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The first Congressman to battle NSA is dead..

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+69 more 
posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:26 PM
I have been thinking about this article because another poster on another thread said something to the effect, "Can't congress just cut the funding"; sounds logical but a little history might be in order. I worked for NSA (military capacity) in 1973 from S.E. Asia and even then we could listen to N.Y. Taxi cabs or anyone else who had a radio.. No cell phones back then or we could have listened to them too.

After 1940 trans Atlantic cables were taped by the newly formed NSA... All this started long ago....nothing new except more people are aware now; even bad guys...

Last month, former Congressman Otis Pike died, and no one seemed to notice or care. That’s scary, because Pike led the House’s most intensive and threatening hearings into US intelligence community abuses, far more radical and revealing than the better-known Church Committee’s Senate hearings that took place at the same time. That Pike could die today in total obscurity, during the peak of the Snowden NSA scandal, is, as they say, a “teachable moment” —one probably not lost on today’s already spineless political class.

It was Pike’s committee that got the first ever admission—from CIA director William Colby—that the NSA was routinely tapping Americans’ phone calls. Days after that stunning confession, Pike succeeded in getting the head of the NSA, Lew Allen Jr., to testify in public before his committee—the first time in history that an NSA chief publicly testified. It was the first time that the NSA publicly maintained that it was legally entitled to wiretap Americans’ communications overseas, in spite of the 1934 Communications Act and other legal restrictions placed on other intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

It was also the first time an NSA chief publicly lied to Congress, claiming it was not eavesdropping on domestic or overseas phone calls involving American citizens.
Nothing has changed and if anything it has gotten more in you face obvious.

To find out why US intelligence was such a dangerous and expensive boondoggle, Pike summoned Secretary of State Kissinger to testify— but Kissinger refused to appear. Pike wasn’t playing ball the way Church was, so the Ford Administration and the intelligence community decided to stop cooperating and to start pushing back—stonewalling or ignoring subpoenas, gumming up the investigation’s gears. The Pike Committee held Kissinger in contempt; Kissinger responded that he was the victim of Congressional “McCarthyism”— and much of the Washington Establishment backed up the invented Kissinger-as-McCarthyism-victim meme.
Good old Kissinger who still haunts the power halls of Washington's think tanks.
Kissinger went ballistic accusing Pike of harming national security and the foreign policy of the United States.,2657426

As Pike put it, in Watergate the American people were asked to believe that “their President had been a bad person. In this situation they are asked much more; they are asked to believe that their country has been evil. And nobody wants to believe that.”

When you have the money and can call the press to put out what you want said, then it is no wonder whoever goes against the system gets smeared as unpatriotic and a danger to national security... Snowden is just a long line of people who have called into question, "What to heck is going on"! Say one thing and do another also comes to mind.. a fallacy or whatever you want to call it......there is but a pretense of privacy; or used to be....

Internet and alternate news sources/reporters beware IMO; to many voices with to little control.

If one were to look at some of the recent happenings on capitol hill as with the stonewalling or ignoring subpoenas, gumming up the investigation’s with things like fast and furious and the fading Benghazi (just some of the more recent and better known) even a lay person would have to say, "The odds in Vegas are better; going against NSA is not a winning proposition"!...

In defense of some of this stuff it really is a big bad world out there with many bugger bears hiding in wait to strike for whatever reason... However, IMO with the lack of oversight that has been demonstrated when dealing with NSA type matters (or it is a good old boy club) it should make all wonder where we will go from here ? Thanks for reading....
edit on 9-2-2014 by 727Sky because: ...

+4 more 
posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:36 PM
Yet another insightful, well written, and socially important thread, Sky. Pretty powerful stuff.

A big salute into the cosmos for Otis Pike, too. Thank You, Sir.

edit on 9-2-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:41 PM
It is engineered silence by the media.. They have to "play ball" or lose their jobs, Like you mention,because they are entitled, spineless and feel superior to everyone else, (they were easy targets to get on the team anyways), but those in power tell them exactly what and when to say anything, in order to totally control public opinion, or perception.

