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You would think!! But not alot of people can!!! Can Aliens?

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posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:00 AM
I just don't think that an adavcned civilization would have enough brains to infiltrate a species through reincarnation somehow find the spies that they have sent and communicate with them.

As to keep communication so that the species being observed from the outside can be observed from the inside. Imagine you are being psychologically evaluated. While doing so from the outside as is the case with most subjects. You are also being observed from within.

The signals used by your brain is being tuned into by a device that works similarly to a radio and frequency tuner. The radio station is your brain. Yhe song are your thoughts. And any thoughts planted. As your brain is the radio station and can send. It is also capable of receiving.

Just find the right frequency and language the brain understands. And since you have been programmed all your life to understand images and sounds. There is no reason why communicating with a subjects brain should any different.

Therefore the outside world can peer into your mind. As if an alien reincarnated among a primitive species got abducted and communicated back to head quarters. The original species it belonged to. And the observing species was capable of understanding the world of the primitive species without ever having to set foot on the planet.

This would allow a psychological evaluation for an observing species to negotiate the ultimate destiny for the primitives ie extinction or further progression.

The being that is the reincarnated alien who is inside a primitive body may not exactly know who they were but would understand it is being abducted for a reason.

Now if you can imagine an alien being that understands and use telepathy they wouldn't need a device to see your memories. As you think it would hear and see everything you think as if watching a tv set.

Except it's mind is receiving your broadcast. Therefore they know everything they need to know to judge you for your destination.

Whether that be the grave or given a privilege to progress.

Because like anything with job security the last thing you want is for every tom dick and harry to be able to do what you do and put you out of a job.

It's much better if the rat race is limited to certain sets. Thus no one wants abunch of flintstones flying around in space yelling yabba dabba doo.

Now you can imagine if these space beings brought about the ability to understand through metaphors that we have been told from day one that this is nothing but a dream a thought. A vibration of a nerve ending receiving a thought pattern that creates our reality. Thus saying that all anything is and ever will be is a figment of the imagination in someones brain.

That they would understand how to locate this creator the dreamer the one that someone on the otherside of the planet or galaxy could gather info on just by strumming a guitar. Without knowing or being in the same time frame in history as the person.

Therefore if this creator understands that all are his children he would be an alien reincarnated among the primitives and set as the one abduction aliens need to judge and get a feel for if the primitives pass inspection or not.

Because through sounds even the primitives must acknowledge who is here infiltrating the primitives and giving judgement to the observers.

In this light we can see that no species in the universe or dimension is as intelligent as Humans as I have thought this up. And anyone with a brain can see that the genius in this means that our survival once we leave this rock is fool proof because. We will understand and know how to treat and judge primitives to keep the idiots grounded.

And since it looks like we're alone! We must be the only advanced species around.

So if I thought this beautiful plan up and comprehend it as I do. What has someone else came up with that could be better....
edit on 28-3-2014 by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:06 AM
That's deep deep for my brain to comprehend at the moment....

S+ f

Ill have to read it when my brain is more awake

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 03:14 AM
What if....

on reincarnation memory wipeout is performed or stored somewhere else ? aliens included, thus whats left is the soul, no memory, all missions gone and you are brand "new" ? Now the observer is being observed by a higher entity and nobody the wiser.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:00 AM
Would like to expand on the job security idea just to show how plausibly correct it is for any logical thinking being. If you give a species the keys to interstellar space (Now think about how important this next sentence is) You also have to give the keys to destabilizing stars aswell as possible time travel and dimensional shifting.

Huge toys to play with and great responsibility (Handle with care) comes to mind as anyone can # the whole program up everyone.

Therefore intelligent minds make sure the graduation of a primitive species is handled correctly and that the filtering system is fool proof.

Which is why the creator must walk among those he has to judge. Not by sin but by capability and potential.

If they can understand if they can learn then they should be able to accept and advance. Any infiltrating species who have been there since the first steps as man. Would be wise enough to leave paper trails that lead to beings from space.

Which we have none but now we know how to handle another species below us when the time is right.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by LightningStrikesHere

Deep? Not so much. It is an earnest effort he or she is wrestling with over some of the troubling concepts that swirl around in an individual's brain over the UFO controversy.

There are three major areas to be dealt with: Acknowledgment that other intelligent life far superior to humankind is out there ...and here. That old religions and social and cultural ways must change to encompass new scientific data or fade. And that those other folks are not going to be content watching us annihilate ourselves without putting some effort into prevention.

The sum is that we humans must admit to and literally do a complete remaking of human life if we are to survive. Many millions if not billions would rather not face that new, pressing reality because it will appear as pure Hell to their old way of thinking. Some of those millions are in evidence right here on ATS. I suppose that can be expected because the enormity of the situation is probably beyond all human conception.
edit on 28-3-2014 by Aliensun because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:25 AM

What if....

on reincarnation memory wipeout is performed or stored somewhere else ? aliens included, thus whats left is the soul, no memory, all missions gone and you are brand "new" ? Now the observer is being observed by a higher entity and nobody the wiser.

