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'Newly Discovered Ancient Manuscripts from Dead Sea Scrolls Cave.'

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posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 02:11 PM

peter vlar


reply to post by beansidhe

How did the Rockerfellers come to have them....

they purchased them (all of them) but then released a few to be studied. They locked away the rest. They were working in collusion with the Rothschilds. They are not hiding it because it could make Christians or belief in God look bad....they are hiding the information for the exact opposite reason.

They want the state to be our god....they wants statism to be our religion

No, Israel is in possession of all scroll fragments and the complete translations have been published.

The Dead Sea Scrolls were purchased in 1954 for the State of Israel by Yigael Yadin. Yadin was an archaeologist whose research into the scrolls earned him the Israel Prize in Jewish Studies in 1956. The scrolls are housed permanently in The Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem.

edit on 7-3-2014 by peter vlar because: (no reason given)

You mean it is in this museum :

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by yamammasamonkey

The conspiracy here is to believe that these particular papers have been lying around next to all the others that have been studied and scrutinized by hundreds for decades, yet they have never been examined. Something stinks about this story.
Usually what you would find in a phylactery is a small scroll that says something like, "Blessed is the Lord who gave us the commandment to wear phylacteries."
A reason why they may not have wanted to touch it was because it would be very tightly wound and moving it would result in fragments too small to piece back together.
The reason why they are now messing with it seems to be new technology that does not require trying to unroll it.

edit on 7-3-2014 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by beansidhe

The message will contain....


another message will say....

Dr's at half past noon, Thursday.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

I stand corrected. I feel a little silly not realizing there was a connection with the Rockefeller family and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Thanks for the link.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 04:50 PM

peter vlar
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

I stand corrected. I feel a little silly not realizing there was a connection with the Rockefeller family and the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Thanks for the link.

no need to feel silly....the Rockefeller/Jewish connection is a mired mess.

The Rockefellers (as I am sure you know) helped finance the Nazi party and were intimately involved with IG farben who produced all sorts of nasty war chemicals.

The Rockefeller family was then black mailed by the Jewish International Community into getting Israel created in 1948.

The JIC needed the votes from central and south American countries in the UN. At the time...the Rockefellers pretty much owned these countries through their oil they twisted arms to get the votes. These are votes that the JIC wouldn't have gotten otherwise.

So....Israel was created through blackmail of a Nazi ... which brings us back to the museum and Rockefellers generous contributions....

like I's messy at best and corrupt for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Thanks but nonetheless my ego is still a little bruised. I normally pride myself on double checking my sources and utilizing good old fashioned due diligence and somehow this one slipped by me. that'll teach me to try to reply to more than one thread at a time and simply because Im aware of all the heinous history of the Rockefellers, I should have known to be more cautious. but hey, you're never too old to learn something or in this case relearn it.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:10 PM

peter vlar
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Thanks but nonetheless my ego is still a little bruised. I normally pride myself on double checking my sources and utilizing good old fashioned due diligence and somehow this one slipped by me. that'll teach me to try to reply to more than one thread at a time and simply because Im aware of all the heinous history of the Rockefellers, I should have known to be more cautious. but hey, you're never too old to learn something or in this case relearn it.

the older I get the more I realize that I know nothing!!

you have probably forgotten more than most know.....I know your easy my friend

edit: plus now I feel bad for being a bit sarcastic with you....

edit on 7-3-2014 by UxoriousMagnus because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 05:34 PM


edit: plus now I feel bad for being a bit sarcastic with you....

edit on 7-3-2014 by UxoriousMagnus because: (no reason given)

Don't feel bad, compared to the responses I illicit from creationists in threads discussing evolution, your level of sarcasm was pretty benign! be well.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 06:43 PM
I honestly think that if they are hiding anything it is for a good reason, if there is anything in them that is too controversial to swallow, it will just be written off by the general public and forgotten about. Human understanding needs to be at a certain level for them to be willing to accept new truths. Our idea of what is controversial is changing and has done so over time since the inception of written history.

