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Strange events concerning Dec 22nd 2012- Maybe a good idea to read this. Maybe not

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posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:09 PM
So, I've been pretty active on ATS for a while. Reading, much more than posting. Mainly I post to chase away trolls, or people who talk like they know what they're talking about, but don't. But I digress. I wanted to make a thread not regarding coincidences, but facts concerning the experiences I've had and what my mother has had surrounding this date. I'm not really a writer, and I have no intention of making this any more or less dramatic than it needs to be. But I will make this piece in 2 parts. The first will involve my mother's life, and the second will involve my role and my experiences with her. This is all related to 2012, and so I hope you all find this as interesting as I have in the last 12 years of my life (this is an incredibly condensed version, and I will be answering questions if you have them from now until this date).

My mother has gone through a lot of suffering. After escaping from Iran during the Iran/Iraq war, she fled to France, where she met her Afro-Caribbean Husband, from which I was the result. After a series of abusive years, she and I left and arrived in the U.S when I was 7 years old. We came with only a few hundred dollars, but managed to survive. My mom raised me with nothing and no support, up until I was 14 years of age.

My mom had been a lifetime devotee of yoga, mainly just practicing it for relaxation and flexibility because she loved dancing. It wasn't however until I turned 14 that she had a rather unusual experience while practicing in my room in the dark one night. As she closed her eyes, she explained experiencing an intense surge of pure love over-flow her body, to the point where is was as if she was "swimming in extacy". She was so overwhelmed that she tried to open her eyes and get up, but found that she could not do it. her body was frozen in place. After about 10 minutes, she became calm, and while experiencing this heard a very melodic voice in her head
This is the dialogue she described to me between her and an unknown being:

--Dec 12th, 2000--

Hello my Dear one.

Mom: ..........????? Who is this?

I am your Lord and Creator.

Mom: ..........................what? Who is this?

I am that which you call God. And you are my messenger.

Mom: Why....why are you speaking with me? Who am I, that you would initiate conversation with? There are rulers, government officials, philosophers. Their ears deserve this audience, not me...

Your value systems are not the same as mine, my dear one.

Mom: ..................................

---After much talk---

I have chosen you, because you have chosen yourself, my dear one. You will understand one day. But it is not now. You must be strong, and know that I am always with you.

The next night, she eagerly started doing her routine, but this time she could control her movements as a wave of relaxation and very eerie silence descended over her. She was greeted by a woman this time. Her name was Viudra, and she was known only as "The gatekeeper". She explained that she would be training with her for a long time, in order to prepare her, but what it was for, she would not say. All of a sudden, my mom's body began to move on its' own, making certain movements...a bend there, a twist of the wrist here, but what I thought was especially interesting were her hand configurations. She would make incredibly complex hand gestures, as if it was some form of sign language developed to teach physics xD I mean it was mind blowingly complex. And not only that, but she was switching between them so fast, that I could not keep up with my own eyes. She was doing this for a few years going for 4-6 hours per DAY. And all throughout, her body was being controlled by this gatekeeper.

One day she began to keep notebooks, which the beings she worked with would channel through her and write information down on paper for her to record, because it would be important one day. One of the first things she drew was two large circles connected by what seemed like a very flexible straw..a long noodle, you could say. It was dated March 22nd 2002. It was written next to the picture, that an event would take place on this day, which SHE would be a key CONTRIBUTOR. Now, this is very important to remember, because it pertains to the end of this post.

Throughout the years, she has meditated and practiced different techniques from over 3000 spiritual masters from across the universe, as they have described themselves. All of these beings had at some point attained what we would call "enlightenment" and have "ascended" to another location, whether it be another dimension, or "heaven" I have no idea. We don't discuss those matters, because they always require that she stay focused. In addition, they always draw themselves on paper, so that we know exactly what they look like. You wouldn't believe some of their appearances.

Anyway, as 2012 has approached, we've learned a great deal from these beings. I will share some of them with you now in my own words.

1) The majority of lives that people live, and concerns they have are complete bullsh*t. There is but one purpose. And it is to reach God. Everything else is insignificant.

2) The time of Books is OVER. This includes the Bible, Koran, Torah, and all others. They don't matter anymore. All that matters is connecting yourself to God and this planet Earth.

3) The purpose of life is evolution of the soul. That cannot happen when one's mind is constantly busy. Still your mind, and growth begins. Meditation is the explosion of intelligence.


