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PLEASE HELP ME -- What is this symbol??????

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posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

Okay thank you for giving more details! I have to believe that this may be more of a protective symbol. Good, not evil. I immediately thought of the shield of trinity and the Hebrew spelling of YHWH or YHW is sometimes used in protection symbolism or covenants. Hebrews believe that his name is the most powerful of all. Images of crosses are usually signs of covenants.

Hope this helps.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

At first glance it looked like some sort of family crest, judging from the letters, but It seems to have more meaning. It also puzzles me yet makes me wonder if the letters attached to each cross have any significance.

Let me break down a little theory about this symbol you are showing here , might sound crazy but bare with me.

In analyzing I couldn't hope but notice the letters and their significance in all this even more so than the crosses or the pyramids.

Let's say the "Y" is suppose to be facing up with the "Y standing for Yeshua (Jesus' name in Hebrew). This might sound crazy but in trying to figure out what the heck the H and the W would stand for the only thing I came up with was this.

IF the Y is facing up then the W turns into an M which can mean the god "Mithras". The H does not change so it could mean the ancient Egypt god "Horus".

All the pyramids in the crest could signify many things but one is that they are one in the same. Also, since the Y is the only one of the three letters that means nothing if flipped upside down then it could also mean that "Yeshua" aka Jesus is above all other false deities. Would also point out in the fact that many People have tried to debunk Jesus by saying the stories about "Mithras" and "Horus" are identical or comparable to the story of the Son of Man "Yeshua/Jesus".

Or you can put a stamp on it and certify me insane. Whichever works. That is basically all I can get out this crest/symbol. Will repost if I read anything else into it.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

i believe it is a symbol related to Santeria. Im going to have to do a bit of research before I can get any details. Stand by.....

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

here is an extraction from your photo:

and i did a craptacular redraw of it:

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

Particularly if there actually is a dark entity in that house. It's wise to know what's inside a box before you take the lock off.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:19 PM
It appears to be a Tetragrammaton - the name of God.

it "embodies the spirit of the creator.." so to speak

Wiki link

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by beastnwokillah

Your insight is helpful nonetheless. thanks

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:44 PM

reply to post by combatmaster

i believe it is a symbol related to Santeria. Im going to have to do a bit of research before I can get any details. Stand by.....

Thanks brother..

for the insight and the effort put into recreating such an accurate copy!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 05:46 PM

It appears to be a Tetragrammaton - the name of God.

it "embodies the spirit of the creator.." so to speak

Wiki link

I have been aware of what the tetragrammaton is since childhood.
What brings you to believe that this is a form of it?

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 06:35 PM


It appears to be a Tetragrammaton - the name of God.

it "embodies the spirit of the creator.." so to speak

Wiki link

I have been aware of what the tetragrammaton is since childhood.
What brings you to believe that this is a form of it?

the symbol of layered triangles, as above, so below, ever unfolding within itself, the letters of Y W H around the pinnacles with the solar cross at the apex's of the greatest triangle.

i study hermetics and related alchemical texts, the image you have posted is a version of the tetragrammaton, otherwise depicted as a circle within a triangle - the centre of metatron's cube.

these symbols were likely place over the doors to hold back the energy that you feel in the space. (think lambs blood over the door)

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by EmpathicBandit


You seem very knowledgeable in this area. I will pass this on to my mate!

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 07:12 PM

reply to post by EmpathicBandit


You seem very knowledgeable in this area. I will pass this on to my mate!

pleasure to be of service.

you mentioned it being a matter of life and death - if your friend has or does experience anything else.. "odd" .. remind him to walk in the light, for this too shall pass.

whomsoever hears the words will know them to be true.

feel free to PM me if further insight is required.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by EmpathicBandit

I had considered the squaring the circle angle, and am not convinced either way.

3, 6, and 7 are the important numbers shown, along with the characters ywh. YWH, has obvious implications, 367 not so much beyond the importance of the holy number 7 (numerologically speaking).

I can't find any references that would make the symbol make more sense. I am not sold on the tetragrammaton angle.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 08:33 PM

He (my friend) said that they moved into a new house that was previously occupied by a Brazilian guy. They have been getting very bad vibes the entire time and and weird feeling in the house. He said that these little stickers with this symbol are above every door in the household!

So to confirm.... this is not drugs of any kind! This is one of many stickers found around the house on top of all the doors.
reply to post by combatmaster

Creepy! I would immediately sell the house. Didn't they notice these stickers when they were shown the house before buying it? That would have been a red flag for me.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:05 PM
How" Brazilian "was the guy?
There could be some strange and unfamiliar sects or signs which are native to Brazil alone.....could try googling such in relation to the country??? Santaria sounds like a good start....
just sayin...

