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The Language of Vampyr

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posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: mind5torm

Work hard, catch opportunities and you can own whatever you wish.

I think this is demonstrably untrue. Billions of people work hard. Those who make it to the level of "owning whatever they want" usually were given daddy's money or had advantages others simply will never have. (Being able to afford being an unpaid intern, for example, to make "connections" at the company.)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: Direnei

The problem is simple: on a planet of nine billion souls you must rationalize the distribution of resources if you do not want to collapse. Every other species knows that, except humans.

Yup. Biologists know this pretty well. Cooperation is the cornerstone of survival.

"Cooperation—where individuals work together in order to create a benefit for an entire group—seems at odds with what many people assume are the basic forces of evolution. After all, it’s a jungle out there, only the strongest survive, humans are selfish, etc.

But most scientists don’t share that view of evolution. “The role of unbridled violence in evolution is greatly overestimated,” says Danny Grunbaum, an oceanographer at the University of Washington and a pioneer in revealing the ways that ocean life cooperates in order to survive. “When we see animals like elephant seals fighting with each other—as we do in lots of nature documentaries—we’re really seeing only a very small sliver of time. Much more of the time they’re accommodating each other and respecting where the boundaries are—and that’s cooperation. There is a tremendous amount of cooperation in nature.”"


This can also be seen in forests where nutrients are shared via mycorrhizal pathways.
edit on 28-2-2024 by maferoxy2 because: (added the comment about forests)

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 12:26 PM
a reply to: Direnei

to ensure the success of the mission it is clear that I have to get rid of that suboptimal 1%

it is a system that does not allow only a few to be saved: either everyone is saved or no one is saved.

How do you reconcile 'getting rid of' a portion (1%) of the population in an 'all or nothing' scenario?
If sharing is the goal; how does elimination of a 'group' fit-in with that? Would it not be better to have the 'elite' share their wealth (not that it's likely) vs. eliminating them all together?
How does this prevent a new group of 'elite' from arising to fill the void left by the former?

posted on Feb, 28 2024 @ 11:22 PM
Direne, I was wondering if you have come across the Vattanian/Watan language?

The story goes, that it was taught to a man by the name of Alexandre Saint-Yves by two scholars, one going by the name of Prince Hardjji Scharipf who claimed to be from "The Great Agartthian School". (pictured below)

Hardjji was able to write Vattanian quite fluently and claimed it adorned the many pillars and ceremonial palaces situated within the Land of Agarttha. Vattanian or Watan, was said to have been the progenitor to all language on Earth. The 22 letter script was claimed to be able to be traced back to the very origins of civilization. To 51000 BC; during a time known as "The Confusion of the Languages"

Here is an alleged portion of the Vattanian/Watan script as written by Jardjji, during his lessons with Saint-Yves.

Unbeknownst to Hardjji, Saint-Yves was writing a book about all of this knowledge. The book was titled Mission de l'Inde en Europe, mission de l'Europe en Asie, however as the book was about to be released, with hundreds of copies ready to distribute, Saint-Yves ordered the books burned. With only a few select copies remaining. In fact all of this would have been lost if not for his personal copy that was found after being handed down by his stepchildren.

Saint-Yves went on to author a book by the name of The Archeometer, I was able to locate a copy in French and have been busy translating it. It rehashes much of the information within the original title and includes the following depictions of Vattanian/Watan.

Within the Archeometer, Saint-Yves claims to have pieced together mathematics, music, language, architecture and astrology under some unifying theory. (pages from the Archeometer pictured below)

It's a really interesting book and I am wondering what your opinion of it is.

