WARMONGERING threat first:
i think NON SIGNER Israel should give over first, after all if anyone has proven them selves a threat to the whole world its Israel and the US and NATO

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 07:44 PM

Iran signed treaties allowing them to have the nuclear programs that all the people who are violating the treaty, and who are committing acts of war against them, also signed

lets go after the real WARMONGERING threat first:
i think NON SIGNER Israel should give over first, after all if anyone has proven them selves a threat to the whole world its Israel and the US and NATO
reply to post by Danbones

you think if the US pulled all of our troops back to our soil the rest of the world would sit down and picnic on the beach?

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by rickynews

Another manifestation of the Russians' use of the 'Iran lever' in my opinion, as was the Iranians' interesting choice of UN ambassador.

But really this is quite banal. It's ironic that you should describe the news as being like something "out of a James Bond movie" - Can you remember who said this a few years ago?

"Stopping nuclear proliferation cannot be addressed purely by conventional diplomacy. We need intelligence-led operations to make it more difficult for countries like Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

The longer international efforts delay Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons technology, the more time we create for a political solution to be found."

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:13 PM

If Iran thinks the world is fooled, or that the International Community believes them when they say their nuclear program is "strictly for peaceful purposes", then apparently they are not only in for just a few..., but many surprises.

Well if I was Iranian (which I'm not) I would be begging my country to build nuclear weapons. After all it is a stated goal of the US and Israel to topple Iran and the entire "Muslim Crescent", i.e. Syria, et. al. Seeing how America (read: west) is coming through on its stated goal (read: PNAC) than I would certainly want some kind of deterrent. Not having a nuclear weapon didn't help Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Certainly isn't helping Syria right now either.

Yet, we tolerate Pakistan's shielding of Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters. We even tolerate the ravings of the Un family over in North Korea. Why because they have nukes.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:20 PM


Iran signed treaties allowing them to have the nuclear programs that all the people who are violating the treaty, and who are committing acts of war against them, also signed

lets go after the real WARMONGERING threat first:
i think NON SIGNER Israel should give over first, after all if anyone has proven them selves a threat to the whole world its Israel and the US and NATO
reply to post by Danbones

you think if the US pulled all of our troops back to our soil the rest of the world would sit down and picnic on the beach?

You may not have noticed the other countries I mentioned..its OK, I assure you they exist too
but here;
you list Irans invasions to back up your post, and I'll list the US's invasions to back up mine;
( not counting clive bundy's ranch...or BRITISH OR ISRAELI aggressions, and NOT COUNTING FALSE FLAGS)
close to 175 foreign invasions...give or take...mostly take

your turn

we could also do counts of foreign bases, drone attacks of weddings, false flag justifications, war crimes...
or how many palistines does Iran own....IMHO that would be overkill though
edit on Wedpm4b20144America/Chicago53 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on Wedpm4b20144America/Chicago38 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

i forgot cia engineered color revolutions, war ons, and benghazis
edit on Wedpm4b20144America/Chicago42 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 08:34 PM


If Iran thinks the world is fooled, or that the International Community believes them when they say their nuclear program is "strictly for peaceful purposes", then apparently they are not only in for just a few..., but many surprises.

Well if I was Iranian (which I'm not) I would be begging my country to build nuclear weapons. After all it is a stated goal of the US and Israel to topple Iran and the entire "Muslim Crescent", i.e. Syria, et. al. Seeing how America (read: west) is coming through on its stated goal (read: PNAC) than I would certainly want some kind of deterrent. Not having a nuclear weapon didn't help Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Certainly isn't helping Syria right now either.

Yet, we tolerate Pakistan's shielding of Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters. We even tolerate the ravings of the Un family over in North Korea. Why because they have nukes.

Indeed. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are real enemies in the ME here, with the former having over one-hundred of them, and the fourth largest standing army on Earth... I don't see why Israel never says anything about them.