4) Something significant will happen on December 21st, 2012. Over the last several years the Earth has been undergoing a kind of spiritual division of itself. If you can picture a cell dividing, that is what is happening with this planet. This "New Earth" will materialize in another dimension. It is up to human kind to decide whether they are ready to make this shift in their lives in order to "ascend" to this new location.

5) This unfortunately will NOT happen for the majority of those on Earth. For almost all, life will continue as it has been. After doing the calculations, approximately 1,000,000 people or every 1 out of 7000 people will make this ascension. Why? Because the good majority are disconnected from self, from God, and the Earth itself. 10,000 souls have incarnated on this planet at this time to help with this ascension. These beings are known in their plane as "Light Workers". The plan itself was made because this planet is a dying planet. There are apparently forces at work here which are destroying the life essence of this world deliberately, and this division is a means of escape from these forces. It is the first time in the universe's history, that this will be happening on such grand a scale, which is why so many beings on other dimensions are aiding this shift. I will post more in a few hours.

P.S I don't give two #s if you agree with me or not. I have a very strong SCIENCE background, and because of that, have withheld all of this from everyone I know to maintain my credibility. I am quite rational, but cannot deny what I have seen or experienced myself with my mother, which I will explain later. If you think this is ridiculous, I don't blame you brother, I've been there myself. But just know that I couldn't care less. Not at this point in time.
edit on Wed Dec 5 2012 by DontTreadOnMe because: do not evade the censors

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:23 PM
Seems legit... Where do I sign up?

Also, is there any way you could upload some of those pictures that the beings drew of themselves?

And for those who may or may not have Asperger's Syndrome... The first line was not serious, unless theres some way to get away from the majority of people on earth, the second line was a genuine question.


posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Ewok_Boba

this is the law of one your reciting correct

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:24 PM
So what your telling me is if we didn't grow up religious and believed in God, we are screwed?

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Putyournamehere
So what your telling me is if we didn't grow up religious and believed in God, we are screwed?

You would think it would be the opposite if the time of books was over, would you not be more awake spiritually if you didn't grow up religious and knew the path back to god or in the law of one which this is based off the infinite creator you would have a better chance to ascend?

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:29 PM
I stopped reading after I read that god spoke to her.
Not to be rude, I just find that beyond belief.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by Toadmund

Yes, I too, would love to see some of your Mother's drawings of the entities that spoke with her.....


posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Putyournamehere
So what your telling me is if we didn't grow up religious and believed in God, we are screwed?

No that would actually make you worse off... I'm not religious either, but I found god almost exactly how the OP describes his mom finding it.. I was bathed in Love to. I wasn't spoken to though. My body greeted this energy "Hi God" This was not me saying it, or it was but I was not controlling it.. I was an atheist...

I made gestures I don't know all of them. My spine had to "click" into place.. and then that's when the golden light poured in. My arms were held up like I was hugging a HUGE tree or something.. And then when I thought it was 5 minutes of this heaven I "snapped free" It had been 1.5 hours based on the clock.. I also then noticed that even though I was seeing my whole room my eyes were closed.

Ever since then I have been on a path, and a lot of times off the path.. Why me... ? I struggled with this and punished myself because why me?? Why me? I'm nobody.. I'm not even good.. (I had been kicked out of school).. How come I get to experience this?? I don't know, but god connected with me for some reason.. Maybe my inability to connect with this world and care enough is because I am connected elsewhere? I don't know..

A few months later I got my first ever and only ever "visitation" I was told "You WILL be enlightened!"

A great sadness falls over me everyday I wake up and I am not bathed in that golden light..
I want to go back so bad...

edit on 12/5/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by Ewok_Boba

If you think this is ridiculous, I don't blame you brother, I've been there myself. But just know that I couldn't care less. Not at this point in time.

Quite the contrary, I would like to hear more. Delores Cannon, and others speak of something similar. Admittedly, I'm not a believer in this stuff, but I'm certainly willing to give it a fair listen.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:45 PM
The time of Books is OVER!!!
The key now will be to meet reality presently with Clear Still mind. Meditation is a tool by which we may attain this.
My heart moved the other day, when I saw a thread to the effect of, 'I can stop thinking', and everyone was responding, 'me too!, Yes!' This is what's in the air. The future will demand our full responsibility of thought.
When we are able to transcend our lower mind, thoughts of higher quality take root in our consciousness. This is how God acts through us.
To be constantly splaying unorganized concrete thought into the ethers is reckless at least and dangerous potentially. This is because our every thought not only affects reality, but is in fact a seed of manifest material experience, matter in its most subtle form.
The future will demand conservation and conscious use of mental energy. To willingly think from a centered mind is to co create reality. With concentration a thought becomes potent.
This is the great responsibility that is now upon us: individual mastery of our own minds. Those who choose not to assume control of their mentality will bring chaos to their own, and collective experience.
edit on 5-12-2012 by ecapsretuo because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by NONPOINT21

I believe its not about growing up religious, its more like you don´t find the way how to act as a religious person if you do it by the book, as we know all those books were written by the man. Finding God is more personal, God in your heart instead of learnt religious behaviour, it needs to be genuine.