Unfortunately, I am unable to find much on the Vattanian/Watan script outside of these two books and some throwaway comments online:

The most important of the alphabets we have considered here, for the moment, is the one called 'watan'. This alphabet, which was the primitive writing of the Atlanteans and the Red Race, whose tradition was passed on to Egypt and India after the catastrophe in which Atlantis disappeared, is the exact translation of the astral alphabet. It comprises three constituent letters (corresponding to the three persons of the Trinity, or the first three Sefirots, which are the first three numbers from which all the others were born), seven planetary and twelve zodiacal, a total of twenty-two characters... This is the alphabet that Moses knew in the Temples of Egypt, which becomes the first Hebrew alphabet, but which will change over time, to be lost forever in Babylonian captivity. The primitive alphabet of the Atlanteans was preserved in India and has come down to us thanks to the Brahmins; as for the Atlantean language, it was divided into several dialects, which may have become independent languages in time, and one of these languages reached Egypt; this Egyptian language was the origin of the Hebrew language, according to Fabre d'Olivet.

Anyway, is this something that the FL crew are aware of? Where might I go to learn more about it? Are the any books you can point me towards? I would love to help in reconstructing this language (If such a thing is possible at all)

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 04:08 AM
a reply to: Direnei

How many shoes do you produce? Do you produce shoes enough to get grains and fish to feed you and your family?

That's the point of a sustainable environment - the way humans lived in earlier times - in local tribes. Cities and urbanization caused the majority of our environmental and mental issues.

No problem, if and only if you go with ethics before taking classes of financial management. Even better, try to change the current paradigm of stock exchange by a far superior one: stock sharing.

I completely agree with that. And that is the answer to our global problem. Not the solution of imposing a totalitarian tyrannical government.

I don't see why getting rid of 1% of the world's population (the rich) is worse than having 99% sick and starving people.

I fail to understand where this 99% of sick and starving people is coming from.

As far as UN and Global Poverty stats:

- 9% of the global population lives in Extreme Poverty (less than $1,90/day)
- 40% of the global population lives with less than $5/day
- 62% of the global population lives with less than $10/day

Here is website where I'm pulling these data from:

Even though the government and proper authorities need to focus on this critical aspect, there is definitely NOT a 99% of the population of the world that is sick and starving...

Except if you are talking about a different timeline or a different planet.

Look at the middle class in North America, or Europe, or Arabian countries, or Southeast Asia.

Yes a large percentage of them are loaded with loans BUT that is not equal to being sick and starving.

I really fail to understand how you come up with this picture of the world and I invite you to read some positive news too.

it seems logical to "fire" that tiny minority that consumes 99% of the resources.

Another random number. Since when then 1% of the super-rich consume 99% of the global resources?

So, Bill Gates spends the same amount of gasoline as the whole of Europe or consume the equivalent amount of food that all that North America consumes?

You have your numbers completely wrong. Again you are probably referring to a different planet or timeline.

The only law that must be followed to manage a planet is the laws of thermodynamics. Nothing is infinite, everything is limited, and everything tends to chaos, so you have to be disciplined, organize optimally, and make proper use of scarce resources in order to ensure the survival of the system. By the way, it is a system that does not allow only a few to be saved: either everyone is saved or no one is saved. Thermal death is the great equalizer. Whether you are rich or poor you will die. The only difference is whether you are stupid (as far as civilization is concerned) or not. If you are stupid you will die sooner.

The problem is simple: on a planet of nine billion souls you must rationalize the distribution of resources if you do not want to collapse. Every other species knows that, except humans.

Completely agree with that. That is a solid argument.

However, I suggest you check your numbers because you are making your case look weak, at least in my humble opinion.

I claim to know nothing...but I've studied multiple different subjects including philosophy and politics, and that I believe gives me a more bigger picture idea of the current world situation.

Thank you again for your time and information.

P.S. You still didn't explain to me how the "D" connects with "Irene"

edit on 29-2-2024 by mind5torm because: typo

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 04:17 AM

originally posted by: maferoxy2
a reply to: mind5torm

Work hard, catch opportunities and you can own whatever you wish.

I think this is demonstrably untrue. Billions of people work hard. Those who make it to the level of "owning whatever they want" usually were given daddy's money or had advantages others simply will never have. (Being able to afford being an unpaid intern, for example, to make "connections" at the company.)

I understand where you are coming from and you are partially correct.