Oh yeah, because they're working together behind closed doors. Forgot for a second...
(and most likely the Syrian and Iranian elite as well).

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 09:15 PM


Iran signed treaties allowing them to have the nuclear programs that all the people who are violating the treaty, and who are committing acts of war against them, also signed

lets go after the real WARMONGERING threat first:
i think NON SIGNER Israel should give over first, after all if anyone has proven them selves a threat to the whole world its Israel and the US and NATO
reply to post by Danbones

you think if the US pulled all of our troops back to our soil the rest of the world would sit down and picnic on the beach?

What right does America have being anyplace but America? We have no place invading or messing with other nations we are broke and our military is worn out. The war on terror is destroying our military and seeing how more soldiers have committed suicide than have died in the war just proves that point. Our military is supposed to be for defense not offense.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by rickynews

Iran possessing a nuclear weapon is a very dangerous possibility, and it must never be allowed to happen.

It's high time this cry to be put to rest. Iran has had more inspections than any other nation on the planet and still no evidence of a bomb. It's funny that the nation that always cries that never had the balls to sign the NPT like Iran and possesses illegal nukes. Maybe it's time to place sanctions on them and let them see how it feels.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 09:36 PM
Must be a slow days for news there. Who doesn't know this is happening. Maybe someone special was listening today.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 09:46 PM



Iran signed treaties allowing them to have the nuclear programs that all the people who are violating the treaty, and who are committing acts of war against them, also signed

lets go after the real WARMONGERING threat first:
i think NON SIGNER Israel should give over first, after all if anyone has proven them selves a threat to the whole world its Israel and the US and NATO
reply to post by Danbones

you think if the US pulled all of our troops back to our soil the rest of the world would sit down and picnic on the beach?

What right does America have being anyplace but America? We have no place invading or messing with other nations we are broke and our military is worn out. The war on terror is destroying our military and seeing how more soldiers have committed suicide than have died in the war just proves that point. Our military is supposed to be for defense not offense.

exactly and in much less words then I used
I can't remember who said it but avoidance of foreign entanglements is a high priority
as one time marine commandant Smedly Butler said "war is a racket"
and Iran these days is a target for the the racketeers

Israel Lobbyist suggests False Flag attack to start war with Iran
gee, maybe there is the problem
edit on Wedpm4b20144America/Chicago44 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on Wedpm4b20144America/Chicago24 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 11:00 PM
Whats so funny is everyone is trying to stop people from acquiring technology from the 1940's. They didnt even have good computers back then to design things with and they made atomic bombs. Its safe to say anybody who can get the materials can make one....and anybody with money can probably get the material from somewhere. That whole nuclear weapons card they just like to play on countries that arent going along with whatever their business model is. Its gonna be ww3 soon....people aint takin our crap anymore. Its almost to the point america is gonna have to nuke someone to not be the laughing stock of the world and butt of all jokes anymore. We got too many enemies worldwide and they finally had the stroke of genius to team up right as our economy crumbles. Game on.

posted on Apr, 16 2014 @ 11:03 PM
Ricky Ricky Ricky......

Are you really worried about Iran Getting a hold of a NUKE? ...why?
I am sure they could just buy one from the Russians ,who knows maybe they have !.
Big deal !, think about it logically are they really going risk bombing another country without proper defence ?
Also people who are power hungry want POWER ! they don't want to lose power. Nuking another country would not secure power for anyone .

Also , did you know that Iran has strong Jewish communitys that live humbly in Iran?
Yes Irans last president was honored for this by the orthodox jews of Israel.
Don't forget ALL the muslims that live in Israel. So i really don't think Iran is in the market to wipe anyone off the map..

Use common sens , man ..deny Ignorance..
Stop these fear mongering threads really..

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 03:31 AM
reply to post by rickynews

Oh, So Iran shouldn't be aloud to have a nuclear program inside their country? Maybe the USA shouldn't have a nuclear program because it's inside their borders also?

