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You Have Been Watching Too Many Movies...

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posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:34 AM
"I love the movies, dont you?"

It dawned on me for the first time the other day, that the powers that are in place to ensure that the new awakened way of thinking does not come into fruition, is a known one. It is one that we have all witnessed at some point or another, or at least in a way that makes this post have substance. Those powers, these days have in fact, no need to do the job that they originally set out to do, de-bunk, ridicule, etc.

It’s not the government, the Presidents or the Prime Ministers that are having to batter down the people that dare speak of an alternate world that we live in, filled with answers to questions that we are all seeking.

It’s your mates, it’s your work colleagues, it’s the guys and gals down the bar, and it’s your family that cannot, neigh, WILL not hear of such absurd, and mind bending truths.
It’s easier to say “What a load of t’wash, you have been watching too many movies.”

To them I say, If you had any idea how silly ‘you’ sound.
You really have no idea what’s going on do you, tell me, when was the last time you looked at the facts for yourself? Rather than just repeating what you heard on the CNN/BBC or whatever government conduit channels that you ‘oh so trust?’ and watch 'oh so faithfully'. The next time your angry at the government for something they have/haven’t done, I don’t want to hear it. If you are willing to buy into all that BS then please, you have no right to moan about it, if you are going to ridicule the ‘enlightened’ then you are a hypocrite. A coward in fact, go, hide with the crowd where you are safe from ignominiousness.

You think that all these movies they keep making that you’re talking about, all have story lines that are such, just to amuse and bemuse you? That there are aren't many a'folk that make these movies that don't have some details surrounding ‘real’ events that have happened in one form or another? You don’t think TV shows like Stargate and the X-Files haven’t had a number of episodes that weren't based on true events? And they haven’t been approached by officials claiming that some of their episodes where in direct violation of national security? And they wanted to know how they got their story lines?

Movies you’re referring to like, ET (for the kids) or Close Encounters of the Third Kind (for the bigger kids) where in actual fact events that had happened. What do you think to that? For a moment during their ‘movies’ wash out, let’s take a look at some of the most famous and money making directors shall we. Steven Spielberg, think of a mentioned few already, George Lucas, hmm can’t think of anything that he might have made that he could of had a whiff of and reproduced, James Cameron again, any magnificent story lines based on anything extra-terrestrial standing out here? No, how about Michael Bay or Peter Jackson? The Wachowski brothers?

All in the top 10 money grossing directors of all-time. What is it that made them all that wonga? Great movies right, how many of them stand out for the science (cough) fiction movies? Have you done a background check on these people or know who they were involved with or where they got their stories from? Oh you haven’t…. Is that because your TV didn't tell you? "

Here are some of the points that I believe are firmly the reason for keeping most of this dis-information happening.

The Secret – So far-fetched and intertwined with one another that believing just one would open up someone’s understanding of the rest of the plight that we have in the modern day western world. The problem is that they all sound so bizarre and mentally disturbingly far-fetched that it is, in its entirety, hard to believe, by anyone’s standards.

The People – afraid to say anything out of the ordinary ‘box’ for fear of ridicule, they support and maintain the level of ‘control’ that the fractions wished to instate in the first place. Now there is no need for much control from outside forces, we do it all for them.

Information Education;
edit on 31-3-2014 by D0M1N0 because: Visual amend

edit on 31-3-2014 by D0M1N0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 09:53 AM
Hollywood and the media steer our consciousness. They understand humans perception well at the upper levels. We have been kept in the dark for many generations by this. If you think you are not influenced by Hollywood and the media, you aren't being honest with yourself. Nobody is immune, avoiding watching these things does nothing, those that watch them influence society. Society steers our consciousness, we have free will within certain boundaries.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

I love to watch Sherlock Holmes.

Yet I don't mind people knowing that I'm a mild Sherlockian.

edit on 31-3-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

Sci-fi has been a mainstay in movies since movies were first being made, why are top grossing directors an indicator of "truth"?

Also, are you trying to say that the movies these top grossing directors make are all subtly spreading truth and are connected? Or is it just "ALIENS"

Avatar, transformers, ET, aliens, Star Wars, etc etc.

Pretty loose connection if all that ties them together is aliens or alien themes....