Of course, I didn't mean that everyone will fall under the same tree however do not forget that there are many examples who rose up from nothing, built from scratch, or took advantage of the right opportunity and achieved their goals.

You can't claim that everyone who is successful had daddy's money or came from wealth. Look around you and you will see a lot of examples of my argument.

Also, before going deeper, you will need to define "success" or "achievement". For you it might be the latest Ferrari model and a beachfront villa at the Key Islands. For me, it is a quiet farmhouse in the forest with an old off-road truck, a motorcycle, and my dogs.

You do realize the tremendous amount of work the first scenario needs compared to the second one right? But if you really wanted that, who can stop you (provided you are living in a free country)?

Plato and Aristotle preached - knowing our limits - and working within our limits.

When I was 20 years old I wanted a I'm 40 and I don't give a f...

My suggestion is to avoid getting depressed or negatively influenced by Instagram and TikTok "money"

I hope that helps.

Thank you again.

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 06:24 AM
a reply to: mind5torm

"So, Bill Gates spends the same amount of gasoline as the whole of Europe or consume the equivalent amount of food that all that North America consumes?"

No. It is Mr. Gates' investments that have the same carbon footprint as the entire Europe.

See, the problem with rich people is that they introduce inequality into the system. Wealth inequality erodes democracy. The rich tend to hold more political power. The danger is that this political power is used to promote policies that further cement the economic power of the rich. The higher the inequality, the more likely you are to move away from democracy toward plutocracy.

Inequality is the main drive behind societal collapse.

According to Oxfam, about 24% of the billionaires' investments were in the consumer discretionary sector, which includes automobiles, luxury goods and hospitality services. About 18% were in consumer staples, which includes food, beverages and household goods. Eleven percent were in finance, 7% were in energy and 7% were in materials.

Remove those megarich and rich people if you wish to avoid planetary collapse, and start considering richness as a disease. It is exactly that: a disease.

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: Direnei

Been following along, and you do make a good point Direne.

However, in my youth I shunned the concept of 'making money' for longer than I'd like to admit, and it set me back, caused me to get a much later start in life.

I'm far better off now and have come a long way, but if only I had the wisdom back then, to work with the system, rather than foolishly rebel against it.

Is making enough money so you can live comfortably such a crime? I do understand that 'just enough' can easily lead to excess, but that's an individual balance we all have to work out.

In an insane world such as this one, where 'just enough' is a constantly sliding scale, we strive to have a moderate reserve instead. On an individual level, we have to be conscious enough, so it doesn't go into excess.

Instead, there seems to be an external force deciding all this for us, when a global solution can be handled on an individual level, if that individual is given some trust and education.

But it's too late. The individual no longer trusts the system these days, because the system never trusted the individual. Even those who were asleep to it years ago, have woken up. I didn't trust it when I was younger and things weren't as bad globally. I still don't trust it, but am now working with its profoundly broken state. Others have given up, living on the system's fringes. My dentist told me they've gotten many new hire applicants on Indeed. Then when they schedule an interview, it's a no-show, because that person just wanted job search 'proof' to stay on unemployment. How depressing is that? Integrity keeps eroding. And so few read real books anymore, using social media as their 'education' instead.

We just might be doomed. But my question remains. Is making enough money so you can live comfortably such a crime?
edit on 29-2-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: mind5torm

Also, before going deeper, you will need to define "success" or "achievement". For you it might be the latest Ferrari model and a beachfront villa at the Key Islands. For me, it is a quiet farmhouse in the forest with an old off-road truck, a motorcycle, and my dogs.

I was replying to you saying that you could "own whatever you wish." That level of success is damn near impossible without certain conditions upon birth. It is NOT enough to just "work hard" to get to that level. That was the baseline that we were talking about.

Shifting to success meaning something else, sure. I don't care about wealth at all. I don't care about status or cars. And right there with you on a quiet life with dog! 😁

But if you really wanted that, who can stop you (provided you are living in a free country)?