That said, I think that a more likely reason for the documents to be locked away is that they did an initial examination of them and found only a few that were still pliable and preserved enough to be opened. Considering that a few of them crumbled to dust when the shepherd first found them this is not at all a far fetched theory. The prudent and archaeologically sound thing to do would have been to lock them in a safe and climate controlled environment until scientific and archaeological techniques were developed enough to examine them without destroying them entirely.

In this line of thinking, it would make sense that despite the fact that 80% of them are locked away, they would have been organized based on quality of preservation and expected ease of examination. This would be why an initial nine were examined and released upon doing so while the others were locked away, and now that our techniques have caught up a bit we have decided to test them on three more that are either assumed to be replaceable or were randomly chosen to test this new method of examination on. Better to lose a few if they try and fail than to rush the process and lose nearly all of them, which is what would have happened sixty odd years ago had we just rushed to see which ones were preserved enough to stay in one piece. we actually see this in the "Gnostic gospels" that were initially examined. Many of them are barely there and great portions of the original writing crumbled away as they attempted to examine them back then.

Compared to how archaeology used to be, which was not a limited field and just about anyone who found a site could, and usually would just go blasting away with dynamite to find things. This method is largely responsible for our incomplete fossils and incomplete knowledge of the past from archaeological digs pre-1930's. Most people think that people like Howard Carter and his ilk were the common example of people in the field back then, and even he was destructive in his methods, but people even as loosely careful as he was with the limited techniques and understanding of preservation he possessed accounted for a very small percentage of the people in the field.

As an example of that, we only recently, chronologically speaking, discovered that the Egyptian hieroglyphs were painted in bright, vibrant colors. The reason being that our methods were too primitive to preserve that neat little bit of information. In the end, while it is terrible to have to wait months and years for sites to be properly excavated in this day and age, or for artifacts to be examined, it is more historically beneficial to wait and be sure than to go in with dynamite and eager hands and end up destroying history with recklessness.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 07:21 PM
i keep wondering why so many religious terms from Christianity and Judaism have so many Sumerian religious terms as roots:
like the term ANgel
dEAd sEA scrolls

re the trinity
(the EA star was the first star of a trinity of stars in a sumerian constellation to rise every night )

of course if one has a working celtic cross, one knows the trinity is the 3-4-5 of the Pythagorean theorem
which one needs to use to navigate when one is "our lord AMEN" the first pharaoh of Egypt and one is shooting the sun
and using triANgles to figure out ones barques position

all this talk of a Dye ity amen is also minos of the purple dye people the phonicians, who were not semitic.
wouldn't want the scrolls explaining that to come out now would we...krishna was blue...
and like this tablet from somewhat before judaisim
took like a hundred years to get to that one out looks like

because it shows that there is a real problem with the history of GOD as its told in the religions that preport to whoreship him
edit on 7-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

great thread for and against B
my compliments
edit on 7-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 09:27 PM
Of course much is speculation at this point of the 'scandalous' nature of the scrolls. However I suspect could it be that the Samaritan Pentateuch is more accurate and their adherence to Mt. Gerizim (as opposed Mt. Ebal) to be the holy mountain of blessing? As accorded in Deut 27:4 the Samaritan version seems to be mistranslated in latter Jewish Torah and subsequently Greek Septuagint (consequently all Christian translations as well) that Mt. Ebal was where G-d asked to built the altar of blessing. This is problematic since elsewhere the Bible accords Mt. Gerizim as the mount of blessing and Mt. Ebal as the mount of cursing (Deut 27:12)

The Dead Sea scrolls also concur with the Samaritan version.