Is that all you have?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

To them I say, “If you had any idea how silly ‘you’ sound. You really have no idea what’s going on do you, tell me, when was the last time you looked at the facts for yourself? Rather than just repeating what you heard on the CNN/BBC or whatever government conduit channels that you ‘oh so trust?’ and watch 'oh so faithfully'. The next time your angry at the government for something they have/haven’t done, I don’t want to hear it. If you are willing to buy into all that BS then please, you have no right to moan about it, if you are going to ridicule the ‘enlightened’ then you are a hypocrite. A coward in fact, go, hide with the crowd where you are safe from ignominiousness.” - See more at:

So you claim to be enlightened?

OH please enlighten us with your rays of sunshine with what facts you seem to be on about and how you looked at them and didn't simply repeat what you have read on alternative news sites.

Have you done a background check on these people or know who they were involved with or where they got their stories from? Oh you haven’t…. Is that because your TV didn't tell you? " - See more at:

Have you?

What are your ideas about these directors what has your background checking uncovered if you have done any?

I like to entertain the idea ET and Super 8 to have some facets of truth in retelling what Spielberg experienced in his childhood that spiked an interest in what he is doing now.

Here are some of the points that I believe are firmly the reason for keeping most of this dis-information happening. - See more at:

It would help if you could describe exactly what the disinfo is. Is it disinfo or hiding truth in fiction?

I mean you are saying many thing out of the ordinary are put into films so as to have the fictional world of movies as a place to hide real events that if any one tried saying were true would receive ridicule as its "in the movie or TV show".

How about supplying something like a scene/concept from a TV show or movie that you think has been used as fiction but in fact is depicting non fiction?

I see what you are saying and like to entertain very similar ideas concerning some of the directors you mentioned,

Maybe specify something, a episode of something, a movie and if time permits I can give my opinion on why or why not I see what you might and how the fictional TV show or movie might be a metaphor in hiding real events.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by D0M1N0

got evidence ?

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:47 AM

reply to post by D0M1N0

I love to watch Sherlock Holmes.

Yet I don't mind people knowing that I'm a mild Sherlockian.

edit on 31-3-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

I'm with you on that one. The latest BBC series with Benedict Cumberbatch really impressed me with their translation of the Vicorian-era genius. And that cliffhanger...! Oh, be still my beating heart.
edit on 31-3-2014 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Did you saw the episode which explains how SH did to survive the fall from the hospital?

I was sure he kinda bungee-jumped off the building. Then when I saw how he did it, I was a bit disappointed...

But I wasn't disappointed about how Martin Freeman reacts when he sees SH again.

Good show, really. In this show SH actually explains how he comes about his deductions, and Steven Moffat is a great series director.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

I'm with you on that one. The latest BBC series with Benedict Cumberbatch really impressed me with their translation of the Vicorian-era genius. And that cliffhanger...! Oh, be still my beating heart.

Oh, this serie is the only one that kept me on the edge of my seat, especially those with Moriarty. Every characters and actors matches the books, even the style. Perfect genius, at every single episode. Way better than Elementary, like a thousand times way better.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by swanne

It wasn't explained.

Different characters shared how they thought he did it, but that was it, none were confirmed.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by AlphaHawk

But he recorded an official explanation, in front of Anderson.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by swanne

Sounds like you need to watch it again.

Not a terrible thing though, it deserves a second viewing.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

So you claim to be enlightened?

OH please enlighten us with your rays of sunshine with what facts you seem to be on about and how you looked at them and didn't simply repeat what you have read on alternative news sites. - See more at:

We are all enlighted, if you can see through the gusset mate.

The point I am making here, is that mainstream NEWS, you know on the TV- Following so far?
Is, censored by the government, I really dont need to argue this point, if your still under the illusion, thats really not my problem is it. (look for yourself)

-alternative news sites that arnt directly influenced by the government- unlike the BBC/CNN... So yea, that's different.

And I didnt get this stuff from OTHER news forums mate. Most of this stuff comes from an ex Army Sgt who worked at one of the intelligence branches who has been on the ufology scene for many years.

Have you?

Yes, I have, you know that thing... awe whats it called.... THE INTERNET. Right thats it, I knew there was something I meant to make a valid point about for the more 'attack him, I do not necessarily agree or really understand what he is on about' type of people on here, I didn't want to really waste my time with that, but here I am.

What are your ideas about these directors what has your background checking uncovered if you have done any?

OK so I have done some research into this 'topic' and I have gathered it from a (what I like to call) A reliable source as well.

