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Schitzophrenia and Psychosis

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posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 05:21 PM
Just wanted to bring up a topic of Schitzophrenia and Psychosis, what do you know about ths mental illness?

When I first learned about Schitzophrenia, I misunderstood this illness for having a Multiple Personality Disorder, after some research, I found this not to be the case, but that a common symptom of Schitzophrenia is to hear voices. And even then, NOT hearing voices doesn't mean you DON'T have schitzophrenia - as schitzophrenia is an unbrella of illnesses. Psychosis falls under this category.

So what are people's thoughts on this? Do 'you' have schitzophrenia? If so, do you take medication for it? Do you live a normal life or does this illness have a major impact on the way you function?

All the best

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 05:34 PM
I know a few and have had sufficient training to work with them.

Psychoses are a general category of severe mental disorder.

Don't place too much stock in definitions of schizophrenia. The stupidity of the practice is that there needs to be a clearcut "definition" for the sake of professional indemnity.

If you suffer a delusion for 27 days, you have a temporary delusional disorder. If you have it for 28 days or more, there is your diagnosis for schizophrenia. It's as silly as that.

(Which creates a disturbing impression of the number of schizophrenics in the US as a result of the recent campaigns that have served to delude).

If you're not doing harm to yourself or others, then people should care less what delusion you have suffered for 28 days or more.

[Edited on 25-11-2004 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 05:52 PM
I really did not know that!!! 28 days or more...... (Goes into linking mode....)

Seen the movie "28 days later", where everything goes absolutely stupid...... Maybe it was the writers intention to make a point about that *shrug*

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:08 PM
I have who is undergoing treatment for the above disorder (cant remember which of the two or if its both)... its not pretty to have someone so close to you having delusions where she accuses all her close friends of plotting against her and holding important info from her...

Fortunately she's getting better...

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:19 PM
Yeh, paranoia is a big thing with schitzophrenia, does she take medication for it?

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:27 PM
Paranoia is one of the more common forms of delusional disorder.

Another thing that "they" watch for is the distinction between things that are improbable but which could be true, and things that are impossible to be true. That sorts out the obsessive need to put people in categories or boxes quite nicely, too.

posted on Nov, 25 2004 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
Paranoia is one of the more common forms of delusional disorder.

Another thing that "they" watch for is the distinction between things that are improbable but which could be true, and things that are impossible to be true. That sorts out the obsessive need to put people in categories or boxes quite nicely, too.

Yes, I know about the distinctions, and linking of things that may have no fundemental relevance. Just like in A Beautiful Mind, he was linking articles together believing there were secret codes in the stories.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 05:18 AM
over the last 7 years i have had 5 stays in mental health hospitals and have been on lots of different medication. its normally aggrivated depression with me, but 2 years ago i suffered a drug induced psychosis. they had to pump me full of lorazepam just to get me to calm down, i was then sectioned under the mental health act and detained for nearly 5 months. during this time i could not be understood my speech was so fast no-one could understand me.
i think i was on about 6 or 7 different lots of medication including injections, anti psychotics, mood stabalisers, anti depressants and valium. i was seriously ill !!! they said i might never recover. but thankfully i have and the only medication i'm on now are anti depressants. this was the worst time in my life i was totally manic, destructive, abbusive it was terrible.
it has been a hard struggle but i have got through it.

have you ever been diagnosed with any psycholigical illness ?

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 05:29 AM
Interesting post there,

No i've not been diagnosed with this illness, except that its in my family, and it is hereditary....I do have to be careful etc...

However I was diagnosed with depression, but I no longer take medication for that, all is well this side now

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 10:48 AM
My mother and her mother have something in common, it's mental issue, can't pinpoint it because neither of them have ever been diagnosed. However my mother was on anti depressants, but she claimed it was because of me (when I was a rebellious teenager) there has to be some kind of chemical imbalance.
It could be bi polar or just manic obsessive...

I actually feel it's been brought down to me which is why I would like to go see somebody to figure out if there is an imbalance or what not.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:04 AM
I probably have a bit of schitzophrenia and a bit of multiple personnality disorder in me. Altho I've never been diagnose, I've read a few things on psychology and my familly is not known (especially on my father's side) for being very "stable" mentally. Maybe I wouldn't even rate "positif" if diagnose for thoses illness, but I believe they are in me, in some "lowered" or sleeping-form.

I often hear voices in my head, and sometime I just can't believe my own mind made me hear some of the stuff they say. I have uncontrollable mood-swing, and drugs & alcohol totally change my mind, sometime for the best sometime for the worst. I think drugs played a huge role in worsening my multiple personnality disorder.

posted on Nov, 29 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by m0rbid
I think drugs played a huge role in worsening my multiple personnality disorder.

I'll second that...

[Edited on 1-12-2004 by TrueLies]

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