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Documents Reveal “Chemtrails” Originated at Department of Defense

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posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 10:39 AM
Why is it that in every single chemtrail thread you see the same 4 or 5 clowns trotted out to scream and cry and INSIST that they don't exist? They go on and on for page after page typing their fingers to the bone to refute something that they SHOULD have zero interest in because its allegedly complete fantasy? Lol you guys are completely blowing your own cover. Chemtrails exist, and no amount of "debunking", whining or bitching will change that.
edit on 11-11-2013 by Urantia1111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Mikeultra

If I had it I probably be gone for a looong time..

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by Urantia1111

Why is it that in every single chemtrail thread you see the same 4 or 5 clowns trotted out to scream and cry and INSIST that they don't exist? They go on and on for page after page typing their fingers to the bone to refute something that they SHOULD have zero interest in because its allegedly complete fantasy? Lol you guys are completely blowing your own cover. Chemtrails exist, and no amount of "debunking", whining or bitching will change that.

That's because many of us hate to see nonsense passed off as being the truth.

I answered your question, so answer mine:
Why do so many "chemtrail" believers post that kind of crap, instead of supporting their claims?

See ya,
edit on 748America/Chicago11RAmerica/Chicago2013-11-11T10:57:24-06:00Mondayu24America/Chicago by BenReclused because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Urantia1111

Have you read any of the posts in this thread? Some of the information provided is proven lies. Perhaps we can change the motto of this site to "Proliferate ignorance".

I suggest you take up your concerns with the moderators.

edit to add

how much are you getting paid to post here about chemtrails? Following the money shows that the only ones getting paid are the one's pushing this hoax. Perhaps you would like to provide a site with some information and a donate button?
edit on 11-11-2013 by network dude because: found a paid shill.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:07 AM

reply to post by Urantia1111

Why is it that in every single chemtrail thread you see the same 4 or 5 clowns trotted out to scream and cry and INSIST that they don't exist? They go on and on for page after page typing their fingers to the bone to refute something that they SHOULD have zero interest in because its allegedly complete fantasy? Lol you guys are completely blowing your own cover. Chemtrails exist, and no amount of "debunking", whining or bitching will change that.

That's because many of us hate to see nonsense passed off as being the truth.

I answered your question, so answer mine:
Why do so many "chemtrail" believers post that kind of crap, instead of supporting their claims?

See ya,
edit on 748America/Chicago11RAmerica/Chicago2013-11-11T10:57:24-06:00Mondayu24America/Chicago by BenReclused because: (no reason given)

You hate something that doesn't exist? That seems rather strong. There are so many other varying topics that could be put in that category. Why is it that chem-trails are singled out for such extra scrutiny, tag-team alliances, and obsessive de-bunking?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Mikeultra

Yet here you are posting on another chemtrail thread?

Are they paying you? Be honest.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:20 AM
If these "chemtrails" do indeed exist, and are not normal contrails, can someone answer a few simple questions for me?

1. What chemicals are being sprayed?

2. Where do the chemicals originate from, what company?

3. Has anyone ever done any actual physical sampling (in the air at altitude) inside one of these "chemtrails"?

4. What is the concentration at the source compared to the concentration at ground-level?

If the chemtrail proponents could answer these questions, backed up by independently verifiable evidence (not hearsay, not opinion, but actual documentation from actual research), I will be open to changing my mind. The key answer for me is for question #3, I know the answer I would like to hear in this respect.

Keep in mind, the burden of proof is upon the claimant of the effect (i.e. the chemtrail proponents) and not upon the reviewer.


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by 0bserver1

Also the chemtrail chemistry manual because I've never seen it and it was posted as it was something new?

I understand that, it does sound interesting when you first hear, and read about it then once you research it you find it is not what the chemtrail pushers want you to believe it is.

If you are really interested in these things here is a good place to start whether you believe in them or not it is very informative.

Then you can go from there whichever way that is.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Urantia1111

Why is it that in every single chemtrail thread you see the same 4 or 5 clowns trotted out to scream and cry and INSIST that they don't exist?

So do you have evidence they do exist?

I ask, because if you do that would be the way to get rid of those who you so like to call names, but until then I guess you might as well get used to seeing the clowns.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Urantia1111

Chemtrails exist, and no amount of "debunking", whining or bitching will change that.