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by combatmaster

FYI ... It's upside down in your OP.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

i see 3x 3sided triangle = 9 faces
3x inward facing lines with + 3x cross lines to make 3 crosses of 2 lines each making 6.

3-6-9 over and over and over ad infinitum.

with Y W H


The Tetragrammaton.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by combatmaster

Ok, I found it.

It's a protection symbol called SCAP and you can check it out here:

Or you can image google "símbolos de proteção" (Portuguese for Protection Symbols)

Sorry, I would've translated it but I'm in a hurry right now, please google translate it):

Também conhecido no meio esotérico como Scap ou mesmo apenas pelo nome André Felipe. Este gráfico sempre se demonstrou muito eficaz para limpeza e equilíbrio de energia oriunda de aparelhos eletroeletrônicos ( celulares, computadores, etc ). Muitas pessoas o utilizam também como um grande protetor, até mesmo dobrado dentro da carteira. Se observarmos a construção e forma, podemos ver que são 3 triângulos sobrepostos, o primeiro, central e menor, com o vértice para cima, o segundo com o vértice para baixo onde as letras Y, W e H se posicionam nas junções dos mesmos. As letras Y, W e H estão correlacionadas a máxima hebraica Yod ( Y ), He ( H ), Wav ( W ) He ( repetição do primeiro ). E por fim o terceiro e último triângulo com o vértice para cima se sobrepondo aos outros dois e com uma cruz em cada uma de suas pontas. Quando este gráfico é aplicado sobre o local desequilibrado, o desenho que se encontra em primeira dimensão, faz invisivelmente aos nossos olhos, a forma proposta pelo mesmo, ou seja, os triângulos são dobrados em cada um de seus lados, formando a forma equilibrante na quarta dimensão. Quando é detectado desequilíbrio em aparelhos eletroeletrônicos, grandes formadores de energia desequilibrante, deve ser colocado com a letra Y para cima, neutralizando as energias nocivas provenientes do aparelho. Na limpeza de pessoas, quando este gráfico é indicado, deve-se nortear o ângulo correspondente a letra Y, colocando o testemunho dentro do triângulo central.

edit on 2-3-2014 by LordAdef because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 05:22 AM
Well played Lordadef, that's some impressive googling skills right there to have found it.

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:30 AM

reply to post by combatmaster

Ok, I found it.

It's a protection symbol called SCAP and you can check it out here:

Or you can image google "símbolos de proteção" (Portuguese for Protection Symbols)

Sorry, I would've translated it but I'm in a hurry right now, please google translate it):

Também conhecido no meio esotérico como Scap ou mesmo apenas pelo nome André Felipe. Este gráfico sempre se demonstrou muito eficaz para limpeza e equilíbrio de energia oriunda de aparelhos eletroeletrônicos ( celulares, computadores, etc ). Muitas pessoas o utilizam também como um grande protetor, até mesmo dobrado dentro da carteira. Se observarmos a construção e forma, podemos ver que são 3 triângulos sobrepostos, o primeiro, central e menor, com o vértice para cima, o segundo com o vértice para baixo onde as letras Y, W e H se posicionam nas junções dos mesmos. As letras Y, W e H estão correlacionadas a máxima hebraica Yod ( Y ), He ( H ), Wav ( W ) He ( repetição do primeiro ). E por fim o terceiro e último triângulo com o vértice para cima se sobrepondo aos outros dois e com uma cruz em cada uma de suas pontas. Quando este gráfico é aplicado sobre o local desequilibrado, o desenho que se encontra em primeira dimensão, faz invisivelmente aos nossos olhos, a forma proposta pelo mesmo, ou seja, os triângulos são dobrados em cada um de seus lados, formando a forma equilibrante na quarta dimensão. Quando é detectado desequilíbrio em aparelhos eletroeletrônicos, grandes formadores de energia desequilibrante, deve ser colocado com a letra Y para cima, neutralizando as energias nocivas provenientes do aparelho. Na limpeza de pessoas, quando este gráfico é indicado, deve-se nortear o ângulo correspondente a letra Y, colocando o testemunho dentro do triângulo central.

edit on 2-3-2014 by LordAdef because: (no reason given)

Case solved

LORDADEF....... Well done... really well done.

Thank you. You have pretty much solved this. I will pass this onto my mate, surely he will be pleased!

Very impressive. Thank you ever so much!

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