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 05:38 AM
I like it how self appointed guardians of Earth would like me to believe how they have been granted some divine authority upon which they can discern who has the moral backbone to own nuclear weapons. They...more holly than any other nation. Those that unleashed first nuclear destruction upon this civilization...

They are the ones that decide who should get's something of an oxymoron concept of epic proportions. It's synonymous to Obama winning a Nobel for peace...

The real reason they don't wont Iran to go nuclear...because Iran is on the hit list. When the time comes to bring democracy to Iran...they don't want these poor SOB's having nukes. That would be a major monkey wrench in "spreading democracy" program.

edit: It is actually exactly the same reason they want to take away guns from citizens. Not that I approve gun carrying...but I can see why they want to do it. When SHTF...they want the subjects as helpless as possible.
edit on 17-4-2014 by MarioOnTheFly because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 06:21 AM

If the Iranian Official is to be believed, ...

Nope. I automatically DISBELIEVE anything the officials say. They'll have to prove it.

I have no doubt that when an Iranian engineer does something wrong, he'll blame it on spies or the US or Israel in order to keep himself out of trouble. It saves his life and his job while at the same time it gives the Iranian gov't the 'bad guy' enemy it needs to keep going. ('Animal Farm).

At the same time - I have no doubt that the US would love to destroy the Iranian program. A lot of countries want to. It's understandable, especially when the Iranian leadership wants to start a world war to usher in the imaginary 12th Imam.

So ... it could go either way. They have to prove it though.
I don't automatically buy the words of any official .. anywhere.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:43 AM
But without nukes you keep getting bombed by the USA and what I like about these cyber attacks is that it is moving countries like Iran/China/Russia away from using windows.

China has come up with it's own special chips and a OS that takes away the ability of the USA to hack these systems and I hope a version is released of the OS to the public because I don't have a clue what windows is doing these days, hell you need a phd just to make scenes of the windows registry that has keys 15 folders deep and Microsoft has taken to using GUID's all over the place.

And lets not forget that the USA has been hacking everyone in Europe too, not that no one didn't know but Snowdon forced them to admit it.

Keep up these attacks, it only making the enemy stronger whilst siemens has lost a key position with its PLC's around the world.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 07:52 AM

Ricky Ricky Ricky......

Are you really worried about Iran Getting a hold of a NUKE? ...why?
I am sure they could just buy one from the Russians ,who knows maybe they have !.
Big deal !, think about it logically are they really going risk bombing another country without proper defence ?
Also people who are power hungry want POWER ! they don't want to lose power. Nuking another country would not secure power for anyone .

Also , did you know that Iran has strong Jewish communitys that live humbly in Iran?
Yes Irans last president was honored for this by the orthodox jews of Israel.
Don't forget ALL the muslims that live in Israel. So i really don't think Iran is in the market to wipe anyone off the map..

Use common sens , man ..deny Ignorance..
Stop these fear mongering threads really..

No fear mongering here, I'm simply reporting and commenting. As such, the reality is that Iran has long stated it's goal of destroying Israel. Like it or not, the U.S. is going to defend Israel. The dismantling of Iran's Nuclear program, and the objective of not allowing Iran to obtain nuclear weapons capability has the unwavering bi-partisan support of GOP and Democrats alike, as well as the American people. Why ? Because there is little doubt that if they possess a nuke, they are going to use it. Iran is a state sponsor of Terrorism. There is no doubt or any credible debate on this fact. Allowing a Terrorist nation to have nuclear weapon capability, or turning a blind eye to the reality that they are getting quite close, is simply foolish.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

So ... it could go either way. They have to prove it though.
I don't automatically buy the words of any official .. anywhere.

Stuxnet adds at least one point to Iran's score. That was a serious attack vector.

posted on Apr, 17 2014 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by rickynews

Report: Iran Cuts Uranium Stockpile.

Story link found here:

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