So it would seem Samaritans are indeed the true Israelite 'remnants' of Northern Kingdom of Israel as they always claimed to be; but not from the Southern Kingdom of Judah thus notJewish (i.e. not of Solomonic-Davidic lineage) contrary to what the Judean scribes returning from Babylonian exile thought them to be- as heretic mix from the gentile nations. The scribes knew about the recent destruction of the temple on Mount Gerizim (archeological evidence is also there). As the article above states the possible reasons of the mistranslation: 1) When the scribes looked at Deuteronomy 27, did they wonder how any text could refer to Moses’ command to build an altar on Mount Gerizim? 2) Many of the Jerusalem scribes were pro-Hasmonean and hated Samaritans and their elevation of Gerizim over Zion. 3) Conceivably, the copyist imagined that the Samaritans were not “Jews,” but belonged to the “many nations” that were to be obliterated from the Holy Land. He may have thought that God ordered their “altars” to be destroyed (Deut 7:1–5)

So what be so scandalous in this? Well if more and more Dead Sea scrolls are showing that the pre-Hasmonean Israelite writings concur with Samaritan Teachings to built the holy altar/temple for G-d in Mt. Gerizim and not Zion (Jerusalem) then that would mean all subsequent teachings and writings of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all wrong. There would in fact be no tug-of-war with the Muslims to built the 'third' temple (Beit HaMikdash) as Mt. Gerizim is barren right now.

It would also place in question if Jesus being a Jew and his views on the Shomronim (Samaritans) were wrong as well. Now that would be pretty explosive for Christians as well. Islam's teaching that Ishamel (not Isaac) who was offered for sacrifice in Jerusalem will also be proved wrong if these scrolls suggest the altar was in Mt. Gerizim.

The Second Herodian Temple built in Jerusalem would also contradict these supposed instructions from G-d to build the place of worship in Mt. Gerizim.

So yeah, if that is the case, then could mean it is pretty explosive stuff and all three abrahamanical faiths will get affected by it.

posted on Mar, 7 2014 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by beansidhe

"There" and "here" will be all kinds of "proof" and "evidence" the bible is false. Or that Jesus/The word of God was something other than claimed. What a BS story. 70 years? Really? It's time the world and its men "man up" and realize they are created. And there is a higher law than what seems right to these "moral", "ethical" and "civilized" queers that are running our world today. There is right, wrong and then some "law" that man/woman has dreamed up. Also no, to what others have said. The NT and the OT are all Christian doctrine. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. The Jews/Hebrews have to come to Christ just like us gentiles do. Their "sacrifice" is over and done with and they rejected it. Nothing will be found in a "cave" or stuffed in some "ancient" mattress that will change God's word. No matter how much one wishess for it. On judgement day none of us will outlawyer the Lord.
edit on 7-3-2014 by murphy22 because: So the "educated" will not get confused for the lack of ability to translate any errors in spelling and miss the meaning of the text.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 04:00 AM

peter vlar
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Thanks but nonetheless my ego is still a little bruised. I normally pride myself on double checking my sources and utilizing good old fashioned due diligence and somehow this one slipped by me. that'll teach me to try to reply to more than one thread at a time and simply because Im aware of all the heinous history of the Rockefellers, I should have known to be more cautious. but hey, you're never too old to learn something or in this case relearn it.

Many thanks for keeping this thread civil and for being so magnanimous. I've learned a huge amount that I didn't know before from the posters in this thread, and for that I am very grateful to everyone for their contributions -some of which have been excellent.

We're all here, just trying to learn, and it really helps everyone when they can read statements like yours above.

B x

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 08:36 AM

i keep wondering why so many religious terms from Christianity and Judaism have so many Sumerian religious terms as roots:
like the term ANgel
dEAd sEA scrolls

re the trinity
(the EA star was the first star of a trinity of stars in a sumerian constellation to rise every night )

of course if one has a working celtic cross, one knows the trinity is the 3-4-5 of the Pythagorean theorem
which one needs to use to navigate when one is "our lord AMEN" the first pharaoh of Egypt and one is shooting the sun
and using triANgles to figure out ones barques position

the reason i think there are sumerian religious terms/ words used is, because abraham was from the city called ur or what some think may have been another called ura,both were sumerian cities. it only makes sense that he would be talking and telling stories of his God from there and they passed down.if then God was one from sumeria he told and moses the stories.

