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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 08:17 AM
a reply to: boozo

Desires are important, I'm still learning to help people question why they do what they do... I can't really tell them since that's just pushing my own perspective. That said if the best thing one can offer is indifference then maybe that's the best thing all round.

I never had to explain myself in the first place. The fact that I had to and even struggle with it just proves this may never been worth it.

Beyond basic bodily functions nobody needs to do anything, they want to do them. Sure, there's drives but they can be ignored or tempered too, generally I see discipline being of benefit for the individual. That's SSDD kind of stuff imho, I just don't like seeing things miserable but I do know that's also a me thing at the same time.

They're understandably sick and of troubled mind

Show me someone innocent and I'll show you there's no proof ~ Tired

There's probably a vertical axis to this "going round in circles" malarkey.

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:28 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

Yes, that's just me. I just like to share my experiences from my own POV.

Anyhow, I find this thread insightful from different member's perspective.

Are we in base reality?

From my POV I believe we are in a dream of a dreamer.

God, Creator, whatever you wish to call that.

"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the End."

"Heavens and Earth shall pass away, but my words never."

That's from my own POV, Phasing in and out of existence.

But FL's English Commentator has a different opinion on that.

“Now, capturing and storing this vast amount of data in a precise and meaningful way posed significant technological and computational challenges. We solved this by creating a beautiful piece of organic technology: a brain. So there you are, nine billion people living inside our hologram. They call themselves 'humans', and they call the hologram 'the universe'.”

Dreams and Miracles

Do you still follow the FL site?

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

But the desire to constantly hurt someone is that of a psychopath or a sadist.

Some people are just never normal.

One time they tell you you're the sanest person because you're suspicious of reality as simulation to the next day they'd call you deranged out of the blue. Feelings must've been hurt.

Some people are just deviant snakes, and we have to constantly deal with them. Mine is just on the daily basis.

What makes us human? We make mistakes and learn from it. This generation is just different. They can make mistakes, but you could never. Hypocrites bunch of them. Worse perhaps, those that never learn.

edit on 14-4-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2024 @ 02:22 PM
a reply to: boozo

I do have similar thoughts on a creator, I said nearly the same thing in another thread the author made around the same time as that one you linked.

Do you still follow the FL site?

I don't I just liked their videos years ago...

To me the whole simulation theory thing is digitising the analogue system those in the past were very aware of hence the suspicions we're not actually doing anything new... It's not like I haven't tried to see it differently, I've tried gathering different perspectives. I'd like to live a bit before I die and find it a crime onto myself wasting time on questions I know won't do me any good. Desires and all that.

What makes us human? We make mistakes and learn from it. This generation is just different. They can make mistakes, but you could never. Hypocrites bunch of them. Worse perhaps, those that never learn.

I try to plonk my arse on the fence in all honesty and I've seen that coming from both sides of the generational boundary, maybe if I picked a side I'd see less flak?

Good song, I've seen that automation thing demonstrated in the coolest and cruelest of ways. Thinking twice in paradise isn't the easiest thing. Not a fan of pepperoni pizza usually but I did have a great one today... Then a nap
it might be a folly simulation in the end but I have no desire to switch the thing off for anyone and from what I gather them same old rules apply.
edit on 14-4-2024 by RAY1990 because: Spelling

posted on Apr, 15 2024 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

You ever wondered it's just one giant prison?

Except there's really no deputies in here. We're all inmates.

Many times my life have gone wrong. And it mostly came from family. There is no Universal Law. I believe in no God. Life is cruel as it is. No ones gonna come and stop you now.

They never really care about us. We are all just prison inmates to their eyes. We're jeopardized.

Forget about all these #. It's never gonna help you inside prison.
edit on 15-4-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2024 @ 12:40 AM
The English commentator is back at it again.

Space Monke

“What is it that strikes you so much? That in this city of the future, with these metallic blue-black buildings, under a sky with two suns, with the ability to travel at relativistic speeds from one star to another, there is a corner where a young man is injecting drugs into his forearm? You don't understand change, do you? The change that is coming, a change that changes nothing. What is it that you don't see about those rich assholes anywhere? Among those rich guys riding their little rockets into space, those spaceports, those technological advances that surpass you, what is it that you don't see? I'll tell you: you don't see that the center of economy moves from Earth to a space ecology. And you will continue to belong to the legions of miserable people who make it possible, at the cost of receiving nothing in return. The only really efficient method of space propulsion is this: get rid of the elites.”

“A bio enhanced slave is still a slave. Learn it.”

“Look, humans have already had very different DNA from that they possess today. The DNA of the first humans was not the DNA they have today, therefore modifying human DNA to adapt to the environment is not something new. What's new is that this time the process is not a natural one but an artificial one. Is that a problem for you?”