It would help if you could describe exactly what the disinfo is. Is it disinfo or hiding truth in fiction? - See more at:

Dis-Information, there is a whole forum section on this section, (do I really need to explain what this is, I am not a dictionary...) its about delibirately, giving rubbish information.

Maybe specify something, a episode of something, a movie and if time permits I can give my opinion on why or why not I see what you might and how the fictional TV show - See more at:

I am not here to change your mind, or convince you.... I couldn't give a monkey's uncle if you 'believe' me or not. If it is of any interest to you, you will look, then you will find. There are a number of episodes from the X Files that have happened, themes from the Stargate episodes with back stories of events that had happend with teams of people about the history of the hman race and its origins. I am un-aware of which ones these are exactly, I will however find out. You started the post back in a very derogatory tone, but then slide off at the end after you, Inhaled and then Exhaled. (little joke there) So I will do the same.

There is a guy, Robert O. Dean, check him out.

De-Bunk away, this guy is legitimate.

"Prove It"
"No, I don't have to, get off your asses and ....L.O.O.K F.O.R. Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.V.E.S."
Thats kind of the whole point I was trying to make with the last post about education. Where the source of information comes from. Why 'some people' say its legit, and others do not.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:39 AM

reply to post by D0M1N0

Sci-fi has been a mainstay in movies since movies were first being made, why are top grossing directors an indicator of "truth"?

Also, are you trying to say that the movies these top grossing directors make are all subtly spreading truth and are connected? Or is it just "ALIENS"

Avatar, transformers, ET, aliens, Star Wars, etc etc.

Pretty loose connection if all that ties them together is aliens or alien themes....

Is that all you have?

Look at there sources, where have they got the information from to start there 'film' ideas. I imagine many of them are connected. From what I hear, there have been several attempts at them showing too much information' in the movies.

We are all aware of the Left-Wing part of Hollywood arnt we? And the on going problems that Right-Wing actors and story writers, directors have? The new Lego Movie and why its so 'controversial'?! If you don't know what I am talking about, then no wonder people cant get there heads around this. From where your standing, "This joker thinks films are real!"
Movies convey messages, all too often, granted that the first time I heard this I thought it WAS a bad plot to a movie. The "Your watching too many films" thing all over again.

Until you do the research and start to discover that the directors have very unique sources, that they speak about this stuff on a level you might not have anticipated, and that it is a known technique for propaganda and is well known for manipulating a particular politically delicate subject in the favor of particular party.

Its not the connection between the movies being about ETs/EBEs and what not, its the secrecy behind the directors sources. Go have a look for yourself.

PS. There not all true, some of these are just damn good movies, but there are the few, that are, from reliable sourced, material.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:41 AM
two can play at this game,
here's some of my recent contributions

currently working on presentations for samsara, cloud atlas, life of pi, expendables (part 1), prometheus and whatever else i happen to stumble across

it's all about changing our world view, what started in secret societies is now being done openly.
we're all being "initiated" into the new age.

"No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
-supposed quote by Dave Spengle, U.N planetary initiative


sounds like someone watched the 2009 LA awake and aware conference

if you think bob deane is the real deal, you'll probably want to view the video presentation "X-factor:the light coming to earth" (parts 1 and 2) -it's in one of those links provided
edit on 31-3-2014 by UNIT76 because: project scam-a-lot

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by AlphaHawk

Hehe, nice point

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:48 AM
I think the arts, no matter what form they take, no matter what 'subliminal messages' may be hijacked into them by wealthy elites that own the companies that make these movies, should be hailed as one of the greatest and most beautiful accomplishments of humanity. The power of art should never be underestimated, as it can be hijacked back from 'them' and used against 'them' just as easily... and because it is the exact opposite of war and destruction, creativity and imagination.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 11:53 AM

reply to post by swanne

Sounds like you need to watch it again.

Not a terrible thing though, it deserves a second viewing.

But... Sherlock did explained to Anderson how he survived, with a videotape recording it...

I looked at that episode twice, but that bit between Anderson and Sherlock is confusing. Sherlock's explanation makes more than sense, but I don't understand why Anderson acts like he acts afterwards... I looked at it twice, and I even checked what they said in Wikipedia, but it all seems as if Sherlock truly explained how he survived to Anderson.

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:41 PM
Yo, Adrian! ---You talkin' to me? ---My precious...

Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!
What we've got here is failure to communicate.
Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don't need no badges! I don't have to show you any stinking badges!
I can just use my penis as a pogo stick!

Yeah I watch way to many movies...

posted on Mar, 31 2014 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by D0M1N0

The point I am making here, is that mainstream NEWS, you know on the TV- Following so far? - See more at:

Yes I am following, but mainstream covers more than simply 'on the TV'.

Is, censored by the government, I really dont need to argue this point, if your still under the illusion, thats really not my problem is it. (look for yourself) - See more at:

No one is arguing that point or under any illusions.

If you don't know what you are talking about its OK to say so instead of telling readers to look for themselves after you say you have the goods or at least some ideas that might point to the goods if you know what I mean.

-alternative news sites that arnt directly influenced by the government- unlike the BBC/CNN... So yea, that's different. - See more at:

How is it different, its propaganda from both sides of the spectrum, I am asking you if you can discern between the propaganda and and the real stuff and its why I asked if you might want discuss something specific not just being as vague as you are.

And I didnt get this stuff from OTHER news forums mate. Most of this stuff comes from an ex Army Sgt who worked at one of the intelligence branches who has been on the ufology scene for many years. Have you? Yes, I have, you know that thing... awe whats it called.... THE INTERNET. - See more at:

I asked If you have done the checks you are asking readers if they have done so about the directors you mentioned?

I asked you what your ideas and research into this has found, your answer is yes I researched on the Net, thats all you want share about your background checks and who these directors were involved with and where they got their stories from?

If so, fair enough, it seems you want others to research these guys for you.

OK so I have done some research into this 'topic' and I have gathered it from a (what I like to call) A reliable source as well. - See more at:

Again, do you maybe want to share this so we can further discuss, or are you simply waiting for others to supply this info you say you have into your thread so you compare with the info you have?

I am not here to change your mind, or convince you.... I couldn't give a monkey's uncle if you 'believe' me or not. If it is of any interest to you, you will look, then you will find. - See more at:

Yes it is of great interest to me and I have looked and I have found.

NO you put this thread to discuss, or at least I hope so, So I am asking If you want to discuss, name an episode of the X files or Stargate or a movie scene that you believe is depicting non fiction as fiction.

You started the post back in a very derogatory tone, but then slide off at the end after you, Inhaled and then Exhaled. (little joke there) So I will do the same. - See more at:

Derogatory tone?

If you see it that way, sorry.

You made a rather arrogant but extremely vague statement insinuating you were enlightened and how you really know whats going on and others who might not conform to your view are cowards and ignorant somehow.

I asked questions, if questions about what you say are derogatory towards you maybe you shouldn't say a thing and other wont ask or be so critical or disrespectful if you see it as such,

There is a guy, Robert O. Dean, check him out. De-Bunk away, this guy is legitimate. - See more at:

Yeah have gone through all the material available on him on the net.

there is no need to debunk him,

A good long look a Dean and one should see he debunks himself, he makes way too many claims and later might contradict them with another claim.

Don't get me wrong I love the guy and wanted to believe him, however he seemed to begin to change direction and veer in the same direction as Steven Greer did with the new age space brothers concepts all about love and we need to raise our consciousness and all that jazz, its nice to be all hippy like but when you realize Dean is simply following the party tune even though it might have been the wrong party it gets hard to really believe in everything he said he has experienced as not being wishful thinking.

There are a number of episodes from the X Files that have happened, themes from the Stargate episodes with back stories of events that had happend with teams of people about the history of the hman race and its origins. I am un-aware of which ones these are exactly, I will however find out. - See more at:

Thats what I am asking for,

doesn't have to be TV show,

Movies done by the directors mentioned.

I like entertain the idea that new weaponry or technology that might not be very well known to the public but is shown in movies like transformers or the Dark knight for numerous reasons related or not.

Micheal Bay, was he the director of Transformers 2?

Anyway there is a scene where a battleship is contacted to fire a super secret rail gun at one of the Decepticons.

Christopher Nolan, the Dark knight, tracing abilities in mobile devices and how if they could be networked and have certain apps installed to create a virtual real time map of any given area.

Its these types ideas that are in movies that I think are placed in the films to steer consciousness like Rickymouse said,

For what purpose, the steering of consciousness, could be any number of things, some for acceptance of ideas or concepts others for denial.

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