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They controlled what people said and now they have programmed what they think

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posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 09:54 AM
I have noticed in the uk that when I or others talk about any subject which relates to certain topics(the ones about race, disability, class except the working class of which anyone is allowed to say anything), you get people who straight away assume the worst about the person talking. But worse some other people not just only say the official line but also are unable to think it. I have seen people say that a person who while bring knowledge able and intelligent does not understand something: while being unable to say what this is.

The thing is that people in the UK are not allowed by law to talk about certain subjects and feel very restricted on what they can say. This has had the terrible effect on the young in that they have censored not just their words, but their minds. They have came to not be able to think on certain subjects, like an automatic switch clicks into place which stops them being able to think. It is similar to the way to some civil servants after many years of having to accept quotas and the official way of thinking lose the ability to think on these topics too.

The young have been programmed as they wanted and do not see the stupidity in this at all because their programming does not allow it. So how do we get around this?
Also will this programming to just accept certain things and be unable to think about it affect their iq's badly?

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 10:02 AM
What are you talking about? I visit the UK quite frequently, and I'm having a friend visit me here in America for the weekend. I always talk to them about all these various topics and they can eloquently state their positions quite clearly.

Granted the UK has a more liberal tinge than America, but they are able to discuss any topic I throw their way.

The Media is HIGHLY corrupt, even more so than here in America, but I don't see where you get the idea that they are unable to speak about whatever they want?

Some clarification would be great, thanks.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by werewolf99

This condition is brought on by TV and school . We are given talking points that if we vary we are punished . We are rewarded in school not for the correct answer but for the answer they deem to be true .I did great up until grade five in school ,until I started questioning their facts and wouldn't drink their kool-aid but I would go home and watch TV and get brained washed there .It was a big unlearning process that I am still doing .I guess with peer pressure sometimes we just go along to get along ....peace

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by werewolf99

You are simply noticing the elephant (you probably noticed it long ago), most of us eventually do.

It is as if a whole generation has managed to enter mature society while still believing in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy.

This excuse is inapplicable though to every other generation who should know better and have abdicated their responsibility to enlighten our confused heirs and, in many cases, have embraced the dream over the waking reality themselves.
edit on 4-4-2014 by greencmp because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by werewolf99

people in the UK are not allowed by law to talk about certain subjects

Really? Care to elaborate? which law exactly restricts us from free speech!?

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 11:13 AM
We are conditioned to parrot what we are told. They also call this Aping. Now certain people can think, most people can memorize but cannot apply the information without instructions directly to the application.

As an example, you have one nail to nail into a pole outside. A hammer is needed but not necessary. Society would have us believe a rock is not the right tool, neither is any metal or heavy object. Others will take something that is not appropriate and try, breaking what they have used. Both intellectual creativity and proper risk assessment are necessary. Many of the ones in charge presently are not good at this. We have many who misapply evidence also making risk seem like appropriate.

We have things in this country that are taboo to be discussing also. Most of these deal with changing some of the things that should be changed. Trouble is that many jobs are created around these things and people do not like to hear things that might damage the ability of our friends and relatives to work at their present jobs.. Trouble is too many instances like this have made our countries economy fragile and society extremely multi-polarized. Not good to see at all. The UK doesn't seem to be so wildly polarized as the USA

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by werewolf99

think about how the system tries to be the complete authority
and how we sometimes refer to it as 'big brother''s about this absent father-figure and trying to find love in a loveless world
good luck trying to get that through some chavs head
it's 'diabolical' what the system is doing to human beings
turning them into roving bands of angry monsters
you can't reason with a monster, it just wants to eat

..i worded it all like that for a reason
the link in my sig tries to expand on all this

edit on 4-4-2014 by UNIT76 because: added the pic, try the link

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by combatmaster

One is a law about inciting a riot, which is part of a bill about race. This is very flexible and can be utilised for any conversation about race and in one conversation a politician said this about ukip: that they are not allowed to talk about race at all. There are many others such laws.

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by werewolf99

The future dictator's subjects will be painlessly regimented by a corps of highly trained social engineers. For this pur­pose all the resources of psychology and the social sciences are mobilized and set to work.

Children, as might be expected, are highly suscepti­ble to propaganda. Remember that the dictators and the would-be dicta­tors have been thinking about this sort of thing for years, and that millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of children are in process of growing up to buy the local despot's ideological product and, like well-trained soldiers, to respond with appropriate be­havior to the trigger words implanted in those young minds by the despot's propagandists.

In the past, free-thinkers and revolutionaries were often the products of the most piously orthodox (basic) educa­tion. This is not surprising. The methods employed by orthodox educators were and still are extremely inefficient. Under a scientific dictator education will really work -- with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution.

How can we preserve the integrity and reassert the value of the human individual? This is a question that can still be asked and perhaps effectively answered. A generation from now it may be too late to find an answer and perhaps impossible, in the stifling collec­tive climate of that future time, even to ask the ques­tion.

-Aldous Huxley, 1958

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 12:36 PM
What gets to me is the number of people who COMPLY with unlawful criminal legistlation. WHY? You guys must know where all the civil offices are, you know the offices of your minions who are under oath to uphold your freedoms and rights and work on behalf of a wonderful society, and who are paid very well to do so! GET THERE WITH BULLHORNS. Tell them, they're fired, and will be facing legal and criminal soon enough.

Never comply with bad orders or illegal orders.

