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Hackers leak video of Steubenville, Ohio Rape case.

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posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Credenceskynyrd
good and bad with this- some crimes may get uncovered which otherwise were not known, the downside is that a few individuals have the power to decide to release details of individuals who may be completely innocent

One has to observe that individuals names who are found in the documents 'lifted' are in all probability unlikely to be completely innocent otherwise their names would not appear.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

I say it's time for a giant flash mob to descend on these #ers at a moment when they are all together and give them something they will never forget. If this was my daughter I would be thankful for what Anon is doing. I hope they ruin all the lives of all the conspirators. Has anyone sent this video to the Ohio State college admissions, maybe they would not want to be associated with such trash.

NOTE TO Anon: Use the video to get this trash kicked out of college, and try to ruin any college aspirations of the rape crew. in Saltsman's own words; "RUIN THEM"

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:55 AM
Tomorrows leaders...

he's clearly on drugs,most probably pot or pills.. mixed with a good amount of alcohol.

Boy o boy, him and his bandits are in for some serious time, now that its public with such incriminating evidence the courts will be forced to make an extreme example out of these people, especially after they themselves will be held accountable now too!

This poor guys going to be done by his mates... he incriminates many people for serious, life ruining stuff.. they'll get their revenge!

Imagine, if it had been a bad day and people pi$$ed him off.. he was tired.. frustrated.. took a few pills, threw back some brews..., imagine him peaking so hard in an angry mood... with a gun... around.. who's to say what happens to that poor girl... who defends herself?

he's obviously not a criminal right..? white... educated... wealthy... no reason to be shaking our heads that a firearm is within reach during this tirade about killing babies and the dead rape victim!

edit on 4-1-2013 by Agit8dChop because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by LeLeu

Hack them again and make it worst.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:00 AM
My God, how can parents of drug-addled, psychopathic rapists be proud of them and not feel crushing shame? Maybe it's because what these pervert boys did ultimately reflects on their parents' failure to raise them as civilized human beings.

But then again, when one of the parents is a State Prosecutor who has no conception of justice, but rather goes to lengths to bully the victim and her parents into dropping charges to protect her own dangerous, psychopathic rapist son from justice, then there is no surprise why her son has learned criminal ways.

Rich folk might be good at making money, but they're schit at making law-abiding, productive citizens of their spoilt brat kids.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:02 AM
The funny thing is that the 'prosecuting attorney" is the mother of one of those little b-tards!

Anon not only hacked them but blasted the docs on a ton of people there including the rapists, the weird high school fixated webmaster whose emails were dumped here (this dump has a bunch of 1/2 naked chicks). etc

The Sheriff

Sheriff Fred Abdalla has been the Sheriff of Jefferson County in Ohio USA for 28 years and has stood for election unopposed (with only one rare exception) for his entire career.

I always find it weird when someone can run 'unopposed' for so many years...

Sheriff Abdalla admit that he is aware from evidence gathered that numerous individuals witnessed the attack on the victim and yet he oddly states that simply being there and being aware of the attack is not a crime

WTF! White privilege at it's best! Would witnessing the attack and doing nothing NOT be considered "Accessory after the fact?"

And finally he states, again incorrectly – that he CAN’T investigate the gang rape attack or whether or not this has happened to other victims because it is not his jurisdiction.

A COUNTY Sheriff whose jurisdiction does not cover the whole county... Yeah right! You crooked bastard!

The Honorable Jane Hanlin is a Prosecuting Attorney for Jefferson County and the mother of Big Red football player Charlie Keenan, who is suspected of being a member of “The Rape Crew”.

Jane Hanlin represented Edward “Eddie” Lulla in a civil legal matter this summer (spending a great deal of time with him).

Mr. Lulla is an agent for the BCI who was sent by the State of Ohio to lend oversight to the rape investigation in Steubenville. Not surprisingly, the State of Ohio found everything to be going smoothly.

Oh! Mommy Dearest.... Thank you for covering up my rape!

Whole Story OF These Crooked Bastards Here

PS. As a father, I would have exercised my 2nd amendment right straight down the line.
edit on 4-1-2013 by YapTalk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Turkenstein

It makes me angry too Turk, I been sharing this story with all my social media outlets in hopes that by dawn on the west coast a fire is started in the bellies of all who read this and something is done!