“What do you want all your genetic engineering for? To make rich blond children with blue eyes and dark-skinned slaves? To genetically enhance you so you can breathe the filthy air and drink the toxic waters that your very presence turns into poison? If you are unable to see that social injustice is your cancer, what good will artificially enhanced eyes do you? You are not blind. You are an imbecile.”

posted on Apr, 17 2024 @ 01:01 AM
a reply to: boozo

You ever wondered it's just one giant prison?

I suspect it's a thought plenty have had over a very very long time. On a personal level I don't see much change happening to the human condition or anything else for that matter, I suppose it could be a prison.

They never really care about us. We are all just prison inmates to their eyes. We're jeopardized.

Yeah I've been messed up at times too, if I must perceive this place as a prison then as you say we're all prisoners. Ultimately only I can change my perception and how I actually act, I'd like to imagine the same applies for them and also you. Hell we even have to go to our cells every night or suffer the consequences, sleep truly is for the weak.

Forget about all these #. It's never gonna help you inside prison.

I don't disagree, I also don't disagree with the quote below this post I'm replying to. Fight, flight or freeze seems almost inescapable, we can convince ourselves otherwise but outside of parables all we really have is conflict or competition. Doing nothing is probably just decay without reason.

Justice seemingly has to be fought for yet it's all the fighting and soft conflict (competition) that's utterly ruined this planet, I can't see it being any different "up there" either. If it's a prison planet the condition doesn't magically change once we leave the bonds of our prison, wouldn't you say there's a good chance any being in the physical universe suffers from the same institutionalised bs we came from? We're oh so clever as a species but we're just as institutionalised as any other here.

Charity starts at home... A home is where the heart is.
It isn't easy loving your fellow inmates, very easy to hate the warden. Especially once a comprehension of existence is gathered. I don't blame anyone for saying they want to shiv God in the face... Prison doesn't work it seems and I'll never get out with that attitude... We're told sucking up to the warden equals good terms once we get out but I often call bs on that too due to the lack of re-offenders.

It's always the same crime, the first crime. The rest is just inmate violence? Or is it innate? lol
On that note I'm off to 'waterboard' my plants...

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: RAY1990

wouldn't you say there's a good chance any being in the physical universe suffers from the same institutionalised bs we came from? We're oh so clever as a species but we're just as institutionalised as any other here.

Probably, assuming the universe was born out of chaos and is still going on.

Makes me wonder if the universe ever has or will ever have its perfect form. Perhaps we are one of its main components to reach it.

edit on 18-4-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2024 @ 09:18 AM
Moral of the story is... we may have made technological advancements over the years, but we did not make much progress in ethics. Still a lot of bad apples running around the corners of the world. Especially in government office.

M.A.D. = Mutually Assured Destruction

We don't even have faith in ourselves. Might as well destroy each other in mutual agreement. MonkaS.

Money = God.
We need new leaders.
edit on 18-4-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2024 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: lostgirl

There actually isn't much info on it. But I've been noticing for a while, that something is very wrong with our 'entertainment' these days. It's more entrainment than entertainment. There's an overwhelming heaviness to it, a suffocating feeling. Tension and inevitable malice within every frame. This new wave of propaganda / predictive programming that's incredibly sinister, and I'd go as far to say, Satanic. Or more accurately, Ahrimanic, with the characteristic heaviness.

God is openly mocked now. In one scene of 3 Body, a character playfully shows the horns hand signal, during the funeral of a female scientist, who could no longer live in the portrayed godless / scientific materialist world. I mean wow, whoever is behind these creations is clearly signaling, to whoever is paying attention. Psychedelics and VR are being pushed, which is not the answer. The answer is integrating further into physical reality; there's more depth here than I can bear. The purpose of the physical, is to develop the spiritual.

The most beautiful characters in the shows, have the most ugly personalities. All of the characters in 3 Body for ex, are dreadful, lacking life and vitality. The most physically beautiful ones are psychopathic. Leaving the viewer with the message that ugly is beautiful. It's the classic inversion. Our psyches are being toyed with.

While I've been noticing the twisted content, I wasn't aware that real sonic weapons are also being embedded. Where there's one, there's more. The example in these two vids I highly recommend, is an Obama production, along with the creator of Mr Robot, Sam Esmail. That's a show I enjoyed, but on second watch, could see the programming. It's not as hard hitting as today's content, and IMO, was more of a beta test of this technology.

All that said, I've been sticking to trusted content (mostly educational), and have been feeling my vitality come back. This new wave of movies and shows are not safe. They're designed to keep us in a state of fear, loathing life and humanity. They are literal weapons against our innate spiritual nature and development.