Lots of people really want to be that successful and lots of people work very hard and yet will die having accomplished none of it (how many very hard working actors actually make it?). Medical conditions, circumstances of birth, freak accidents, nepotism, historical injustice leading to poverty for generations, war etc etc. My primary issue with your argument was chalking it up to "working hard." That was my disagreement. Maaaany other things need to line up for your "working hard" to pay off, meaning its not just about working hard.

Of course, you're more likely to succeed (not to the level of "owning whatever you wish" but to the modest definition of success that one prefers) if you work hard, but that's a completely different argument. (If that's what you meant, then we agree.)

I removed all social media from my devices a while back, it definitely is a drain on emotional and mental wellness!

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

"Is making enough money so you can live comfortably such a crime?"

No, to have is not a crime. Having at the expense of others is. Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same. If for one to have another must not have, then it is not worth having.

And if in order for everyone to have, a few rich people must die, so be it.

(Proverbs 30:8 Keep deception and lies far from me, Give me neither poverty nor riches; Feed me with the food that is my portion)

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 11:14 AM
Speaking of unity...

Lately, there's this feeling I can't shake off, like we're on the edge of something monumental, like the electric feeling before a thunderstorm- but in a good way. It seems like everything is pointing towards us needing to see beyond the borders of our "I". Everything we do is connected; this is why we as a group struggle with starvation, climate change/environmental destruction, labor exploitation, etc. All of these are issues related to the interconnectedness of everyone and everything. If I buy an iPhone in the US, it is not an isolated act, but rather tugs on strings of slave labor across the globe. The deeper I go within my Self, the more I find pretty much everything "else."

Now, I'm fully aware that this isn't a new conversation. The idea of unity and collective (un)consciousness has been around for ages, and I'm not the first to feel this way or talk about it. It's echoed in the teachings of Buddha, Einstein, Jesus, Jung, and countless poets and philosophers who've all touched on our deep connections and the illusion of separateness. But there's something different about experiencing these truths for oneself! It's like reading about the ocean versus actually feeling the tide pull at your feet.

But the real issue is this: this sense of unity might just be the leap we need to evolve further. It's not about denying self, but actually recognizing true self. Like a cell in a body; if it accepts the reality of being part of the body, it lives in harmony; benefitting the body IS benefitting the cell and vice versa. The cell that denies this connection grows and metastizes to cancer and kills the body.

This idea CANNOT be forced though, since that would defeat the whole purpose of willing union with others (looking at you, @mind5torm 😉). I think this starts with our friends and close community; its not something imposed from the top down, but rather something that grows from the bottom up.

Personally, I've tried incorporating this into my daily life and it's been pretty incredible (and painful for my ego).

Do y'all feel this shift towards a collective consciousness happening around you? Are there practices, ideas, or philosophies that resonate with this concept in your experience?

I'm genuinely curious to hear your stories or insights on this. It feels like we're onto something that could change the game, tapping into a wisdom that's been hinted at for centuries. Here's some quotes I really like relating to all this:

"The human being is part of the whole, called by us the 'universe', a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest--a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
- Albert Einstein

"When we are afraid of someone or something, it is because we do not feel that particular person or thing is a part of us. When we have established conscious oneness with the absolute, with the infinite vast, then everything there is a part of us. And how can we be afraid of ourselves?"
- Sri Chinmoy

"All things are linked with one another, and this oneness is sacred; there is nothing that is not interconnected with everything else. For things are interdependent, and they combine to form this universal order. There is only one universe made up of all things, and one creator who pervades them; there is one substance and one law, namely, common reason in all thinking creatures, and all truth is one--if, as we believe, there is only one path of perfection for all beings who share the same mind."
- Marcus Aurelius

"All things are our relatives; what we do to everything, we do to ourselves. All is really one."
- Black Elk

"If two make peace with one another in one and the same house, then they will say to the mountain: 'Move away,' and it will move away.”"
- Gospel of Thomas

posted on Feb, 29 2024 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: Direnei

I see, so your group is trying to resurrect Christ consciousness, by targeting the rich.