hope that made sense.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 05:45 PM

i keep wondering why so many religious terms from Christianity and Judaism have so many Sumerian religious terms as roots:
like the term ANgel
dEAd sEA scrolls

re the trinity
(the EA star was the first star of a trinity of stars in a sumerian constellation to rise every night )

of course if one has a working celtic cross, one knows the trinity is the 3-4-5 of the Pythagorean theorem
which one needs to use to navigate when one is "our lord AMEN" the first pharaoh of Egypt and one is shooting the sun
and using triANgles to figure out ones barques position

all this talk of a Dye ity amen is also minos of the purple dye people the phonicians, who were not semitic.
wouldn't want the scrolls explaining that to come out now would we...krishna was blue...
and like this tablet from somewhat before judaisim
took like a hundred years to get to that one out looks like

because it shows that there is a real problem with the history of GOD as its told in the religions that preport to whoreship him
edit on 7-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

great thread for and against B
my compliments
edit on 7-3-2014 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Because the very crafty men of the ancient religions understand the power of words on our minds. Those in the plains of Shinar were of one language, no?

Who do you think designated the centre for oceanography and floods/tsunamis as NOAA - Noah?

Who do you think designated the geological and earthquake centre as USGS - GSUS - Jesus?

And what do these do subliminally but reinforce a physical carnal understanding of scripture? Every time the word earthquake is read one pictures a physical earthquake. Every time one reads the word flood one thinks of a great covering of physical water. This we hear these men, not God

Welcome to the one language, again.

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 06:06 PM

Many thanks for keeping this thread civil and for being so magnanimous. I've learned a huge amount that I didn't know before from the posters in this thread, and for that I am very grateful to everyone for their contributions -some of which have been excellent.

We're all here, just trying to learn, and it really helps everyone when they can read statements like yours above.

B x

I have to admit that in the past I've occasionally been guilty of utilizing somewhat less than civil decor with other posters. However, as you stated, we are all here to learn and I think a great starting point is to learn from our own errors. If we can't admit when we are wrong, or are potentially wrong then were not likely to be open to learning from the perspective of others. It doesn't even mean anybody had to have changed their mind as a result of the learning experience or new information. As long as we can respectfully view and debate both sides everyone comes out ahead.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 04:32 AM


Vasa Croe
Wonder if the text will actually be released. We all know we can't have anything floating around that would make Christians look silly now don't we.

Why would they make Christians look silly? Those scrolls predated Christ and would affect the understanding of the Torah and the Old Testament more than Christian belief, which is based on the New Testament primarily.

Tav + Vav + Reysh + Hey 
= a cross, nail, the head/highest, window/behold/revelation

Or if you want to keep the literal "head" for the letter Reysh, you get:

Nailed to a cross, at his head, it is revealed

Matthew 27:37, "Above his head they placed the written charge against him: THIS IS JESUS, THE KING OF THE JEWS"

The entire set of scriptures testify of the Christ. From the first page to the last page, "they are which testify of ME" - Jesus Christ. 

Every sensationalist article which deals with these Dead Sea Scrolls contains phrases such as in the linked article

The ancient and priceless texts have been dubbed "the academic scandal of the 20th century" because of the long delay in publication, which many have claimed is due to the controversial nature of its contents - See more at:

Statements such as this are pure propaganda. If one holds this same suspicion, Jesus would ask you if this idea is of yourself or from others. Since these articles keep repeating the suggestion that the delay is due to the 'controversial nature of the scrolls', people just adopt this as their thinking. God has made evident the true reason for these delays - in the name Rock - Feller.

 Who is the Rock?

How many have any knowledge that modern Judaism is identified as the religion which Jesus Christ walked into in Judea, a religion of man made dogma and works stemming from Babylon that made null and void the scriptures which testified of Christ? How many today understand the lie that is "Judaism is the old testament"? How many understand that the son of perdition, Judas, guided the lawless men and it's ramifications for 2 Thessalonians 2?

The New Testament is the revealing of Jesus Christ. As He Himself stated..."the scriptures testify of ME". So what needs revealing? In the word Torah is the Christian gospel, therefore the Torah is Christ not 'Judaism'. 