When in reality, we're all living within a beautiful mystery, full of magic and wonder. We have so much to be grateful for.
edit on 22-4-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2024 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: [post=27358534]boozo[/post

Well its a hazy shade of winter at Los Alamos.
Was that the Satanic rosy cross symbol from Crowley's Thelema she wore on her blouse?

Audio muted

Do we really want to remember?


edit on 22-4-2024 by Skinnerbot because: math
extra DIV

posted on Apr, 23 2024 @ 07:05 AM
a reply to: johncarter

Lord Gan (Gan Gong), was an ancient Chinese astronomer and astrologer born in the State of Qi.
He was very interested in Jupiter, spent a lot of time making observations including a reddish moon transit that could be used as a clock for global navigation 364 BCE. Gan Gong used a longitude system based on 365.25 days to the year so should probably not be confused with anything Oscar Levant did with his music.

If they are using the cryptic symbol table in the OP for record keeping and it was intended to be read at conversational speed then it might be just a simple substitution cipher. This three character pattern could represent a common word such as See Fee or Bee, in that case you might need to look a little deeper with more unicity distance. Its a fuzzy repeating pattern which was the original point.

edit on 23-4-2024 by Skinnerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: Skinnerbot

Well its a hazy shade of winter at Los Alamos.
Was that the Satanic rosy cross symbol from Crowley's Thelema she wore on her blouse?

There is no satanic rosy cross, seriously dumb and cunning human there is of course.

the rose represents silence while the cross signifies "salvation, to which the Society of the Rose-Cross devoted itself by teaching mankind the love of God and the beauty of brotherhood, with all that they implied."

there is no God, only cunning humans we could appreciate.

Imagine there is a God and only me exist. Of course, money would be useless so what else would I wish from God?

A woman, a non retarded one.

Even the Garden of Eden is such a faulty story.

If this site seriously denies ignorance, it will not censor other local languages posted in here.

But alas, it's bs and so it did.

posted on Apr, 24 2024 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: boozo

You did mention

Cosmic Law of Supremacists Civilization

So the explanation from the movie Repo Man about Cosmic unconsiousness and time travel came to mind.

"Lostgirl" mentioned "Three body" so I time traveled back a couple thousand years to the time of "Gan de" in China to try and understand how early astronomers calculated the motions of the Earth, moon and sun back then. Gan de knew about the storms that develop near 22 degrees latitude on Jupiter like the current "great red spot". The Jupiter moon that he was able to somehow observe "near" the planet would have been seen as white but he labeled it reddish probably so we would understand that it was transiting the face of Jupiter where the red storm was more easily seen.

Back on prison planet we had to wait for the printing press invention and Cassini to show up with his patch of snow after calculus was invented in the 1650's so the the three body equation could describe it.

You apparently are looking for a female "Muse" like Leila Waddell(different Leila) ?

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 07:24 AM
a reply to: boozo

The young muse in your Prodigy video was posed as you say in a "local" shadow play.
Arbitrager thought it was "inexpensive" perhaps free if sourced through a CIA RV.
I'm not so sure some of this "local" RV is fit for prime time though, its too esoteric.

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: Skinnerbot

I'm not sure I fully understand you but yeah, the girl in the video has strong resemblance of Wednesday Addams.

Wednesday's powers come in the form of psychic visions of the past and future.

posted on Apr, 25 2024 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: boozo

Xylophone girl is dressed in black, full of woe, and has two pony tails just like the undertakers daughter in the Munsters.
The prisoners only see one pony tail in the shadow detail though.
I didn't see the phased array antenna that captures her reflected psychic projections till you mentioned it.

In The Exorcist movie Linda Blaire wasn't sure if she was riding around on a Bay Gelding or what and her hair was a mess.

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 03:44 AM
a reply to: Skinnerbot

There's a force of Death, and a force for life.

The problem is there are old people that are going to cling to their very lives even though they're going back to the ground anyways, sooner than later than the younger generations. Most of them doesn't know how to pass their very life force to the next generation. They cling to it and refused to until their very Death. See I think that's also the problem.

Life doesn't find a way so Death steps in this case.
There's a lot of older generation that doesn't know how to teach younger generations. Life is a mess. + The problem with emergent technologies.

Anyways, in Hindu belief we're already in the shortest and worst cycle.

Let the humble God breath the fire of Creation

posted on Apr, 26 2024 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: boozo

Looks like she might be a follower muse for the Cassini diskus?
She died at a ripe old age.

posted on May, 5 2024 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Skinnerbot

There is something about Death that brings solace in the absence of God.

From Dusk till Dawn. Till Death brought Life.
The Dark shall eat the Light again.

Now is the time of monsters.

What do you see?

edit on 5-5-2024 by boozo because: (no reason given)

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