How do you intend to target them, with their tentacles of influence, and walled gardens?

posted on Mar, 1 2024 @ 12:33 AM
a reply to: K1xaru

I'm still learning about your finding. It looks Vulcanian script to me (just kidding here). Wil come to you when I get more information. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 1 2024 @ 12:34 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

Fortunately, the poor have nothing to lose, while the rich have everything to lose. It will be enough to collapse the monetary system. Currencies collapse when faith in the stability or usefulness of the currency as a store of value or medium of exchange ceases.

The value of a currency is determined by the demand for it, so that a scenario in which there is no such demand is sufficient for the money to lose all its value. When there is nothing left to buy, what good will money do? And when there is nothing left to sell, what good will the demand for goods do?

All it takes is a solar flare, the explosion of a supervolcano, or a geminovirus causing a global-scale famine for the system to collapse, and it will do so in a surprisingly short period of time because the system is stupidly fragile. The parts of a profoundly sick system cannot be saved from the parts of which it is composed. It will fall by domino effect. Any collapse is always global. Ask any previous civilization.

The idea of a God capable of distinguishing the good from the bad and saving the souls of the former is simply impossible. When a system falls, it falls absolutely and totally.

I don't think the poor are very concerned about it. The rich, however, should be concerned. It was always easy to go from poor to rich, while the reverse never worked. In any case, I do not think it is a surprise to anyone that a system based on inequality and on the chimerical idea that everything is mere merchandise ends up collapsing, especially when you have not even been able to maintain a minimum level of inequality that would guarantee the survival of the system in the medium term.

Wealth is not contagious. Poverty is.

posted on Mar, 1 2024 @ 03:59 AM
Cannibalistic cows roaming the Nile always came to my mind.

They had 7 cows... We have a couple of prime steaks and a few tins of highly processed meat.

posted on Mar, 1 2024 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: Direnei

Well, you have quoted the Bible to me several times in this thread.

To keep it friendly, let's use the euphemism of Christ consciousness, rather than emotionally charged words such as communism or totalitarianism. The former also factors in spiritual evolution.

In my view, we're intended to naturally evolve into a Christ consciousness, not have it artificially forced upon us. If it is forced upon us, then it's inauthentic.

How do you reconcile that, when creating a global catastrophe that will affect us all?

I agree, the system is profoundly sick, and a better system needs to take its place. I know you say the planet is not ours, but shouldn't our evolution be on our own terms?

Your words imply that your kind are more than mere Watchers.

posted on Mar, 4 2024 @ 05:31 PM
a reply to: Direnei

Thank you for looking into this Direne. I am excited to hear what you and perhaps the wider ForgottenLanguages group finds.

I am aware that you have access to a library, that perhaps contains many rare books and texts (I wish I could spend a day within this library), if any group would be able to find out more information on Vattanian, it would be you.

Considering the claims around Vattanian/Watan, I find it strange that it is not more well known. I find it incredibly similar to Enochian, albeit without the channeling aspect of the discovery. Vattanian was taught by very real individuals it seems.

The brief information I can find about it online is rather interesting however, take the below paragraph for example:

There is, for instance, a passage here describing in detail how the Agartthian initiates travel in their souls while their bodies sleep (see page 77). Then there is the passage in the notebook already mentioned, on yogic exercises for separating the soul from the body. Thirdly, there is a snippet of occult gossip in a conversation with Saint-Yves recorded on August 16, 1896, by a psychical researcher, Alfred Erny:27

He has talked to Papus and [Stanislas de] Guaïta, but did not tell them what they wanted to know: the method of disengaging and reengaging oneself in the astral body. It is dangerous: “I don’t want (he said) to put a loaded revolver into your hands which you don’t know how to use.”

This sounds incredibly similar to many other sources that seem to infer a similar way of traveling the astral. Not to mention the various experiments run by Xvis you have written about, as well as the Gateway tapes and other CIA documents that are becoming more well known, that speak of the same.