Your right,

however they will cease to exist if ATS gets rid of or renames the forum because that is where they exist,

On ATS and other forums alike.

Why is it that in every single chemtrail thread you see the same 4 or 5 clowns trotted out to scream and cry and INSIST that they don't exist?

Clowns to you means educated people to others, funny that, are you clown making jokes?

I see no screaming from your apparent clowns, I see a lot of use of capitals which I would assume is taken as screaming by those saying Chem trails exist and are happening now above us all.

The don't insist they don't exist they just point out errors in others understanding of the material they supply and when that errors keep being repeated the clowns keep correcting them.

If you think ignorance is the way of life for humans why are you here where many are trying to deny it.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Mikeultra

You hate something that doesn't exist?

Nope! Not at all! Some ATS members are very prolific at linking to sources that are nothing but nonsense, and claiming they are "proof" of something.

There are so many other varying topics that could be put in that category.

I agree! "Chemtrails" are only one of the many myths being perpetuated by some ATS members.

Why is it that chem-trails are singled out for such extra scrutiny, tag-team alliances, and obsessive de-bunking?

I can't answer that question for others, but I don't give any more scrutiny to "chemtrails" than I do to any of the other myths that I happen to come across.

As far as "tag-team alliances" and obsessiveness goes:
I see much more of that demonstrated by believers, such as yourself. That's why members of your "team" are so often the first to insult members of my "team".

See ya,
edit on 805America/Chicago11RAmerica/Chicago2013-11-11T12:20:00-06:00Mondayu00America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by network dude is a site that explains most of those lies and gives real common sense answers. Oh, and there is no donation button on that site. Kind of telling if you ask me.

It is telling indeed, especially when the owner of owns and manages THREE other CT disinfo*COUGH!!!! I meant debunking sites.

now THAT would be telling indeed
HINT: that's something he doesn't want you to know

I wonder also where he gets the time between having to work AND take flying classes [how long does it take to get a pilots license? 10 years?] unless CT debunking is a fulltime job for him [and others [rolls eyes]

[ATT: site moderators and owners]

I hereby cast the 1st vote that pending financing sources of *COUGH* .com are revealed
it and its sister sites be banned as sources on ATS

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by Metaphysique

Would you like to debunk anything on that site, or is all the information correct?

**cue the crickets**

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by Metaphysique


Neversoft Entertainment (or simply Neversoft) is an American video game developer, founded in July 1994 by Joel Jewett, Mick West and Chris Ward. Neversoft is best recognized for their line of Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero video game franchises. The company was acquired by Activision in October 1999.[1]

That has to hurt, because I bet you were hoping for a gov't agency weren't you?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:29 PM

network dude
reply to post by Urantia1111

Have you read any of the posts in this thread? Some of the information provided is proven lies. Perhaps we can change the motto of this site to "Proliferate ignorance".

I suggest you take up your concerns with the moderators.

edit to add

how much are you getting paid to post here about chemtrails? Following the money shows that the only ones getting paid are the one's pushing this hoax. Perhaps you would like to provide a site with some information and a donate button?
edit on 11-11-2013 by network dude because: found a paid shill.

why are you falsely implying that urantia has called you a shill?
did you feel alluded to?

we all know that's not the case with you, as you were b@tching the other day how hard it was for you to get on the obamacare gravy train.

where's the money for contrailscience and its sister sites coming from?
follow the money indeed.

unless the sob story is just BS

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by Metaphysique

where's the money for contrailscience and its sister sites coming from?
follow the money indeed.

Take a look at the post above yours and you will have your answer...

Unless your purposely not looking at the post above yours, either way your answer is there.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h


naive aren't you?

you've never heard of false fronts?

SOP for covert ops...

:[well that's it for your cred [rolls eyes]]lol:

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Metaphysique


naive aren't you?

you've never heard of false fronts?

SOP for covert ops...

I hope you don't actually believe that.

With any type of business they could use they decide to use a video game development company as a front.

Btw what does the owner of contrail science and his finances have to do with the OP?

If you have a need to know anything else I suggest you contact him, now back to the real discussion.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Metaphysique

:[well that's it for your cred [rolls eyes]]lol:

If you say so...

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Metaphysique

naive aren't you?

you've never heard of false fronts?

SOP for covert ops...

I only see paranoia in that post. I would prefer to see some evidence of your insinuated claim, but I'll bet I won't.

See ya,

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