Believing that the old testament is Judaism is perhaps the biggest con ever. If people knew the truth, if people believed the truth, these rock fellers could not operate their deceit. But when we refuse to accept the truth, all we get is the lie.

Rock feller. Their function and role is right there in their name. And yet, so many keep believing that these delays are due to "controversial information" contained within them instead of seeing the mystery schools and religions basic tenet and operating method - that people naively come to assume that "secrets" must be true. A method that works on children who never stop to question whether or not the "secret" is a lie to begin with. Fish are duped continually by lures. Men should not be.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by beansidhe


My initial thought was, oh no, another pile of fragments to add to the already vast DSS puzzle. But after digging a little deeper (pun intended - Source), I understand these nine fragments were actually tiny scrolls found inside leather 'tefillin'. Tefillin are two little boxes each containing compartments with tiny handwritten scrolls inside which the observant Jew carefully bind around their hand and forehead as part of the morning prayer ritual.

Four biblical passages which refer to the tefillin are placed inside the leather boxes. They are written by a scribe with special ink on parchment scrolls (klaf). [...] The passages contain 3,188 letters usually take between 10–15 hours to complete. [...] Rashi (U: a famous rabbi) held that the passages are placed according to the chronological order as they appear in the Torah: Kadesh Li, Ve-haya Ki Yeviehcha, Shema, Ve-haya Im Shemoa, while according to Rabbeinu Tam, the last two passages are switched around.


Tefillin consists of two small leather boxes attached to leather straps. The two boxes each contain four sections of the Torah inscribed on parchment. These passages cite:

The Shema (Deut. 6:4-9) - pronouncing the Unity of The One G-d.
Vehayah (Deut. 11:13-21) - expressing G-d's assurance to us of reward that will follow our observance of the Torah's precepts, and warning of retribution for disobedience to them.
Kadesh (Ex. 13:1-10) - the duty of the Jewish people to always remember the redemption from Egyptian bondage.
Vehayah (Ex. 13:11-16) - the obligation of every Jew to inform his children on these matters.

In other words, we know what is written in these scrolls, so the interesting part is to see if something differs from the known rabbinical doctrines concerning this. And if they contain any additional texts. There were other tefillin found at Qumran and the area around as well:

Tefillin (תפילין) - These parchment slips, folded and placed in capsules, are understood to be the "frontlets between your eyes" (U: Deut. 6:8). About two dozen tefillin slips were recovered from the Qumran caves, and additional tefillin were found at Wadi Murabba'at, Nahal Hever, and Nahal Se’elim.
edit on 9-3-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: Adden additional source

edit on 9-3-2014 by Utnapisjtim because: Typo+additional info

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:49 PM


Sorry, but i'm thinking this has to be religious propaganda BS.

70 years in their possession, taken from one of the most historically important religious archaelogical sites in the region, after they had found the DSS...and they've only just got around to examining them after seven decades?

Nah seriously can't believe that...probably fakes containing a 'preferred version of cleverly forged 'ancient events' IMO.

Or, they're the most incompetent religious historians and archaeologists on planet Earth.
edit on 6-3-2014 by MysterX because: typo

I can understand why, logically speaking, someone could draw this conclusion...
Another interesting case revolves around the Egyptian themed area of the Grand Canyon, which is the same area where no access is granted to anyone, aside from archaeologists and maybe some authorities or government employees. If there were not Native American legends, and reports from earlier Americans regarding the eccentricities of the area, and artifacts in the area of a non-Native character, then I probably wouldn't think there was anything there. But the stories coincide with the Egyptian names, and it really makes one wonder if there is more to that particular story.

While I was in Flagstaff, I talked to several Park Rangers as well as some locals. The only place off limits is where the remains of a jet liner that crashed many years ago. As far as I could find out, kayaking to and around that area is permissible. I didn't do that because it was quite cold then. I did however, see something that I can't explain.

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Utnapisjtim

It is exciting, I agree, not least because reading something handwritten from 2000 years ago is eventful enough! It is interesting to wonder if maybe a word will be different, or even an entire text. Glad you dropped by

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