Then there is this section of text:

We may appear to have wandered far from the “Great Agartthian School: of Hardjji Scharipf. After the trauma of the First World War, the very name of Agarttha might have been forgotten, and Saint-Yves’ book might have sunk out of sight like many an occultist’s fantasy. But in 1922, a Polish self-styled scientist named Ferdinand Ossendowski published a sensational travel and adventure book. It told of his flight through central Asia in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution. While in Mongolia, he heard tell of a subterranean realm of 800,000,000 inhabitants called “Agharti”; of its triple spiritual authority “Brahytma, the King of the World,” “Mahytma,” and “Mahynga”; of its sacred language, “Vattanan”; and many other things that corroborate Saint-Yves. The book ended on a dramatic note of prophesy from one of Ossendowski’s informants: that in the year 2029, the people of “Aghardi” will issue forth from their caverns and appear on the surface of the earth. The prophesy was attributed to the King of the World then he appeared before the lamas in 1890. The King had then predicted that there would be fifty years of strife and misery, seventy-one years of happiness under three great kingdoms, then an eighteen-year war, before the appearance of the Agartthians.

The source for both of these paragraphs is the following:

While I generally take all of this with a grain of salt, I do find the thought that some of the UAP appearing in our skies being from this hidden civilization rather fun to ponder. I also find it interesting, that the rumors of a 2030 deadline for disclosure and of an upcoming event between now and 2030 lines up well with what is mentioned above.

At the very least, Vattanian is an interesting forgotten langauge to delve into and explore. If it could be proven that the language did go back as far as 50,000BC, and that it was conceived by heavily drawing form the movements of the planets and constellations, then I believe it would help us in rewriting history.

posted on Mar, 5 2024 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: Direnei

Direne, think I see what you're getting at. Stumbled onto this one again, and had that proverbial 'aha!' moment.

You're referring to targeting the physical cyber infrastructure, which is what our global commerce is based on?

posted on Mar, 6 2024 @ 08:42 PM
Was hard to focus on my day job today after reading this one. Very unnerving. So there's an advanced black budget group, that's re-tracing the Sol-3 mapping of non-human made plasma orbs, with their own plasma MilOrbs. And they're expecting an attack from the ET intelligence behind these orbs. Are they Denebian or Giselian? Are we up against our future selves, or another race entirely?

... as we expect to face an scenario based on a multi-faceted attack plan according to which on the first 6 hours a surprise cyber attack on Sol-3's communication and power grids is launched, disrupting the ability to coordinate a response. The following 3 hours a combination of ground and airborne forces would target key strategic locations such as military bases, government buildings, and population centers destroying vital resources. It is during the last 4 hours of the attack that we expect them to devastate any remaining infrastructure both on ground and on space.
edit on 6-3-2024 by fireslinger369 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2024 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: fireslinger369

It is not exactly that they are expecting an attack from the ETI. It is that DoD is considering the possibility that UAPs are indeed what they call stealth extraterrestrial artificial intelligence probes (SEAPs). DoD studies possible future hostile scenarios in case UAPs are SEAPs. They already did back in 1968 (see report by George Kucher from RAND Corporation, 1968, titled "UFOs: What to Do?").

The hypothesis is that if SEAPs are hostile, they must be mapping potential targets in preparing a future attack. There are two reports (dated 2020 and 2023) trying to answer the question of what might SEAPs' observed behaviors suggest about their objectives. The 2023 report, by RAND Corporation, titled “Not the X-Files” presents a spatial analysis of UAP sightings controlling for variables such as total population, population density, and percent of cloudy days. The 2020 report by DENIED is more detailed, and it infers most likely ETI's course of action in case of an attack as inferred from recorded SEAPs activities.

It seems reasonable to assume that non-terrestrial UAPs could be hostile and, consequently, it is logical to prepare scenarios that inform war games.

(my personal opinion is that non-terrestrial UAPs are hostile for the simple reason that it does not seem very ethical to explore an inhabited planet in an invasive way, also endangering air traffic and the security of the mapped facilities; for me the lack of ethics already implies a threat).

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