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:22 AM
This kind of thing happens in India and there's a national uprising, protest and mega international media coverage to show the barbaric savages that inhabit the far side of the world.

But in the good old US of A . . . . under the carpet it goes.

As is with so many other things . . . there berfore the grace of God . . .

Makes me want to puke.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Aquarius2150
reply to post by bloodreviara

Good lord that's just terrible. We need a civilian justice system where the people decided what happens to these monsters and everyone that protects them.

One of the few cases in which I would support vigilante justice. We have the perp on tape confessing about it, so there is no doubt.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

Mate this will be global over the weekend

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by YapTalk

I agree! That is not a cop he's just a cop figure put in place to make sure the 'right' people stay out of jail and not get media attention.

I checked those email dump files, all it did was fuel the anger.

+3 more 
posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:33 AM
I live in Pittsburgh and heard this story on the 6 o'clock news last night (Since Steubenville is not that far away, they make our local news from time to time). At the end of the story they mentioned that the pair of boys will be charged as juveniles. They neglected to leave out all of the juicy tidbits about the judge's son and even when the rape took place! The emphasis was on Anon hacking someone and not the actual rape. It was quite disturbing to read the full story here on ATS and see how much the MSM did not touch upon.


posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Aquarius2150

The defense attorney's are also scum. One was saying this morning that the girl should of never had gone to the party and got drunk.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Originally posted by Gando702
Unbelievable. All should be tried as adults, and all should spend the MAXIMUM in prison.

Apparently their families are rich so they're getting charged as juveniles.

edit on 4/1/13 by NuclearPaul because: typo

Wow, that's disgusting. I know that if I had ever done anything like this growing up my parents would have wanted me to be punished to the full extent of the law. They certainly would not have tried to save me from something as terrible as this.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Aquarius2150
reply to post by YapTalk

I agree! That is not a cop he's just a cop figure put in place to make sure the 'right' people stay out of jail and not get media attention.

I checked those email dump files, all it did was fuel the anger.

And this is why I say that the father, brothers, cousins and uncles of the victim should take the law into their own hands.

If the 'law' is crooked and tyrannical, the 2nd amendment applies 100%.

Once applied, then introduce the jury to "jury nullification"...

Problem solved!

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by LeLeu

I am emailing every news station in my local area with every article I can find and asking to please help this girl find justice.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by GoalPoster


In India, families force the girls to marry the rapist. It is a very patriachal society.

There is only a public eruption after all these years because the women have finally had enough.

In the US, it isn't as widely accpeted, hence the reason it was covered up.

+1 more 
posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:40 AM
Absolutely no offense to my beloved Ohio Atsers, but...

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
Absolutely no offense to my beloved Ohio Atsers, but...

LOL. I'd never seen that before and it was damned funny. Star for you for the well played bit of humor.

posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 08:24 AM
From CNN Blogger

Goddard says after becoming aware of the story she felt compelled to research it further because she “felt like because it was involving football players and there’s a culture [in Steubenville] that football is very important that there was probably a little more to the story than local media was reporting.” Goddard says she proceeded to sift through various twitter accounts where she found disturbing messages that laid out a timeline regarding the events that reportedly transpired on August 22, 2012. In particular Goddard says she came across the cache of a YouTube video that many people claimed did not exist. She adds the release of the 12-minute video which has garnered a response from both Steubenville Police Chief Bill McCafferty and Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine proves that the video existed all along. She goes on to say that “some of the commentary that was going on by the person in it tells the horrific things that happened that night.”

Recently a defamation suit against Goddard by a football player and his parents regarding the case was dismissed. Goddard says however her investigation in Steubenville has “been for the most part very positive.” She adds that she has not been the recipient of any hate mail but admits there are some who are very “upset” by her pursuance of the case. Goddard says there are others however who have thanked her for bringing the case to light “because their local media just wasn’t providing enough coverage and they were coming to my blog for information.”

Getting attention on Twitter now as well. Hashtag Steubenville

edit on 4-1-2013 by Aquarius2150 because: update

The video of boys laughing joking about raping 16 year old girl.

edit on 4-1-2013 by Aquarius2150 because: update

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