If we stop and watch, really watch what is learnt religious behaviour its fundamentalistic way, learnt religious people are most judgemental about everything and has been like that for centuries, if there were a woman with a child and no husband even at the 60´s and 70´s the religious people were the ones who had their noses up and looked elsewhere. . . can you judge God if he wants to skip the books as a guide how to be religious.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:47 PM
So, basically nothing will happen on the 21st, but for a few people? This means nothing will happen on the 21st.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Toadmund
I stopped reading after I read that god spoke to her.
Not to be rude, I just find that beyond belief.
Is it only beyond belief, because you fail to hear from Him? I'm not saying she did. In fact, I know exactly WHAT she was speaking to, be it that the OP is actually telling the truth.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:51 PM
This seems to be the law of one mixed with some new age stuff.

I look forward to reading more and hope you will post some pictures of the beings that were drawn.

Either many are telling the same story and building off each other or there is some truth in your writing.

I like to keep an open mind.....

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by Ewok_Boba

Interesting story, but from the channeled books I've been reading lately it seems those forces that were working against the planet are being put to rest. Also my sources tell me it's not going to be just a few million people, more like one or more billion that will be allowed to stay on "new earth", while the rest will be banned to other worlds. How this is going to happen and how long it will take I have no idea, but it's also been said that there *will* be some catastrophic events and lots of people will "perish" (I quote the word because if you believe in life beyond physical existence like I do, death is really merely a transition).

But one thing is for sure, the points you describe as being the most important things at this time match what I've learned from recent material I've been studying 100%

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 03:57 PM
I too await your next post with some eagerness......
Suffice it to say i have never had any such visit, and have not REALLY MEDITATED BECAUSE MY MIND SIMPLY PUT GOES WANDERING EVERYWHERE AND ANYWHERE....even in a jail cell i couldnt do it....
tried lots of times....
The words you speak convey a similarity to others words so it may be a confrmation for some...
I hope theres a part 2....?

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Ewok_Boba

But "god" or what ever he is called, must handle it to us.. its easy to get lost in all the religions here on earth, witch one is the right one.. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, or Scientology

and all the religious wars and hate, its easy to say to heck with it all.. all leave the religious mumbo jumbo for good.. he must admit that at some point.

And how can your mom not be sure it was a alien she was in contact with, the greys are known to have telepathic abilities, and who knows perhaps they are our creators and / or future selfs

Whats wrong in giving us all a sign from god that cant be debunked

I say, pictures or it did not happen god !! please don't smite me

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 04:09 PM
Thank you for sharing your story here. You have my attention. Looking forward to hearing your story as well.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by scmoG

Originally posted by Toadmund
I stopped reading after I read that god spoke to her.
Not to be rude, I just find that beyond belief.
Is it only beyond belief, because you fail to hear from Him? I'm not saying she did. In fact, I know exactly WHAT she was speaking to, be it that the OP is actually telling the truth.

I do not understand why the attacks on genuine personal experiences have such a vicious twist to them or the fascination for a ritualistic type tribal stomp? I would think the mental framework of such people would send them screaming headlong into moving traffic after reading the thread headline. I want to hear more of this, as I am very familiar with the frozen in place for hours at a time while executing very strangly beautiful hand motions.

posted on Dec, 5 2012 @ 04:30 PM
I have no way of "knowing" anything and neither does the OP however......

I find it rather unsetteling that almost NONE of the people on the planet are going to be offered a way out of this hell we were born into.

Not a theory I subscribe to.
I would like to think that we will all have a choice in whether or not we move on to a paradigm of service to others.
To be sure, there will be NO SHORTAGE of people who, because they live their entire lives in a fear based mindset will refuse to allow their bodies to begin resonating at this much higher frequency and will instead choose to remain in their comfort zone.

This idea just makes more sense to me and it is what I hope to be the case.

If not then...well...........I suppose we'll be looking forward to a NWO soon hu?
edit on 5-12-2012 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

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