It is a total matrix like reality in this regard..Burn 'em out, and burn 'em down.. It isn't going to change unless something very catastrophic happens to most of them, or untraceable pirate broadcasting technology comes along and ends up in the right hands. Whatever would work to get that done..

edit: There are so many now that are benefitting from this administration's corruption, and all the corrupt appointees, that they do not want to let it slip away, they will ignore, break, kill the constitution and any other law that gets in their way.. It would be difficult at best, to stop them in their tracks without doing things to them that are considered illegal, but that wouldn't be anything that they would be afraid of doing to any of the rest of us. Long live the gravy train! (their mantra).
edit on 9-2-2014 by alienreality because: added

+2 more 
posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:01 PM
When an agency can provide very real godlike powers over people to a government administration, those powers become impossible to remove.

The NSA can find anything on anyone anywhere any time and for any reason.

Think about the implications of a government having that kind of power, think of how it can be used to corrupt, coerce, extort, silence and control..

They will do anything, ANYTHING, to protect and retain those capabilities and powers they provide them.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:15 PM
RIP Otis Pike and William Colby(possible suspicious death). Thanks for the effort.

edit on 9-2-2014 by dreamingawake because: Meant to put both first... don't know what happened.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Many patriots have died fighting corruption. Not the least of which was Larry McDonald who exposed much of the NWO on Crossfire.

His plane was shot down just 3 months later.

Its amazing that Ron Paul has lived as long as he has. I think the NWO realized that it was better to marginalize and attack Ron Paul vs his dying under "suspicious circumstances".

I dont think Ron Paul supporters would have let that slide.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:38 PM
Where are investigators when it comes to these murders? There is a large scale petitioning going on right now to reduce the NSA's powers. Go sign it. It's easy. Then send it to 3 people. What a sad story - the ones who actually care about keeping government in check keep disappearing.

Wouldn't it be something in 2016 if 90%'of the people put the name of some small guy/gal on the ballot and totally ignored all campaigning efforts. Someone who doesn't get a lot of media attention - but who everyone plans to vote for. That would be a pivotal day in history.
edit on 9-2-2014 by Dianec because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:40 PM
God Bless Otis Pike.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

Attacked by Jesuit Knights of Malta Pat Buchanan and Tom Braiden. Oh how i wish people would have listened. It is a Jesuit conspiracy to usurp the world not a Zionist. God Bless Larry McDonald.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by 727Sky

Thanks for the post Sky,

Found this and thought it may interest some of you,
it has some good history in it, relevant to our times.

Revelations are firstly countered by denial, only to be qualified. The public are reassured that fuss is unnecessary. Overstepping might happen, but rarely. Revenge eventually comes: in the form of stomping on the reformers. The Pike formula may well find itself repeated regarding President Barack Obama’s NSA “reforms”. In fact, we are already seeing vestiges of that.
edit on 9-2-2014 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 12:06 AM

Where are investigators when it comes to these murders? There is a large scale petitioning going on right now to reduce the NSA's powers. Go sign it. It's easy. Then send it to 3 people. What a sad story - the ones who actually care about keeping government in check keep disappearing.

Wouldn't it be something in 2016 if 90%'of the people put the name of some small guy/gal on the ballot and totally ignored all campaigning efforts. Someone who doesn't get a lot of media attention - but who everyone plans to vote for. That would be a pivotal day in history.
edit on 9-2-2014 by Dianec because: (no reason given)

I don't think that matters, the elections are fixed anyway just like professional wrestling. It's going to be candidate A or B, it really doesn't matter what the people want. It's the same in Canada, damn near everyone I have talked to before and after the last election wanted to see Harper in office and they meant a 6x9 cell ;-) but that isn't what happened, our elections are rigged just like yours. We even went so far as to poll a large number of people and Harper should have only received about 18% of the vote as far as we could tell. If Harper is ordered to call an election by his handlers, he'll get in or the other guy will, it doesn't matter since they take their orders from the same person, certainly not "the people."

They're just two turds floating in the same sewer.

Cheers - Dave
edit on 2/10.2014 by bobs_uruncle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 12:12 AM
Guys, this is just a coincidence just like the elite banker who killed himself with a nail gun..happens all the time. This is ridiculous, you're all racist for bringing this up cause Obama loves the NSA and so should you! /sarc

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

Come on, Sky. You can do better'n that. It's been 40 years now. I don't think you're currently bound to strict silence, are you? Tell people what the 'real rules' were ... like time limits, subject matter, breaking contact, documentation, retention, etc. There's a lot of people freakin' out around here, paranoid delusions, and whatnot.