Now, certainly understand that this is hard to do as a single aware person. But many are aware, just not organized. Its high time to form citizens watchdog councils in every community AND SPEAK UP.

They ever tried that here and I'de be forming groups that hand out bullhorns to surround their public offices.
edit on 4-4-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 12:41 PM
Its time to organize people locally to speak up. Whatever is forced that is done by a rogue government, you do the opposite. You make up tshirts locally. No you don't sell them on kiji or anything because they shut down those websites. You do it locally.

You have cells locally doing all of it. And you wear them proudly in large numbers.

You stick up for each other. They target anyone, the whole town shows up at any government funded place, from police, to courts, to public servants. They're all tax funded, swear and oath to freedom and constitution, public servants.

Never ever ever ever follow bad orders.

And seriously, a bullhorn campaign would work in the end. It is aggressive, non violent and in their faces. They need huge numbers in their faces non stop. I mean it. This is what it takes.
edit on 4-4-2014 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2014 @ 01:00 PM

reply to post by combatmaster

One is a law about inciting a riot, which is part of a bill about race. This is very flexible and can be utilised for any conversation about race and in one conversation a politician said this about ukip: that they are not allowed to talk about race at all. There are many others such laws.

Some things don't need to be said, it sounds like you are saying they should let people say anything?

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said last night racists weren’t welcome and vowed to investigate ­complaints.

Ok so why?

But a Sunday Mirror investigation today reveals a sickening catalogue of racist and homophobic views held by some of its biggest supporters.

On the forum, senior UKIP member Dr Julia Gasper branded gay rights a “lunatic’s charter” and claimed some homosexuals prefer sex with animals. She added: “As for the links between homosexuality and paedophilia, there is so much evidence that even a full-length book could hardly do justice to the ­subject.”

Another member complained about the impact of immigration on the NHS, writing: “I am informed by past media that Black Caribbean and not Black African have a higher instance of schizophrenia.

“I wonder if this is due to inbreeding on these small islands in slave times or is it due to ­smoking grass.”
Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 06:41 PM


reply to post by combatmaster

One is a law about inciting a riot, which is part of a bill about race. This is very flexible and can be utilised for any conversation about race and in one conversation a politician said this about ukip: that they are not allowed to talk about race at all. There are many others such laws.

Some things don't need to be said, it sounds like you are saying they should let people say anything?

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said last night racists weren’t welcome and vowed to investigate ­complaints.

Ok so why?

But a Sunday Mirror investigation today reveals a sickening catalogue of racist and homophobic views held by some of its biggest supporters.

On the forum, senior UKIP member Dr Julia Gasper branded gay rights a “lunatic’s charter” and claimed some homosexuals prefer sex with animals. She added: “As for the links between homosexuality and paedophilia, there is so much evidence that even a full-length book could hardly do justice to the ­subject.”

Another member complained about the impact of immigration on the NHS, writing: “I am informed by past media that Black Caribbean and not Black African have a higher instance of schizophrenia.

“I wonder if this is due to inbreeding on these small islands in slave times or is it due to ­smoking grass.”
Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook

Saying that some things don't need to be said
Are you really saying people don't need to talk about race. It seems like you are censoring your own thoughts, and your mind: there are things you will not think about under normal circumstances.

posted on Apr, 5 2014 @ 08:34 PM



reply to post by combatmaster

One is a law about inciting a riot, which is part of a bill about race. This is very flexible and can be utilised for any conversation about race and in one conversation a politician said this about ukip: that they are not allowed to talk about race at all. There are many others such laws.

Some things don't need to be said, it sounds like you are saying they should let people say anything?

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said last night racists weren’t welcome and vowed to investigate ­complaints.

Ok so why?

But a Sunday Mirror investigation today reveals a sickening catalogue of racist and homophobic views held by some of its biggest supporters.

On the forum, senior UKIP member Dr Julia Gasper branded gay rights a “lunatic’s charter” and claimed some homosexuals prefer sex with animals. She added: “As for the links between homosexuality and paedophilia, there is so much evidence that even a full-length book could hardly do justice to the ­subject.”

Another member complained about the impact of immigration on the NHS, writing: “I am informed by past media that Black Caribbean and not Black African have a higher instance of schizophrenia.

“I wonder if this is due to inbreeding on these small islands in slave times or is it due to ­smoking grass.”
Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook

Saying that some things don't need to be said
Are you really saying people don't need to talk about race. It seems like you are censoring your own thoughts, and your mind: there are things you will not think about under normal circumstances.

I actually see no problem with censoring certain things and I don't see the need to talk about race unless you're a scientist looking at genetics or such there is no need to look at the outside of anyone. The kind of stuff that was being said on that website is meant for one thing, to be ugly and cruel, if that is ok with you so be it, it is not ok with me.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

So if a particular race fell behind educationally, you could be censorship not talk about it. What is you got a race that was more vulnerable to a particular set of conditions: then censorshIp should be able to stop people talking about it. No area of human life should be completely out of bounds for purely practical reasons as well as civil.

posted on Apr, 6 2014 @ 12:03 PM

reply to post by Char-Lee

So if a particular race fell behind educationally, you could be censorship not talk about it. What is you got a race that was more vulnerable to a particular set of conditions: then censorshIp should be able to stop people talking about it. No area of human life should be completely out of bounds for purely practical reasons as well as civil.

Clearly that is ridiculous, the only censoring is to stop abuse and intolerance...some people are filled with.

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