I like the idea it's good I would/have thought that in my journey. But I can't debunk the simple fact that if all this really is is light and sound. A vibrating nerve ending receiving and sending information throughout a biological tissue ie brain.

Just like a dream. Therefore someone has to be walking around as the supreme micro/macrocosm. That all reincarnation is is the universal observation phenomenon created by energy observing and stimulating itself with and by other energies. Creating the 6 senses that we know of.

Aswell as those that we don't which would happen at quantum levels aswell as the stimuli created by inanimate objects.

The point being it's all just a repeating memory. Oh I remember that one soul did this that or the other. And other people remember that guy because who could forget Hitler. Therefore the memory of the guy reincarnates him.

And even if no one ever met or saw the person. It was still observed by the universe ie bugs,plants,weather,sun and moon.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:08 AM

In this light we can see that no species in the universe or dimension is as intelligent as Humans as I have thought this up. And anyone with a brain can see that the genius in this means that our survival once we leave this rock is fool proof because. We will understand and know how to treat and judge primitives to keep the idiots grounded. - See more at:

The mistake you make: you think that advanced beings also think linearly like you do. In a way you are right now trapped in a 4 dimensional thought system and every genereal thought you make is therefore "false" in an absolute sense...

There is much much much much much higher intelligence than humans ..

Thats good news

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 07:14 AM

I just don't think that an adavcned civilization would have enough brains to infiltrate a species through reincarnation somehow find the spies that they have sent and communicate with them. - See more at:

advanced civilisations have enough brains to not needing to infiltrate anything.

My god..Look around. Scientists begin to create organisms which can create everything we need ...And we are in stoneage compared to higher evolved beings...

Infiltration is for stoneage civilizations.

Wake up.

Its your fear that dictates your thought patterns right now. You are so wrong ..From a certain point of expansion all need to dominate another race vanishes TOTALLY.And all that stays is "interest in different point of views".

They like to watch us...and let us free. Because we are interesting for them....Like for us its interesting to study ants... We are smarter than ants..but still we dont understand them totally...

edit on 28-3-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by kauskau

You are correct, why bother to invade another planet when you can create or terraform planet by your own.
If they can travel lightyears to reach us, its not a feat at all to create a new planet.

However OP didnt say they come to invade, but to observe, but postulate that the human observation goes past death and reincarnate, all this is done to judge humans - an angel sort of. That is what I understood from his post.
Am I correct OP ?

OP, if the alien CAN judge us, who will judge them ? If the creator judge them, why the need to judge us by third party ? Weak creator you got there.

The aliens are like us but far more advance, where life might be meaningless but way of life is something more interesting to them.
Like : - why these human dont modify their DNA to eradicate the cancers ? improve their DNA with telepathy codes? change their body to totally/improve nutrition consumption etc etc. That is interesting to them.
They are baffled why we dont "gift" ourself.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 09:15 AM
Judgment is also part of stone-age mindset of humanity..

When you have all information of a system: no judgement can be made.

judgement is ignorance..

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 12:00 PM
What a bunch of gibberish, the troll scale I give you 4/10

I just don't think that an adavcned civilization would have enough brains to infiltrate a species through reincarnation somehow find the spies that they have sent and communicate with them.

As to keep communication so that the species being observed from the outside can be observed from the inside. Imagine you are being psychologically evaluated. While doing so from the outside as is the case with most subjects. You are also being observed from within.

The signals used by your brain is being tuned into by a device that works similarly to a radio and frequency tuner. The radio station is your brain. Yhe song are your thoughts. And any thoughts planted. As your brain is the radio station and can send. It is also capable of receiving.

Just find the right frequency and language the brain understands. And since you have been programmed all your life to understand images and sounds. There is no reason why communicating with a subjects brain should any different.

Therefore the outside world can peer into your mind. As if an alien reincarnated among a primitive species got abducted and communicated back to head quarters. The original species it belonged to. And the observing species was capable of understanding the world of the primitive species without ever having to set foot on the planet.

This would allow a psychological evaluation for an observing species to negotiate the ultimate destiny for the primitives ie extinction or further progression.

The being that is the reincarnated alien who is inside a primitive body may not exactly know who they were but would understand it is being abducted for a reason.

Now if you can imagine an alien being that understands and use telepathy they wouldn't need a device to see your memories. As you think it would hear and see everything you think as if watching a tv set.

Except it's mind is receiving your broadcast. Therefore they know everything they need to know to judge you for your destination.

Whether that be the grave or given a privilege to progress.

Because like anything with job security the last thing you want is for every tom dick and harry to be able to do what you do and put you out of a job.

It's much better if the rat race is limited to certain sets. Thus no one wants abunch of flintstones flying around in space yelling yabba dabba doo.

Now you can imagine if these space beings brought about the ability to understand through metaphors that we have been told from day one that this is nothing but a dream a thought. A vibration of a nerve ending receiving a thought pattern that creates our reality. Thus saying that all anything is and ever will be is a figment of the imagination in someones brain.

That they would understand how to locate this creator the dreamer the one that someone on the otherside of the planet or galaxy could gather info on just by strumming a guitar. Without knowing or being in the same time frame in history as the person.