You said you were in the military. You knew the rules. You knew how strictly they could be applied. You know there was a threat of a stint in Leavenworth for breaking 'em.

Tell 'em ... tell 'em ... tell 'em ... LOL !!!

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Dianec

Wouldn't it be something in 2016 if 90%'of the people put the name of some small guy/gal on the ballot and totally ignored all campaigning efforts.

a. That guy/gal would have to have eligibility in all 50 states.
b. You'd still be defeated by the Electoral College.

It IS a nice dream though.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by DrunkYogi

reply to post by gladtobehere

Attacked by Jesuit Knights of Malta Pat Buchanan and Tom Braiden. Oh how i wish people would have listened. It is a Jesuit conspiracy to usurp the world not a Zionist. God Bless Larry McDonald.

Larry McDonald was a great patriot no doubt.

As far as the NWO, I dont know that I would implicate any one group.

I think its more likely that there are elites from every "group" who share a common bond: to retain their power and control.

But if I had to choose one group or family which wields the most power and control, Id have to go with the Rothschilds.

The Rotschilds control the world's money via their central banking scheme (Federal Reserve, ECB, Bank of England etc.). Once you control money, you basically control everything.

Alex talks about it here. Its not a bad explanation but I have to disagree when he equates the Rothschilds with the Rockefellers. Rockefellers arent even close.

edit on 10-2-2014 by gladtobehere because: wording

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 02:55 AM

reply to post by DrunkYogi

reply to post by gladtobehere

Attacked by Jesuit Knights of Malta Pat Buchanan and Tom Braiden. Oh how i wish people would have listened. It is a Jesuit conspiracy to usurp the world not a Zionist. God Bless Larry McDonald.

Larry McDonald was a great patriot no doubt.

As far as the NWO, I dont know that I would implicate any one group.

I think its more likely that there are elites from every "group" who share a common bond: to retain their power and control.

But if I had to choose one group or family which wields the most power and control, Id have to go with the Rothschilds.

The Rotschilds control the world's money via their central banking scheme (Federal Reserve, ECB, Bank of England etc.). Once you control money, you basically control everything.

Alex talks about it here. Its not a bad explanation but I have to disagree when he equates the Rothschilds with the Rockefellers. Rockefellers arent even close.

edit on 10-2-2014 by gladtobehere because: wording

Alex knows that the Rockefellers work for the Rothschildes.....The Rothschildes made the Rockefellers......Alex comments on this regularly ......

crap.... you just got me to admit that I listen to Alex regularly....

prank caller......prank caller

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by UxoriousMagnus

Alex Jones is a shill. The Rothschilds are the Pope's bankers and the Zionist angle is a sham. Try and get Jones to mention the Jesuit's and you will have a long wait that is why i know he is not on our side. Have a Google search for people currently in power that have Jesuit links, you will be astonished. If i hear any conspiracy theorist's and they do not mention the Jesuit angle they are either not worth listening to or they are against the people and not for them. Truly it is the Jesuits that are controlling the world and leading us down the road of Fascism.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:08 AM

reply to post by 727Sky

Come on, Sky. You can do better'n that. It's been 40 years now. I don't think you're currently bound to strict silence, are you? Tell people what the 'real rules' were ... like time limits, subject matter, breaking contact, documentation, retention, etc. There's a lot of people freakin' out around here, paranoid delusions, and whatnot.

You said you were in the military. You knew the rules. You knew how strictly they could be applied. You know there was a threat of a stint in Leavenworth for breaking 'em.

Tell 'em ... tell 'em ... tell 'em ... LOL !!!

I think you pretty well covered it except you left out the part about the money they would take from you (fines)... Also I have always had a strong aversion to making big rocks into little rocks and then moving piles of little rocks to places; just to move them again...? Hummm wonder if they actually did do that ?

I have flown to Leavenworth many times but never made it to the big house for a look see...

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:27 AM
Great thread 727Sky
If only we had more brave men in Congress like Otis Pike this country would be free of the insidious corruption infesting Washington.

posted on Feb, 10 2014 @ 09:42 AM
Once again a fellow ATS member humbles me in my ignorance of subjects and people who I ought to know something about.
All new to me and thanks for the bad news.
More than ever what we need is the last thing we want but facts are what they are.
Let's not forget GHWBush was head of the CIA during the Fraud, er Ford administration.
He helped lift the agencies morale, what a patriot! Whadda a guy!

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