Therefore if this creator understands that all are his children he would be an alien reincarnated among the primitives and set as the one abduction aliens need to judge and get a feel for if the primitives pass inspection or not.

Because through sounds even the primitives must acknowledge who is here infiltrating the primitives and giving judgement to the observers.

In this light we can see that no species in the universe or dimension is as intelligent as Humans as I have thought this up. And anyone with a brain can see that the genius in this means that our survival once we leave this rock is fool proof because. We will understand and know how to treat and judge primitives to keep the idiots grounded.

And since it looks like we're alone! We must be the only advanced species around.

So if I thought this beautiful plan up and comprehend it as I do. What has someone else came up with that could be better....
edit on 28-3-2014 by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by kauskau

Advanced intelligence only has 2 ways it can go. Once you get to interstellar space and are capable of amazing feats. Eventually you come across primitive intelligent societies or you get bored and raise your own.

Your either Benevolent or Malevolent. Break it all down and get to the root of the agenda and you only have 2 options.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

what would be the reason for advanced beings to become malevolent ? They should know how to be independent from other resources ..

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by NullVoid

If they created you or are protecting there turf ie interstellar space they have a right to judge you because again job security says we don't need an inter galactic war where we destroy solar systems sometimes large areas of galaxies because you can destabilize a star and who knows what else your capable of.

It'd be disastrous not to monitor primitive species and filter them. Like an elite group protecting certain job areas that have delicate intel that not everyone needs to know or have.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by kauskau

I guess the malevolent part would be that they might not have let go of the idea that they were first or felt like they had a claim to what they felt was there's.

It'd be like insects arguing with amphibians. Hey we were first because someone had to pollinate the plants to make the environment capable of sustaining another species ie amphibians.

And the amphibians saying yes but we all share the same environment and are apart of the same process so why not let go of detrimental mind sets that just hold us back.

Therefore you could see where if the insects really felt strongly about maintaining a higher sense of control over all matters. Peace would not be had unless there was a being who potentially is the dreamer who sets the standard for benevolent space exploration, cultivation.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by ATSZOMBIE

Would an alien race advanced enough to cultivate/monitor another world far beyond that of there own. Have the intelligence to work an out of sight out of mind operation?

Where by the primitive race can't exactly prove for 100% certainty that aliens are monitoring them. Allowing the primitives to go about everyday life like they are all alone or atleast a recluse in there tiny corner of the galaxy. So that there whole mind set and operation is totally exposed to anyone observing from within.

Because they would have to have certain souls that they would use to monitor the species across the globe targeted individuals that they planted among the human race absolutely improvable that they are alien. Because they were born naturally human.

Much like if an alien race decided to kill us with our own sun. There is absolutely no paper trail to any advanced beings. Unless you had time travel.

With this being said is it possible to expose a primitive species by allowing them to think they are alone. In doing so making the judgement of whether or not they are ready to advance to the next stage much more easier.

You wouldn't let a 4 yr old use a hot stove with a boiling pot of water to make hot dogs.

You wouldn't hand classified information that could potentially start a nuclear war over to a mentally handicapped person who profusely slobbers.

Even an advanced race must agree with the simplest primitives on these analogies therefore the greater truth is universal to any and all logical thinkers.

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

My understanding and comprehension of all you stated....tells me if that scenario were possible to even be true...then it wouldnt be...nor would it need to be....based on their "advanced intelligence, making it absolutely un-necessary...(as youve explained their advanced thinking).

There would be no need.....

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 01:09 AM

Now if you can imagine an alien being that understands and use telepathy they wouldn't need a device to see your memories. As you think it would hear and see everything you think as if watching a tv set.

That would be true if you think about it. A life form/being that capable of that would sense ones emotions, as well coherent thoughts. Mean while it would ether have a discipline, or very entrophic mind to actually mind it own at the same time. Although weather this feat is a biological, or technological one, who knows. If the feat was of due to technology, it could probably make a wide range of emotions.

Psionic emoticons!?

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 02:47 AM

reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

My understanding and comprehension of all you stated....tells me if that scenario were possible to even be true...then it wouldnt be...nor would it need to be....based on their "advanced intelligence, making it absolutely un-necessary...(as youve explained their advanced thinking).

There would be no need.....

Yes and No.

Because even if you could know through observation even an advanced being must know and understand that everything is nothing as it seems.

Even if you know every time you hit the power button it turns on. There is always that one chance that it won't turn on. Reality dream it's both and neither.

The duality of everything would force you to interactively get the truth. You can never know if your kid is ready to be an adult until they leave the house.

No matter how ready and prepared they seem to be. Because the world constantly changes and it's one thing to talk about it but it's a whole other thing to actually do it.

Therefore even if you knew everything. You still have to make sure it plays out. Because someone good enough to understand reality matrix can throw the equations for a loop causing a reality shift.

And because it would be known that reality shifts happen. You would have to acknowledge that knowing everything means nothing when the truth is contradictory.

posted on Mar, 29 2014 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by 0d1n5Unh0ly6h05t

One thing I've determined for sure in my long that nothing is for sure. Enter any variable into any situation, and it alter that situation.

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